Wat's a great old movie you'd like to see again?

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Nov 24, 2017
somewhere between here and there
Someone in another thread had mentioned the movie "Godzilla" in their text. For a moment I thought, man, I'd love to see this old movie again. Another few I'd also like to see again would be "War of the Worlds", the 1960's version, as well as "House on Haunted Hill" from the early 60's. Anyone have an old movie they would like to see again, just for nostalgia purposes? Any ideas where we could see these movies again?
Confession time: I love a bit of 'mind fudge' - so the likes of The Expendables etc.
When I lived in the States I watched a movie called Stone Cold which I'd love to see again. Wondering if it's as good as I remember. Probably not!! Would love to watch Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man again also.
i like old movies and tv shows. at this point in my life and what the future i see and so much more and weigh cost ratio of items vs. 'services' i just been going on and buying complete set of various series and putting on the shelf.

The Waltons is on the list next

Omega man

all the old biblical movies hollywood put out years ago. some items have become real cheap..i.e. i got all the lord of rings and hobbit movies...i think its 6...for $14. i am doing the same with books...i use to love to go to the library...it costs more now going to the library than getting book bought and delivered to the mailbox.
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Someone in another thread had mentioned the movie "Godzilla" in their text. For a moment I thought, man, I'd love to see this old movie again. Another few I'd also like to see again would be "War of the Worlds", the 1960's version, as well as "House on Haunted Hill" from the early 60's. Anyone have an old movie they would like to see again, just for nostalgia purposes? Any ideas where we could see these movies again?
A number of Godzilla flix are on Prime from free to $4.
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The Great Escape
The Ghost and Mrs. Muir
I have not seen The Ghost and Mrs. Muir, but I'm going to look for it now. The Great Escape is a movie I remember and saw it a few years ago, again. Rebecca has been remade with Lily James as the main actress. I don't know if I saw a previous version of it or not.
Kind of depends on the definition of "old". When I think "old", I think of things like The African Queen and Casablanca and Gone With The Wind. Also one I just mentioned in a different thread, The Third Man. When I think "middle aged", things like The Parent Trap (the original one) come to mind. And The Sound Of Music. Many people consider the things I remember from my younger years as old. :confused: These are "contemporary" for me. Things like Jaws, Young Frankenstein, Alien, Blazing Saddles, and The Wild Bunch.

Any of the movies I mentioned above, I would like to see again!
Kind of depends on the definition of "old". When I think "old", I think of things like The African Queen and Casablanca and Gone With The Wind. Also one I just mentioned in a different thread, The Third Man. When I think "middle aged", things like The Parent Trap (the original one) come to mind. And The Sound Of Music. Many people consider the things I remember from my younger years as old. :confused: These are "contemporary" for me. Things like Jaws, Young Frankenstein, Alien, Blazing Saddles, and The Wild Bunch.

Any of the movies I mentioned above, I would like to see again!
Yes on the The African Queen and Casablanca and The

The Treasure of the Sierra Madre. We don't need no stickin badges​

Several of the mentioned movies are currently available free on Amazon.com with prime. They have movies from the 30's & 40's, just use the their search system.
I do have this uncut version , don't know why I bought it , must have been one of those senior days
I get The Classic Movie channel in my satellite package. I watch it often, exp. seen a dozen old Bogart films just this year. They sometimes play silent movies, Charlie Chaplin and stars of that era. They play a wide range of film types, from thrillers to... love, war, comedy, westerns and they play classics too like the wizard of oz.
I agree with defining "old". Ben Hur would be one. From the 70's Little Big Man and the remake of The Three Musketeers with Michael York and Richard Chamberlain et al. A stellar cast and some of the best slapstick comedy I have ever seen. Supposedly, they had so much material after shooting they made a sequel I believe was called M'Lady's Revenge. The two together tell the complete story of the Three Musketeers. Both are hysterical.

In the more modern era Second Hand Lions, Shooter, The Equalizer, and Secario are among my favorites.

If you have any of the free movie channels you can do an alphabetical search. They may be on there. We have Amazon Prime, Roku, and Tubi that all have old movies.
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"The Edge"

A modern classic. More than just the bear. The perfect metaphor, by the way:

The age old study between the "haves"and the "have nots". The " doers" and the "complainers". Or dare I suggest: the " democrats " and "Republicans"! The tale of life happenings and our natural resistance to change.

The more times you watch it, the deeper it gets. The acting, photography and effects are stellar too!

" Say it louder! With conviction! "


"Damned right! We're gonna kill that m'fer!"
We have the Blazing Saddles DVD and watched it just a couple weeks ago. “Rainman”, “Norma Rae”, “Shawshank Redemption”, a really old one…”Lillies of the Field”. Havasu, the “Haunting of Hill House” was spectacularly spooky. But I may be thinking of the book by Shirley Jackson.

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