We are in a world war against globalist Tyrrants

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Dr. Henley says:
I talked to you earlier about your "Rant for the day" posts because I felt like they were hijacking threads. This is only about the "Rant for the day" posts nothing else.. I thought you agreed to put them in their own thread.
I haven't deleted anything you posted, even the double post today, just moved them to a different place.
But I tell you what, I will pay very close attention from now on and only move the posts that are clearly not relevant to the OP.

My response: I will leave off The "Jim's Rant For the day" but will post my opinion wherever I feel it is appropriate.
I have paid my dues and have not harmed anyone here.
I will not let you to put me in a box. Thank you.

This country is running out of time.
What is needed is heroes for humanity to step up, not just spectators.

You have the power to boot me off this site for personal reasons of your own or restrict me to talking only to myself in a box, I acknowledge that.
But would this be your big contribution on behalf of mankind?
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The thing about most investments is; you don't lose anything unless you sell when they are down in value. With very few exceptions I have never lost on any of my stock investments. When the price drops I buy more. It averages out the share price. Also I've never lost a dime on real estate, precious metals, gems, tools and equipment. Even the "loss" on my cattle was more than made up by their reproductive rate.
I managed most of my investment accounts up until I retired and moved here about 7 years ago. I didn't have access to reliable internet so I turned almost all of our accounts over to an investment manager. We've been doing business with her ever since we sold a farm and some timber land 20+ years ago. I've been very pleased with how her team is managing our money.
100%— all the gains you realize is just on paper until you liquidate them!
Also, always worth what someone will pay, not what you think they are worth (like in real estate).
I dabbled a bit in real estate in the early 00s, had my real estate license and that’s what I always told people. You may think your house is worth X, but based on the value of the surrounding area, it’s worth Y. Something hard to grasp when you’re emotionally invested.
Dr. Henley says:
I talked to you earlier about your "Rant for the day" posts because I felt like they were hijacking threads. This is only about the "Rant for the day" posts nothing else.. I thought you agreed to put them in their own thread.
I haven't deleted anything you posted, even the double post today, just moved them to a different place.
But I tell you what, I will pay very close attention from now on and only move the posts that are clearly not relevant to the OP.

My response: I will leave off The "Jim's Rant For the day" but will post my opinion wherever I feel it is appropriate.
I have paid my dues and have not harmed anyone here.
I will not let you to put me in a box. Thank you.

This country is running out of time.
What is needed is heroes for humanity to step up, not just spectators.

You have the power to boot me off this site for personal reasons of your own or restrict me to talking only to myself in a box, I acknowledge that.
But would this be your big contribution on behalf of mankind?

Uh, it is completely inappropriate to share on a forum what is discussed in private. That is like 101.

Maybe this isn't the place for you. We are ALL aware of the dire situation in our country.
Nationally, Justin Trudeau's government has been able to impose some of the most restrictive vaccine requirements of any country in the world. Those measures go above and beyond those imposed in other places, including proof of vaccination requirements to enter bars, restaurants, and other indoor venues. Under Trudeau's directive, Canadians are even unable to board trains and airlines for domestic travel without being vaccinated. Though those national measures have been criticized for their draconian effects, a provincial Canadian government is set to go even further in its efforts to punish the unvaccinated.

Quebec Premier François Legault revealed that his province plans to impose a tax on its unvaccinated residents. Though the premier's office did not disclose the cost of the tax, it announced the initiative at a press conference scheduled to introduce Dr. Luc Boileau at the province's interim health director who will be tasked with imposing the financial penalty. This measure is the first to be implemented in Canada.

Elsewhere in the world, notably in Austria, fines against the unvaccinated have been levied in order to drive vaccine rates higher. In Quebec, only about 10% of eligible adults have yet to be vaccinated. Despite the predominant majority of residents of the province being recognized as vaccinated, cases of COVID-19 have increased following the emergence of the omicron variant.

Legault remarked that the unvaccinated account for over 50% of acute-care hospital beds, reframing the tax against them as a means to offset the burden they are perceived to put on the provincial healthcare system. To date, Quebec has the most fatalities attributed to COVID-19 of any province in Canada with a total of 12,028. 62 of those deaths occurred on the day Legault revealed his plan to tax the unvaccinated, along with 8,710 reported new cases yielded from over 51,000 tests, as hospitalizations rose by 188, 7 of which were patients admitted into intensive care.

The impetus of Quebec hiring an interim health director came following the resignation of the previous holder of the position, Dr. Horacio Arruda. His resignation on Monday was tendered in the wake of backlash to the province's increased pandemic restrictions which began on December 30th; including a curfew between the hours of 10 pm to 5 am, bans on private gatherings, and the requirement for all shops to be closed on Sundays. Unable to cope with the pressure, Dr. Arruda departed from his office, making way for Dr. Boileau as his replacement. Given the outcry against the direction of the provincial health director's office, Arruda will need to have much more resolve than his predecessor given that his appointment coincides with even more intrusive action taken against the unvaccinated in Quebec.

Though Quebec's initiative was not made under the directive of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's office, it's sure to have his unequivocal support. Trudeau's crusade against the unvaccinated has become completely unhinged in recent weeks. The Canadian Prime Minister, who himself has been criticized for dressing in blackface in his younger years, categorized the unvaccinated in his nation as "racist and misogynistic extremists" during a television appearance which coincidentally took place in Quebec in the final days of the 2021 calendar year.

Trudeau's vilification of his country's unvaccinated citizens followed the tone of those made by French President Emmanuel Macron, who himself categorized the unvaccinated in his nation as non-citizens. Macron would go on describe his strategy against the unvaccinated as being designed to "piss them off." With Quebec set to impose an unvaccinated tax on the horizon, the French President may want to take notes from the Canadian province on how to sew outrage.
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Justice Department is establishing a specialized unit focused on domestic terrorism, the department’s top national security official told lawmakers Tuesday as he described an “elevated” threat from violent extremists in the United States.

Assistant Attorney General Matthew Olsen, testifying just days after the nation observed the one-year anniversary of the violent insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, said the number of FBI investigations into suspected domestic violent extremists has more than doubled since the spring of 2020.

“We have seen a growing threat from those who are motivated by racial animus, as well as those who ascribe to extremist anti-government and anti-authority ideologies,” Olsen said.

The department’s National Security Division has a counterterrorism section. But Olsen told the Senate that he has decided to create a specialized domestic terrorism unit “to augment our existing approach.”
“Ron Paul: We Need a Revolution
Ron Paul | Infowars.com
January 11th 2022, 11:01 am

This revolution aims to replace the authoritarian interventionist ideology that dominates both the left and right wings of the ruling class with the ideas of liberty.

Such a revolution would restore respect for individual liberty, constitutional government, free markets, a non-interventionist foreign policy, and sound money.

A recent Washington Post/University of Maryland poll found that 34 percent of Americans think violent action against the government can be justifiable. This view is held by 40 percent of Republicans and 23 percent of Democrats. The result may seem surprising since leftists have been responsible for much of the recent politically-motivated violence, and many Democrats have called for violence against Trump supporters. However, the cultural Marxists appear to have (temporarily) ceased using violence as a tactic—although had President Trump won reelection, it may well have been ANTIFA members inside the Capitol on January 6 trying to “stop the steal.”

The rising support for violence against government is rooted in the growing (and justified) belief that the people’s liberties are being taken by a ruling class that is indifferent at best, and hostile at worst, to their values and concerns…

READ MORE HERE: https://www.infowars.com/posts/ron-paul-we-need-a-revolution/
He appears to be gathering more “soldiers” to assault innocent Christians, Patriots and any others who dare to disagree with the biden regime’s tyranny! Clearly, they have much more planned!
They are making the J6 Patriots as an example to scare us. . . there was thousands who showed up that day, but yet they targeted a few hundred. They want us intimidated and scared of them. I can only hope and pray that the ones held in prison get many letters of support and encouragement to uplift their spirits so that they know that they have not been forgotten about. They should be held as an inspiration for all patriots. We all need to unit like we have been seeing in other countries. I sure the heck don't want to be known as the sheep nation and I am sure that many others feel the same!
The weight of this cannot be understated. It is not hyperbole to demand harsh justice for EVERYONE involved in this.

They not only broke the law, but they created and are 100% complicit in the largest act of Bioterrorism and the biggest crime against humanity in world history, all to bring about the crash of the U.S. and western world to try to instill a Communist Dictatorship and overthrow Capitalism for their cultist, Marxist, misguided, Globalist dreams.

This is not only an act of war, but it is essentially WWIII being fought with invisible pathogens and Marxist, Authoritarian wannabe Dictators who are complying with the CCP (they are all Liberals, Democrats, and Socialists mostly), including Biden, who is the puppet of the authorizer of this whole act of bioterrorism going back to 2014 when he initiated it with Fauxi: Obama.

It's time to start making citizen arrests.
Biden regime is just asking Putin to do something to get NATO involved with a war with them. Right now, Russian's nuclear subs are navigating to whoever they think blew up their Nordstrom pipelines. We have a plane in air that can act if anything happens to our own Nuclear launch base. Right now it looks like our own stupid "government" is at fault with the pipeline bombing. This is scary crap right now. I would say the majority of the American people are NOT in support of a Nuclear War with Russia. This is not like the WWII bomb in Japan. According to Tucker, IF a nuclear bomb was launched for NY, it would go all the way down to Miami. That's HUGH!! Putin has 6200 nuclear weapons. IF Tucker is right with these new types, it would take a MAX of what, maybe 6 to wipe all of US totally out??
Biden regime is just asking Putin to do something to get NATO involved with a war with them. Right now, Russian's nuclear subs are navigating to whoever they think blew up their Nordstrom pipelines. We have a plane in air that can act if anything happens to our own Nuclear launch base. Right now it looks like our own stupid "government" is at fault with the pipeline bombing. This is scary crap right now. I would say the majority of the American people are NOT in support of a Nuclear War with Russia. This is not like the WWII bomb in Japan. According to Tucker, IF a nuclear bomb was launched for NY, it would go all the way down to Miami. That's HUGH!! Putin has 6200 nuclear weapons. IF Tucker is right with these new types, it would take a MAX of what, maybe 6 to wipe all of US totally out??
@Proud Prepper , please don't just give me a Wow. . . Please tell me I am completely wrong?
@Proud Prepper , please don't just give me a Wow. . . Please tell me I am completely wrong?

I can't say your wrong, those big nukes are Posiden drone nuclear torpedoes that are 79 feet long and have a payload of 100-200Mt. They can each cause a tidal wave across the entire North American coast line.
They can each cause a tidal wave across the entire North American coast line.
Not only that, the tidal wave would reach up into the Hudson Bay, swap over into the northern side of South America and echo back toward the Iceland, Greenland, Norway, England, Spanish areas, continue into the Mediteranean Sea towards Italy, Greece, Corsica, Sicily, Malta and slowly reach into Lebanon and Israel.
There are about 200 million people in Europe in danger, 100 million in North America, 300-400 million in South America and another 400 million in the Mediteranean Sea surrounding nations. The catastrophe would change the face of the earth, destroy 80% of the worlds industrial capacity and bring the Gulf Stream to a standstill which would change the weather for the entire northern hemisphere forever. The warm water which keeps Europe from freezing all the time would be gone.
Probably only the preppers, Aborigines, African bushmen, Eskimos and the plains living peoples of central Europe would have a chance of rebuilding and surviving.
AND THAT IS IF: HE ONLY USES ONE ON THE ATLANTIC COAST.....THE PACIFIC COAST WOULD DOUBLE THE PROBLEMS: Your chances of survival dwindle to minimal. Get right with your God people and live free, Gary

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