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I am a multi-generational LEO. Started out in corrections for 2 years and am now at 25 years in policing. I passed my early retirement date this year and max out in 9 years.
I served in the USAF 1971-1978 and have the greatest respect for all who 'protect and serve'.

Thank you for your service! :D
Just retired in May after 26 years in Illinois Depatartment of Corrections. Started out as an Officer at a Max Prison , Menard [the Pit], finished up as a Field Parole Agent. The last 13 years working nothing but sex offenders and those so violent they were ordered onto GPS tracking.
Just retired in May after 26 years in Illinois Depatartment of Corrections. Started out as an Officer at a Max Prison , Menard [the Pit], finished up as a Field Parole Agent. The last 13 years working nothing but sex offenders and those so violent they were ordered onto GPS tracking.
Welcome. Our man in the house Kmurray did a 25 year stint at RAEWAH? Not sure on the spelling. Jersey....
Just retired in May after 26 years in Illinois Depatartment of Corrections. Started out as an Officer at a Max Prison , Menard [the Pit], finished up as a Field Parole Agent. The last 13 years working nothing but sex offenders and those so violent they were ordered onto GPS tracking.

Early in my LEO career (early 1990's) I took a side gig doing prisoner transports for the local Sheriff's Office on my days off. I drove to the Joliet Correctional Center in Illinois more than once to pick someone up and bring them back.
Early in my LEO career (early 1990's) I took a side gig doing prisoner transports for the local Sheriff's Office on my days off. I drove to the Joliet Correctional Center in Illinois more than once to pick someone up and bring them back.
They shut Joliet down a few years back, too expensive to maintain.
They shut Joliet down a few years back, too expensive to maintain.

That's too bad. The place had a real classic look to it. The architecture of it was beautiful for a prison. But I imagine that meant maintaining it was a nightmare.
That's too bad. The place had a real classic look to it. The architecture of it was beautiful for a prison. But I imagine that meant maintaining it was a nightmare.
Yeah, Menard has that same look, intimidating. Crud, Menard was flat out spooky at night. Took a parolee back there once and he just started bawling when we pulled up. I told him I felt the same way everyday when I pulled up for work!
I did 39+ years as a LEO. I got a late start but managed to do 10 years on patrol, 9 years on a motorcycle, and 20 years as a chief. I don't miss the stress, but I do miss the excitement. I am now very happy being a recluse with my only real contact with the world is via the Internet. :)
I did 39+ years as a LEO. I got a late start but managed to do 10 years on patrol, 9 years on a motorcycle, and 20 years as a chief. I don't miss the stress, but I do miss the excitement. I am now very happy being a recluse with my only real contact with the world is via the Internet. :)
39 years! My hat is off to you! I know what you mean about society, took me several months to get out of the mindset.
I did 39+ years as a LEO. I got a late start but managed to do 10 years on patrol, 9 years on a motorcycle, and 20 years as a chief. I don't miss the stress, but I do miss the excitement. I am now very happy being a recluse with my only real contact with the world is via the Internet. :)

Wow. I will have about 36 years in at full retirement age and I often wonder if I will make that.

My Dad put in 20 years in LE and then 20 years out of LE before fully retiring. I am still not sure sure he is out of the mindset.
I retired about 2 years ago. I spent 34 years in the FD with the last 23 years working as an arson investigator. Our sister Police Department didn't investigate arson, so we handled it. The only cases they took the lead in were the homicides...those instances where fires were set to cover a murder, or where an arson fire ended up killing someone.

It was a good gig until about the last 3 years. I was a supervising investigator and spent that time working on writing/updating policy. That sucked.
Worked 28 years in the same agency and spent time with every unit except Juvenile. Retired as Chief and if I were smart back then, I would have stop climbing the ranks at Sargeant. They pulled me off the streets at Lieutenant wherein I developed policies & procedures and played politics up until the day I retired!

There is no doubt in my mind that when you make Lieutenant & above, you stop being a Cop and become a politician, whether you want to or not!

That was the only aspect of my career that I was not too crazy about, which is why I can't stand most politicians now!!!
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Worked 28 years in the same agency and spent time with every unit except Juvenile. Retired as Chief and if I were smart back then, I would have stop climbing the ranks at Sargeant. They pulled me off the streets at Lieutenant wherein I developed policies & procedures and played politics up until the day I retired!

There is no doubt in my mind that when you make Lieutenant & above, you stop being a Cop and become a politician, whether you want to be one or not!

That was the only aspect of my career that I did not enjoy, which is why I can't stand most politicians now!!!
I'm with you on this. As a supervising investigator, I spent my last 3 years rewriting policy and other stuff that needed to be updated. I was burned out, as this mental exercise took a toll on me. I was glad I left when I did.

Wow. I will have about 36 years in at full retirement age and I often wonder if I will make that.

My Dad put in 20 years in LE and then 20 years out of LE before fully retiring. I am still not sure sure he is out of the mindset.
Hey Sentry, I'm not to sure if you ever lose that mentality or mindset. As I'm sure you know, your training, knowlege & experience does not just stop or go away the day you retire.

It's like that old saying, "Once a Cop, always a Cop!!!
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Worked 28 years in the same agency and spent time with every unit except Juvenile. Retired as Chief and if I were smart back then, I would have stop climbing the ranks at Sargeant. They pulled me off the streets at Lieutenant wherein I developed policies & procedures and played politics up until the day I retired!

There is no doubt in my mind that when you make Lieutenant & above, you stop being a Cop and become a politician, whether you want to or not!

Now you tell me. Took the promotion to Deputy Chief of Administration a few years ago, the same year the powers that be decided we should be an accredited LE agency. That meant an entire re-write of the policy manual, dozens of operational changes, expanded training programs, budgetary changes, etc., etc. Took a team of 5 people 3 years to pull that off. Did get us more staffing however. The only thing I get to do anymore that feels like police work is serving on the threat assessment and behavioral intervention team. Fortunately in my agency the Chief has to directly deal with 90% of the politicians. Which is why when I was asked if I would seek his position when he retires I said "Not only no, but hell no".
Sentry, The accreditation process is a long and meticulous effort that requires a total and complete review of every aspect of the Law Enforcement agency. Having achieved such a standard in three years is quite an accomplishment and a testament to your hard work and dedication. Accreditation, was one of my long term departmental objectives as Chief, that I did not get to realize because of all the "bologna and backstabbing" that was going on all around me. Moreover, there is no doubt that I did not have the support of the governing body, which is definitely needed to achieve such an undertaking.

I understand your desire not to seek the Chief's position, however, being a Deputy Chief, you're there already so to say, whether you realize it or not! I was Chief of Police for over 10 years and when I reached the ripe old age of 55, I realized that I had had enough of such a stressful position, as I was simply burned out! And even though I left the PD after 28 of years of service and went to work for DHS, I decided after 3 years that I had had enough of LE at all levels.

It's a decision I have never regretted and think to myself sometimes that I should have done it sooner! While at times, I do miss being a Cop and interacting with the people, I in no way miss the politics, stress & bologna associated with such a demanding position. I'll always be a Cop, in that as I've said before, all your training, knowledge and experience does not leave the day you retire. Plus, I like getting paid not to work anymore and doing what I want to do!
Sentry, I forgot to add, that on my last day, I told my Mayor, the President of Council & a few Council members that "they could all "kiss my ass" and that there was not a damn thing they could do to me for me saying it! I was not too concern about saying this to them because I already had the job lined up with DHS. Plus, I knew I would never ever go back there, no matter how much they paid me!

Damn that felt good!!!
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Thank you Kev.
Having trouble with the server saying my pics are too large when in the last two days they were fine.
When I can post I'll put up some from beautiful downtown Mogadisdhu in 1993.
Dutch, your ost made me laugh. I was notorious in IL DOC for my bluntness. Once my Boss [great guy by the way] had to go to Springfield for a meeting on sex offender supervision procedures and was worried that he would get mad and call some things like they should be called. I told him I would go with him so they could get mad at me. His response was "Hell no, we would both get fired!"
I was banned from being an Academy Counselor for Parole Agents after I told one class to rip a parolee's balls off or ram a thumb in their eye socket if they tried to grab them. A couple of bleeding hearts heard me say that and almost freaked out on the spot.