Wells Fargo is lawless?

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Awesome Friend
Dec 7, 2015
I'm sure most have heard that Wells Fargo bank has fired over 5000 employees over the past few years because they created new accounts for existing customers without their knowledge to get bonuses. A link if you haven't:

About 1.5 million accounts and 500k credit cards. Customers will get their losses returned. But there is one glaring flaw to me: WHO IS GOING TO JAIL?

The math is simple to me. There should be 2 million charges of identity theft. It works out to an average of 400 charges per criminal (aka former employees). Employees complain of horrible work environments. But if their boss was a jerk, QUIT. Now if the boss told the employees to commit these crimes, then doesn't this expand to Organized Crime charges?

The cases would be open/shut. John Smith had one checking account with Wells Fargo. Bob Jones (employee) accessed John's current account and created a credit card (that Bob used for personal purchases), a savings account and a second checking account. Wells Fargo data system shows that Bob accessed John's information and created the new accounts. how much easier than this does it get?

My answer is this: we live a nation Without Rule of Law (WROL). Hillary can break laws with no consequence. If I do the same I'm in prison. A punk forges a check and gets some jail time. Wells Fargo employees do this millions of times and nobody goes to jail? WROL leads to anarchy, it is anarchy (or worse).
The bank got fined 185 million by the govt. As long as the govt gets their money, no one goes to jail. With lots of money you can usually buy your way out of trouble. Bankers or lawyers, not sure which are worse....