What Agenda 21 Is...

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Feb 5, 2012
Communist State Of Kalifornia
Agenda 21 is a non-binding, voluntarily implemented action plan of the United Nations with regards to sustainable development. It is a product of the UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992. It is an action agenda for the UN, other multilateral organizations, and individual governments around the world that can be executed at local, national, and global levels. The "21" in Agenda 21 refers to the 21st century. It has been affirmed and modified at subsequent UN conferences.

Structure and contents

Agenda 21 is a 300-page document divided into 40 chapters that have been grouped into 4 sections:

Section I: Social and Economic Dimensions

This section is directed toward combating poverty, especially in developing countries, changing consumption patterns, promoting health, achieving a more sustainable population, and sustainable settlement in decision making.

Section II: Conservation and Management of Resources for Development

Includes atmospheric protection, combating deforestation, protecting fragile environments, conservation of biological diversity (biodiversity), control of pollution and the management of biotechnology, and radioactive wastes.

Section III: Strengthening the Role of Major Groups

Includes the roles of children and youth, women, NGOs, local authorities, business and workers and strengthening the role of indigenous peoples, their communities, and farmers.

Section IV: Means of Implementation

Implementation includes science, technology transfer, education, international institutions and financial mechanisms.

Development and evolution of Agenda 21

The full text of Agenda 21 was revealed at the UN Conference on Environment and Development (Earth Summit), held in Rio de Janeiro on June 13, 1992, where 178 governments voted to adopt the program. The final text was the result of drafting, consultation, and negotiation, beginning in 1989 and culminating at the two-week conference.

Rio+5 (1997)

In 1997, the UN General Assembly held a special session to appraise the status of Agenda 21 (Rio +5). The Assembly recognized progress as "uneven" and identified key trends, including increasing globalization, widening inequalities in income, and continued deterioration of the global environment. A new General Assembly Resolution (S-19/2) promised further action.

Rio+10 (2002)

The Johannesburg Plan of Implementation, agreed at the World Summit on Sustainable Development (Earth Summit 2002) affirmed UN commitment to "full implementation" of Agenda 21, alongside achievement of the Millennium Development Goals and other international agreements.

Agenda 21 for culture (2002)

The first World Public Meeting on Culture, held in Porto Alegre, Brazil, in 2002, came up with the idea to establish guidelines for local cultural policies, something comparable to what Agenda 21 was for the environment.[1] They are to be included in various subsections of Agenda 21 and will be carried out through a wide range of sub-programs beginning with G8 countries.

Rio+20 (2012)

In 2012, at the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development the attending members reaffirmed their commitment to Agenda 21 in their outcome document called "The Future We Want".

Implementation of Agenda 21

The Commission on Sustainable Development acts as a high-level forum on sustainable development and has acted as preparatory committee for summits and sessions on the implementation of Agenda 21. The UN Division for Sustainable Development acts as the secretariat to the Commission and works "within the context of" Agenda 21.
Implementation by member states remains essentially voluntary and its adoption has varied.

Local Agenda 21

The implementation of Agenda 21 was intended to involve action at international, national, regional and local levels. Some national and state governments have legislated or advised that local authorities take steps to implement the plan locally, as recommended in Chapter 28 of the document. These programs are often known as "Local Agenda 21" or "LA21".[2] For example, in the Philippines, the plan is "Philippines Agenda 21" (PA21). The group, ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability, formed in 1990; today its members come from 1,200 cities, towns, and counties in 70 countries and is widely regarded as a paragon of Agenda 21 implementation.[3]

In other countries, opposition to Agenda 21's ideas has surfaced to varied extents. In some cases, opposition has been legislated into several States limiting or forbidding the participation and/or funding of local government activities that support Agenda 21.[4]

Agenda 21 at national level

The UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs' Division for Sustainable Development monitors and evaluates progress, nation by nation, towards the adoption of Agenda 21, and makes these reports available to the public on its website.

Australia, for example, is a signatory to Agenda 21 and 88 of its municipalities subscribe to ICLEI, an organization that promotes Agenda 21 globally. Australia's membership is second only to that of the United States. Opposition to Agenda 21 in Australia is not covered in the major media outlets though groups such as Act Australia, a "fringe" political organization, has labeled Agenda 21 a "threat to freedom." European countries generally possess well documented Agenda 21 statuses. France, whose national government, along with 14 cities, is a signatory, boasts nationwide programs supporting Agenda 21. Like Australia, however, some opponents have expressed that they view Agenda 21 as a "sham".
In Africa, national support for Agenda 21 is strong and most countries are signatories. But support is often closely tied to environmental challenges specific to each country; for example, in 2002 Sam Nujoma, who was then President of Namibia, spoke about the importance of adhering to Agenda 21 at the 2002 Earth Summit, noting that as a semi-arid country, Namibia sets a lot of store in the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD).

Furthermore, there is little mention of Agenda 21 at the local level in indigenous media. Only major municipalities in sub-Saharan African countries are members of ICLEI. Agenda 21 participation in North African countries mirrors that of Middle Eastern countries, with most countries being signatories but little to no adoption on the local-government level. Countries in sub-Saharan Africa and North Africa generally have poorly documented Agenda 21 status reports. By contrast, South Africa's participation in Agenda 21 mirrors that of modern Europe, with 21 city members of ICLEI and support of Agenda 21 by national-level government.

Agenda 21 in the United States

The United States is a signatory country to Agenda 21, but because Agenda 21 is not a treaty, the Senate was unable to hold a formal debate or vote on it, nor was it ratified in any way by the executive branch. Several congressmen and senators, however, have spoken in Congress in support of Agenda 21; these include Representative Nancy Pelosi, Senator John Kerry, and Senator Harry Reid. Locally across the United States, over 528 cities are members of ICLEI, an international sustainability organization that broadly helps implement the Agenda 21 and Local Agenda 21 concepts across the world. The United States boasts nearly half of the ICLEI's global membership of 1,200 cities promoting sustainable development at a local level.As a first-world country, the United States features one of the most comprehensively documented Agenda 21 status reports.

Opposition in the United States

During the last decade, opposition grew to some aspects of Agenda 21 within the United States at the local, state, and federal levels. The Republican National Committee has adopted a resolution opposing Agenda 21, while the Republican Party platform states that "We strongly reject the U.N. Agenda 21 as erosive of American sovereignty".Several state and local governments have considered or passed motions and legislation opposing Agenda 21. Alabama became the first state to prohibit government participation in Agenda 21, while Arizona failed to pass a similar bill.

Activists, some of which have been affiliated to the Tea Party movement by the The New York Times and The Huffington Post, have claimed that Agenda 21 is a conspiracy by the United Nations to deprive individuals of property rights. Columnists in The Atlantic have linked Agenda 21 opposition to the property rights movement in the United States. A poll of 1,300 US votes by the American Planning Association found that 9% percent supported Agenda 21, 6% opposed it, and 85% thought they didn't have enough information to form an opinion (Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., 2012).

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It is my opinion that We, The United States Of America, should get out of the UN, and then kick the UN out of the USA!
Here is a 9 minute video explaining it easier. There is a lot of info out there but some vids are very long.....too long!
Anyway, THIS is my fear. But a friend talked me down a little yesterday so that helped.
Also, I found, and enlarged, the map that he shows of the U.S. for the legend......quite disturbing if this were to all come true some day. :(
And for those of you who respect the words of Glenn Beck, ...... youtube some of his videos too.
Also, I found, and enlarged, the map that he shows of the U.S. for the legend......quite disturbing if this were to all come true some day. :(
And for those of you who respect the words of Glenn Beck, ...... youtube some of his videos too.
Do you have a link to this map you could share?
Next to "post reply" is a button that says "upload a file"
How in the hell can we stop this...or are we forced to just prepare for it?
Get a President with the balls who believes in the USA!
(Jeeez! That was way too obvious!) :p
Am I reading this map correctly that this map was used by the US Senate to STOP this whole UN ratification of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity?
Am I reading this map correctly that this map was used by the US Senate to STOP this whole UN ratification of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity?
Appears that is the case, but didn't research when they did.
Glenn Beck finally wrote a book on it too. I just found out about it a few weeks ago ...... it was released today. Agenda 21 is the name, of course. It's a book of fiction,.....but based on what the U.N. is implementing.
How in the hell can we stop this...or are we forced to just prepare for it?

Boog, I don't know HOW to prepare for this......I'm new to all this information by only a few weeks......and I expressed it as a major concern of mine on my profile when starting the forum over the weekend. Clyde inquired further about it and as you two are hearing about it for the first time,....I'm not that far ahead of you on that. :(
I know we have to find out when the next meeting is in our community. I know there are certain "buzz words" to listen for when they speak. Sustainable Development. Open Space. Wildlands. Or Wildlands Project. Words that are used on the surface to make people think it's all good......but scratch it and it's smells of sulfer!
I plan to find when the next meeting is in my area because it's here in Palm Beach County, FL. I will attend because it's open to the public, and figure out my next move after that....... I won't go alone though....and I won't say a thing,.....at least the first time. o_O I will know much more before I go.....but it has to be stopped at the local level.
Go to http://www.icleiusa.org/action-center/engaging-your-community/about-iclei/members/member-list to see if it's in your community. This started with the website icleiusa.org then tab at top RESOURCES then ENGAGING YOUR COMMUNITY then there is a map on the right side of the screen.
This ICLEI is also the name it's under.....this is the site that holds a lot of information.
I didn't research yet but it HIT me when I woke up yesterday morning....and have been too busy to research......but the Govt. wanted to give us here in Florida billions of dollars to build a high-speed rail system. Wisconsin too. California too. There are many more, I just don't remember......but WHY? Looking at that map above makes me more curious though. And concerned.
Looking at this map,....it's different from the first one I saw. It gets "revised" but I'm not sure how, or when. They one I studied had much more "Military Reservations".
Wondering too where/IF all those alledged FEMA camps fit in here? FEMA coffins?
It is so very disturbing how the UN has been allowed to grow its power to basically become a governing body of the world! And with our ball-less president giving the UN more and more power over the US we will all be goose stepping to and fro in short order!!
It is so very disturbing how the UN has been allowed to grow its power to basically become a governing body of the world! And with our ball-less president giving the UN more and more power over the US we will all be goose stepping to and fro in short order!!

And something ELSE very interesting about our dear President:
Had no idea about any of this as I suspect most people are in the same boat. Also found out about an ongoing fight in my region about it so I plan to do more about it.
Well, right now, it's only a suggestion, not law or even firm policy...but it is a possibility, given the right events.
I really doubt it is more than a think tank exercise. (and typically, it's been opposed by nearly every politician on a state level). Not because it's "right" to oppose it, but because it means the Feds overstep their bounds and step all over their stuff. ;)
"Agenda 21" in 20 words or less: Turn the First World Countries into Third World Countries because it's unfair that they are so rich.
Here is a 9 minute video explaining it easier. There is a lot of info out there but some vids are very long.....too long!
Anyway, THIS is my fear. But a friend talked me down a little yesterday so that helped.


Why do I get this feeling after reading some of your posts that you actually mean it.

I fear that there are alot of paper tigers in this country who wimp out at the first sign of trouble. Heck just look at all the people screaming Molon Labe in Conneticut and New York over the last 6 months, but rolled over and stood in line last week for the first step in confiscation.

Maybe it's because your avatar/picture reminds me of my best friend at that age.