What have you done?

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What have you done to prepare for a catastrophe?

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oh you mean like the ol'school one: you can have my gun when you pry it from my cold dead fingers! lol, i love how they use that in movies and tv too lmao
oh you mean like the ol'school one: you can have my gun when you pry it from my cold dead fingers! lol, i love how they use that in movies and tv too lmao
This election year promises to be interesting. I do know how anyone can trust obama/biden again.
exspecially with Obama marching along with the Black Panthers and all. ya, somehow i dont see his re-election.
I'm not sure that Romney will be much better. At least as far as gun rights. I think Obama has been somewhat reserved as far as running head on with his gun grabbing, but I can smell it in the air. Mitt has a not-so-good past with my kind, too. Prayers to our Lord, for sure. These times are very scary.
lmao if i do vote it will be to go against the extra dollar tax being imposed on smokers (myself being one lol) ill probably leave the presidency vote blank, or vote for unknowns as ive done in the past. To me, it doest really matter at this point whos pres. their not going to magicly fix the deficet like they claim they will, their not going to add more jobs (at least for the little people like myself), they're just either front men for people with money to get what they want to get payed more, or they're gonna sit back and run their mouth on what "should" be done, or give bad news on the Doomsday on which is about to happen, and is happening. thats just my opinion though.
Prepping is part with practicing too. I have parts of some days I don't use any electricity to get used to that kind of living. I have done some actual preparing for emergencies both in my home and one where I would leave my home. I still have some prepping to do in regards to weapons and defense If needed.
Thats a great idea! i wish my family would go for it, however, i think with them they'll be thankfull im preppared for them. lol
Prepping is part with practicing too. I have parts of some days I don't use any electricity to get used to that kind of living. I have done some actual preparing for emergencies both in my home and one where I would leave my home. I still have some prepping to do in regards to weapons and defense If needed.
Thats a great idea! i wish my family would go for it, however, i think with them they'll be thankfull im preppared for them. lol
I think I may try that, but not tell them I am cutting the power. I want/need the kids to get used to no electricity and be more comfortable in the dark. I am taking them camping and shooting as i feel they are all old enough to handle small caliber guns.
HAHAHA! My wife would kill me if i did that roflmmfao. my kids are way too young to shoot guns, heck they'd probably shoot me!
HAHAHA! My wife would kill me if i did that roflmmfao. my kids are way too young to shoot guns, heck they'd probably shoot me!
My son has been shooting since he was 8. I have very strict rules when I go camping and shooting. The kids know they are never to touch any gun unless they ask and are being supervised.
I have an alternative news source computer network that gives me outside of the mainstream media news. Our great Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton is really pushing for UN arms treaty. We might not have to wait for the SHTF that all the weapons are gone from Americans with that kind of action. I think the knife, wasp spray and fire extinguishers are still looking like good prepper devices. I don't have a gun, nor can I shoot one, but I sure can manage a knife, wasp spray or fire extinguisher if someone came to my door to rob me or worse. I think the prepper actions might be unique for a person like me, so I have had to think outside the box.
I'm not sure that Romney will be much better. At least as far as gun rights. I think Obama has been somewhat reserved as far as running head on with his gun grabbing, but I can smell it in the air. Mitt has a not-so-good past with my kind, too. Prayers to our Lord, for sure. These times are very scary.
When we know our Lord is more powerful than any Obama, Romney and Soros, we don't have any worry in our bones. The evil one would like to plant that worry seed. Don't let him succeed! Keep the faith knowing we are able to do all things through the Lord who strengthens us! Part of being strong and being successful is using our heads as they were meant to be used. We think and brainstorm and support each other as we share the ideas we have to prepare for emergencies. We lose our strength if we waste our energy on being fearful! Start thinking of how we will overcome anything that will come our way.
my son will turn 5 in July and my daughter just turned 3 on the 9th, so ya a little young for the gun but we'll see what the future brings
Yes, and everyone will need to keep to those no matter what. Hope you have some strength with your partner, because together you will be a tremendous powerhouse! Will all that has happened to destroy the family in just the last 10 years, God is probably smiling on couples in the crisis times and will give you all you need.
my son will turn 5 in July and my daughter just turned 3 on the 9th, so ya a little young for the gun but we'll see what the future brings
Yes, they are very young, but some little instruction might get them familiar if they ever need to know. There are people who believe very young children should know safety and some basic education in a real emergency. And, we truly don't know what we will be faced with. Telling and showing and then telling them again sure can't be bad. If I had little ones. I would just incorporate the emergency situations in very low doses. Nothing serious so they can keep their innocence as long as possible. Maybe I would tell them enough so they would not have a fear if something occurs they need to know something about the situation. I actually practiced some of that with my children some 40 years ago.
ya, my wife doesnt believe me when i say "somethings" going to happen soon, rofl, she even tryed to tell her mom on me because i spend alot of time studing different stuff/techniques, but when her mom took my side she chilled out on me and now kind of helps me get the bug bags ready. being together for almost 7 years we've had our shares of crisis, as it turns out i think we work better together during those times than everyday living, which will help.
as far as the kids, i may just leave them out of the loop on the DD stuff, and when shtf just tell them we're going camping for a while lol. thankfully my oldest son is very independent and is pritty smart, heck he might figure it out before i can tell him lol
ya, my wife doesnt believe me when i say "somethings" going to happen soon, rofl, she even tryed to tell her mom on me because i spend alot of time studing different stuff/techniques, but when her mom took my side she chilled out on me and now kind of helps me get the bug bags ready. being together for almost 7 years we've had our shares of crisis, as it turns out i think we work better together during those times than everyday living, which will help.
as far as the kids, i may just leave them out of the loop on the DD stuff, and when shtf just tell them we're going camping for a while lol. thankfully my oldest son is very independent and is pritty smart, heck he might figure it out before i can tell him lol
I am glad you have support by your side with the prepping. Keep that strong! I have heard many people say they can't convince their partner about prepping. I think those that are not in tune to prepping, should let that partner learn by example.It is not as easy or as pleasant doing the prepping alone, but it is better to have at least one on the right path. Good you have an independent son. He might actually be a co leader with you. It does not take age to get the hang of this prepping, just a true willingness .
i told her, "look i know your not into it, but if something does happen you'll be thankful i did!"
i told her, "look i know your not into it, but if something does happen you'll be thankful i did!"
I think most people are somewhat waking up to possibilities of a crisis. It is the fact that you are astute enough to know the prepper will be the survivor and the non preppers will be the looters and possibly the victims as well that you choose to prepare. Good for you! It will be the actual days of the events that your wife will be very thankful is right.
lol now if i could only teach her to set a snare lol
I have an alternative news source computer network that gives me outside of the mainstream media news. Our great Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton is really pushing for UN arms treaty. We might not have to wait for the SHTF that all the weapons are gone from Americans with that kind of action. I think the knife, wasp spray and fire extinguishers are still looking like good prepper devices. I don't have a gun, nor can I shoot one, but I sure can manage a knife, wasp spray or fire extinguisher if someone came to my door to rob me or worse. I think the prepper actions might be unique for a person like me, so I have had to think outside the box.
This administration has a huge anti gun campaign they want to enact should obama get a 2nd term. It amazes me that this administration thinks it can side step the constitution and let the UN decide what we do. It has been a long time goal of the un to disarm America. I think it is high time we (the USA) get out of the un and run them out of the country.
agreed! our admendments, constitution, and decloration, are the very foundation this great country sits on. as with any home, you take away the foundation and the house crumbles!
The UN however is a double edged blade, at one side we use the UN to start wars (Iraq) but dont like when its done to us.
rofl, id like the UN to head to Texas and tell them they can no longer have guns!
This administration has a huge anti gun campaign they want to enact should obama get a 2nd term. It amazes me that this administration thinks it can side step the constitution and let the UN decide what we do. It has been a long time goal of the un to disarm America. I think it is high time we (the USA) get out of the un and run them out of the country.
Oh I agree with you 100%. I think the America people will try to keep their guns as long as possible. Hillary tried to get her gun thoughts in a year ago and she failed, so she is ruthless about that idea. It will be during these times of crisis (When the SHTF) that people need their weapons the most.I never knew the solid thinking about us being in Nato and the UN in the first place. That might have been part of the globalists idea for the NWO.
Oh I agree with you 100%. I think the America people will try to keep their guns as long as possible. Hillary tried to get her gun thoughts in a year ago and she failed, so she is ruthless about that idea. It will be during these times of crisis (When the SHTF) that people need their weapons the most.I never knew the solid thinking about us being in Nato and the UN in the first place. That might have been part of the globalists idea for the NWO.
Yes it is all part of the new world order started oh so many years ago. It is disgusting to see who the politicians have all but shredded the Constitution.
Yes it is all part of the new world order started oh so many years ago. It is disgusting to see who the politicians have all but shredded the Constitution.
If you really want to cry go online to Hillsdale College. The college is offering people a free course in the Constitution online. The lessons will make anyone realize how very off track we are now, how much freedom we have lost and the liberties we once had and have no more. It is a series of lessons of 40 minutes each that will open you eyes and fill the eyes with tears.
If you really want to cry go online to Hillsdale College. The college is offering people a free course in the Constitution online. The lessons will make anyone realize how very off track we are now, how much freedom we have lost and the liberties we once had and have no more. It is a series of lessons of 40 minutes each that will open you eyes and fill the eyes with tears.
I actually signed up for that course. This country is definitely not headed in the direction our founding fathers had intended.
I did not renew my passport two years ago knowing I would not be going out of the country anymore. I read in some alternative news media about not being a stand out person if an individual determined to go out of the country if the SHTF. Americans, in record numbers are giving up their citizenship in record numbers partly because of all the drastic changes happening in America in the last 10 years. Now, in the last almost 4 this country is one I sometimes don't recognize either. Getting back to leaving the country. It was recommended to make sure that a person fit in as well as they could since the foreign country sure will not be anything like the US. That might mean even keeping a very low profile in the foreign land. It was an interview with John Rappaport that I heard those things. John is a long time journalist, now more retired and going to the beat of his own drum to inform people of changes he sees as important.
I live in a very small rural village in southern Michigan, surrounded by woodlands, farmlands, swamps, and marshes. Really, my biggest concern is hardening my home. I reload, and have a nice cache of .38 Super Auto, .45ACP, and .308 Win on hand-as well as about a hundred bolts for my crossbow. Like I said, I live in a very rural area, so I count on my dogs for my early warning system for any home invaders. I've been a state corrections officer for a decade now, so I have always had contingencies planned for the event that an excon might try to 'look me up'. I don't worry about food so much, I've always been a hunter-and there's food everywhere if you know what to look for. As far as 'bugging out', I'm of the opinion that 'less is more', and my weapons, minimal survival gear, and bric a brac will carry me for when I can't find something on the move.

The doomsday scenario that I think most likely-economic collapse, followed by harsh martial law, is best avoided by hiding out, I think-and striking at whatever force that our little emperor has policing us from the cover of night.
You sound well prepared and your logic seems well thought out if I do say so myself. I like the idea of bugging in if possible. It is surely better to defend a hardened base than to strike out on your own. I also agree that bugging out is best done as light as possible if you are able and willing to live off the land. Being a hunter and outdoorsman helps to no end, I think. Being able to set up camp in short order, make shelters, gather or hunt/trap food and gather/purify water is really what HAS to happen. If you have these skills, you can even get others who don;t know how to help out by delegating and showing them how to get along. You can really turn people who are liabilities into assets like this. They may come empty handed asking for help so they literally don't die. The good skills you have can keep many people alive in a DD situation.

I also agree on your ideas of what is realistic as far as crisis go. Many of us prepare for flat out ridiculous scenarios, and even more of us prepare for things that CAN happen, but are really, really, REALLY unlikely. While I think it's best to be prepared for as many things as possible, I think focusing on what's a plausible threat can help you be better prepared by focusing your efforts on likely situations and realistic approaches to surviving. I know quite a few people who have stocked up on TONS of food and water, but live in high-risk areas that they would have to abandon in the scenarios you have penned. These same people have VERY limited outdoors/survival skills and would likely be just the people I was referring to earlier. Willing, but unable. Just the kind of people that you can turn into "Survival tools" by teaching them what you know and what you/they will need to do to make it.

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