What I ended up canning this week

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Not today, but Sunday. . . After son's 3 wedding rehearsal dinner, I canned up the leftovers of 9 pints salsa and 8 pints of chili with no beans. Then I ended up vacuum sealing a few dozens of tamales, refried beans and mexican rice in individual meals and then put in the freezer. I still need to go back over to get my 50 year old Christmas multi-colored lights that we hung (at this point, the big glass bulbs are vert fragile) along with Granny's cake plate that I used to serve Mexican Wedding Cookies. I know the other side needed a break,. . . just like we did. I may be off on Thursday or can go get after work tomorrow.

Today found out that one of my friends at work a/c broke on Saturday and she is not sleeping well because of our heat. . . I told her she should have called me! Her and her husband has had an A/C guy out and finally determined it was an electric issue going to the unite. Today went to let borrow and install a couple window units just to keep comfortable until issue can get resolved. She is the LEGAL immigrant I have raked about recently and her husband has just been cleared of cancer after treatments so is still very weak and still gets dizzy. They are very proud people who does favors for others and it is hard for them to accept what they see as a "handout".
Hoping to get enough green beans to restock the pantry this year as I ran out over winter. I should be fine with them and tomato products by the end of the growing season. I’m most excited about fresh watermelons, cantaloupes and honeydews. I never preserve them as I can’t eat enough to get tired of them!
I have green beans from 2011. No one could tell. I made sure to boil them an extra long time though.
I canned 6 quarts of kraut this morning. I have stopped making large amounts at one time in favor of small because if something messes up the batch it won't ruin too many jars. Ive had that happen and have no idea what happened.
I actually water bath unless I add meat, then I will pressure cook the meat time of 90 minutes.

also I cook my tomatoes in the oven till they blister so roughly a hour to an hour and a half. Rough cut laid out on a baking sheet. Run thru a blender till smooth. If you like chuncky, you can leave some. I basically ally skip step 1 & 2 by not plunging and peeling. Cooking them long enough in the oven, the skins puree up too. It also cuts down on step 5s cooking time of 4-5 hours on the stove to about an hour and a half.

Danil, I am canning sauerkraut today and am going to hopefully get to try this recipe for some spaghetti sauce before the weekend is out..thanks for the tips on blistering the tomatoes in the oven, I'll take any time saver I can get these days!
Freezing asparagus spears every other day right now. Spring asparagus harvest is looking pretty good. Haven't seen any of the dreaded asparagus beetles yet. I think maybe letting the ducks in the asparagus beds all winter to have at the grubs helped.

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