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I have encountered two different people that claimed to be preppers that were so afraid of this topic they were too afraid to even discuss it . They had something in common , they declared if a Nuclear war happened everyone was going to die so there was no need to even try to prepare for this scenario . Even anger seemed to erupt from them , that someone would dare try to survive a Nuclear War . This mentality seems to me as if , they believe they will die and want everyone else to die along with them . Strange times that we live in . -- Some don't even know whether they are a boy or a girl anymore .
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Given the level of destruction and the finality of a nuclear war.
What's the point of launching one? I get that both sides have the power to launch it. But I still have never understood the WHY behind it...
What's the point of destroying the people, infrastructure and land? There's no coming back from that...
The one thing money cannot buy. Power.
I have encountered two different people that claimed to be preppers that were so afraid of this topic they were too afraid to even discuss it . They had something in common , they declared if a Nuclear war happened every was going to die so there was no need to even try to prepare for this scenario . Even anger seemed to erupt from them , that someone would dare try to survive a Nuclear War . This mentality seems to me as if , they believe they will die and want everyone else to die along with them . Strange times that we live in . -- Some don't even know whether they are a boy or a girl anymore .

Everyone is not going to die...if you survive, life will just become very much more difficult. The question everyone will have to ask for themselves is how hard are you willing to fight for a life that will never again resemble the easy times you have now? I have answered that question for myself a long time ago as a cold war kid.
What good is power if one weilds it over irradiated soil and an incinerated populace?

They don't care over what they rule...as long as they "win".
I know we have been on the brink of WWIII. Hunny and I have been having a discussion over the last few days since we are probably located in a nuke area. Now that grandson's quilt is done, I am now full force in IF we had to do the bugging out. We never thought we would have to "bug out" so it will just have to be what it is. We can either go straight up north or west into LA and then straight up. Nuclear war was NEVER something I thought I would have to deal with in my life time. This is Hunny's second time.
I just thought I would explain how to build a Geiger counter for those who feel the need.
First get an insulated tube, (glass, plastic or rubber hose,) then insert a piece of copper tubing slightly shorter than the insulated tube. Maybe8 to 12 inches long. Solder a wire on one side towards the back.extenthe wire through the insulated tube and seal the hole tightly with lexal or silicone or epoxy. Push an insulated plug( like a cork ) into the end next to thwire protruding out the side. Then insert a solid copper wire through the center of the plug to near the open end. Don't let the wire be in contact with the copper tubing anywhere in the tube.make a small cap for the open end out of Mika( like you place in fireplace windows.) It should be as thin and you can comfortably sand it.fill the tube with argon or helium a seal the mica window to it. Try not to let your gas escape. Now , solder the leads on an electrical tester or meter to it. Now when radioactive particles pass through the mica, into the tube, it will ionize the gas making an electrical current. The more radiation, the stringer the current. So you would need to play with it to establish some sort of baseline pre nuke. But that's as simple as I can explain it.
Given the level of destruction and the finality of a nuclear war.
What's the point of launching one? I get that both sides have the power to launch it. But I still have never understood the WHY behind it...
What's the point of destroying the people, infrastructure and land? There's no coming back from that...
sounds a lot like man doesn't it

-Fable of the Scorpion and the Frog

"A scorpion asks a frog to carry him over a river. The frog is afraid of being stung, but the scorpion argues that if it did so, both would sink and the scorpion would drown. The frog then agrees, but midway across the river the scorpion does indeed sting the frog, dooming them both. When asked why, the scorpion points out that this is its nature."
I just thought I would explain how to build a Geiger counter for those who feel the need.
First get an insulated tube, (glass, plastic or rubber hose,) then insert a piece of copper tubing slightly shorter than the insulated tube. Maybe8 to 12 inches long. Solder a wire on one side towards the back.extenthe wire through the insulated tube and seal the hole tightly with lexal or silicone or epoxy. Push an insulated plug( like a cork ) into the end next to thwire protruding out the side. Then insert a solid copper wire through the center of the plug to near the open end. Don't let the wire be in contact with the copper tubing anywhere in the tube.make a small cap for the open end out of Mika( like you place in fireplace windows.) It should be as thin and you can comfortably sand it.fill the tube with argon or helium a seal the mica window to it. Try not to let your gas escape. Now , solder the leads on an electrical tester or meter to it. Now when radioactive particles pass through the mica, into the tube, it will ionize the gas making an electrical current. The more radiation, the stringer the current. So you would need to play with it to establish some sort of baseline pre nuke. But that's as simple as I can explain it.View attachment 17631

That's so easy, what a simple thing to make. It's almost as easy as making ice cubes in Hell.
That's so easy, what a simple thing to make. It's almost as easy as making ice cubes in Hell.
Good knowledge to have if the one's I have fail but, time is limited (and I am engineer-ing-ly challenged when it comes to such things) so I bought three of them a few years back when they were still cheap and available.
Good knowledge to have if the one's I have fail but, time is limited (and I am engineer-ing-ly challenged when it comes to such things) so I bought three of them a few years back when they were still cheap and available.
I for one would not want to bet my family's life and my own life , that that home made radiation detector worked correctly . I suppose though if that was all that was available , it might be worth trying .
I for one would not want to bet my family's life and my own life , that that home made radiation detector worked correctly . I suppose though if that was all that was available , it might be worth trying .

I have a t-shirt that says "I have a feeling my last words will be 'well Sh*t that didn't work'." so...yeah.
Europe and NATO do not understand that it is 5 past 12, Europe and NATO want to experience the nuclear winter at any price.
The next days could really come if Grandpa Joe and European governments continue to provoke.

I read here still practically every day in the media that this war can be solved only on the battlefield, NOT by negotiations, from my point of view, the 3rd World War is 100% reality.
Sorry guys, I tried . My writing ain't so good. But I have some lead t shirts for sale . They are great for kids on a day at the lake.

Its not you, its me! LOL.

I am not very mechanically inclined and am amazed by those who are!
At this point it appears escalation leading to " World War Three " is highly probable . With Russia proclaiming some of the territories it seized is now under their protection and Ukraine preparing to take back those regions that Russia is now claiming as theirs , things will get more deadly . The World has already seen the weakness of Russia's conventional army , so the only path forward is using weapons that have been held back up to this point . --- Some still try to convince themselves and others that the conflict will remain on Ukraine soil . I for one am not of that camp , trying to convince themselves their location will not be part of Armageddon .
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The near future does not look exactly peachy.

Europe and US heading for a likely depression or worse, hyperinflation.
Food shortages which always hit poor underdeveloped countries hardest (Africa and South America).
....and with Xi now claiming China will be taking Tiawan shortly...probably before Biden leaves office.
At this point it appears escalation leading to " World War Three " is highly probable . With Russia proclaiming some of the territories it seized is now under their protection and Ukraine preparing to take back those regions that Russia is now claiming as theirs , things will get more deadly . The World has already seen the weakness of Russia's conventional army , so the only path forward is using weapons that have been held back up to this point . --- Some still try to convince themselves and others that the conflict will remain on Ukraine soil . I for one am not of that camp , trying to convince themselves their location will not be part of Armageddon .

First off, WW3 has already started back in 2020. The hot war is currently contained to Ukraine and parts of the Middle East.

We have not seen any real weakness of the Russian army. Most people have no clue about the real composition of the forces the Russian Federation is using. There goals in Ukraine was not an all out war, unlike Ukraines strategy.

Nukes may come into play, but it won't be a full strike.
As has already been pointed out...HEMP (high altitude electro magnetic pulse) is much more likely. It the purpose for which those weapons were designed.

Disable huge areas by sending them back to the 1800's, literally with a flash and take them out of the game.

In the chaos that ensues, the government of that country will have its hands full just trying to stay in control of their own country and not overly concerned with who is controlling any other countries.

In our case in the US, just imagine 300 million people suddenly without a way to heat/cool their homes, limited transportation (and no way to pump fuel or recharge) no communications because cell towers are out, no water, no Just In Time delivery to restock shelves...cities and suburbs would be on fire in short order.

We would do a better job destroying each other than the enemy ever could.

You get many of the same war-time benefits of a hot nuclear strike without the uncontrolled atmospheric contamination which can affect your own country with drift.
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HEMP , Neutron bombs, Aerosol bombs and Thermobaric bombs are strong enough to do any job, without the radioactive fallout which caused the problems of "re-taking" or "re-using" any area desired to be attacked. No need to screw up the whole world....BUT...who is "in Charge" and will decide which bomb goes where, explodes where and explodes how high in THE MATTER OF MINUTES still available in a HOT WAR???
Each of the senile, gray-haired, non-military idiots in charge who have a bunker to hide in (which they did NOT have to PAY FOR) and will be able to "wait it out" after the SHTF and we have to live in the aftermath.
They do not send their kids into the scrap, they do not have to eat the crap left over, they do not have to walk around after HEMP has stalled so many cars, (theirs will be EMP proofed), they will have clean water and enough food....need I go further?
We are the re-builders who have to survive and do the dirty work, like the widows in Germany after Hitler was responsible for destroying the entire generation of strong and healthy MEN...What a useless HERO he was...
HEMP , Neutron bombs, Aerosol bombs and Thermobaric bombs are strong enough to do any job, without the radioactive fallout which caused the problems of "re-taking" or "re-using" any area desired to be attacked. No need to screw up the whole world....BUT...who is "in Charge" and will decide which bomb goes where, explodes where and explodes how high in THE MATTER OF MINUTES still available in a HOT WAR???
Each of the senile, gray-haired, non-military idiots in charge who have a bunker to hide in (which they did NOT have to PAY FOR) and will be able to "wait it out" after the SHTF and we have to live in the aftermath.
They do not send their kids into the scrap, they do not have to eat the crap left over, they do not have to walk around after HEMP has stalled so many cars, (theirs will be EMP proofed), they will have clean water and enough food....need I go further?
We are the re-builders who have to survive and do the dirty work, like the widows in Germany after Hitler was responsible for destroying the entire generation of strong and healthy MEN...What a useless HERO he was...

Absolutely. And THEY (those who would hide out in their tax payer funded bunkers) have seen to it that the populous sees their enemy as their fellow citizen rather than them....aka those who got everyone into the global mess that we are in today.

Divisiveness (divide and conquer) is their life blood. We fell for it with Hitler. We fell for it with Stalin. We fell for it with Mao and sadly, we are falling for it again with the WEF and their minions.

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