What is an Economic Collapse?

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I think that we've been in the first stages of total economic collapse since about 2009. I think that if the little emperor is reelected, then it will be the beginning of the end. The markets have no confidence in this administration-and any economic progress that's been achieved since 2009 has been in spite of-rather than attributable to the inept Obama administration.
I cannot say that who gets the next presidency will matter, and I will tell you why.
A democrat president with a rep controlled house has no power, the same the other way around.
1) If it is not to declare troops to conflict (he cannot even call it war, congress has to and can override the president after 48 hrs, educate yourselves with War powers resolution 1973)
2) He can recognise another nation as a nation, Like Isreal or kosovo without congress
3) He can either accept or veto a bill that is sent to him (he doesnt even have the power to line item veto, its a all or nothing deal)
4) He can issue his own executive orders
5) He has to prepare a budget (that has to be approved by congress)
6) appoint over 6,000 people into positions in government (not congress or house)
& last but most importantly
#7) Suggest what is needed to the house and congress, If Congress should adjourn without acting on those proposals, he has the power to call it into special session. But beyond this, the president, as head of a political party and as principal executive officer of the United States government, is primarily in a position to influence public opinion and thereby to influence the course of legislation in Congress.

People have forgotten what they learned in the 6th grade. Are so busy in thier everyday fight for survival that they have fallen into the someone to blame mentality. Are so busy they have lost the marble under the shells and only see the one in the middle because it is stuck out just a little more on purpose, to catch the attention, while the ones in the back do what we blame him for.
I have never heard someone say congress is screwing them, not once.
Does the president write the bills, add all the pork barrels, and whatnot? No it is done where noone is looking, you fell for the slieght of hand.
He only has the power that we give him through our reps in the house and senate. He is the patsy.
A republican president with a dem. house and senate, will override every veto and simply be more of the same.

We are so far into this whirlpool that we cannot stop the suction into the sewer. With the momentum we are moving there is little chance that we will even be lucky enough to be the little piece that pops back out from the flush.

It is mathmatically imposible to pay down the deficit without cutting programs, its just that simple.
Many programs are simply just paying tithes to the masses to buy more time.
Name a single program that can be cut without an uprising of the people.
Name 1 program that would not be political suicide to cut out.
And thus the circle continues on a path with but 1 outcome. It truly is that simple.
I am a simpleton, when it is broken down to its smallest terms, and it is tried to be rebuilt logically, it cannot be done. The only reason it has not collapsed already is just from the volosity of our sheer mass. Even that will be slowed down to the breaking point eventually, and we will have the glide path of a helicopter.

Our money is worth less every day, and there is no logical conclusion that an informed person can make Except, It cannot continue and have an acceptable outcome.
I agree with everything you've said here. That said........Obama's got to go. He's clearly operating on an agenda that is not in this country's best interest. Whether he's a radical islam sympathizer, a communist, a socialist, a black seperatist-doesn't really matter. For this country to begin to heal economically, and repair our presence in the world at large, he's got to go.
I cannot say that who gets the next presidency will matter, and I will tell you why.
A democrat president with a rep controlled house has no power, the same the other way around.
1) If it is not to declare troops to conflict (he cannot even call it war, congress has to and can override the president after 48 hrs, educate yourselves with War powers resolution 1973)
2) He can recognise another nation as a nation, Like Isreal or kosovo without congress
3) He can either accept or veto a bill that is sent to him (he doesnt even have the power to line item veto, its a all or nothing deal)
4) He can issue his own executive orders
5) He has to prepare a budget (that has to be approved by congress)
6) appoint over 6,000 people into positions in government (not congress or house)
& last but most importantly
#7) Suggest what is needed to the house and congress, If Congress should adjourn without acting on those proposals, he has the power to call it into special session. But beyond this, the president, as head of a political party and as principal executive officer of the United States government, is primarily in a position to influence public opinion and thereby to influence the course of legislation in Congress.

People have forgotten what they learned in the 6th grade. Are so busy in thier everyday fight for survival that they have fallen into the someone to blame mentality. Are so busy they have lost the marble under the shells and only see the one in the middle because it is stuck out just a little more on purpose, to catch the attention, while the ones in the back do what we blame him for.
I have never heard someone say congress is screwing them, not once.
Does the president write the bills, add all the pork barrels, and whatnot? No it is done where noone is looking, you fell for the slieght of hand.
He only has the power that we give him through our reps in the house and senate. He is the patsy.
A republican president with a dem. house and senate, will override every veto and simply be more of the same.

We are so far into this whirlpool that we cannot stop the suction into the sewer. With the momentum we are moving there is little chance that we will even be lucky enough to be the little piece that pops back out from the flush.

It is mathmatically imposible to pay down the deficit without cutting programs, its just that simple.
Many programs are simply just paying tithes to the masses to buy more time.
Name a single program that can be cut without an uprising of the people.
Name 1 program that would not be political suicide to cut out.
And thus the circle continues on a path with but 1 outcome. It truly is that simple.
I am a simpleton, when it is broken down to its smallest terms, and it is tried to be rebuilt logically, it cannot be done. The only reason it has not collapsed already is just from the volosity of our sheer mass. Even that will be slowed down to the breaking point eventually, and we will have the glide path of a helicopter.

Our money is worth less every day, and there is no logical conclusion that an informed person can make Except, It cannot continue and have an acceptable outcome.
ya, thats the way its written down anyway, but hardly the way it come to play, IMHO.
what about the stuff you dont hear about?
Black ops n such?
you thing that gets ran through congress?
or how about assasinations, like quite possably JFK, you think they take a vote on that?
stuff does happen without permissions. millions are spent, w/o pryor knowledge.

as you know damn well, history didnt always exactly happen quite like they say it did in 6th grade history either.
if America is to be "awakened" they/we need to know/understand/learn truths to our history as well.

personally it saddens me that Romney n Obama are our options! IMHO, i think a gang banger could do a better job!
ya, thats the way its written down anyway, but hardly the way it come to play, IMHO.
what about the stuff you dont hear about?
Black ops n such?
you thing that gets ran through congress?
or how about assasinations, like quite possably JFK, you think they take a vote on that?
stuff does happen without permissions. millions are spent, w/o pryor knowledge.

as you know damn well, history didnt always exactly happen quite like they say it did in 6th grade history either.
if America is to be "awakened" they/we need to know/understand/learn truths to our history as well.

personally it saddens me that Romney n Obama are our options! IMHO, i think a gang banger could do a better job!

Black ops are not what everyone is thinking is ruining this country. But I agree I left that off.

#8) the president has prior knowledge and orders Some black ops, others He needs Plausable Deniebility of and may or may not have exact knowledge of.

I would say there is a 90% chance that JFK was killed by our own government.
Any millions that are spent has been aproved by congress to be spent. I would like a few examples of what you are talking about w/o prior knowledge.

I agree History did not happen as it is taught, The victor writes history, that is a fact.
US history is full of 1/2 truths, and some outright double dealing.

As for our options I agree again, I will not be voting for who I want this term, I will simply be voting against whom I dont want.
I dont agree with 1/2 of what Romney believes in, I agree with nothing Obama believes in.
There are too few good men left to be the front man of our nation.
Black ops are not what everyone is thinking is ruining this country. But I agree I left that off.

#8) the president has prior knowledge and orders Some black ops, others He needs Plausable Deniebility of and may or may not have exact knowledge of.

I would say there is a 90% chance that JFK was killed by our own government.
Any millions that are spent has been aproved by congress to be spent. I would like a few examples of what you are talking about w/o prior knowledge.

I agree History did not happen as it is taught, The victor writes history, that is a fact.
US history is full of 1/2 truths, and some outright double dealing.

As for our options I agree again, I will not be voting for who I want this term, I will simply be voting against whom I dont want.
I dont agree with 1/2 of what Romney believes in, I agree with nothing Obama believes in.
There are too few good men left to be the front man of our nation.
"w/o pryor knowledge"
by this i mean w/o permitions of the president and/or congress.
take the JFK thing for example, do you think that was passed by congress? do you think JFK signed off on his own assasination?
there is constant **** being ran thats on a need to know bases, and yes sometimes the president/congress doesnt "need to know"
plausible denyability is a hell of a loophole for a "commander in chief"! non the less millions of dollars get spent. how so? how much money do you think is spent on fueling a C130 hercules, mid flight refuel, and parachute drop of a small squadren over, say Afganistan? let alone the technology they take with them, their pay, the piolts pay, satilight links to keep watch, radar planes to keep active during the mission like the U-2? i just spent a shitload of money right there, and i dont even know the half of what take place. and these missions are constent, but people like us will never know/hear about them ever......... unless someone screws the pooch.
AH, damn. I thought you knew something juicy for me to knaw on for a couple of days.
All spending for military, black- ops, Global warming studies etc. are approved by congress.
Its just that they agree to sign blank checks. But it is approved by congress.
Every one of those planes and satalites, drones , and boots on the ground are paid from congress approved sources.
Now I will say it is obvious that congress dont know what they are paying for, but they still approve it.
The president dont write those checks.

ok JFK, probably not, that was in the 60s,

We were talking about the power of the president, I was hoping for something with more meat.
I am damn sure president JFK did not order his own death.

So we are in agreement that those 8 things cover the powers of the president?
AH, damn. I thought you knew something juicy for me to knaw on for a couple of days.
All spending for military, black- ops, Global warming studies etc. are approved by congress.
Its just that they agree to sign blank checks. But it is approved by congress.
Every one of those planes and satalites, drones , and boots on the ground are paid from congress approved sources.
Now I will say it is obvious that congress dont know what they are paying for, but they still approve it.
The president dont write those checks.

ok JFK, probably not, that was in the 60s,

We were talking about the power of the president, I was hoping for something with more meat.
I am damn sure president JFK did not order his own death.

So we are in agreement that those 8 things cover the powers of the president?
its your story, ill let you tell it lol.
its your story, ill let you tell it lol.

I was hoping you would simply be more specific, about anything the president can do that is not approved by congress.
I was hoping you knew an angle, or power that the president has that I had overlooked.
bro, IMHO, the president is nothing more than a well paid front man, that is ran by the rich and powerful, and told what to, and what not to say.
bro, IMHO, the president is nothing more than a well paid front man, that is ran by the rich and powerful, and told what to, and what not to say.
couldn't of said it better myself! That's why government is nothing but a money game. The rich choose who they want for office. All politicians are owned by at least one big business.
bro, IMHO, the president is nothing more than a well paid front man, that is ran by the rich and powerful, and told what to, and what not to say.

Now that my friend I agree with 100%.
That was my point from the beginning, Who is made president really does not matter.
Hard to come by this knowledge...but R's and D's are two sides of the same coin...but

...I wasn't ready and wasn't awake until AFTER working to get "W" RE-elected!

Because of the importance of:

A) the Supreme Court picks - that was BEFORE John Roberts

B) the spending of the D's versus the fiscal control of the R's - that was before spending $3 trillion more than we had.

C) Stopping the erosion of civil liberties - before "W" extended the Clinton assault weapons ban, passed the patriot act, extended the patriot act, started an internal lend-lease act with local law enforcement agencies - paving the way for drones, armored personnel carriers...not even counting the automatic small arms - decommissioned battlefield weapons...

D) protecting American borders - BEFORE he REFUSED to stop illegal aliens from becoming an epidemic and BEFORE a 10 years war that left us weaker than we were before - and I STILL think the war on terror was unavoidable.

I could go on, but I'm only depressing myself. I will do the expedient thing in order to stop a D from doubling down on all of this...but then again, I no longer believe the economic collapse which began under Bush and was made WORSE by Obama...can be avoided. Austerity means the lefties will riot, doing NOTHING will cause those on the right (who are meant to PAY for the mistakes they don't realize are mistakes), to consider rioting to staunch the bleeding-off of resources they worked to earn...

In the end...we are the "lamb invited to dine between the two wolves" that John Adams warned us would happen if we allowed the government to become too strong.

he said the only thing that would keep this at bay...was kf the lamb was well armed...and THAT delay might aid us until we have enough provisions - for at least a year.
im a bit of a conspiracy theorist myself, and have seen **** that would blow the minds of the normal sheeple.
that being said, watch the movie "Zeigeist the movie" and get back to me on that whole "if there wasnt a WW1 there wouldnt have been the crash of 29" thing. IMHO, it was set up.

I have seen the Zeigeist movies, and I love them all, they make very valid points however I believe they are slightly mislead.

The question of "if there is an economic collapse" is essiantially non-existant, the real question is "when the economic collapse happens" it is only a matter of time and personally I believe we are looking at a scale of 10-20 years before this takes place.

Once it does there WILL be another civil war, however the lines will not be as clearly defined as north vs. South like last time. Not to mention with all the enemies America has made we will more then likely also face a foriegn military invasion as well. I believe the only ones that may help the US government would be the Canadians and the Brits....everyone else will stand in awe as the giant falls...
I have seen the Zeigeist movies, and I love them all, they make very valid points however I believe they are slightly mislead.

The question of "if there is an economic collapse" is essiantially non-existant, the real question is "when the economic collapse happens" it is only a matter of time and personally I believe we are looking at a scale of 10-20 years before this takes place.

Once it does there WILL be another civil war, however the lines will not be as clearly defined as north vs. South like last time. Not to mention with all the enemies America has made we will more then likely also face a foriegn military invasion as well. I believe the only ones that may help the US government would be the Canadians and the Brits....everyone else will stand in awe as the giant falls...
I to believe that some degree of economic collapse is inevitable. However, I think it will happen sooner than 10 - 20 years.
I agree that many countries will be sitting on the sidelines waiting to take a piece of the USA. Some will do it as "pay back" most others are just opportunists.
America needs to definitely shore its self up starting yesterday! However, when the country continuously elects/reelects spineless politicians who think we should sit in a big ass circle singing kumbaya we are left to watch our defenses get decapitated.
For those who were swayed by zeitgeist: The Parallels Between Jesus and Horus: A Refutation

I might also suggest a production presented by a non-Christian called: The Daniel Project.

...I'm not sure what either has to do with the topic?

So, to get us back on track...check out what these folks (whom I check on often) have to say - and the irreverent ways they say it:


Bottom line, the longer it takes for it to get bad enough for (each of) you (who haven't started prepping yet) to think it's finally crossed the line...is more time for you to buy food...just START...something big is coming, and most won't see it until its too late...
For those who were swayed by zeitgeist: The Parallels Between Jesus and Horus: A Refutation

I might also suggest a production presented by a non-Christian called: The Daniel Project.

...I'm not sure what either has to do with the topic?

So, to get us back on track...check out what these folks (whom I check on often) have to say - and the irreverent ways they say it:


Bottom line, the longer it takes for it to get bad enough for (each of) you (who haven't started prepping yet) to think it's finally crossed the line...is more time for you to buy food...just START...something big is coming, and most won't see it until its too late...

There is more to the zeitgeist then religion, actually that is a small portion of it, most has to do with economics if you watch it all the way through and how (basically) the central bank runs america.
There is more to the zeitgeist then religion, actually that is a small portion of it, most has to do with economics if you watch it all the way through and how (basically) the central bank runs america.

It's the premise...I don't like any production seeking to earn your trust by marginalizing truth...in order to give you a new one.

I whole-heartedly agree with the idea that a central bank controls every nation, that they are privately held (and are not part of any Federal government). They do have something in common with the folks who produced zeitgeist - neither fears man, or God.
I have seen the Zeigeist movies, and I love them all, they make very valid points however I believe they are slightly mislead.

The question of "if there is an economic collapse" is essiantially non-existant, the real question is "when the economic collapse happens" it is only a matter of time and personally I believe we are looking at a scale of 10-20 years before this takes place.

Once it does there WILL be another civil war, however the lines will not be as clearly defined as north vs. South like last time. Not to mention with all the enemies America has made we will more then likely also face a foriegn military invasion as well. I believe the only ones that may help the US government would be the Canadians and the Brits....everyone else will stand in awe as the giant falls...
When the US economics colapses, there will be no help from any other countrys, And you know it, we crash they crash.
All economys are linked in todays world, The haves that invest in all of our stocks are from all over, our morgages are bundled and sold all over, its a giant web that the average person never takes the time to contemplate. Its global finances, everyone has been able to pad the effects from greece, let it be a major economic country and see what happens. It will be dominoes, the world is built like a house of cards, each one supporting each other some, some more than others.
Everyone else is tetering on the same edge as we are. Uk is a trillion in debt, so is china, lol
A crash here and people are starving in many parts of the world in a week, period.
A real crash somewhere else and we will soon follow, its that simple.
It is not like America is waiting for a heart attack, we have an infection, (like ganggreen, LOL) , it will be slow and methodical, then there will be a breaking point where it rapidly runs downhill. America will not amputate the socialist limbs that are killing it, so its terminal.
I have seen the Zeigeist movies, and I love them all, they make very valid points however I believe they are slightly mislead.

The question of "if there is an economic collapse" is essiantially non-existant, the real question is "when the economic collapse happens" it is only a matter of time and personally I believe we are looking at a scale of 10-20 years before this takes place.

Once it does there WILL be another civil war, however the lines will not be as clearly defined as north vs. South like last time. Not to mention with all the enemies America has made we will more then likely also face a foriegn military invasion as well. I believe the only ones that may help the US government would be the Canadians and the Brits....everyone else will stand in awe as the giant falls...
Yes the author makes valid points in Zietgiest the movies, however some, like the religious aspect of Christian history, has been disproven.
When the US economics colapses, there will be no help from any other countrys, And you know it, we crash they crash.
All economys are linked in todays world, The haves that invest in all of our stocks are from all over, our morgages are bundled and sold all over, its a giant web that the average person never takes the time to contemplate. Its global finances, everyone has been able to pad the effects from greece, let it be a major economic country and see what happens. It will be dominoes, the world is built like a house of cards, each one supporting each other some, some more than others.
Everyone else is tetering on the same edge as we are. Uk is a trillion in debt, so is china, lol
A crash here and people are starving in many parts of the world in a week, period.
A real crash somewhere else and we will soon follow, its that simple.
It is not like America is waiting for a heart attack, we have an infection, (like ganggreen, LOL) , it will be slow and methodical, then there will be a breaking point where it rapidly runs downhill. America will not amputate the socialist limbs that are killing it, so its terminal.

I agree with you there however one must keep in mind that although we are all teetering on the same ledge not all countries are as far over as the US. The US is barely hanging on by the finger tips...all the other countries are standing on the ledge looking over.

Once America falls, the other countries will follow suite, all that matters is how long it's going to take. Some countries are much better off then others.

Btw, love the gangreen comparison...very accurate.
Yes the author makes valid points in Zietgiest the movies, however some, like the religious aspect of Christian history, has been disproven.

That is patently false. You may say you think this to be so, or you believe it to be so, but if you are dismissing the concept OF truth...it simply cannot be so.

Perhaps you meant to add some type of qualifier? Because points can NOT be valid if they are based upon ungrounded, unsupported hearsay - especially between some egyptologists ,made-up parallels between Jesus and the demi-god horus....which renders any parallels baseless, groundless attacks on the morality the founders used to establish this country. The deliberate substitution of fiction in the place of fact, illustrate a deliberate effort to marginalize the current spiritual direction of the masses in order to implement the real manipulation.

Kind of what the Muslim Brotherhood might teach your children if you don't pay attention at school board meetings, or the tripe that progressives have taught you for years - all in an attempt to influence a new generation of little lefties they can manipulate in order to elect socialists.

Leave out a few facts,substitute some helpful lies...and no ones the wiser...especially if you can marginalize, minimize, and silence all opposition.
Now that my friend I agree with 100%.
That was my point from the beginning, Who is made president really does not matter.
QFT - except on their influence in social issues, which have direct impact on the moral character of the country.
I to believe that some degree of economic collapse is inevitable. However, I think it will happen sooner than 10 - 20 years.
I agree that many countries will be sitting on the sidelines waiting to take a piece of the USA. Some will do it as "pay back" most others are just opportunists.
America needs to definitely shore its self up starting yesterday! However, when the country continuously elects/reelects spineless politicians who think we should sit in a big ass circle singing kumbaya we are left to watch our defenses get decapitated.

Honestly I believe that we have approximately one to two years until we experience the start of the economic collapse, which will likely happen fairly quickly. I strongly believe that once Obama Care is put fully into play we will see people experience severe hardship and due to businesses already closing their doors, laying people off, and reducing people's hours just since the election 20 days ago, I can only begin to imagine what is going to happen. I know that things are going to get much worse before we can ever start to see them get better. I heard on Fox News Radio this morning that Obama is trying to make it where he can serve a 3rd term. If this happens and I'm not so sure it will/could then we are really all screwed with 8 years of increasingly worse than the first 4 years. I have seen the economy growing weaker and weaker and I have seen people slip into poverty and I fear that at the rate we are going we are all going to go through extremely tough and trying times. Like I said on election night after they called Ohio.... "Hang on tight! It's going to be a rough ride!" And then I began prepping!
That is patently false. You may say you think this to be so, or you believe it to be so, but if you are dismissing the concept OF truth...it simply cannot be so.

Perhaps you meant to add some type of qualifier? Because points can NOT be valid if they are based upon ungrounded, unsupported hearsay - especially between some egyptologists ,made-up parallels between Jesus and the demi-god horus....which renders any parallels baseless, groundless attacks on the morality the founders used to establish this country. The deliberate substitution of fiction in the place of fact, illustrate a deliberate effort to marginalize the current spiritual direction of the masses in order to implement the real manipulation.

Kind of what the Muslim Brotherhood might teach your children if you don't pay attention at school board meetings, or the tripe that progressives have taught you for years - all in an attempt to influence a new generation of little lefties they can manipulate in order to elect socialists.

Leave out a few facts,substitute some helpful lies...and no ones the wiser...especially if you can marginalize, minimize, and silence all opposition.
Do you mean me personally here? cuz i didnt for the movie, lol
Honestly I believe that we have approximately one to two years until we experience the start of the economic collapse, which will likely happen fairly quickly. I strongly believe that once Obama Care is put fully into play we will see people experience severe hardship and due to businesses already closing their doors, laying people off, and reducing people's hours just since the election 20 days ago, I can only begin to imagine what is going to happen. I know that things are going to get much worse before we can ever start to see them get better. I heard on Fox News Radio this morning that Obama is trying to make it where he can serve a 3rd term. If this happens and I'm not so sure it will/could then we are really all screwed with 8 years of increasingly worse than the first 4 years. I have seen the economy growing weaker and weaker and I have seen people slip into poverty and I fear that at the rate we are going we are all going to go through extremely tough and trying times. Like I said on election night after they called Ohio.... "Hang on tight! It's going to be a rough ride!" And then I began prepping!
One thing standing in his way is the 22nd Amendment to the US Constitution;

The Twenty-second Amendment of the United States Constitution sets a term limit for election to the office of President of the United States. The Congress passed the amendment on March 21, 1947. It was ratified by the requisite number of states on February 27, 1951.

Amendment XXII

Section 1.

No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once. But this article shall not apply to any person holding the office of President when this article was proposed by the Congress, and shall not prevent any person who may be holding the office of President, or acting as President, during the term within which this article becomes operative from holding the office of President or acting as President during the remainder of such term.

It took almost 4 years for this Amendment to be fully ratified an set into law. Therefore, it would be highly unlikely that he could overturn the 22nd Amendment during his term.
Considering the process required to add an Amendment I do not foresee it happening.

Here is process to create an Amendment found in Article V of the US Constitution;

Article V

The Congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of three fourths of the several states, or by conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the Congress; provided that no amendment which may be made prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any manner affect the first and fourth clauses in the ninth section of the first article; and that no state, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate.
Do you mean me personally here? cuz i didnt for the movie, lol

Not sure - maybe you can better define the disproven portion of Christian history to which you were referring?

As, I am not aware of any?
Not sure - maybe you can better define the disproven portion of Christian history to which you were referring?

As, I am not aware of any?
You know i ment the Zietgiest move Christian portion was disproven right? Not the bible accounts.

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