What is the plan

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New Friend
Nov 16, 2021
The world, the government and society and clearly collapsing.
All of us have survived mini disasters before in various categories and I think many of us have wondered what the big one would look like.
I have.
At the moment I'm not sure how to approach my plan and obviously have the simple things covered, however I'm interested to hear what others believe or have implemented in terms of an actual plan of attack should the unvaxxed begin to be herded into captivity (likely at this point)
What's the plan. Isolate?Keep moving?
Put everything into Storage and become nomadic or hunker down.
As a renter I feel vulnerable and exposed. I plan to move again as soon as I can but am not sure if this will lead to further unnecessary exposure. With a double attack of a virus and government overreach I am finding it harder to filocus on my best strategy so would appreciate your collective thoughts on this.
Thankyou so much.
I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm just going to cook some soups and eat some bread and desserts, and get all fat and sassy

This has become a trending video on social media now, with people recreating it in different scenarios. Love it.
The world, the government and society and clearly collapsing.
All of us have survived mini disasters before in various categories and I think many of us have wondered what the big one would look like.
I have.
At the moment I'm not sure how to approach my plan and obviously have the simple things covered, however I'm interested to hear what others believe or have implemented in terms of an actual plan of attack should the unvaxxed begin to be herded into captivity (likely at this point)
What's the plan. Isolate?Keep moving?
Put everything into Storage and become nomadic or hunker down.
As a renter I feel vulnerable and exposed. I plan to move again as soon as I can but am not sure if this will lead to further unnecessary exposure. With a double attack of a virus and government overreach I am finding it harder to filocus on my best strategy so would appreciate your collective thoughts on this.
Thankyou so much.
Isolate, keep to your small group, keep moving, stay out of cities
Can you get a RV or something similar where you can boondock? Get a portable septic, water tank you can refill and get out of civilization if you can.
...in terms of an actual plan of attack should the unvaxxed begin to be herded into captivity (likely at this point)
Totally unlikely. It's ridiculous even to think about. You will be isolated by laws restricting your movement and participation in normal activities, as we are seeing now. To circument this you have several options. Get infected with covid, which for the majority is no big deal, then you can be registered as having a natural immunity and will not be required to be vaxxed. You can fade a vaxx passport or the doctors' written letter, you can relocate way out in the boonies where it won't matter, but that's impractical for most people. Or you can bribe, threaten or coerce a local doctor to sign you off. The best choice here would be the local druggo doc, the one who always writes people up for whatever drugs they want and readily gives out certificates for illness or injury so people can scam their employers. I imagine an envelope with $1000 cash should do it.

The concentration camp idea is old and has been applied to so many past events it a meme at this point. Just do a mental exercise on the cost and logistics of placing 10% of the US population under lock and key and feeding them, caring for their medical needs, it's silly in the extreme. They can't even afford the jails for the criminals now.
A know a few people feeling the same way, Valkyrie.

I've been preparing for this for many years. I have a private, fully off grid rural retreat with good river frontage in southern NSW that I would relocate to. I've been visiting this retreat regularly during the lockdown, and only once saw a police checkpoint. There hasn't even been any checkpoints as I pass through the ACT. Too many people, too few cops to enforce lockdown, so zero chance of them forcibly detaining large numbers of people in camps.

When the people unite, the cops are powerless, as evident in Melbourne recently when the police ran away from protesters. My retreat is isolated, only one narrow dirt track in, but only 30 minutes from town. You can see part of it in my profile pic.
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Just do a mental exercise on the cost and logistics of placing 10% of the US population under lock and key and feeding them, caring for their medical needs, it's silly in the extreme.

Where did you get the idea they would feed or care for them?

A German once remarked: "We are now at the stage where 1/3 of the people would kill 1/3 of the people while 1/3 of the people watch."
Humans are the only species willing and able to kill FOR FUN...
Get away from absolutely anyone you would not be ready to marry or live with for a loooooonnnngggg time. big paul would probably agree with me on this one. No man or woman is a true "island" and forever self-sufficient. Everybody has limits, knowledge, skills and such to be a part of a functioning team, tribe, clan or family group. All such different abilities are needed in the future. Learn NOW, NOT LATER, those things you will need to be a functioning gear in the whole clockwork of a clan in the post SHTF scenario. Get your needed survival gear packed and ready to go on moments notice.
Get your vehicle prepped to run fast, get you health checked up for a "no-more-doctors" time. Get your head straight and be mentally fit for the worst case scenerio and the triple your worst nightmare of how it will really be!!!
If you cannot look in the mirror and like what you see as a human being whom you would like to live, thrive and survive with...WHY SHOULD ANYONE ELSE WANT TO????? Get right, get ready and get going! Gary
Where did you get the idea they would feed or care for them?

A German once remarked: "We are now at the stage where 1/3 of the people would kill 1/3 of the people while 1/3 of the people watch."

You could well be right there, that might happen in America. I was thinking from an Australian perspective. We have a different culture down here.
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Totally unlikely. It's ridiculous even to think about. You will be isolated by laws restricting your movement and participation in normal activities, as we are seeing now. To circument this you have several options. Get infected with covid, which for the majority is no big deal, then you can be registered as having a natural immunity and will not be required to be vaxxed. You can fade a vaxx passport or the doctors' written letter, you can relocate way out in the boonies where it won't matter, but that's impractical for most people. Or you can bribe, threaten or coerce a local doctor to sign you off. The best choice here would be the local druggo doc, the one who always writes people up for whatever drugs they want and readily gives out certificates for illness or injury so people can scam their employers. I imagine an envelope with $1000 cash should do it.

The concentration camp idea is old and has been applied to so many past events it a meme at this point. Just do a mental exercise on the cost and logistics of placing 10% of the US population under lock and key and feeding them, caring for their medical needs, it's silly in the extreme. They can't even afford the jails for the criminals now.

'Just do a mental exercise on the cost and logistics'
Think 2 Trillion would be a good start? (OIF/OEF costs....That we know of)
You could well be right there, that might happen in America. I was thinking from an Australian perspective. We have a different culture down here.
You're speaking from a country that had a White Australia policy for a long time. Aborigines were regarded as fauna until just a few decades ago. Also, have you ever been to Germany? They're lovely people there and look what they turned out to be capable of. When people are under stress and are divided into two groups, one of which is a scapegoat group, humans in all countries are capable of atrocities.
You've never owned a cat.
We were Cat Rescue fosters for seven years. We have fostered at peak, 24 cats at one time. I've forgotten more about cats than most know. We currently have five of our own. They do not kill for "fun", they kill out of instinct. But only if you're one of those that let your cats run around outside unsupervised, which is basically abuse.

We get it, you don't like cats.
No, I love cats. If you're coming from a belief that only humans can have fun and every other species does what it does out of instinct, then of course you are going to believe that cats can't have fun. My cat Juliet had fun tormenting, playing with, and finally killing mice (which were inside). And how on earth is it abuse to let a cat run around outside?
We have barn cats that found us. They are not supervised and keep mice out of the outbuildings, sleep in the rocking chairs on the front porch in the sunshine, and have a way to get in the warm basement in the winter. We do feed them, and they will take down mice (their job), and they are friendly, too. Recently a mama cat from another farm found our basement and brought two of her young ones along.
Going back to respond to Valkyrie's opening post . Those that didn't predict this or some SHTF event would likely happen eventually and prepare , starting years ago or indeed now facing horrific futures . I agree the SHTF event is now here and will continue to get much worse with no return to what we were enjoying 1 year ago . By just reading the posts on this subject can see the expected attitudes of some to just deny anything is wrong and continue the best they can as they always have and try to convince themselves things will return to the way things were . --- But to respond to the question . Prepare by buying a remote property with a natural water supply . From there start preparing for total self sufficiency . With good credit you will need only about 15% cash or collateral to buy your survival retreat . The land is what is important not any structure that may be or not be on the property . I bought my survival retreat by using my collateral and began with my wife and two children sleeping on the ground in a small tent , cooking over an open fire , washing our dishes in a creek and bathing in a creek . From that humble beginning have now grown to 3 board and nail houses , one guest cabin and have started on a 4th house on that property .
The world, the government and society and clearly collapsing.
All of us have survived mini disasters before in various categories and I think many of us have wondered what the big one would look like.
I have.
At the moment I'm not sure how to approach my plan and obviously have the simple things covered, however I'm interested to hear what others believe or have implemented in terms of an actual plan of attack should the unvaxxed begin to be herded into captivity (likely at this point)
What's the plan. Isolate?Keep moving?
Put everything into Storage and become nomadic or hunker down.
As a renter I feel vulnerable and exposed. I plan to move again as soon as I can but am not sure if this will lead to further unnecessary exposure. With a double attack of a virus and government overreach I am finding it harder to filocus on my best strategy so would appreciate your collective thoughts on this.
Thankyou so much.

Move whenever possible, away from large cities, away from military and police installations preferably to rough remote terrain where you can get away with growing your own in an emergency.
Water sources and forests are an advantage, even better natural shelters like caves or rocks.
The latter can be lifesaving, if in Australia as in Europe the government becomes a dictatorship they will hunt down anyone and everyone who opposes the dictatorship.
You can locate them with thermal imaging cameras from a great distance, and everything you have touched before glows, for this reason shelters are very good.
Depending on the situation, you can still consider fleeing to another country as far as possible, but you never know what the future holds for these countries.
Europe is a bad refuge, there are still certain states here where I would also consider this, but just wait too long with the flight this can become impossible or you are no longer welcome in the new country.

If there are disused railroad tunnels near you, it would be a consideration to use them, as well as road bridges, which are mostly hollow bodies and have maintenance access below. Observe your environment and find out what would be possible, but do it now, if you have nothing in your pocket when situation X occurs you are cannon fodder for the government, corrupted police and end up in a prison camp where you only have to do what the big boss wants.
Cats kill for fun and they enjoy doing it. To say they only do it because of instinct is like saying humans only mate because of instinct. Nature gave cats big brains and then felt sorry for the stupid humans. So it gave them hands to open doors for cats. I could see city slickers keeping their cats imprisoned. I live way out in the country. It would be very strange not to let them out. In fact I have been trained to do so.
Until we can talk to animals, we'll never know if they kill for "fun." There are plenty of animals out there that surplus kill. Cats are one of them.
In response to some of the earlier replies:
Buying rural land isn't easy in Australia, unless you have substantial cash reserves. Banks here will not lend on rural land unless it is under 100 acres AND has sealed road access and power connected, which are two features preppers do NOT want. Both my rural acreages I bought with cash. Prices here are now ridiculous. My 3 empty acres close to the ocean now worth $500k, my 40 riverfront acres with cabin in the mountains I just declined an unsolicited offer of $400k. One Aus dollar worth about .72 US dollar for comparison. Both my blocks in cheaper, more isolated areas.

As for taking refuge inside road bridges, be very careful. The internal top of the concrete piers of the bridges here are not covered, and some people have fallen to their deaths when exploring inside these bridges.
I still think having a well is preferred to a river or stream. The govt can damn those up.

Iranian police crack down as protests over dry river turn violent
Iranian police crack down as protests over dry river turn violent (yahoo.com)

Farmers last week protested in Isfahan province along the Zayandeh Rud Riverbed, which dried up after the government diverted the water to factories owned by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps.

I still think having a well is preferred to a river or stream. The govt can damn those up.

Farmers last week protested in Isfahan province along the Zayandeh Rud Riverbed, which dried up after the government diverted the water to factories owned by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps.

Excellent observation! It is easy to assume a creek or river will always be there. Deep wells and Springs are safer and more assured to provide you water no matter what. I feel very fortunate to have 3 Springs on our property.

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