What level is your Preparedness at?

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Proud Prepper

Prepper of all thing's
HCL Supporter
Mar 13, 2017
Top secret location in S. Louisiana and Arkansas
I got this from our other forum.

5 Levels of Preparedness

Level 0 Every Emergency is a Disaster

Less than 2 weeks of food in the home

No water purification system

No bug out bag

No defensive weapons

No way to produce their own food

No physical gold or silver

No tangible assets to barter

Level 1 Can survive two weeks of Minor Emergency (such as ice storm)

Have sufficient water and food for two weeks of emergency

Able to heat house for two weeks without relying on the power grid by use of the power grid

Able to cook their meals for two weeks without relying on the power grid

Has a first aid kit

Likely has no defensive weapons

Must leave their home after two weeks due to lack of preparation

Level 2: Can Survive One Month of an Emergency (such as major hurricane)

Likely has a portable power generator and sufficient fuel for one month of operation

Has handguns or shotgun to defend their home

Has a month’s work of canned goods to eat from

Has sufficient prescription medicines for 30 days

Has enough batteries for power a portable radio for 30 days

Level 3: Can Survive Three Months of an Emergency (such as martial law or impacting earthquake)

Has a deep-short term pantry

Likely has a water purification system

Likely has defensive weapon for each family member

Likely has some type of neighborhood safety watch or 24 hour security watch rotation at the home

Has stocked wood to burn in fireplace and/or iron stove

Has communication gear to keep track of local and world events

Has means to recharge batteries without relying on power grid

Has three months of prescription medications

Level 4: Can Survive One Year of an Emergency (such as currency devaluation, economic depression)

Has a deep short- and long-term food pantry

Likely has their own garden to produce food

Likely has small-sized farm animals to produce protein (chickens, goats, rabbits)

Has a deep supply of ammo (2000+ rounds per weapon)

Has a spare weapon in event of damage

Has mean to produce herbal medicines to replace prescriptions

Has a long-term store of antibiotics

Likely has dog for security watch

Has full 24 hour rotation of security watch on the home (requires 6 adults)

Show have secondary off-site storage of food, weapons, and ammo

Is ready to bug-out with full hiking and camping gear, if security situation degrades

Is able to educate their children at home

Level 5: Can Survive Indefinitely from Home during an multi-year SHTF or TEOTWAWKI situation

Has a fully functioning large garden or small farm for food production

Is able to can and store the results of food harvest for the coming year

Is able to harvest seeds for next year’s planting

Is able to raise multiple generations of farm animals (cattle, sheep, horses)

Has horses for local and distance travel

Has enough ammo to last a generation (10,000+ rounds per weapon)

Has spares of each weapon and lots of extra magazines

Able to generate their own fuel (bio-diesel, alcohol)

Likely has fully functional solar power bank with deep storage batteries

Has natural on-site water sources for farm and home

Has home-based business to generate income

Is able to build new building and make any necessary repairs to existing buildings

Is able to provide excess food for charity

Has a secondary residency (such as mountain cabin) for full bug-out

Is prepared for minor surgery and child birth at home

Has stores of gold and silver for barter

Is able to produce their clothing (from raw wool or raw cotton with spinning wheel and small loom)
I like this level approach.

Mine may have a few more levels. I may be at a level 8 on mine but a 4 on this one. Mine addresses the threats specifically to me.

A Great Way to think about it.
I'm good at level four except I don't have six adults here at the moment. And our one dog is pretty blind, and the other likes to eat chickens when he's let loose. I imagine that our adult kids will be here if things get bad, and they were raised well enough to handle things. So that would increase our security.
We are at level 4.5. No spinning wheel nor horses. Also no biofuel production, yet. Son has one he will be bringing.

Neighbor beside us has cattle and sheep as well as grow their own feed. They are long term mountain folks who have joined our group. We are investing in several eBikes soon, which will help us not require horses. I would highly suggest others take a look at them. Just got a sawmill, so we can make our own building materials. Will make a nice side business as well.
I'll never be a level 5, even if I had a windfall for various reasons. I like the rating system, though!

My personal opinion is that you don’t need to be at level 5. You only need to be adaptable and have a few decent neighbors who know how to farm. Blessings and protection from the Lord is tops!
I will not put my prep level out on the laundry line . However I find some serious prepper failures even on the level 5 way of thinking . Then again I think different than most folks , When I went into the military they gave a mental processing test to several hundred of us and then told every body to leave the room except me and 3 other guys . Then they said we had the mental aptitude they were looking for and asked if we would like to try to pass the physical requirement to enter Green Beret training . -- I suppose the level list is based on SHTF scenarios , that doesn't go into the dark realm of my mind .
I developed this preparedness score sheet years ago, based on my experiences as a professional safety manager. I use it in my classes.

There is no such thing as being “prepared. The threat matrix is constantly changing and the possible combinations of survival challenges (big and small) are endless. Preparedness is not a goal or destination, it is way of thinking and a life long journey. There is no truly accurate way of measuring preparedness. A wilderness survival “expert” will not last long in the inner city. Someone who is prepared for Armageddon may be caught off guard by a local tornado or home fire. The score sheet below measures you level of “general” preparedness for most “common” emergencies.

Circle all that apply. See bottom of page for scoring instructions

  • Shelter and Warmth
  • None of the items below
  • Have extra wool blankets or sleeping bags
  • Have tarps and plastic for sealing rooms or making shelter
  • Have tent for use outdoors or indoors
  • Have alternative (retreat) shelter that can be accessed.
Score _________​

  • Self-Protection and Defense
  • None of the items below
  • Have at least one handgun
  • Have firearms for home and street defense
  • Have had at least basic firearms defense training
  • Have advanced combat training and arms
Score _________​

  • Medical Supplies and First Aid
  • None of the items below
  • Have a basic first aid kit
  • Have a full advanced medical supply kit and basic first aid skills
  • Have stocked critical medications
  • Have advanced first aid, EMT or other medical training
Score _________​

  • Emergency Water Supplies
  • None of the items below
  • Have a few gallons of water stored
  • Have at least 5-gallons of water stored per person
  • Have water purification and filtration systems
  • Have the ability to collect filter and purify ground and rainwater

Score _________​

  • Emergency Food Supplies
  • None of the items below
  • Have sufficient pantry food for 5-10 days
  • Have at least 30-days’ supply of non-perishable foods
  • Have sufficient stored food and food production capacity for many months
  • Have the ability to forage, fish, hunt and produce food indefinitely

Score _________​

  • Alternative Energy and Light
  • None of the items below
  • Have a few flashlights and candles
  • Have crank and solar flashlights, radios
  • Have portable heaters and extra fuel
  • Have alternative energy supplies such as generators, solar panels or wind generators
Score _________​

  • Safety and Fire Suppression
  • None of the items below
  • Have working smoke and CO detectors and small extinguisher
  • Have several large fire extinguisher
  • Have been trained in fire extinguisher use
  • Have advanced fire suppression systems and water sources

Score _________​

  • Alternative Sanitation
  • None of the items below
  • Store a few gallons of bleach at all times
  • Have stocked up on bleach, soap, TP and other sanitation needs
  • Have emergency toilet and chemicals
  • Have N95 or better respirators, gloves and decontamination gear

Score _________​

  • Evacuation Capacity
  • None of the items below
  • Have a basic 72-hore evacuation pack
  • Have developed an evacuation plan and alternative routs
  • Have a full Bug-Out-Bag sufficient for 5-7 days without help in any weather
  • Fully capable of extended evacuation and survival

Score _________​

  • Field Survival Capacity
  • None of the items below
  • Have basic camping skills and gear
  • Always carry a survival kit and/or survival item in pockets when outdoors
  • Have attended outdoor survival classes (e.g. fire starting, shelter building, etc.)
  • Have participated in extended outdoor survival course or excursions

Score _________

Total Score ___________


a. = 0, b. = 1, c. = 2, d. = 3, e. = 4 for a maximum cumulative score of 10 per category or 100 total

Scoring is cumulative. In each category you can give yourself the accumulated points for the highest level. For example: Under Medical Supplies and First Aid, if you have “d.” for 3 points you get the points for “b.” (1-point) and “c.” (2-points) for a total score of six points.

0-20 points: Unprepared to survive most emergency situations

20-50 points: Prepared to meet the most common short term emergencies

50-75 points: Well prepared to survive sustained disasters

75-100 points: Advanced preparedness for long-term survival and recovery


  • PREPPAREDNESS SCORE Handout,714.pdf
    53.8 KB · Views: 0
I developed this preparedness score sheet years ago, based on my experiences as a professional safety manager. I use it in my classes.

There is no such thing as being “prepared. The threat matrix is constantly changing and the possible combinations of survival challenges (big and small) are endless. Preparedness is not a goal or destination, it is way of thinking and a life long journey. There is no truly accurate way of measuring preparedness. A wilderness survival “expert” will not last long in the inner city. Someone who is prepared for Armageddon may be caught off guard by a local tornado or home fire. The score sheet below measures you level of “general” preparedness for most “common” emergencies.

Circle all that apply. See bottom of page for scoring instructions

  • Shelter and Warmth
  • None of the items below
  • Have extra wool blankets or sleeping bags
  • Have tarps and plastic for sealing rooms or making shelter
  • Have tent for use outdoors or indoors
  • Have alternative (retreat) shelter that can be accessed.
Score _________​

  • Self-Protection and Defense
  • None of the items below
  • Have at least one handgun
  • Have firearms for home and street defense
  • Have had at least basic firearms defense training
  • Have advanced combat training and arms
Score _________​

  • Medical Supplies and First Aid
  • None of the items below
  • Have a basic first aid kit
  • Have a full advanced medical supply kit and basic first aid skills
  • Have stocked critical medications
  • Have advanced first aid, EMT or other medical training
Score _________​

  • Emergency Water Supplies
  • None of the items below
  • Have a few gallons of water stored
  • Have at least 5-gallons of water stored per person
  • Have water purification and filtration systems
  • Have the ability to collect filter and purify ground and rainwater

Score _________​

  • Emergency Food Supplies
  • None of the items below
  • Have sufficient pantry food for 5-10 days
  • Have at least 30-days’ supply of non-perishable foods
  • Have sufficient stored food and food production capacity for many months
  • Have the ability to forage, fish, hunt and produce food indefinitely

Score _________​

  • Alternative Energy and Light
  • None of the items below
  • Have a few flashlights and candles
  • Have crank and solar flashlights, radios
  • Have portable heaters and extra fuel
  • Have alternative energy supplies such as generators, solar panels or wind generators
Score _________​

  • Safety and Fire Suppression
  • None of the items below
  • Have working smoke and CO detectors and small extinguisher
  • Have several large fire extinguisher
  • Have been trained in fire extinguisher use
  • Have advanced fire suppression systems and water sources

Score _________​

  • Alternative Sanitation
  • None of the items below
  • Store a few gallons of bleach at all times
  • Have stocked up on bleach, soap, TP and other sanitation needs
  • Have emergency toilet and chemicals
  • Have N95 or better respirators, gloves and decontamination gear

Score _________​

  • Evacuation Capacity
  • None of the items below
  • Have a basic 72-hore evacuation pack
  • Have developed an evacuation plan and alternative routs
  • Have a full Bug-Out-Bag sufficient for 5-7 days without help in any weather
  • Fully capable of extended evacuation and survival

Score _________​

  • Field Survival Capacity
  • None of the items below
  • Have basic camping skills and gear
  • Always carry a survival kit and/or survival item in pockets when outdoors
  • Have attended outdoor survival classes (e.g. fire starting, shelter building, etc.)
  • Have participated in extended outdoor survival course or excursions

Score _________

Total Score ___________


a. = 0, b. = 1, c. = 2, d. = 3, e. = 4 for a maximum cumulative score of 10 per category or 100 total

Scoring is cumulative. In each category you can give yourself the accumulated points for the highest level. For example: Under Medical Supplies and First Aid, if you have “d.” for 3 points you get the points for “b.” (1-point) and “c.” (2-points) for a total score of six points.

0-20 points: Unprepared to survive most emergency situations

20-50 points: Prepared to meet the most common short term emergencies

50-75 points: Well prepared to survive sustained disasters

75-100 points: Advanced preparedness for long-term survival and recovery

It’s a start.

I prefer a threat based assesment plan better. A member here might not be able to get out his driveway for 3 weeks because of snow. To me it’s a small inconvenience for a day or two.

Better way to focus on what you need to do.
I got this from our other forum.

5 Levels of Preparedness

Level 0 Every Emergency is a Disaster

Less than 2 weeks of food in the home

No water purification system

No bug out bag

No defensive weapons

No way to produce their own food

No physical gold or silver

No tangible assets to barter

Level 1 Can survive two weeks of Minor Emergency (such as ice storm)

Have sufficient water and food for two weeks of emergency

Able to heat house for two weeks without relying on the power grid by use of the power grid

Able to cook their meals for two weeks without relying on the power grid

Has a first aid kit

Likely has no defensive weapons

Must leave their home after two weeks due to lack of preparation

Level 2: Can Survive One Month of an Emergency (such as major hurricane)

Likely has a portable power generator and sufficient fuel for one month of operation

Has handguns or shotgun to defend their home

Has a month’s work of canned goods to eat from

Has sufficient prescription medicines for 30 days

Has enough batteries for power a portable radio for 30 days

Level 3: Can Survive Three Months of an Emergency (such as martial law or impacting earthquake)

Has a deep-short term pantry

Likely has a water purification system

Likely has defensive weapon for each family member

Likely has some type of neighborhood safety watch or 24 hour security watch rotation at the home

Has stocked wood to burn in fireplace and/or iron stove

Has communication gear to keep track of local and world events

Has means to recharge batteries without relying on power grid

Has three months of prescription medications

Level 4: Can Survive One Year of an Emergency (such as currency devaluation, economic depression)

Has a deep short- and long-term food pantry

Likely has their own garden to produce food

Likely has small-sized farm animals to produce protein (chickens, goats, rabbits)

Has a deep supply of ammo (2000+ rounds per weapon)

Has a spare weapon in event of damage

Has mean to produce herbal medicines to replace prescriptions

Has a long-term store of antibiotics

Likely has dog for security watch

Has full 24 hour rotation of security watch on the home (requires 6 adults)

Show have secondary off-site storage of food, weapons, and ammo

Is ready to bug-out with full hiking and camping gear, if security situation degrades

Is able to educate their children at home

Level 5: Can Survive Indefinitely from Home during an multi-year SHTF or TEOTWAWKI situation

Has a fully functioning large garden or small farm for food production

Is able to can and store the results of food harvest for the coming year

Is able to harvest seeds for next year’s planting

Is able to raise multiple generations of farm animals (cattle, sheep, horses)

Has horses for local and distance travel

Has enough ammo to last a generation (10,000+ rounds per weapon)

Has spares of each weapon and lots of extra magazines

Able to generate their own fuel (bio-diesel, alcohol)

Likely has fully functional solar power bank with deep storage batteries

Has natural on-site water sources for farm and home

Has home-based business to generate income

Is able to build new building and make any necessary repairs to existing buildings

Is able to provide excess food for charity

Has a secondary residency (such as mountain cabin) for full bug-out

Is prepared for minor surgery and child birth at home

Has stores of gold and silver for barter

Is able to produce their clothing (from raw wool or raw cotton with spinning wheel and small loom)
This is a great evaluation tool for new preppers and old dogs alike. I personally have 3 covered, with several 4s and 5s as well. I believe in prioritizing everything, whether my decisions are based on storage, money, or resource constraints building a one month, one year, or forever plan in writing is a must.
Thanks for sharing Proud Prepper...

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