What's everybody doing today?

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There were scattered showers all day so I rested. I did get 2 loads of laundry done and made some H&S soup. I forgot to add bamboo shoots but they don't affect the flavor but I like the crunch though. I'm cooking rice at the moment. For some reason fried rice is better if I cook the rice the night before and leave it in the fridge. :)
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Still raining here, 2 days straight so far, but the water isn't coming into the bathroom through the ceiling so I think my repairs were sufficient in the short term :)
Ended up at urgent care with an infected thumb today, but got antibiotic and was out of there quick. Spent some time at the Menno Manor with mom, showing MIL and SIL around. Had 18 for "coffee break" breakfast this morning, and visited till noon. Just played Apples to Apples with family and grandkids...ready to go to bed after I finish a glass of wine. Tomorrow our last full day here. Will be sorry to leave.
Still raining here, 2 days straight so far, but the water isn't coming into the bathroom through the ceiling so I think my repairs were sufficient in the short term :)
When it's not raining it doesn't leak. So there you go! Lol

Ended up at urgent care with an infected thumb today, but got antibiotic and was out of there quick. Spent some time at the Menno Manor with mom, showing MIL and SIL around. Had 18 for "coffee break" breakfast this morning, and visited till noon. Just played Apples to Apples with family and grandkids...ready to go to bed after I finish a glass of wine. Tomorrow our last full day here. Will be sorry to leave.
It's good you enjoyed your stay. Family can be a blessing!
Be careful going back home.
Hello everyone and happy Easter :paintineggs: and Passover to everyone, how blessed we are by Jesus's sacrifice for our sins.

We started off the morning with DH watering half of one side of the house lawns with saved grey water from our showers and washing machine. Together DH & I restocked the kitchen pantries with tinned pears, lychees from our store room and did a mini stocktake on those to put on our perpetual shopping list and organised the food storage room a little. I then listened to some how to food storage videos and cooking tips from the LDS website and got a few good ideas from that.

Into the kitchen where we cooked a quadruple batch of double choc chocolate brownies weighing 2.19kg and a quadruple batch of honey, oat, almond,coconut and sultana granola weighing 2.8kg which should last us for a month or so. Then onto tidying up the kitchen which by this time resembled a disaster zone. DH washed the dishes and cleaned the benches and I wiped them and put them away.

Hope everyone has had an equally good day :) .
Now I'm going to be waiting for an update.

@backlash -- The officer that picked up the bones was nice enough to call yesterday and let me know they were determined to be all non-human animal bones. Good to know, I won't report suspicious bones again unless she shows up with a human-like skull sporting modern dental work.

She did have a jawbone with teeth in her collection and that sort of freaked me out until I got a better look and realized it was definitely not a human jaw.
Now I am wondering again what happened to the fellow that wandered off!

Well the Sheriff's department is going with the theory that he caught a ride and left the area (in other words, not their problem, but there is no evidence to suggest he actually did leave the area).

The man had dementia, was elderly, and had a history of hitch hiking and ending up in cities hours away. Plus his live in family had left him alone for a few days while they visited relatives and allegedly came back home to find him missing (with his phone and wallet left in the house). Could something have happened and been covered up? Possibly, and lord knows there hasn't been any effort to find him after the one day search.

If he did leave the area then where in the heck has he been for over a year? And why wasn't he identified? Frail elders do not disappear for over year without either dying or ending up in a facility/hospital of some kind, and even if he showed up 3 states away he should not be hard to identify whether living or dead seeing as how he is pushing 80 and there aren't very many people that age on missing person's lists.
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I washed my 511s and Polos, dried them, folded them and put them up for next week. I got a call from a Young Man from work. He asked to meet up and go over some TOPO maps with him. Earlier this month he asked if I could show him on maps where Ive seen Bear, in the areas up North. We spent 56 hrs in an 8X12 Bunker. We both hunt a lot. so for 56 hrs we shared Hunting stories. We met and I went over the sites on maps where Ive seen Bear over afternoon Coffee. It seems that every time I hunt Deer and Elk, I run into Bears. I have some Funny Bear stories, they weren't funny at the time, but Im still here. I checked to see if my New Chainsaw arrived, wont be here till Wed. next week. I got 4 Propane tanks filled. Had Lunch, then went to a Cigar store for a "1845 Partagas" in Maduro(Glass Tube). It was 92F today, Ill smoke the Cigar as the sun goes down, with a couple Beers. Other than that, just resting.
Last year I wasn’t able to care for my porch plants and they died. Today I started cleaning up all the pots, pulling out dead plant debris. I gave them a good drink of water so I need to watch for a couple of days to see if any roots survived. I intend to only grow 3 medicines this year and switch the rest over to kitchen herbs. So, my soil mixtures are going to be somewhat different. A trip to the little town is needed for tomorrow.
For some reason fried rice is better if I cook the rice the night before and leave it in the fridge. :)

For some reason refrigerating it overnight is actually in the directions for fried rice. :) It needs to be chilled and dehydrate a bit after cooking else it is clumpy and sticky when fried.

And I didn't do jack all day. I think I am getting a cold. Ugh. Recently bought some Top Care brand night time cold medicine (was on sale) and took some, sheesh that stuff will put you in a coma!

After about an hour it kicks in and sleep is no longer optional, it is mandatory. Either go lie down or do a face plant at the computer or wherever else you happen to be.
I will be heading to the range for a "First Shots" event. It is put on by the NSSF (National Shooting Sports Foundation) and the NRA through the local range. I might participate as an RSO (Range Safety Officer) but it is most likely to be a non-event like it has been in the past. In this farming community there are few people that have not fired a gun - regularly since they were about six years old. It starts at 9 am so I need to leave hear about 8:40.
Cleaned up around our garden area and planted zucchini, yellow squash and dill in the raised beds. Made 4 new wicking planters and are getting them ready. Actually got 3 finished and planted before running out of potting soil. Planted jalapeno x2 and red, green, and yellow bell peppers. My foot is griping, so I'm inside now for a rest and lunch. Will put water in the tubs and liquid fertilizer and be done. I might be getting a mite old for this, but its such a beautiful day!! I'll probably be sore tomorrow
Today I mostly moped around with a cold, snacked on junk food and watched crime videos caught on cctv (if you need a good dose of paranoia those videos will do it!).

The push lawn mower arrived (via fed-x) and I did set that up, then pushed it around a bit to see how it worked. Seems fairly decent. The weather is really nice and the dogs are in a mellow mood and content to just chill/nap (which is very appreciated when I don't feel good).

Think I will try to find a good drama movie on youtube.
Went to the little town this afternoon. I was looking for a bag of 8-8-8 fertilizer, couldn’t find one anywhere. I bought a few more plants at wm. They had Thai pepper plants. I’ve never grown any so I thought I’d give it a try.

I was complaining about not finding any triple 8 to my dad. Turns out he knew of a bag I had bought a couple of years ago. Whoops, guess I forgot. He even knew where I stored it. :oops:

Anyway, I now have the 3 medical plants I’m going to grow on the porch and plenty of pepper plants. Monday, I get all the pots finished and start setting everything out.

Tonight I’m watching “The Ten Commandments” with C. Heston and Yul Brynner. :)
Went to the little town this afternoon. I was looking for a bag of 8-8-8 fertilizer, couldn’t find one anywhere. I bought a few more plants at wm. They had Thai pepper plants. I’ve never grown any so I thought I’d give it a try.

I was complaining about not finding any triple 8 to my dad. Turns out he knew of a bag I had bought a couple of years ago. Whoops, guess I forgot. He even knew where I stored it. :oops:

Anyway, I now have the 3 medical plants I’m going to grow on the porch and plenty of pepper plants. Monday, I get all the pots finished and start setting everything out.

Tonight I’m watching “The Ten Commandments” with C. Heston and Yul Brynner. :)

Great movie first time I saw a movie in color at the drive or any where far as that goes was ' The Ten Commandments'. Technicolor.
Helped clean up work area of boat, cleaned house a little, cooked frozen pizza. Put off cleaning out fridge.
We went and picked up the granddaughters yesterday(Thursday) so they could spend the weekend with us. Got up this morning and cooked pancakes for them. After breakfast I went out and started working on the house. Have to take advantage of these two days in w@

Well! I don't know where I was going with that. I fell asleep trying to post last night again. I guess I'll finish it now! Haha!
Grandaughters wanted waffles this morning, so guess what I did. Made waffles, of course! After breakfast worked on the house all day.
That's about it!

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