What's everybody doing today?

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@UrbanHunter It's rats & mice & ants & roaches. One of the town judges stole some of the land from my friend's backyard and rents it out to people in trailers. They seem like meth-heads & we suspect the infestations are coming from them. Friend tried to get the land back, but the guy is a judge (a corrupt one at that) so he can't get anything done about it.

I'm thinking some steel wool coated in peppermint oil might help. We'll have to see.

I went to Samsclub yesterday to get water and milk. Forgot it was supposed to be mom's foot doctor appointment that day- they usually call the day before but they didn't. So she will have to call to reschedule.

I wanted to start a new sewing project but I don't have the right sort of needles. I need ball-point needles and none of the stores in the area carry them. Mom ordered some from Amazon though so I can try something out. I want to make thumbhole cuffs but with a half-thumb cover and I want to make the cuffs longer to cover the fingers more. I'm trying to figure out how to add that piece on while making the cuffs. I also need to review the video on how to hand-sew a zigzag stitch.

I'm trying to motivate myself to clean up in the kitchen. The air fryer (which I don't use) is filthy. I've had to clean the counter around it 5x this week because my brother keeps dripping stuff on the counter from it and not cleaning it up. I played around in Sketchup building the crib & dresser for my friend's nursery in more detail.
Walked first, then took DH to doc appt. 30 miles away. Just 6 month appt.

Came home and made yellow rice seasoning to last us 6 months or more. We use it in riced cauliflower, not regular rice.

Next, will clean baths and maybe put up Christmas shower curtain.

Bible study tonight.

And the tiller. Yikes! It would be fine to keep weeds down in an already tilled garden, but not to start one. There is not enough of me, so in the Spring, I will pay someone to till up both garden areas. Sigh
Wow, you have your place totally wired, Haertig. What do you do when the power goes out? Any non electric hobbies?
Took an hr long walk along the property line with husband. He rode the scooter, and I got some exercise. Went to the bigger amish bulk store in the next town and found some good stuff. Still putting it away.
Emptying dehydrators and refilling with more tomatoes. Planted more spinach in the greenhouse.
I finished the demolition so the kitchen area is ready to re-do the window.


Switched over to electrical mode to add led lighting to the basement.


I should run a wire to the circuit breaker panel tomorrow.

Found some shop lights on Amazon and got 5hem on order.

I also pulled the trigger on some C5 collets, collet blocks, and adjustable parallels for the machine shop.

Take care

I installed a new starter battery in my motorhome so now it will start. The old battery was manufactured in 2012 so I guess it was time. The guy at Interstate battery gave me 25% off. They normally give vets 20% but he said since it Veteran's day he gave me an extra 5% even though it's not company policy.
I bought a WIFI extender so I can get a signal farther away from the house.
We are getting a pretty good rain and more coming on the weekend so no outside projects.
Rainy today, rested during most of it. I did have to check some fences on the “big hill”. It’s not the tallest on the farm but incredibly steep. I hadn’t been up there in a couple years, since I fenced off this corner of the farm.

As soon as I finished the fence I started sowing seeds and transplanting medicinal plants, making my own medicinal plant preserve. The hill already had a great number of medicinals, now it has even more. Today I saw plants everywhere that I had planted.

The hill is covered in beautiful old oaks. The lower slopes are covered in Beech. I’d spend more time there if it weren’t such a pain to walk up.

I found a lighter pine stump (fatwood). Its about 3ft in diameter above ground which means it’s 4 to 5ft in diameter below ground. It sort of surprised me, I don’t remember seeing it before. I’ve been going up and down that hill for 60yrs, but never noticed that stump before.

Tv tonight, dinner is done. Feeling much better this evening too, solomon’s seal is doing it’s job as always.

lighter pine 1 01a.JPG

Edit to add... that's a coil of rope I carry sometimes, nice throwing rope.
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Today I had an appointment for a pulmonary function test. I always have a cough and am very short of breath when walking. It preliminarily showed restrictive lung disease but the pulmonary doctor needs to read it. I’m overweight so I’m sure that’s some of my problem.
Tomorriw I have my 6 month doctor’s appointment and take a dog and cat to the vet for their annual checkup/vaccines.
Sorry, winds of change. Husband has pulmonary issues and they are a pain to deal with. He goes to pulmonary rehab at the hospital three times a week, and he uses a mobility scooter so he doesn't miss out on things, he can't walk very far.
Tomorrow is take mom to the doctor's for a recheck on how she is doing on an increase to her dementia meds. I don't think it helped. She can't remember even going 4 weeks ago. Hopefully she'll watch her mouth this time. She also wants to go to Walmart afterwards to get more small brown shag rugs, like the one I already got her last month (I didn't). The turkey dinner and auction is tomorrow night in town. Proceeds go to the amish medical relief fund. It's always a good dinner. No cooking for me!
We all went and got our flu-shot today.
I expect the myocarditis to start any minute now :rolleyes:.

Just found out that my nephew has developed myocarditis after his second shot and is in the hospital. He's 19 and was already dealing with another heart issue. He didn't want to get vaccinated but the college required it
That's probably because you'll be tapping into the Ogallala Aquifer, which Texas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico have been pumping the heck out of for all these many years, when we lived in the panhandle of Texas, some of the wells for center feed irrigation were down over 600 feet.

That one is on the eastern edge of NM. I'm on the western edge. We're down 440ft and just a trickle so far.😭
Processing more pumpkins into purée while watching the trial. At this point I hate pumpkins but still determined to get them all preserved for the rest of the year. 😂

Want to come do the rest of mine? They are sitting on the table looking at me :)

It poured last night but looks like it will be ok today , but other than the pumpkins I have nothing major to do , well other than taking care of the animals which is an everyday thing.
I do need to get extra bedroom ready for daughter and husband for Thanksgiving, but they never know if they get leave until the day before they come so I will wait a while with that. No point if their leave gets cancelled.
Walked up our mountain again yesterday with the dogs , but didn't climb to top, just to the part where it gets super steep . Walked down on a logging road that comes out half mile down the road from us. It's nice right now with all the colorful leaves and the weather is perfect. Plus I have time.
Just found out that my nephew has developed myocarditis after his second shot and is in the hospital. He's 19 and was already dealing with another heart issue. He didn't want to get vaccinated but the college required it

Our son had to get it too but thankfully he was ok ( other than fainting from the shot) . I am surprised your nephew could not get a medical exemption if he already has a heart problem. My daughter got one in the Navy because she had an allergic reaction to a vaccine before. But she decided to get one anyway and went to the hospital to get it so they were ready in case something happened. Nothing did, she was not allergic.
Hope your nephew gets better , so sorry.
Our son had to get it too but thankfully he was ok ( other than fainting from the shot) . I am surprised your nephew could not get a medical exemption if he already has a heart problem. My daughter got one in the Navy because she had an allergic reaction to a vaccine before. But she decided to get one anyway and went to the hospital to get it so they were ready in case something happened. Nothing did, she was not allergic.
Hope your nephew gets better , so sorry.

He was told no vax, no classes, no exceptions.
Which vaccine did your nephew get? I got the Pfizer one and should be scheduling my booster. I'm overweight, have mitral valve prolapse, heart murmur, and other issues but the only side effect from the vaccine was soreness in the arm (lasted maybe a few hours) and fatigue the next day. A couple weeks after I got some vertigo but it passed within about a day. The vertigo could have been unrelated to the vaccine though.

I cleaned up in the kitchen yesterday-- still have more to do but needed a break. More trash had spilled on the floor. Trash bag is over-full but I can't lift it out of the trash can bc my back & shoulder suck. I've asked my brother to take it out so I can start on a new bag and clean up more. He's been throwing trash all over the floor for months. He just informed me that my friend wants me to come get some of my tools from his house. I've been letting him borrow them and wanted to take them back but I didn't want to take stuff he might still need to use. I'll bring my new rolling tool bag over to put stuff in since I think my big-mouth bag is stuffed already. I just pestered my brother to take the trash bag out. He's not feeling great-- sinus headache.
Wow! Busy again!

Walked first and then walked dogs.

Started making banana breads for fundraiser. I'll give a count tomorrow. Don't even know how many are in oven. Started it this morning and paused before adding baking soda and salt.

Planted collards and cauliflower plants.

Ran to town for a couple items.

Back to finish banana breads and get in oven.

Lots of re-arranging in between.

Washed shower curtain and put up Christmas shower curtain.

It's about time to fix dinner.
Busy day at work. Got hung up in bad traffic on the way home. Stopped by the local fun store. There ammo selection was much improved. Still have holes and not a lot of bulk, but other than 30-30, and revolver calibers most other stuff was there. Even saw some .303. Been 2 years since I saw that. Left there and went to rural King and got a couple more cans for fuel. Heading to Co Op for diesel fuel tomorrow
Why are you laid up, Magus?
Just finished with the dinner for the amish relief medical fund. Ate way too much. Traditional Thanksgiving meal was served, along with pie and homemade ice cream. Visited with a bunch of cousins. Saw some old friends from Wichita come in and they sat with us. They are getting older, no kids, invited them to come over for Thanksgiving dinner. They can help entertain mom and my cousin Wanda. Hate to see anyone alone for Thanksgiving.
Taking my daughter and her two friends to watch a play at the high school tonight...
Well, that was relatively fun. It was a musical, "The Drowsy Chaperone". It was full of asides and mildly inappropriate humor. I was quite impressed at how well these local high schoolers can sing! We only have about 250 kids in our high school, so it's not a deep talent pool to draw from. But the kids were great. I acted in musicals in high school and college, and it made me wish I could do it one more time...
So we did meet the Sheriff candidate. Nice guy and down to earth. The politician was a call in. He is running for governer. We liked what he had to say. His ideas were so good he probably will not win. You know holding people accountable, audits and fiscal responsibility.
My oldest son is up for the long weekend. Took, my GF and her two daughters for a long ride through the hills in southwest Utah. Disappointed we didn't see any deer, but we did see a bobcat. It was standing in the road as I cam around a bend. It waited a bit then slowly walked to the side of the road where it sat down and stared at us. I made a squeaking sound and it stood up for a minute than sat back down. A couple pictures are attached. Probably a 5 hour drive from 1pm on and only saw a few birds, some cattle, and the bobcat. No deer, no rabbits, no jack rabbits, Pleasant day in the hills but sad at the lack of wildlife.
Which vaccine did your nephew get? I got the Pfizer one and should be scheduling my booster. I'm overweight, have mitral valve prolapse, heart murmur, and other issues but the only side effect from the vaccine was soreness in the arm (lasted maybe a few hours) and fatigue the next day. A couple weeks after I got some vertigo but it passed within about a day. The vertigo could

My sister had the Madera but I'm not sure which he got.
No walk today! Very cool and windy.
Taking a large banana bread (tube pan size) along with hot chocolate packets to City Hall for volunteers to enjoy after City clean up. I was going to participate, but cold AND windy doesn't keep me well.
Will do an exercise video at some point instead of walk.
Have to dust house and wash living room window at dog viewing port. LOL
May decorate two little Christmas trees from a yard sale that I put in bedroom. No lights, just little decorations.
Might grill some pork chops later if the wind lets up some- or tomorrow.
Spent Tuesday through Friday at a conference in Kerrville. Good to get home last night. 6 hour drive. Got home and husband helped me unload truck. I told him not to laugh that I carried a gallon of water, pinto beans and rice with me. I wasn’t going to but last minute I put them in back seat. Know I can’t walk 400 miles home. He didn’t say a word. He thinks I am off my rocker anyway. We then went to visitation at funeral home. Have a visitation today at big town at 1 then hustle home to drop husband off and go to a wedding at 4. Excited as I have lost enough weight to get into my dress clothes now. Been fasting for about 7-8 weeks. No chocolate! Tomorrow church and then 2 grands participating in Fiddler on the Roof play at 3. I have no time to do anything. Fortunately none of my plants froze and all animals were still alive. He did call me to tell me his cat came home but is stove up and I had a beautiful heifer calf born while I was gone. First year heifer and she didn’t need assistance. The Maine-Anjou influence from 3 generations back are strong in her black with white markings. I told him a few look bred but he insists they are dry. He wants me to sell out due to my age.

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