What's everybody doing today?

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This morning I gased up the truck and some of the storage cans, picked up some fresh fruit and dry beans at the grocery store. Will try to do a repeate of the chili canning today.... need to mow the lawn this afternoon.... Will need to try to make sure we have something planned for dinner (we keep forgetting that till the last minute)
Assemble the mower lift I've bought, age dictates me working smarter not harder. Raise the front of the mower, scrape the crud from the underside of the mower deck and install new blades. Now that I have two sets of blades I can have one set on hand fo the next swap.

Mow the yards.

One of the wife's girlfriends called. She's a recent widow with no close family. Widow has a washer and dryer scheduled for delivery this afternoon. She wants the door between the garage and washroom removed to allow for the delivery. Widow asked the wife, wife asked me, yea I'll do that. Wife is a bit miffed because she'll have to come with me, not proper (IMHO) to be alone with another woman.
We do the same here, Lazy L. If husband is driving one of my cousins home, I have to go with, or send our grandkids. I was without a car for a short time during our family reunion last week...husband went to pick up the kids after school and bring them over. We were taking a "field trip" to my great grandpa's old house, and I blew it by asking my cousin Harry for a ride in his buggy before I realized it was inappropriate. Ended up riding with someone else in a truck with other people.
Ended up with some "bug" again yesterday. Almost feels like covid, but oh well, maybe just a bug. Daughter and her boyfriend fly back home to New Mexico today. We'll miss them.
So far this morning, I haven't done much of anything.
Put away clean dishes.
wiped down cabinets.
Set all the plants that are normally on the front porch out where they can get some much needed rain.
Went for 2 short 10 minute brisk walks.
Will have to get something going in the crock pot soon.
So I will have something hot to eat later.
Listening to the silence, that is something I will have to get use too.
Sooner than later.
Estelle started preschool this week.
Mo, I hope your dad will be ok. I lost mine in 2009 and was devastated.

My friend's gf invited her brother & his family to come stay at my friend's house (w/o consulting my friend first) so he's got a pile of people sleeping on his couch. Friend is still feeling weak and short-of-breath after Covid despite testing negative.

The kitten I took to the vet in July was doing worse again. His eyeball ruptured but I didn't find out until vet was closed yesterday. I took him in this morning. Not only was the eye ruptured & socket infected, the other eye is still needing medicine/cleaning, his front paws were swollen & infected (leaking pus), and one of his ears was infected (leaking pus). My friend did kill the bot fly and get it out of the poor thing's neck though. But that poor baby must be miserable. They cleaned him up thoroughly and gave him antibiotics. I held him and comforted him for awhile after before taking him back to my friend's house. If I had a place to keep him I would have brought him home. Friend promised he'd keep him inside, give him eye meds 2x daily, and rinse his front paws daily.

It was hot as hell this morning so it sapped my energy. I hope everyone else is having a good day.
Survived Saturdays trip to Vegas for the cars. took 4 hours to get them on the trailer and dolly instead of the 2 hours I was hoping for, and it was 109+ and I was working in the sun. My truck doesn't have working AC so it was a long hot drive home. Bought a bag of ice and put it on my lap while driving and drank plenty of ice water.
Sunday I unloaded the cars and parked them in the garage.
Yesterday I returned the rental trailer and dolly and ran a few errands in town then took the evening off and relaxed in a chair. Slept great last night.
Rain possible today and tomorrow so put a new tarp over the horse food. Taking a break now to pay some bills then I will straighten up the garage the rest of the day.
Survived Saturdays trip to Vegas for the cars. took 4 hours to get them on the trailer and dolly instead of the 2 hours I was hoping for, and it was 109+ and I was working in the sun. My truck doesn't have working AC so it was a long hot drive home. Bought a bag of ice and put it on my lap while driving and drank plenty of ice water.
Sunday I unloaded the cars and parked them in the garage.
Yesterday I returned the rental trailer and dolly and ran a few errands in town then took the evening off and relaxed in a chair. Slept great last night.
Rain possible today and tomorrow so put a new tarp over the horse food. Taking a break now to pay some bills then I will straighten up the garage the rest of the day.
And this is what you call taking it easy after surgery? Do we need to have a talk with your Dr.? 🤨
My friend reported that the kitten is exhausted after the vet trip. Poor little guy is sleeping on the floor in front of the fan.
He weighed 1lb when I brought him to the vet in July. He weighs a little under 2lbs now. Hopefully he'll get better. Vet said there's a chance his ruptured eye could be absorbed into his body and that the eye opening will heal on it's own.

For now the air is very still outside and the sky is pretty. Nice blue with puffy white clouds. Too bad it's so damn hot out there. LOL.
Mo, I hope your dad will be ok. I lost mine in 2009 and was devastated.

My friend's gf invited her brother & his family to come stay at my friend's house (w/o consulting my friend first) so he's got a pile of people sleeping on his couch. Friend is still feeling weak and short-of-breath after Covid despite testing negative.

The kitten I took to the vet in July was doing worse again. His eyeball ruptured but I didn't find out until vet was closed yesterday. I took him in this morning. Not only was the eye ruptured & socket infected, the other eye is still needing medicine/cleaning, his front paws were swollen & infected (leaking pus), and one of his ears was infected (leaking pus). My friend did kill the bot fly and get it out of the poor thing's neck though. But that poor baby must be miserable. They cleaned him up thoroughly and gave him antibiotics. I held him and comforted him for awhile after before taking him back to my friend's house. If I had a place to keep him I would have brought him home. Friend promised he'd keep him inside, give him eye meds 2x daily, and rinse his front paws daily.

It was hot as hell this morning so it sapped my energy. I hope everyone else is having a good day.
No zannej,
My dad will not get better.
But thank you just the same.
Sorry about your dad, MO. And sorry about the kitten Zannej!
A friend let me borrow mobile Hotspot so I have internet for a few days. We got power back on yesterday evening. No wifi. At least I can pay bills tomorrow! We lost a sheet of tin from roof of shed. No flooding in house.
Sorry about your dad, MO. And sorry about the kitten Zannej!
A friend let me borrow mobile Hotspot so I have internet for a few days. We got power back on yesterday evening. No wifi. At least I can pay bills tomorrow! We lost a sheet of tin from roof of shed. No flooding in house.
Glad you're safe snappy1.
Thank you snappy1.
I appreciate it.
Been trying to get ready for my oldest son's( Estelle's daddy) wedding in October.
But my heart is heavy right now.
My dad is very ill.
Everything I try to make a dress for the wedding turns to crap.
Have attempted 3 dresses, all three are a bust, nothing fits properly.
I have lost a bunch of weight due to stress about my dad.
This is the reason, I haven't been on the forum lately.
I will try to ask my sister (she as my mother were trained seamstess) to see if she can offer a suggestion.

But speaking as an engineer son of my mother...

Could you choose the best of the three dresses and and decide where fabric needs removed or added?

Rip open the required seams and add or remove to get it closer to what you want?

Repeat the adjustment untill you get it the way you want. Then rip out the seams and use the parts to make a custom pattern.

I have seen my mother and sister tear apart suit coats etc to make patterns, put the original back together then make new ones.

How about a trip to a thrift shop and find something that fits you good and use that to make a pattern?

I will leave out the story of my mother (5' 10") designing a brassier that fit back in the day when bullet bras were all the thing.

I will try to ask my sister what she can say.

Flooding flooding near flooding then more flooding flooding and flooding.

We have had a band of heavy rain moving from the west not associated with Ida. We have to wait until tomorrow for her to show up.

Before I finished my coffee The Princess informed me the was a pond of water in the basement (flood 1). I went to my shop to fetch the shop vac and discovered more than an inch of water (flood 2). Cleared the floor drain and it sucked down.

Vacuumed the basement then off to the remodel to check the conditions there. Sump pump was not keeping up due to some kinks in the hose. Fixed the kinks then brother and I replaced with a better hose and was watching the pump keep up (near flood) when the phone rang.

Water was pouring into the basement office (flood 3). The Princess had her pants rolled up to her knees standing ankle deep in water cradling her laptop moving upstairs to work. The drainage ditch beside the house was fouled producing a pond in the side yard. Shoveled out the trench and vacuumed so much water I lost track of how many times i dumped the vac but my back tells me too many times.

While sucking up the water in the office brother called to let me know he had to handle some flooding at the rental property. Turns out that landsacaping issue caused by Karen a few weeks ago did what I feared and washed out the decorative gravel from a path onto the deck and overwhelmed the french drains (where am I may be flood 4?).

Turns out he was on a call directing traffic around a car stranded in highwater from the big stream at the bottom of our hollow (flood 5).

I am headed out to see it my trench needs shoveled again.

And Ida is still not here yet.

I will try to ask my sister (she as my mother were trained seamstess) to see if she can offer a suggestion.

But speaking as an engineer son of my mother...

Could you choose the best of the three dresses and and decide where fabric needs removed or added?

Rip open the required seams and add or remove to get it closer to what you want?

Repeat the adjustment untill you get it the way you want. Then rip out the seams and use the parts to make a custom pattern.

I have seen my mother and sister tear apart suit coats etc to make patterns, put the original back together then make new ones.

How about a trip to a thrift shop and find something that fits you good and use that to make a pattern?

I will leave out the story of my mother (5' 10") designing a brassier that fit back in the day when bullet bras were all the thing.

I will try to ask my sister what she can say.

Sister agreed and added...

Use muslin because it is cheap.
Make it larger then pin it up.

Make sure have room to dance and hug people.

Mo, I'm very sorry. :-( It always sucks when someone is slipping away & there's nothing you can do to stop it but wait and hope they don't suffer. Had that happen with family and close friends. It always sucks.
On the dress thing, I hope you will be able to get it to work. I can't offer any advice on that front.
Snappy, I'm glad you're ok. Hope you will be able to get power back soon.
Ben, Oh no! Flooding is no good but I'm glad your wife is OK and the laptop isn't in the water. Hoping Ida won't hit you guys hard.

My calico kitty has decided to be my lap buddy right now. Her name is Aminatu and we call her Ahmin-not-too-bright.

Something I forgot to mention: The bot fly thread helped because I was able to give my friend advice from it to get the bot fly out of the poor little kitten pictured in another post above.
I will try to ask my sister (she as my mother were trained seamstess) to see if she can offer a suggestion.

But speaking as an engineer son of my mother...

Could you choose the best of the three dresses and and decide where fabric needs removed or added?

Rip open the required seams and add or remove to get it closer to what you want?

Repeat the adjustment untill you get it the way you want. Then rip out the seams and use the parts to make a custom pattern.

I have seen my mother and sister tear apart suit coats etc to make patterns, put the original back together then make new ones.

How about a trip to a thrift shop and find something that fits you good and use that to make a pattern?

I will leave out the story of my mother (5' 10") designing a brassier that fit back in the day when bullet bras were all the thing.

I will try to ask my sister what she can say.

Thank you Neb.
I have been busy with one dress today.
Don't have enough fabric to make it a bit longer.
But it will make a nice blouse.
I am in between size 12 to size 14 depending on the pattern.
I don't have much luck with Butterick patterns they always need lots of adjusting.
My shirts are size 12.
My pants range from size 8 to size 12 depending on fabric.
But thank you for wanting to ask your sister.
I appreciate it just the same.
And this is what you call taking it easy after surgery? Do we need to have a talk with your Dr.? 🤨
You can if you would like. I can send you the number. I called to make my 2 week follow up appointment and they said I had to fill out a personal profile online and then the next day I could call them back to schedule an appointment. Sooo, I am not doing a follow up. I got the hospital bill today, I probably wont be visiting any doctors again until they make affordable healthcare affordable again.
You can if you would like. I can send you the number. I called to make my 2 week follow up appointment and they said I had to fill out a personal profile online and then the next day I could call them back to schedule an appointment. Sooo, I am not doing a follow up. I got the hospital bill today, I probably wont be visiting any doctors again until they make affordable healthcare affordable again.
Sorry, but that reminded me of a sorta funny story. First, please take care of yourself. Second, my Grandpa was 1 of 6 children. They all had their tonsils out. The local doc. had an ongoing special get 2 sets of tonsils out and the 3rd set was free. So the 3 oldest kids all got their tonsils out (for the price of 2) then a few years later the second 3 got their tonsils out - yep still for the price of 2.
The kid is having her endoscopy right now. Her dog is NOT happy about her human being behind the door she can't go through.

Hubby said I need to hurry home tomorrow because Ida will be there around 3:00. I laughed and said Texas was between us and the hurricane! He said Ida, our neighbor..... Oops, I forgot about her.😂
Another day recovering from covid , but I'm recovering.
Feeling better each day, but the weakness is hard to deal With . I got so much to do.
I can only work lightly for 3-5 minutes then rest 3-5 minute. Talked to several people that had it , and they all say weeks to months of this weakness. I guess it's better than the alternative.

Anyway been on the phone all morning with power and water company , all will go into my name on September 10th . That's our closing date on the farmhouse. AND our 55th anniversary.😍🥰

Then we close on our farm on September 30th.
But can't get a mover for all the large items until October 18th , unless there's a cancellation.
Buyer gave me all the time I need after closing..

So gotta get busy moving boxes and small items.

I think I'm gonna survive😊

Finished my 8 days on yesterday, now starting my 6 days off. Haven't done squat today except drink coffee. My landlady is getting the outside of the building refurbished, doing siding and replacing the worst of the windows. The crew is making a lot of noise stapling sheets of Tyvek on 3 sides of the building right now, so I'm not going to get a nap. But the siding was in really bad shape and the north window was so old and drafty that ice would form on the inside when it got windy during winter. So this should be a nice upgrade.

Wonder if my rent will go up when it's all done? Hope not, but I won't be too mad if it does. Landlady hasn't increased it since I moved in 5 years ago, and she could probably raise it 25% and it would still be a good deal...
Another day recovering from covid , but I'm recovering.
Feeling better each day, but the weakness is hard to deal With . I got so much to do.
I can only work lightly for 3-5 minutes then rest 3-5 minute. Talked to several people that had it , and they all say weeks to months of this weakness. I guess it's better than the alternative.

Anyway been on the phone all morning with power and water company , all will go into my name on September 10th . That's our closing date on the farmhouse. AND our 55th anniversary.😍🥰

Then we close on our farm on September 30th.
But can't get a mover for all the large items until October 18th , unless there's a cancellation.
Buyer gave me all the time I need after closing..

So gotta get busy moving boxes and small items.

I think I'm gonna survive😊

Both Congrats! And Happy Anniversary!
Finished my 8 days on yesterday, now starting my 6 days off. Haven't done squat today except drink coffee. My landlady is getting the outside of the building refurbished, doing siding and replacing the worst of the windows. The crew is making a lot of noise stapling sheets of Tyvek on 3 sides of the building right now, so I'm not going to get a nap. But the siding was in really bad shape and the north window was so old and drafty that ice would form on the inside when it got windy during winter. So this should be a nice upgrade.

Wonder if my rent will go up when it's all done? Hope not, but I won't be too mad if it does. Landlady hasn't increased it since I moved in 5 years ago, and she could probably raise it 25% and it would still be a good deal...

If I have a good tenant in my condo, who pays the rent on time, doesn't PO the neighbors, takes out their trash, and informs me of potential problems before they get to be big problems, I don't raise the rent on them while they are in residence. The rent gets raised after they leave, generally about every 4-5 years. Good tenants saves one money and hassles.

Only once has a tenant not paid on time. They informed me before the rent was due, stated they had been laid off and were starting a new job but wouldn't get paid for two weeks. I gave them a reprieve and they made good. That was better then bouncing the rent check and leaving me hanging. The wife was still working so they had some money but not enough to pay the rent on time that month.

They are on their third year and if they asked for another such break, I would give them one. You play nice with me and I will play nice with you.
The last band of rain from Ida passed minutes ago. All of the roads along streams have been closed at one point or another. We got 8 inches of rain over the last 2 days.

On a positive note I did a good idea of how I can improve the drainage outside my place. The Princess observed that once again another project involving a shovel is added to my list.

I did manage to use the high roads to get a new eye glass lenses. My double vision had drifted a bit and I am already enjoying the new prisms and being able to use 2 eyes to see.

I will be running the shop vac some more before the day is done.

The other good news is the heat has passed with Ida . Highs in the 70s for the next few days. Excellent digging weather!

I have 2 Doctor's appointments Thursday.
One Doctor's appointment on Tuesday.
Trying to get caught up on inventory lists.
Dishes are done.
Will do up small load of laundry this afternoon.
Making huge grocery list for the next payday.
Hadn't realized how much food I used lately.
Hadn't bought much in about 6 months or more.
Been using my stores.
If I have a good tenant in my condo, who pays the rent on time, doesn't PO the neighbors, takes out their trash, and informs me of potential problems before they get to be big problems, I don't raise the rent on them while they are in residence. The rent gets raised after they leave, generally about every 4-5 years. Good tenants saves one money and hassles.

Only once has a tenant not paid on time. They informed me before the rent was due, stated they had been laid off and were starting a new job but wouldn't get paid for two weeks. I gave them a reprieve and they made good. That was better then bouncing the rent check and leaving me hanging. The wife was still working so they had some money but not enough to pay the rent on time that month.

They are on their third year and if they asked for another such break, I would give them one. You play nice with me and I will play nice with you.
That is the tenant I've tried to be. Other than a couple misunderstanding about what my responsibilities were concerning the building, that happened early in my time here, everything has been good.

Like I said, if the rent goes up some, it's not a big deal because I know I've got a good thing going. Now, if it goes up $250, that's a different story, but I can't see that happening. But a $250 raise would put my rent in line with other similar properties around here...

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