What's everybody doing today?

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Had a long fieldwork day; left at 6 am and got home just before 6 pm. Took dog for a long walk; now I'm sitting here watching the severe weather stream on youtube and praying that the big mess in Wisconsin dies out when it hits that beautiful Lake Michigan. Feeling so bad for the folks impacted by all these terrible storms, the videos of the tornado damage is just heartbreaking.
Yesterday a friend and I drove down to visit an Amish greenhouse - they always have wonderful flowers at good prices - and ended up driving through a nasty little squall that blew up out of nowhere. Passed a fellow sitting on the side of the road with the rear of his pick up 2' above the ground. It was still attached to a camper that was upside down in the ditch. That must have been a fright, so glad the truck didn't flip too!
Hope y'all are safe; please take care of yourselves.
Got part of the stuff planted in the garden today. Taking a vacation day tomorrow to finish up. Picked the hottest day of the year to get this done. But the ground finally dried up, it was just about perfect and the signs were perfect. Expecting rain Thursday, with the ground as warm as it is everything should germinate quickly.
Weather where I'm working was just wet and windy. We got rained out so I took the 4 and go and spent my day on the phone with insurance for my truck, researched other vehicles in case the truck is totalled, and went to the gym. The weather was far worse at home and at GF's house. I was on the phone with her when the tornado sirens went off in her town. One touched down less than two miles from her but it was outside city limits. A couple residences got hit.

Tomorrow is supposed to be nice. It'll be a good day to get back to work...
Sick with a massive cold. Everyone around here seems to have it. Son had it before but mine is worse. So did nothing yesterday and debating if I am ok enough to do anything today.

We did hike to a ruin a few days ago and went to a historic rebuilt village with old houses

I'm studying my next phase of life. Figuring out what to sell, what I need more of, still looking for a doctor I can stand and planning exercise, etc. I'm too stupid to die.
Yep, you do need to get healthy, Magus.
Winds again last night, power went out for a while but the generator kicked on. I need to reset some clocks. So I didn't know what time it was when I got up. Ha.
Husband has a shoulder doc appt this morning anyway, so even tho it's a bit early, I need to get going. Little granddaughter had a friend from next door spend the night, so I'm sure they've been up all night long giggling, so they won't surface till way later.
I'm probably home today! Looks like some pretty bad storms and we are under a flood watch! I would have been off tomorrow so I'll most likely bump today's job to tomorrow! I have A LOT to do in my own house, it tends to get neglected this time of the year. Also have. Few outside jobs to do this morning!!
The garden is in, so hunting season has opened for the dog. Had her outside this morning with the screen door propped open so she can come in. I get done drying my hair, walk through the kitchen to the living room, and then onto the bedroom, when I see a toy, I didn’t recognize. Yep she got a squirrel. Brought it inside for later, left it on the rug. I hate cleaning up death in the morning. Now she’s lounging on the bed with the fan blowing on her relaxing. She did look for it when she first came in this morning after I took care of it.
Been Up doing stuff like turning trees around 180 to get sun tan on all sides...!!! Debating with Meself to see if Me and I can Agree on what next to do...?!? :good luck::I agree::huh::great::Thankyou::thumbs::woo hoo::huggs:
Should be a relatively quiet day ... we do have a worker coming to install some small things. Wil have to run to the stores for a few things as well.

Horribly humid here ... 82* / 81% humidity. Wont turn on the AC until we rid the house of all the construction dust, so hot and humid will be the norm for a few more weeks.
I promised myself many years ago , if somehow I made it back to the world from Vietnam , that I would never take another day of life for granted again . - So last night I slept in a log cabin with no attic and a metal roof , so that I could listen to the rain hitting the roof during the night . At dawn was laying there listening to the creatures about me , as the birds and other things were rejoicing to see light come once more . I got up released my chickens into their yard , feed the pigeons that I let roam about freely . Then made my way into my house to find my wife making homemade biscuits , tomatoes gravy and frying eggs from our chickens . From there I made my way to my cliff top garden to sit on my bench holding a coffee filled cup and watch the world unfolding in the valley below . On my coffee cup it reads 173airborne Vietnam , you haven't lived until you have nearly died . Finishing my coffee then proceeded to do some light garden work .
I promised myself many years ago , if somehow I made it back to the world from Vietnam , that I would never take another day of life for granted again . - So last night I slept in a log cabin with no attic and a metal roof , so that I could listen to the rain hitting the roof during the night . At dawn was laying there listening to the creatures about me , as the birds and other things were rejoicing to see light come once more . I got up released my chickens into their yard , feed the pigeons that I let roam about freely . Then made my way into my house to find my wife making homemade biscuits , tomatoes gravy and frying eggs from our chickens . From there I made my way to my cliff top garden to sit on my bench holding a coffee filled cup and watch the world unfolding in the valley below . On my coffee cup it reads 173airborne Vietnam , you haven't lived until you have nearly died . Finishing my coffee then proceeded to do some light garden work .
Good to see you here!!
I promised myself many years ago , if somehow I made it back to the world from Vietnam , that I would never take another day of life for granted again . - So last night I slept in a log cabin with no attic and a metal roof , so that I could listen to the rain hitting the roof during the night . At dawn was laying there listening to the creatures about me , as the birds and other things were rejoicing to see light come once more . I got up released my chickens into their yard , feed the pigeons that I let roam about freely . Then made my way into my house to find my wife making homemade biscuits , tomatoes gravy and frying eggs from our chickens . From there I made my way to my cliff top garden to sit on my bench holding a coffee filled cup and watch the world unfolding in the valley below . On my coffee cup it reads 173airborne Vietnam , you haven't lived until you have nearly died . Finishing my coffee then proceeded to do some light garden work .
Welcome Home Poltergeist
Just sitting and thinking of the million things I have to do. I intend to go to Pine mtn and play bluegrass on Saturday. Have to change strings today, get clothes ready and pack a bag, book a rm at a little flea-bag motel for friday night.

The big chores… got the garden plowed and hoed already. Have to get the big tractor out of the garden though. Dad broke it again, was turning around and the gang disc hooked one of the fig trees. Almost knocked him out, scratched him up some. Don’t know what he did to the tractor but it wont start now. He’s 90, doesn’t need to be on any tractor but can’t keep him off them. Anyway, need to get the tractor started or at least pulled out of the garden. The old ford tractor will pull it but I have to get someone to drive the other tractor. I obviously don’t have a plan for this matter yet.

Oh, have to make tincture with the bag of Usnea I got off the big tree limb that fell on Monday… Maybe I can get this done today.
Already walked.
Walked dogs.
Took DH to Dollar General for his snacks.
Put away dog food that was PC'd, yesterday. 21 quarts.
I think I will work on bedroom closet, this afternoon.

I did get train ticket yesterday to go to IL in Oct. $214 round trip.
Been Up doing stuff like turning trees around 180 to get sun tan on all sides...!!! Debating with Meself to see if Me and I can Agree on what next to do...?!? :good luck::I agree::huh::great::Thankyou::thumbs::woo hoo::huggs:
oh yeah just the 2 of you get it sorted and yourself show s up with a stick
Coffee, watching it rain, Glad I don't have any tilled hillsides about now, wondering why self instigated procrastination is easy, but weather forced is irritating, perhaps I need to plancrastinate better
Today will be a inside day I think

It rained last night

I got the garage cleaned up mostly. Whew hew!

I made a dump run..

I did a bunch of cleaning and fixing up the chicken coop too..

I never got to weeding..

I watched a 3 hour podcast of joe Rogan interviewing Terrance Howard last night..
It was incredible !!

I have my dot physical at 1..I debate myself on keeping it valid..
My house is a disaster and I'm burning my sausage..lol..

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