What's everybody doing today?

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I was pretty sick again last night, but feeling a little better this morning. Got a doctor's appointment on the 31st. Got a call yesterday about my new wall tent. They said it's ready to pick up. Later today a guy is coming out to look at buying my jet boat. It's still cold and overcast, looks like it could rain or snow later. I need to do some welding one the rear blade on the tractor, but don't really feel like it.
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Outside work done for today. Possibly really bad weather this evening. Cooking four whole chickens for chicken meat for the freezer for quick dinners. Getting some cleaning started, at least the upstairs. Two of our daughters are coming in tomorrow for the week. Picked a bucket of lettuce, and a bucket of snap peas. So stir fry today with the peas.
I hate mean roosters...they get cooked every time. And mean tom turkeys, they are the worst. I bring a broom into one turkey run I have, just in case, every single time.
Can't remember if I said or not, but Amish boy Aaron took the couple dozen turkey eggs I gave him last month, and hatched out 17 of them! He ended up with a mix of slate, chocolate, and bronze...all heritage breeds. Hopefully he can keep them alive. Hooked up an incubator to a solar charged battery and kept them rotated for a month.
I hate mean roosters...they get cooked every time. And mean tom turkeys, they are the worst. I bring a broom into one turkey run I have, just in case, every single time.
Can't remember if I said or not, but Amish boy Aaron took the couple dozen turkey eggs I gave him last month, and hatched out 17 of them! He ended up with a mix of slate, chocolate, and bronze...all heritage breeds. Hopefully he can keep them alive. Hooked up an incubator to a solar charged battery and kept them rotated for a month.
Baseball Bats are always good for Roosters that don't have control over themselves, or the best Tool for this is the Axe. 💀
Sonya, I hope you get feeling better soon.

Mountaintrapper, sorry you were sick last night but glad you're feeling better. Hope you stay feeling better.

We had a 22lb rooster that used to attack us if we wore red. I put on some red shorts and went out to taunt him and carried a trash can lid with me as a shield. I was a kid back then of course so I thought moving around saying "neener neener neener" to the rooster and watching him slam himself into the lid was hilarious. Although, one time that rooster went after me when I wasn't wearing red and wasn't taunting him. Dad picked the rooster up, looked him in the eyes and said "The price of chicken meat has gone up on the market". Then he set the rooster down and the rooster didn't do that again. He actually was a sweet rooster at times. He liked to be petted.

Friend's wife freaked out because she passed more placenta from the miscarriage and she thought it was the fetus. So friend skipped work to stay with her in case of any complications or further problems. Hopefully that is the last of it and she won't be expelling any more.

Woke up early and guts didn't likely but made it to the bathroom in time. Decided to use the bathroom at McDonalds when I was in town to get breakfast and pick up mail. Was wanting to go to HD to get a curbside order but not liking how the truck is running and apparently my brake pads are toast (ordered new ones earlier last week but Rockauto hasn't shipped them yet). Wanted to use the CR-V but bro needs to use it for work. Said to my friend that I wondered when my bro works and he checked the schedule. Said 9:30am. I noticed that I hadn't heard my brother leave so I went to see him and said "Hey, was your work at am or pm?" and he said "PM". I told him our friend said it was AM. He checked the schedule and then realized he was wrong. He thanked me and headed out.

Dropped off a steak egg & cheese bagel for my friend and had him listen to the truck's sounds when I moved it and braked.

Also found the missing meds Mom accused me of never giving to her. She'd put them in a walmart bag and tied it off like she ties off trash. I took it out of the bag and brought it to her.

I'm going to need to get another bucket and also fill up the smaller bucket.

Just heard my brother come in so I guess he had a shorter shift today. Might go to HD today afterall.
I've just shortened the Rooster's Head, he was crowing too much and attacked Me at Lunchtime, tomorrow he'll have Dinner with me.

I let his Successor watch, he now knows what will happen to Him if he does the same. 😁
Mean roosters are nothing to gamble with and dinner is a good thing. Even my grandmother who “dealt” with many chickens didn’t like roosters and always carried a stick if one was around.
Took mom and uncle to the insulator show. Tables and tables of glass insulators. Uncle was in seventh heaven. All nice folks. Long drive but good for the most part. Wind gusts about 35-40 mph so kept a good grip on the wheel. Hubby went up on his motorcycle 🏍️ and began clearing trail and looking for mushrooms - came home worn out and had a couple pounds which he’s just finished cleaning.

Have we heard from @backlash ? Are they still on their trip?

Also how is @Magus ?

@Pearl volunteered not only to clean everyone’s house but she’ll do the weedeating as well 😇. I will observe from a safe distance 😉
Oh, good, that's good to know about Pearl. There will be weeds to whack and our big ol house to clean. Does she garden?
You realize I now have to enter the witness protection program before she gets on here? 😂
The puppy bit my laptop screen and broke it last week. I spent the last week using my older laptop and I just hated it! I need to take that laptop to get repaired now because the battery is swelling warping the keyboard. Some of the keys are not responding but it is from the battery issue. Hopefully it will not cost an arm and a leg to fix so I can have a laptop for Roo.

Had a big storm last night. Some trees took out the power lines around 8pm. No biggie for us. After playing games by lantern light we all headed to bed and our neighbors (not the mooing ones) couldn't stay quiet. They were all freaking out about not having power. I don't understand how you can move someplace with out knowing anything about the weather and possible concerns. Power was restored by morning and the power company was out all day cutting trees and prepping ( a little late in my opinion) for the storm that is on its way this coming week.

Other than normal life that is our week.
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Jake and I spent the day on the lake Alexandra went to a baby shower.

It was Saturday May 25
Next week the last week of May 2024

My body hurt I did work/yardwork hard outside today
I feel like 200 years old :oops:

All cats and dog are sleeping like good kids
Now its dark like in my a$$ outside
But at least its cool its 49f right now

I wish I will sleep like a log
Wish you all the same

"Hasta la vista, baby" 🤣
Spokoynoy nochi ... nighty night !!!!

Got out after this mornings rain quit and started tearing apart our front porch. After removing the Trex off the deck I found 2 of the stringers in bad shape, 2 of the others were showing a little rot. Cut them all out and cleaned up. Gonna start installing the new wood in the morning. Gonna put tar paper/felt over the wood before the decking goes back on. Hopefully that'll shed the rain. At least thats the plan.
85 today and very humid. My @ss is dragging tonight
Baseball Bats are always good for Roosters that don't have control over themselves, or the best Tool for this is the Axe. 💀
I cleaned for a couple who had a foul ( fowl😃) rooster! My Swiffer extendable handle duster would get me safely in their house!
Had my daughter's final dance recital tonight. It was a surprisingly emotional night for us both. As a graduating senior, she had a solo pointe ballet dance. She had worked so hard all year for that moment and it was beautiful. I found myself choked up by the sight of her on that stage for the last time. After the recital was over, she bawled because she has danced since she was 4, with the same dance teacher. Now she has aged out of the program and it's over. There is a dance club at the college she will be attending and I hope she can continue there.

Other than that, I spent Saturday morning buying supplies for her graduation party. Then I stopped at a local dealer and looked at a 2008 Toyota Rav4 with low miles. I'm being tempted to add something like that to my fleet. If it's still on the lot next weekend, I'll test drive it...
Spikedriver, I've heard Rav4s are good vehicles.

My uncle called just as I was about to leave. I needed to go pickup my HD order before curbside ended. Took the CRV and the AC doesn't work. Man, the seat in that thing is uncomfortable too. My back was hurting. My poor brother is going to have to adjust the seat and mirrors when he goes to drive it again. Guy at curbside recognized me and is a really cool dude.

Since I had to drive with the windows down, my hair was flying all around up in my face and annoying me so I went to get my hair cut. I said I wanted it chopped off. Hairdresser was about to close for the day but she decided to cut my hair for me. It feels so much better short. I don't ever want it long again!

Grabbed some tp for my friend (we've been stopping at his house to use the bathroom since its not easy to flush our toilets and he ran out of tp). Dropped it off and mentioned the AC issue. He checked it out and said the compressor isn't running. He later told me what parts to get and I ordered them. He said he'll put them in when they all arrive. I also ordered rotors and brake pads for him since he couldn't afford them and his car desperately needs them. Brakes are not something you want going out.
Had my daughter's final dance recital tonight. It was a surprisingly emotional night for us both. As a graduating senior, she had a solo pointe ballet dance. She had worked so hard all year for that moment and it was beautiful. I found myself choked up by the sight of her on that stage for the last time. After the recital was over, she bawled because she has danced since she was 4, with the same dance teacher. Now she has aged out of the program and it's over. There is a dance club at the college she will be attending and I hope she can continue there.

Other than that, I spent Saturday morning buying supplies for her graduation party. Then I stopped at a local dealer and looked at a 2008 Toyota Rav4 with low miles. I'm being tempted to add something like that to my fleet. If it's still on the lot next weekend, I'll test drive it...
My daughter was in a all girls Collage & they had daddy daughter dance & I had to dance the Electric slide for the first time in my life at fifty.
My daughter miner in Dance, so got to see a lot of plays/recitals, now it is friends girls recitals.
We did not get the tornado warning, hailstorm, and lots of rain that was forecasted for last night, so I'll be doing some watering today. And housecleaning downstairs, and some cooking. Two of our girls arriving in this evening. We'll have a real fun week!
We got it here! Came one hell of a storm early this morning. I just called my parents to see if they were good. Powers out

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