What's everybody doing today?

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Drinking some coffee while under the influence of cat gravity. I need to take a shower and we will go to church. Have a tri-tip thawing in the fridge to put on the smoker later.
woke up to really noisy rain, no wind, must have been big drops, it was still a little dark. Coffee is tasting very nice this morning
Snuggled with my bed buddy until she decided she needed to drink some hot bean water on the patio. After awhile I have to clean up the kettle grills and the smoker. I try and scrape them down and clean them out at least once every few years or so. Then I need to go pick up a load of charcoal and post oak / apple wood splits. But after that I intend to be as lazy and unproductive as possible. The split tail is cooking dinner tonight so I won't even have to light a match.
Sipping coffee, reading forums, watching or listening Unearthed- Lost City of the Maya-Tikal
Leftovers for meals,dishes.
Picking up outside after the storm last night.
Every clock in the house is blinking a different time.
So the power was out several times.
My new project is twisted will be working on that to while I clean up storm damage.
Had a wonderful time playing bluegrass on the mtn yesterday. Great people and food, and a beautiful day to sit under the big oak trees and pick. Met a couple I didn’t know, pretty good pickers too. Somehow the guy got stung by a red wasp. I’d already noticed plantain growing by my foot. So I pulled a leaf and handed it to the guy. Was going to explain what it was but the guy recognized it, his wife did too.

Turns out they make a lot of their own medicines like me. They know all the same herb people I do but somehow we’d never met. Also, they grow mushrooms to sell, chanterelles and a few others. And! they know a great place to hunt Lion’s Mane near their house. It’s a mushroom I use as medicine, helps me a lot.

Gets even better… next weekend there’s another bluegrass event, 5min from their house. I’d planned to attend already. Now I have another reason to go! Anyway we plan to meet up next weekend and have a plan to hunt lion’s mane come fall. I’d like to know more about their mushroom growing operation too. So, next weekend I might get in bluegrass and plant medicine… a two-fer!!! 😁

Oh, there was a special presentation yesterday. Over the winter a well known bluegrass guy passed away. While on his death bed he asked 2 people I know to find a good home for a studio guitar he'd had made. Beautiful guitar, great sound... Wanted to leave it to someone young and deserving.

Well, they found a home for the guitar. A kid i saw play and the civic center 2 weeks ago. He could play! was real good. But, he had a crappy old yamaha guitar... a boat paddle. Anyway, he was at the mtn yesterday and was presented with the studio guitar (w/case). He was over the moon!!! Couldn't get the smile off his face!!! I want the same thing for my old guitar... have to find it a good home.

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Racked out hard last night and didn't wake up until my alarm went off. I've been waking up a couple hours before it lately but not this morning. Had to drag myself out of bed to go to the bathroom. Mom knocked on the wall and I knocked back-- its a thing we do anytime we hear anyone in the adjacent bathroom. Bringing in the buckets of water has helped bc toilets have been flushed instead of stinking up too much. I'll need to refill the buckets soon though. Will get my brother to help me. I think what I'll do is fill the smaller bucket and get it in the sliding glass door and have my brother take it the rest of the way to refill the 5 gallon buckets.

Couldn't find the conduit I'd bought a few years ago so need to buy more. I think the stuff I had was too small anyway. Debating on driving the truck to go get stuff from HD so I can get it right away or using the CRV that doesn't have working AC and is miserably hot. Leaning toward using the truck.

Went to microwave some food for Mom but the microwave won't heat. Food stayed frozen. So, now we need a new air fryer AND microwave bc neither are working. Ugh. Had to heat it up in a pan on the portable induction cooker. Previously when I went to plug it in, I got zapped by the old extension cord. Put on gloves and unplugged that extension cord and put in a new heavy duty waterproof outdoor rated power strip to use. Also tried plugging microwave into different outlets to see if it would heat. Nope. Used sesame oil in the pan to heat up the fried rice for Mom and I actually liked the flavor better, but can't wash dishes with no running water. Bleh.

A few of the things I ordered have made it to a facility an hour away but haven't been delivered yet and bc they are closed today and Monday, I have to wait until Tuesday. It's stuff to get the water working at my house again.

Brother doesn't work until 9:30pm so he might be able to help me move some stuff around today.

On the upside, I didn't have any problems with my hair getting tangled on anything or making me uncomfortable last night. Love the short haircut.

Right now I'm sitting with some of the kitties and one of the dogs. but will have to get stuff later to fix the water and replace the microwave.
still a little sick but we went to visit my brother in France anyway. We made up, he apologized and told me he hadn't realized how sick I was until he heard my try to talk....duh...there was a reason I texted him and didn't want to talk on the phone
We had a nice visit, his wife cooked an awesome dinner ( lamb chops , rice, potatoes, salad and some Algerien pepper stew that was really good, and broccoli )
They all went out for dinner last night I stayed home. Son ate a snail for the first time in his life LOL
went back to my dad's house and tomorrow is our last day here.
I am happy to leave but also sad I probably won't see him again
photos later, I need to charge my phone to download them. We did do one trip before I got sick to Trier and visited a lot of old Roman stuff, plus the highpoint of the State on the way back

LOL son drove on the Autobahn and enjoyed the no speed limit, about gave me a heart attack, and while he was doing 140 in the right lane, there were cars flying by us in the left lane like we were standing still, scary !!
I was going to say that does not look like the US. I don't know where Schwarzenberg is but I have been to Switzerland , one of my favorite countries :) Do you live there or just visiting?
Schwarzenberg is near Lucerne, around 15 - 20 Miles away.
I do live in Switzerland.
Schwarzenberg is near Lucerne, around 15 - 20 Miles away.
I do live in Switzerland.
I have been to Lucerne but it's been a while (not sure you know this but I am from Germany but live in Virginia) , last time we went to Switzerland we went to the Rheinfall and Appenzell
I just told me dad if I was independently wealthy I would buy a mountain farm there , but I am ok with ours in VA for now LOL
Do you speak German, Swiss or French?
I have been to Lucerne but it's been a while (not sure you know this but I am from Germany but live in Virginia) , last time we went to Switzerland we went to the Rheinfall and Appenzell
I just told me dad if I was independently wealthy I would buy a mountain farm there , but I am ok with ours in VA for now LOL
Do you speak German, Swiss or French?
Swiss German, German, a bit English. French we had in the School, but it wasn't my language. If it's needed i can order a beer indeed.
Swiss German, German, a bit English. French we had in the School, but it wasn't my language. If it's needed i can order a beer indeed.
my brother has now lived in France for almost 20 years and still hasn't managed to learn French LOL, he takes his wife or one of his daughters if he has to talk to someone that doesn't speak German (he lives just across the border from Saarbruecken)
my brother has now lived in France for almost 20 years and still hasn't managed to learn French LOL, he takes his wife or one of his daughters if he has to talk to someone that doesn't speak German (he lives just across the border from Saarbruecken)
In a German Restaurant years ago. Me saw that in their Menu just above sauerbraten Me stayed with the Sauerbraten...!!! Gonna have Bratwurst and Pepperjack Cheese in a few...!!!
Took mom and uncle to the insulator show. Tables and tables of glass insulators. Uncle was in seventh heaven. All nice folks. Long drive but good for the most part. Wind gusts about 35-40 mph so kept a good grip on the wheel. Hubby went up on his motorcycle 🏍️ and began clearing trail and looking for mushrooms - came home worn out and had a couple pounds which he’s just finished cleaning.

Have we heard from @backlash ? Are they still on their trip?

Also how is @Magus ?

@Pearl volunteered not only to clean everyone’s house but she’ll do the weedeating as well 😇. I will observe from a safe distance 😉
I collect insulators. You should told me.
so next potential problem: husband just called me, there is a huge really bad storm with 70 some mph wind and large hail
he put the animals in but I hope nothing too much gets damaged. What is it with the crap weather in the last couple of weeks?? It;s almost midnight here and now I am still up waiting for him to call me back to tell me if things are ok.....
Filled up 12 five gallon plastic water jugs for my dispenser at the mountain spring just over the continental divide...which happens to be just past our local private firing range.
Now to spend a couple of hours filling up my fourth 20 foot dumpster and get closer to having a house that will qualify for homeowners insurance before my existing provider cancells my insurance the 10th of june......starting to get down to the wire
Ran out to the local butcher shop for some steaks to bbq yesterday. Then ran to the only grocery store in town for a cart load of produce and essentials. Spent the rest of the day getting some chores done around here.

Went to church this morning. It is the first time I have gone to this church but K and the girls have been a few times since we moved. I am a Chuck Smith "come as you are" Calvary Chapel girl even though I was raised up in the lutheran church through high school (even taught Sunday school). This is a tiny bible church but it is still clinging to the pomp and show of a more traditional church like the lutheran church I grew up in. Not sure how I feel about it but the girls have friends there and K likes it. I will go again but I might have to sneak off to go to the closest Calvary an hour away once in a while.

Tomorrow I am planning to 'restore' K's headlights on his Nissan. I did mine before we left Kommefornia because it is a 21 year old vehicle verses K's 10 year old sedan.

K and I finally gave in and got Roo a phone. It should be here this week. We have set rules and she will not carry it 24/7. I know- how could I. This way I will actually have my phone back and she will not kill my battery texting her friends. I am scared. She will be 13 in October.
Ran out to the local butcher shop for some steaks to bbq yesterday. Then ran to the only grocery store in town for a cart load of produce and essentials. Spent the rest of the day getting some chores done around here.

Went to church this morning. It is the first time I have gone to this church but K and the girls have been a few times since we moved. I am a Chuck Smith "come as you are" Calvary Chapel girl even though I was raised up in the lutheran church through high school (even taught Sunday school). This is a tiny bible church but it is still clinging to the pomp and show of a more traditional church like the lutheran church I grew up in. Not sure how I feel about it but the girls have friends there and K likes it. I will go again but I might have to sneak off to go to the closest Calvary an hour away once in a while.

Tomorrow I am planning to 'restore' K's headlights on his Nissan. I did mine before we left Kommefornia because it is a 21 year old vehicle verses K's 10 year old sedan.

K and I finally gave in and got Roo a phone. It should be here this week. We have set rules and she will not carry it 24/7. I know- how could I. This way I will actually have my phone back and she will not kill my battery texting her friends. I am scared. She will be 13 in October.
Grimm, what direction are you with DFW? I am south but had training in Rockwell a few weeks ago. Solid 2 hour drive. You mentioned it awhile back that you went there shopping. Crazy drive! We have 1 four way stop where I live