What's everybody doing today?

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did a stupid in a no stupid zone, bonked my head on the mirror on my little chinese tractor(Hubie 1)and then pulled back, so I got a bit of a bump anf a nice long cut on my bald spot
Went mushroom hunting after a pup walk. Only found 3, only one was worth taking . I let my friend keep the one since she hasn't had a moral yet.
It is a beautiful day here!
The pups are wiped out..I'm kinna tired too..we tromped all over. I'm glad we found at least one good one. The wild strawberries are doing really good up there this year too.
I got invited to a bbq tomorrow but I'm going to pup walk, finish cleaning stuff and be relaxing before afternoon.
I gotta remember to leave a beer out under a flag for Bruno. He was my neighbor and died in Afganistan. He wasn't a huge drinker..but he had a funny story on how he named his dog Chunks. He drank too much beer one night and barfed . His new puppy at the time started cleaning up his masters mess ..lol. So the next day he named his pup Chunks. I met Chunks when he was a older pup. So, in Bruno's memory..I crack a beer open for him and leave it under a flagpole.
Drinking some coffee while under the influence of cat gravity. I need to take a shower and we will go to church. Have a tri-tip thawing in the fridge to put on the smoker later. View attachment 153115
It looks like he(?) needs a treat. You must be starving him 😂

I collect insulators. You should told me.
I did not know that. If you go to insulator shows, you sure could have seen him and not known it. He bought 14 yesterday. I know one was pretty “valuable”.

@Peanut What an awesome day!
did a stupid in a no stupid zone, bonked my head on the mirror on my little chinese tractor(Hubie 1)and then pulled back, so I got a bit of a bump anf a nice long cut on my bald spot
Have you soaked yhe cut with Epsom salts water (on a wash cloth if it’s on your head)? Sure soaks the sore out.
We didn’t go fishing today. Hubby kinda messed up his back clearing trail yesterday so we will go up tomorrow for the day. I got tons done today. Only a couple odds left to put in the dirt.
Chicks have decided they can be helpers

The dog helps by pouncing the rake or shovel etc or trying to pick up the plant I’m trying to plant 🤪 It’s amazing I can get anything done with the circus 🎪
Just got garage door insulation and am trying to decide how to proceed with it, looks fit in after cutting.

I thought I could flex the material enough but I should have gotten the thinner for that and two layered it.

The morning sun makes the garage door too hot to touch on one of those days the water vapor is like a magnifying glass.

Just gonna split them diagonally and rotate them in, I have the stainless tape for them.

I was outside a while ago and there were 10 skeeters with me in the back of the truck.

I used to ride behind the DDT truck on my bike, Sure wish it was being sprayed in some areas now.
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Spent the day using the strummer and clearing leaves, while dad mowed the lawn. Made the command decision that next spring I’ll be paying a landscaper to do the spring cleanup around the cabin. It’s too much for both of us to accomplish in a weekend—especially one that is supposed to be a vacation.
Took a long walk, did a lot of yard work, assembled a new umbrella table (I got for free just for the review), cooked a great little tri tip, and took my first plunge in the pool this year. That was about a 30 second soak before jumping into my new outdoor shower. Ahh, nice and warm!
Took a long walk, did a lot of yard work, assembled a new umbrella table (I got for free just for the review), cooked a great little tri tip, and took my first plunge in the pool this year. That was about a 30 second soak before jumping into my new outdoor shower. Ahh, nice and warm!View attachment 153184
is that a waterslide??
Up at 7 and went straight out to work on the porch more. Weather is suppose to be rough tomorrow, so I pushed to get done today. But 8pm I was finished except for finishing up putting screws in the Trex. I ran out, but got at least 2 screws in each board, so we can go back to using the porch. Had to stop for about an hour to recharge batteries. But got everything done using a battery power circular saw and driver. So nice not having to drag a cord around.
Hauled all the scraps out to the brush pile.
Glad I don't have to do this ever day. Wore my butt plumb out. I'm getting to old it seems.
May have gotten some good news Friday night. Had saw some folks clearing fence rows on the property next to us that just sold. We were expecting them to sell lots and have houses built in the 17 acre pasture next to our place. Anyway I was heading to Lowes and a guy crossed the fence and came over to talk with me. Turns out it was a neighbors son, they bought the place. Anyway he hands me a business card with 4 phone numbers including his and his dads and say call if you have any questions about anything you see going on. We want to keep good neighbors. He also told me they are gonna put in electric fencing and bring in around 150 sheep. I knew he raised them, but never expected them to use this place for them. This may not end up this way long term. But for now I am highly excited about this turn of events. If they'll farm it for a couple years or longer, we will at least have time to get into retirement and have time to find a more remote location that would be our last move. But other than the county government, we'd stay here. Having a farm next door will help with that. I've built raised beds, have fruit trees and grape vines, blueberries, elderberries, figs all producing. it would take a lot of work to do all that over again.
Head shots are like High building and hill jump offs, when you REALLY get old you remember them WELLL!!!!

I used to climbto the second story of our tech building and climb the tower for antenna changes and adjustments, climb back down and jump off the roof to the sidewalk.

My feet knees and ankles remember them all now, I was wearing Penny loafers or Carnaby Street capped toes with leather soles and my feet burned for a bit every time.

The ignorance of youth becomes the pain of old age HEHEHEH!!!
Will walk with Bo after the rain this morning.
Do laundry.
Vacuum out DH's car.
Make chicken salad.
Easy day, today!

Tomorrow, I have to leave the house at 5:45 am to take a friend to the hospital for a procedure (then bring her and her mom home). Not sure how long it will take or what else I will get done.
Off today because of my sick couple! They are both in bed with the flu! Their daughter is taking care of them! Been brushing critters! Sammy cat is shedding like crazy!! Heading back out to do some yardwork! Will get in the kitchen after a shower and get everything prepared for burritos tonight. May make some kind of chicken salad! Napping and pool time this afternoon!! Hubby is working this morning. Looks like a wet week ahead so he's finishing up a flower bed job before he can't!!
one would hope so, I even checked to make sure it was hard to hit when I mounted the mirror there. At least I didn't mess up the scar from the last bonk
I gotta clean inside today..been putting it off.

Pup walk soon before it gets too hot.

Danny Boy is having intestinal issues so I didnt get much sleep last night. I could leave him outside but he learned how to paw the door to ask to come in. Bella taught him that, it wakes me up anyways so I might as well let him in.
Working!! Cleaning my building then a small house! Spending time with the critters later, and a few cold ones in the pool! Pushing 100° today!!
I’m surprised you have time to get in the pool. Everyone is waiting for you to show up and do their chores. 😇

Yes, but for little butt's only!
Keep losing weight and you’ll be able to use that slide. 🤣
we need a new air fryer AND microwave bc neither are working. Ugh.
Just bought a Galanz microwave/ air fryer combo. $70 at Walmart. I love it so far! And just one appliance sitting out @zannej
That is what I want, a combination microwave and air fryer. Microwave is above the stove and once in a while acts a little quirky.

It is day two of not feeling well. On Saturday I was vomiting about once an hour and visiting the porcelain throne. I've only eaten a few saltine crackers and been drinking 7 up and Canada Dry. I don't feel like vomiting, but I do not really want to eat anything. It has been about 15 years since I had a similar thing, and then found out I was one of 9 who got food poisoning at a staff lunch.
The first & most important thing I did was to put my American Flag up. Later I'll turn on the light when it gets dark because it's disrespectful not to have a light on it (many people don't know that). Then I went to the store to buy a few things. Then I helped a neighbor saw a piece of lumber (big deal, I held it down). And I did 3 loads of washing just to fill in the time. Lastly, I noticed that my wife was getting "tense" so I made up a few things that I really, really needed for her to go shopping for & chased her out of the house. (Her relaxation is shopping). Now my plan to do nothing for the rest of the day. Maybe I'll watch a war movie.

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