When The Herd Turns

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But it does give me that strange feeling like 2015 will be the year that something big will happen.

Here's to hoping you're wrong! I've got too much left to do! At least I should be well into the food/water self sufficiency by year's end. Power/Light/Fuel remains the big challenge (and expense).
No one has a crystal ball. All you can do is the best you can with the resources that you have. Theres no use regretting not being more prepared. Just focus on what you have done, and remember how much ahead of the game you are from all those that think nothing will ever happen. I have to admit, theres loads more i want to have accomplished before anything bad happens, but Most of us here will make do better than average.
Well this summer I plan on getting me some more blue barrels and filling them with corn for the chickens for the coming winter. I figure for that just in case reason. If I make enough cash this spring selling eggs I plan on getting another propane tank to have just in case. One hundred pounds lasts me 3 months in the stove. Then I plan on getting the 150 gallon tank filled. That will help loads. I would like to have an extra 20 gallons of kerosene for next winter as well. I am doubling things up as I can and taking any online cash I am making and buying things that may be needed.

So far I think I am way ahead of many folks, but still I would love to see myself having much, much more then what I do have.
Lets hope they are all wrong. but make ready the best you can just in case they are not.
True. I figure we never know either way what will happen, but the way things are going lately the more prepared we are all the better. Look at 2008 when the banks all had issues, and the economy all went to heck so many folks said it wouldn't happen and laughed at those that said it would happen. Well it happened. I was ready for it, luckily I listened to the folks that everyone said was crazy.
Sadly, as challenging and dangerous as post SHTF life will be, I don't see any way for this economy to correct itself except by utter, complete failure. Some days I get so mad thinking about the way it all works that I find myself hoping it goes down in my lifetime because it's all so damn unjust. I normally stay out of the political areas of this forum but I don't mind saying that I don't want to raise children in the consumerist, wasteful, capital-driven economic and social system that we're in now, especially if it's only going to get worse. I'd rather it happen to me who's prepared than later on down the line to others who won't be ready, and that may be foolish thinking but it's how my brain works.
yes, it's looking more and more like a big full collapse is coming and it wont be good at all. I have started prepping more about as fast as I can. However it's like every time I turn around I end up a step back. Hubby went to clean out the old gas in the generator the other day and cleaned the carburetor, put it all back together again and nothing worked. So now I will have to fork out $250 to have someone fix it. And that was at the low end of the estimate, he said it could be more so I better have $500 in my hand just in case.

3 months ago I had over 100 of our chickens stolen so I thought I was going to end up once again finding myself having to start out all new having to drive clear to Maine just to get some more of my favorite breed, however my 2 chicks ended up being higher quality then I first expected so now I have a pair that I can use for passing on the good traits, without having to pay $500 for a new rooster

I am now saving up cash for the new back porch addition so I can add a wood stove to it by next year. I can't wait.
i just hope that tshtf dont happen before im ready enough to survive every thing
Then that would be a big fat never, because we are never prepared for everything. I heard a man today in the grocery store talking about how worried he was that something bad was going to happen and soon and the man he was talking to was stocking shelves, and he said "I hope not in my time because I will never be ready for everything that could happen" I was thinking that is just so dang true, we will never be ready for everything that could happen.
i know that not any one of us will ever be fully prepared for what ever life throws at us.my main worry,is surviving the 1st few months of a shtf situation..if i do that..then i'll survive..
My husband got to laughing at me one day here when I sat down after putting away over 100 cans of canned goods and another 50 jars of home canned jams and jellies. I sat here shaking my head and he asked why. I told him it would do us no good at all if something happened and we knew the Nuclear plant would go. How could I move it all, and where could I move it all to where we would be safe from all nuclear plants. You know there is always something there that is going to be an issue. Then I was thinking yesterday what happens if a giant Tsunami hits and comes hundreds of miles inland. There is always all the what ifs lol.
yeah.know what ya mean..i've often looked at something.or thought of something..then asked my self,what if?..and every once in a while,the what if? is followed with a, damn,here i go again!!..lol..
yeah I told hubby maybe we need to buy a boat for the just in case moment, and maybe get us a shelter under ground for the just in case moment of the nuclear plants. He looked at me with that quirky smile and rolled his eyes and said you are kidding right. :rolleyes: Maybe I need a castle on the top of a mountain some place as well, just to be on the safe side.o_O
You gotta just prepare for what you can to the best of your ability, and accept that it's never over, and there's always more gear, more water and food and fuel to store, etc. sometimes it's a little disheartening but on the whole I feel that prepping makes me a happier person. I love working on my bushcraft skills and trying new gear, and my wife loves getting new food stores and water solutions.
...Hubby went to clean out the old gas in the generator the other day and cleaned the carburetor, put it all back together again and nothing worked. So now I will have to fork out $250 to have someone fix it. And that was at the low end of the estimate, he said it could be more so I better have $500 in my hand just in case....
I feel your pain re generators, I have solar and THREE backup gennies, we've had rain for days and ALL gennies broke, they will get fixed but I need power right now so I had to buy a fourth...oh well, eventually I'll have quadruple redundancy :)

As for preparing for everything, not possible I think, as least not for me, but it's certainly possible to prepare for likely events.
Being prepared means there will always be something to purchase, fix, build, and make ready. It has to become a lifestyle.
Will it ever be enough? Will it ever be completed? No.
Sometimes we will wish it would be over, but with a world such as ours it will always be necessary.
True it's like it never ends. I think I am ready turn around and see something that really needs to be done before something bad happens, then once that is done I start to walk into the house and see something else that needs to be done, or fixed. I wont ever be ready for everything. But I figure if I am ready for what I can imagine to happen that will have to do for now. At least I am far more prepared then my neighbor are whom haven't done any thing at all.
And the sheep keep following the delusional good news. Wall street keeps rallying despite our debt at 18 trillion exceeding our GDP of 17 trillion, I really don't get the rosy view of our economy, nothing is adding up to justify all the good news. Apparently economic 101 has been re-written?


"Right now, we're hearing much celebrating from the media, the White House and Wall Street about how unemployment is "down" to 5.6%. The cheerleading for this number is deafening. The media loves a comeback story, the White House wants to score political points and Wall Street would like you to stay in the market.

None of them will tell you this: If you, a family member or anyone is unemployed and has subsequently given up on finding a job -- if you are so hopelessly out of work that you've stopped looking over the past four weeks -- the Department of Labor doesn't count you as unemployed. That's right. While you are as unemployed as one can possibly be, and tragically may never find work again, you are not counted in the figure we see relentlessly in the news -- currently 5.6%"

And the sheep keep following the delusional good news. Wall street keeps rallying despite our debt at 18 trillion exceeding our GDP of 17 trillion, I really don't get the rosy view of our economy, nothing is adding up to justify all the good news. Apparently economic 101 has been re-written?


"Right now, we're hearing much celebrating from the media, the White House and Wall Street about how unemployment is "down" to 5.6%. The cheerleading for this number is deafening. The media loves a comeback story, the White House wants to score political points and Wall Street would like you to stay in the market.

None of them will tell you this: If you, a family member or anyone is unemployed and has subsequently given up on finding a job -- if you are so hopelessly out of work that you've stopped looking over the past four weeks -- the Department of Labor doesn't count you as unemployed. That's right. While you are as unemployed as one can possibly be, and tragically may never find work again, you are not counted in the figure we see relentlessly in the news -- currently 5.6%"

Ive seen reports that put it at close to 20%. Throw in all the people that receive some sort of welfare/subsidy and our economy looks like crap.
Ive seen reports that put it at close to 20%. Throw in all the people that receive some sort of welfare/subsidy and our economy looks like crap.

Another problem I am seeing and hearing is that most jobs being created are part time not full time another figure that skews the employment report, the employment report use to report part time Vs full time, anymore it's just 'employment' without the breakdown.
Statistics = lies, damn lies.

Seriously, it's all how you choose the data, the data qualifiers, etc. You can easily come up with a perfectly sound statistic to either support or deny any position on any topic, all by who you ask, where you ask, what you ask, etc.
Who the hell does China owe? lol.

china owes its banks, china been borrowing money from PBC to pay for all them ghost cities, modernization etc... the INF and Federal Reserve have been turning a blind eye to the relationship between the government and the PBC, most of the financial reports have been cooked and the more the worlds banks look at the books the more troubling the reports. The PBC still hasn't released all the reports that was requested 5yrs ago. At some point in time we are going to know why china has been purchasing gold and silver by the tons and the true reason why china is wanting to start a new world's bank dethroning the INF and the Federal Reserve.