Why divorce is up and the birth rates are down.

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I watch people and I have come to the conclusion that only about 10% of the population is willing to work for anything...
Marriage is work, finding someone you can work with towards a set of common goals is a very rare thing.

Further, marriage is a long term commitment, I don't see a lot of people who are willing to stay the course long term, they are flighty.

Finally, most people are just too selfish to do what it takes, strong marriages require sacrifice by both parties...

If I were single today, I don't think that I would know where to start, what's worse I don't think I would be willing to try...

I was never what you would call a romantic, burger and a movie was about my limit. So, I think if I were single today I would be thinking along the lines of Jerry Reed. Learn to cook, join a Gym, hire a weekly cleaning crew...
I dont care anymore, wife and I have both been married 3 times and if this one goes down the pan I wont be looking for anyone else.
besides there is too much of this woke and transgender crap around, I couldnt cope with that and wouldnt try.
A woman much younger than me asked me out on a date a few years ago. I asked why she wanted to go on a date with me as her invite took me by surprise. She replied "The few men my age that are worth a **** are already taken. The rest are gay, girly, or unemployed little boys living in their moms basement."
A woman much younger than me asked me out on a date a few years ago. I asked why she wanted to go on a date with me as her invite took me by surprise. She replied "The few men my age that are worth a **** are already taken. The rest are gay, girly, or unemployed little boys living in their moms basement."
What's the old saying?? " Men are like porta potties, all the good ones are taken and the rest are full of crap!"
The whole "mgtow" thing is some of the the most betamale- Manchild BS I see coming out of men's mouth nowadays. It's just immature dudes picking on the low hanging fruit of even less mature women. Meanwhile they walk around like pussyboy peacocks embracing modern hustle culture and other such shallow pursuits and fail to reach the heights of real manhood. I find these "sigma" buzzword worshipping twerps super annoying. They are just "andrew tate" level metrosexuals who spend time grooming themselves instead of building up themselves and others into something formidable.

Want to combat toxic feminist-Ho culture? Ignore them. They'll starve- seriously just ignore them. That's it, game over. You took away their one trick.

Find a good, real woman- get married, have kids, follow God. Everything else will fall into place- it's really that simple. If you havent gotten there, do yourself a favor and get off the ******* internet 🤣
It has been interesting to me for a while as I observe people and in relationships. I see the women who are immature, but I also see men who are as well. There is a whole generation of people who have been so coddled and are so out of control. Neither side of this is totally the victim and neither side is totally the bad guy. I don't think the divorce rate has ever been higher. Parents are busy and want to enjoy life and many haven't helped their children to grow up with any responsibilities.
What's the old saying?? " Men are like porta potties, all the good ones are taken and the rest are full of crap!"
Same for women these days. just looking at the "available" ones is a cringe-fest. It's good I'm happy being a hermit. Green hair, full sleeve/body tattoos, and enough piercings to wreck a compass. give me a break! A lot of them here look like Mad Max hookers!
I see the women who are immature, but I also see men who are as well.
I agree. While I will say that none of the women shown in that video are ones I would be interested in, the guy hosting the video is not someone I would be interested in either, if I were a women. So they kind of deserve each other.
Regarding the video........yep.

I don't know what has happened to women.

I'm old, but I have an Alpha male and like it. He was worth nothing when I married him. Now, we do well. It is a partnership.

Full disclosure: When I hear a noise in the house at night, I go check it out myself. Usually it's my imagination so no sense waking my hubs. And if it is a burglar, I'll do what I do best: chat him up, talk about his family, his mom, and try to feed him something. If it's a girl burglar, I'd have to slap her and pull her hair (no. just kidding. I don't do violence).
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What's the old saying?? " Men are like porta potties, all the good ones are taken and the rest are full of crap!"
I admire good men. I met my hubby at the age of 59. He was 60. Usually by then most men are happily married or you quickly see why they are single. I wasn’t looking, he wasn’t looking. He had totally changed my life for the better and I hope I’ve done the same for him, too. By the way, I don’t have much of a neck, either. Thank God my husband didn’t judge me on that. Also, thank God for bringing us together. We lived in two separate states when we met. I know more good men than jerky men.
Been married a long time,

So thats the extent of it.

Sonny has had a few long term girlfriends and they all were drama queens.

The one he has now is too, He was looking for a good down to earth girl to have kids and a family with, but I have not seen but a few and none in the circles he inhabits doing shows.

I know a couple who would love to be with him but he treats them like sisters.

He told me he didnt want to spend his life alone, but he could not find a single woman out there who did not want to be in a relationship that tied her to what a wife really is, just like in the video, they want the name the security and the kids taken care of but text play and jump any guy that they find interesting for a thrill.

Out with the girls for most means Out to see what's on the prowl, I have watched hundreds of them on the move.

Not too many are different these days.

I told him he would have to let the drinkers, drama queens and partiers pass on by and go to Church or Community oriented places instead of grindhouses, I also told him he did not have to have kids to please me, if he could not find someone who was IN LOVE with him he did not need a child unless he could raise it himself.
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With my experiences of dealing with every kind of BS as a Police Officer, and everything else I encountered in my real life experience, I blame the pathetic relationship situation on the fake "reality" TV programs. Why you might ask? People watch these shows and see how those who prosper and succeed do so because they gang up on others and one by one take them out of the game.

Survivor first aired in 2000 and taught people to team up and lie and swindle to get the majority upset with one person. And repeat and repeat until only the last 3 real friends are left ..... who then have to battle against each other. This show is still in production today.
Big Brother first aired in the U.S. in 2000 and very similar to Survivor taught people to lie and manipulate others to gang up on one person at a time until only a few are left, each hoping they will be the lucky one. This show is still in production today.
(I wont even mention the stupid shows about so called celebrities living their so called "real" (scripted) lives. How much did they offer Bruce to play his/her current part?)

People have their group of friends. Someone makes a claim on why someone else is a bad apple, usually behind that persons back, and gradually most of the others tag along until the bad apple is no longer invited or welcome.
Or, a group of friends (male or female) start pointing out problems with someone's boyfriend/girlfriend until that person gives in a ends the relationship.
Or, a group of friends brag about how easy it is to take advantage or use someone for sex or money or maybe even the boat on the lake every weekend. This goes on for a little while until the one being used realizes they are being used and abused and walks away, or probably by being "voted off the island".

This is a very small example of what I have seen in real life. It can happen not only in dating or marriage relationships but at work or on the bowling team or at the gym, or maybe even with family.
Personal responsibility- on both sides. If you aren’t happy by yourself and with yourself, nobody else will be. Quit blaming and be your best version of you. It will draw equal caliber individuals.
I agree. You must love yourself, first. No one can make you happy. It comes from within.
Survivor first aired in 2000
I've never watched a single episode of that. It didn't seem even remotely appealing, so I never gave it a try.

Big Brother first aired in the U.S. in 2000
I've never even heard of this show.

I don't watch much TV. Even big name shows that did sometimes sound appealing, I never got around to trying. Like:

Game of Thrones
The Big Bang Theory
Breaking Bad
The Office
Battlestar Galactica
Northern Exposure
The Simpsons

I'm sure there are many more. The above are all supposedly good shows, and I have them on my list to watch someday (as if I'll ever get around to doing that!) But I've never seen a single episode of any of them yet.

When the wife and I do sit down to watch a TV show, it's usually one of the various "FBI" ones or one of the "NCIS" ones. Oh, and "The Amazing Race" too. We are also working our way through "Yellowstone" at the moment, currently near the start of season three. My wife watches some of the "Chicago" ones (on her own, I don't join her). There are a bunch of those. "Chicago Fire", "Chicago Police", "Chicago Med", "Chicago Garbage Collectors", "Chicago Librarians", "Chicago Water and Sewer", "Chicago Animal Control" and who knows what else. I think there are a mind numbing number of shows about "New York" infrastructure and utilities as well, but we've never gone near those.
I've never watched a single episode of that. It didn't seem even remotely appealing, so I never gave it a try.

I've never even heard of this show.

I don't watch much TV. Even big name shows that did sometimes sound appealing, I never got around to trying. Like:

Game of Thrones
The Big Bang Theory
Breaking Bad
The Office
Battlestar Galactica
Northern Exposure
The Simpsons

I'm sure there are many more. The above are all supposedly good shows, and I have them on my list to watch someday (as if I'll ever get around to doing that!) But I've never seen a single episode of any of them yet.

When the wife and I do sit down to watch a TV show, it's usually one of the various "FBI" ones or one of the "NCIS" ones. Oh, and "The Amazing Race" too. We are also working our way through "Yellowstone" at the moment, currently near the start of season three. My wife watches some of the "Chicago" ones (on her own, I don't join her). There are a bunch of those. "Chicago Fire", "Chicago Police", "Chicago Med", "Chicago Garbage Collectors", "Chicago Librarians", "Chicago Water and Sewer", "Chicago Animal Control" and who knows what else. I think there are a mind numbing number of shows about "New York" infrastructure and utilities as well, but we've never gone near those.
You can watch all that stuff you missed online, GOT and BSA were worth it, I haven't seen an episode of the Simpsons since year 5, and I'm thinking of running down Married with Children because it was so prophetic and mocked the current society we currently endure without mercy.
You missed Jericho and LOST I take it. Jericho was good prepper/tinfoil hat TV.
You missed Jericho and LOST I take it.
No, I saw those. They were two of my favorite TV series actually. Along with Firefly (which was cut way too short). And Star Trek: The Next Generation. I watched more TV many years ago, so there are indeed some series that I did watch. If you go way, way back, lots of the old shows I saw every episode of. Hogan's Heros, The Beverly Hillbillies, Gilligan's Island, Star Trek: The Original Series, Cheers, Home Improvement, MASH, Hawaii 5-0, I Dream of Jeannie, ...
Sounds like we have some shows in common. When you find them online, there is a little app used for making copies of video game feeds to be put up on YouTube, etc called FRAPS that copies them just fine, then run them through a compressor to MP-4 format or one show should be 3 GB! I think switch will do it. OR, since RIAA died the death it deserves, just get an IP blocker and head to Pirate Bay and grab what you need, as long as Disney isn't involved, nobody cares anymore.
So much to say! I'll start with a lie repeated 100 times turns into the truth for some people. Personal experience:
My ex had a friend that was almost or going through a divorce & they talked a lot. Because they talked a lot, she was going to get her freedom (from a cheap & controlling me), get the kids, & get lot's of child support (just like her friends). Understand here that our goals were TOTALLY different & sooner or later we would have gotten a divorce anyway. But her friend urged her on.
Our results: She got 1 kid out of 2, I got the other one. Not a huge amount of child support. She got her freedom & remarried to someone that couldn't control her. They went bankrupt & they made a lot of money. Forty years later she is living in government housing because her spending needed to be controlled.

Her girlfriend: Husband got full custody & she paid child support. (I was stationed with him years later).
I wouldn't wish divorce on my worst enemy.

But sometimes we people get a little bit crazy.

I once read about Micky and Mini Mouse getting a divorce.
The judge looked at the paperwork and said "Mr. Mouse, I can't grant you a divorce just because you feel your wife is a little bit crazy."

Mickey responded "A little crazy? But your honor, the girl's F***king Goofey!!!"

When my first wife and I got a divorce after 16 years, we had a peaceful property settlement agreement.
We agreed I could have anything that fell off the truck!
I really don't know why there is such a stigma about divorce, people change an no longer want to be together. stupid people listen to other stupid people and get the dregs of society involved (Lawyers) and the wheels come off. This is on purpose thanks to the "education" system and the other control systems. but We are well on our way into idiocracy, but you can't see it cause the idiots are in the way.
In the video, the women are treating the men as if they are 'trophies'. That's not what a lifetime partner is. Either they change their expectations, or they will remain single. Whatever........it affects me not. I don't do moronic drama and that's what that video is.

The destruction of the nuclear family was the goal of evil. When women were the boss of the home and the men brought home the bacon, it seems to me like it was a much happier time. Even if those roles were reversed, I believe it would still work when you have 2 people acting as a team and actually giving a crap about how their children were raised.....with morals, values, respect, and discipline. The schools care nothing about those things and they have been dropped by the wayside b/c parents are too busy working to stay afloat and many can't afford to homeschool.

Distractions from the nuclear family are also prevalent. Video games, phones, politics, etc. are all screaming for our attention. Shut it off and focus on the really important things in life and you'll be much happier. I find it sad that the younger generations can't seem to figure that out. Thankfully I know some families that certainly have. I just hope they outnumber the morons in the above video.
It takes two mature adults to make a relationship or marriage work.
It takes time and effort of both partners to make the relationships or marriage work.
It takes two people to break a marriage or relationship to end-divorce.
If one person in the marriage or relationship quits working on the relationship then it will end in divorce.
I suppose we all (here) have our own take on this based on experience, knowledge and common sense.

My take (being a never married single man that's easy on the eyes, tall and not over weight, has half a brain and successful enough to take care of myself...) is that most women are prone to not trust men because too many of us men (in general) are *******s.

It may be a simplistic belief, but seems to me that all it takes is compatibility and trust for a successful relationship. That includes being honest with one's self - knowing your pros and cons, and living up to it. it's not in our human nature to admit our faults, but that's a step that needs to be taken if a person wishes to better themselves. Then women without a neck can grow one. 🤣

Life is simpler for me alone, but.... not great.