Why schools should open or not.

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I know if I had children now I would not want them at school,,,,I think it is to much of a risk,,,but I am old and feeble minded so maybe I don't know what I am talking about

but if there is a huge surge in school age children getting this Virus I will have been right with my concerns but there is no satisfaction in being able to say,,,, see I was right the rest of you were wrong

Teachers who are healthy and don’t have co-morbidities need to go back to the classroom. Those with health issues that are backed by their physicians should be allowed to teach or contribute from home. Let’s be smart about this and treat everyone according to their risk factors. Face it, every person on this planet has a risk of being killed by something Daily. There is no such thing as a risk free life.

How dare you Peachie!.... interjecting a moment of logic in what we all know is a debate reserved for emotional responses only!
With the poor results from the public school system maybe closing them wouldn’t be such a bad idea. I listened to a tucker Carlson report saying the NY public schools have over 50% of students not proficient in math and English. I didn’t fact check this but would not be surprised. That’s the largest school system in the country and it is failing with over a 50% rate! Why wouldn’t people have been replaced allready?
Imagine a $30k dollar product that doesn't come delivered with the most basic functions.

Now imagine a parent with two kids, getting paid $60,000 to stay home and teach their kids. Even if the amount was reduced to $50,000, that would solve many problems. Parents able to stay at home and guide their kids. No more day care. No more peer pressure on the children to comply with the latest moral standard. No more school bullies. No more ridiculous gender or sexual orientation training. The parents get to not only approve of the lessons, they are involved in teaching the lessons.
I call bologna on that when growing every bug that went around followed us home and we gave it to everyone in the family cold flu measles mumps you name it ,it would run back and forth thru everyone we came in contact with the only way to keep a family member from catching whatever we had was to stay away from them,,,,I believe this will run rampant thru our schools

"Children act more as a brake on infection," Berner said. "Not every infection that reaches them is passed on."
The science/research is showing that children positive for Covid can transmit the virus the same as adults.
As one who works as staff within the school system, my question to the Board has not been answered, which is, " What is your plan to replace dead teachers and staff."

Here's the reason why we shouldn't be opening schools in our neck of the woods... Nearly 75% of detainees at US immigration facility in Virginia have coronavirus
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My son's adult school starts next Monday. We agreed that he is okay at home until they get the kinks worked out.

He actually goes to socialize not to actually learn a skill or anything. Since mom (87) lives with us, my husband is afraid of our son bringing home germs to her.

My son was nervous about going back and its not worth his getting anxious. I have lots of manual labor to keep us busy any way.
I am thankful I do not have to make the choice to send my child to school or not. My youngest went to school online and graduated high school from the State University. Early no less. Had she graduated from the local school her graduating class would have been 6 kids and she would not have had access to the advanced classes that she had available. So it is not always a bad thing to not go to public school.
I am thankful I do not have to make the choice to send my child to school or not. My youngest went to school online and graduated high school from the State University. Early no less. Had she graduated from the local school her graduating class would have been 6 kids and she would not have had access to the advanced classes that she had available. So it is not always a bad thing to not go to public school.
MY daughter hated high school and graduated in 3 years. She didnt fit into any of the cliques
Yeah we just thought high school was rough in our day. My daughter loved school it is just that a small rural school was not the right fit for her. She read by age 3. The teachers had no idea what to do with her in a class that was years behind her. Their solution was to send her around to help all the other kids. Then the next teacher complained that the kids would go to her for help and not the teacher. We knew then it was time for something different.
As I see it, schools need to stay closed until there is a vaccine. Teachers and staff need to strike, for the exact same death benefits that the military has, along with hazardious duty pay, and free medical care when hospitalized. Add in a doubling of Social Security benefits for surviving spouses of high risk teachers and spouses who die From Covid. Bonus pay every quarter equal to two weeks regular pay. Free PPE's along with weekly testing. Lastly, a 45 percent reduction in local, state, and federal taxes..
As I see it, schools need to stay closed until there is a vaccine. Teachers and staff need to strike, for the exact same death benefits that the military has, along with hazardious duty pay, and free medical care when hospitalized. Add in a doubling of Social Security benefits for surviving spouses of high risk teachers and spouses who die From Covid. Bonus pay every quarter equal to two weeks regular pay. Free PPE's along with weekly testing. Lastly, a 45 percent reduction in local, state, and federal taxes..
Sorry, but I totally disagree with everything you said. But......this is America and you can believe what you want.
Yeah we just thought high school was rough in our day. My daughter loved school it is just that a small rural school was not the right fit for her. She read by age 3. The teachers had no idea what to do with her in a class that was years behind her. Their solution was to send her around to help all the other kids. Then the next teacher complained that the kids would go to her for help and not the teacher. We knew then it was time for something different.
I understand. I have two children. One on each end of spectrum. One is gifted and one Special Needs
Sorry, but I totally disagree with everything you said. But......this is America and you can believe what you want.

Parents who will not wear a mask, who will not maintain physical distance, who breaks quarantine to party, to hit the beach, who hob nobs at restaurants have no rights to demand teachers and staff into the trenches to die for them...
Parents who will not wear a mask, who will not maintain physical distance, who breaks quarantine to party, to hit the beach, who hob nobs at restaurants have no rights to demand teachers and staff into the trenches to die for them...
I understand your emotional concerns. Your ignorance of the truth and the facts is vast.
Emotional reactions to these difficult times, does not do anyone any good unless its controlled anger to be used as motivation to act on logical plans to solve the problems caused by a man made bio weapon. To stop the enemies of liberty and the US Constitution.
I understand your emotional concerns. Your ignorance of the truth and the facts is vast.
Emotional reactions to these difficult times, does not do anyone any good unless its controlled anger to be used as motivation to act on logical plans to solve the problems caused by a man made bio weapon. To stop the enemies of liberty and the US Constitution.
I'm not ignorance of the risk... You are with such a ridicules post. All school districts are short of drivers. Man up and sign up....
I'm not ignorance of the risk... You are with such a ridicules post. All school districts are short of drivers. Man up and sign up....

These vaccines will do nothing good. Improve everyone's immune system will prevent it. You can use the MATH+ method. Treating the Virus early or as a profalactic with HDQL and Zinc will prevent 99.9% of serious disease. You can cure the disease at any stage with CDS. The virus can leave premenant damage to every organ in the body, even to those that had no symptoms. That's something we will just have to live with and prevent it by keeping our immune system strong.

You can find solutions to a shortage of bus drivers, teachers, faculty, etc.parents can car pool, hire new drivers, offer home school K12 classes, not only using the internet, but setting up more PBS TV stations for public education uses. Have classes taught on TV, everyone has at least one. You also have traditional online classes. This will lower the number of students in school for more spacious classes and less teachers needed. Those that are scared can teach online and learn from home.

Dont you understand everyone is being lied to? This is the plan of the New World Order that's been planned for over a century. They are finally making there move to complete the final phase of there world domination.

You dont hide in a hole waiting on a fictional vaccine, while they destroy the world economy and allow the globalists Marxists to take full control of the world and kill off whoever they wish. Ridiculous is those who cant think and let there fear and brainwashed acceptance of the limitations to there freedoms determine there future.
With the poor results from the public school system maybe closing them wouldn’t be such a bad idea. I listened to a tucker Carlson report saying the NY public schools have over 50% of students not proficient in math and English. I didn’t fact check this but would not be surprised. That’s the largest school system in the country and it is failing with over a 50% rate! Why wouldn’t people have been replaced allready?
Teacher unions.
These vaccines will do nothing good. Improve everyone's immune system will prevent it. You can use the MATH+ method. Treatin Ig the Virus early or as a profalactic with HDQL and Zinc will prevent 99.9% of serious disease. You can cure the disease at any stage with CDS. The virus can leave premenant damage to every organ in the body, even to those that had no symptoms. That's something we will just have to live with and prevent it by keeping our immune system strong.

You can find solutions to a shortage of bus drivers, teachers, faculty, etc.parents can car pool, hire new drivers, offer home school K12 classes, not only using the internet, but setting up more PBS TV stations for public education uses. Have classes taught on TV, everyone has at least one. You also have traditional online classes. This will lower the number of students in school for more spacious classes and less teachers needed. Those that are scared can teach online and learn from home.

Dont you understand everyone is being lied to? This is the plan of the New World Order that's been planned for over a century. They are finally making there move to complete the final phase of there world domination.

You dont hide in a hole waiting on a fictional vaccine, while they destroy the world economy and allow the globalists Marxists to take full control of the world and kill off whoever they wish. Ridiculous is those who cant think and let there fear and brainwashed acceptance of the limitations to there freedoms determine there future.

I'm not ignorance of the risk... You are with such a ridicules post. All school districts are short of drivers. Man up and sign up....

Teacher‘s unions need outlawed as public teachers are on the Public Dime. The world rankings of education shows what a piss poor job is being done. Yet here you are, over and over whining. People like you need replaced. In your rants you show ZERO concern or even plans to help the children and their parents. It’s all about YOU, YOU, YOU.
My 2 granddaughters just enrolled in private school. Expensive, but my daughter says enough with the BS and she is miffed at the efforts of political indoctrination around the country. Her public school hasn't fallen prey to that yet, but who knows how long they can hold out.

PS. They have to wear uniforms.... navy blue skirts and white blouses with white knee socks... the girls are ticked they cant wear shorts or jeans LOLOL
Sec. 1. SUPPORT AND MAINTENANCE OF SYSTEM OF PUBLIC FREE SCHOOLS. A general diffusion of knowledge being essential to the preservation of the liberties and rights of the people, it shall be the duty of the Legislature of the State to establish and make suitable provision for the support and maintenance of an efficient system of public free schools.

At least in Texas, public schools are established by its Constitution. Every state has some mechanism for created their own public schools.
You don't like public schools, change the Constitution(s) or change the law. -or sit at your keyboard in your bunker away from everyone and keep complaining about public schools.

At least in Texas where public schools are established by its Constitution, free public school education is a Constitutional entitlement given to school age children. It is not a God given right like the freedom to speak or keep and bear arms but rather an entitlement created by government. Public schools are required to accept all students regardless of ANYTHING as long as the school has access to resources to meet basic needs to insure ANY child age student will not be endangered due their own handicaps. You don't like public schools, change the Constitution(s) or change the law. -or sit at your keyboard in your bunker away from everyone and keep complaining about public schools.

At least in Texas, public schools cannot turn away students because of "minor" behavior or rule offenses. So when one student disrupts a class and causes learning for all students to cease, the school cannot refuse the student their educational entitlement -even for a series of "minor" rule infractions. Felonies can be grounds for refusing access to their educational entitlement. A huge part of the lack of progress some students achieve in their own education are the result of their own peers disrupting class. As long as the disruptions are minor, there is very little a school in this day and age can do to remedy this. Can't send them home, can paddle them, can't "bully" them with peer pressure. On campus suspension and alternative education programs are reserved for the "major" offenses that are not felonies. Public schools cannot simply do away with disruptive students. You don't like public schools, change the Constitution(s) or change the law. -or sit at your keyboard in your bunker away from everyone and keep complaining about public schools.

I suppose we could move all the disruptive students to one class or campus but those students are not going to learn much. They will still be expected to pass the State mandated standardized tests. Standardized Testing? Remember when you demanded accountability in public schools? Remember when you demanded accountability for public school teachers? Public schools and teachers are "measured" by the progress of their students on the standardized tests and not just overall. They are not measured on the average score of all students. They are measured almost entirely on the scores of the students that fail the test. Every student but one in the school can score 92% on the test but if the one student in their own demographic fails the test, the school will become "unacceptable" in the eyes of the State. There are dire consequences for public schools where this happens a couple years in a row. So the school expends enormous resources insuring that the most likely to fail students make progress toward passing the test. It doesn't matter if the problem is cultural behavior or a student cannot read/write English. Whether you see this as meeting the requirements of the most vulnerable students or teaching to the test, you demanded accountability in public schools and this is what it looks like. You don't like public schools, change the Constitution(s) or change the law. Run for office, state or school board at least -or sit at your keyboard in your bunker away from everyone and keep complaining about public schools.

Private schools funded by tax payers? Lets go. It is still an entitlement created by government. Make the private schools bus students from everywhere in their districts, feed the students that have parents that won't or can't. Make the private schools provide nursing services on each campus. Make the private school students pass the standardized tests. If private schools are truly better, you should not be afraid of accountability for them. Oh and they have to take ALL students in their district...not just the ones they think will behave and do well. You don't like public schools, change the Constitution(s) or change the law. -or sit at your keyboard in your bunker away from everyone and keep complaining about public schools.

Home school? Fine, do it. Free public education is still a Constitutional requirement whether you have kids or not. Just because you choose to not take advantage of a public entitlement created by a Constitution or law doesn't mean you get to skip paying for it. No home schoolers should not be afraid of the standardized test either. If public schools really are that bad and the expectations of the students are really that low, your home school students should not have a problem passing the lowly standardized tests.

You think standardized tests are a bad one size fit all measure? You want more local control of your public schools? You want to kick out behavior problems? You want actual real accountability of your local public schools and teachers? Run for office, start a petition, find a good candidate to back and change the Constitution(s) or change the law. -or sit at your keyboard in your bunker away from everyone and keep complaining about public schools.

It is a lot easier to sit back and complain about the people that are actually doing the work.
The teachers and administrators have been steeped in liberal indoctrination their entire lives. The current teachers have been trained that way since kindergarten and this has been going on for over a generation now.

Change the Constitution? Then what? Fire all the teachers and administrators in the entire school system and start over???

You will have to start the training for new teachers while they are still in kindergarten in order to correct the problem. There is no quick fix for the public school system.
Teacher‘s unions need outlawed as public teachers are on the Public Dime. The world rankings of education shows what a piss poor job is being done. Yet here you are, over and over whining. People like you need replaced. In your rants you show ZERO concern or even plans to help the children and their parents. It’s all about YOU, YOU, YOU.