Will any food be safe?

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The only way you are going to know what you are eating is if you grow it/raise it yourself from uncontaminated heirloom seeds/stock.

This is where the future of food is headed if the mad scientists have their way.

"For Giraldo, the chance to develop this idea with mRNA is the culmination of a dream. "One of the reasons I started working in nanotechnology was so I could apply it to plants and create new technology solutions. Not just for food, but for high-value products as well, like pharmaceuticals," Giraldo said."

The only way you are going to know what you are eating is if you grow it/raise it yourself from uncontaminated heirloom seeds/stock.

This is where the future of food is headed if the mad scientists have their way.

"For Giraldo, the chance to develop this idea with mRNA is the culmination of a dream. "One of the reasons I started working in nanotechnology was so I could apply it to plants and create new technology solutions. Not just for food, but for high-value products as well, like pharmaceuticals," Giraldo said."


And protect it from being sprayed by chemtrails.
Aviation has been seeding our skys. How are you protecting against that? At this point all I know is raise whatever crop you can with heirloom seeds that can reproduce the item and then let some go to seed for haverst for next years harvest. How can we protect our harvest from chemtrails that are being sent down thru the atmospere?
I saw on Jesse Waters tonight....dems now want come for your rice...along with NYC mayor Adam's wants to ban meat consumption...lol... and have cut school lunch to no meat on Monday and Friday's.

The gas emission thing!

Good luck with banning meat in NYC, home of the $295.00 (waygu) burger place! Freaking moron/s...

Are y'all shocked rice is on the "to cut" list?
I saw on Jesse Waters tonight....dems now want come for your rice...along with NYC mayor Adam's wants to ban meat consumption...lol... and have cut school lunch to no meat on Monday and Friday's.

The gas emission thing!

Good luck with banning meat in NYC, home of the $295.00 (waygu) burger place! Freaking moron/s...

Are y'all shocked rice is on the "to cut" list?
1. Takes too much water. 2. Land where it is grown in is or was swamp, therefore it releases to much methane.
Its liberal logic, never mind it feeds most of the worlds population. Oh, #3. It feeds most of the worlds population.
Aviation has been seeding our skys. How are you protecting against that? At this point all I know is raise whatever crop you can with heirloom seeds that can reproduce the item and then let some go to seed for haverst for next years harvest. How can we protect our harvest from chemtrails that are being sent down thru the atmospere?

Use green houses and we'll water for plants. Cover your top soil dirt mounds.
Lucky where I'm at, we rarely get chemtrails.
Aviation has been seeding our skys. How are you protecting against that? At this point all I know is raise whatever crop you can with heirloom seeds that can reproduce the item and then let some go to seed for haverst for next years harvest. How can we protect our harvest from chemtrails that are being sent down thru the atmospere?

Consider a large hoop house. They will protect your food from chemtrails and lengthen the growing season.
Use green houses and we'll water for plants. Cover your top soil dirt mounds.
Lucky where I'm at, we rarely get chemtrails.

BOL 2 pretty much has 0 planes going over. Never seen or heard one. No trails of any kind that I am aware of.
I believe Safe food is only temporary. We must find an Antidote to this bioweapon poisoning.

As said before, if true there, must be an antidote other wise how do the people involved stay immune , where is the chemical being made , that nobody making it have not blown the whistle on the manufacture of the product in which any country that it is being the supplier , I am not saying it is impossible to be happening somewhere , but in this day of information , how is it not yet exposed , I do not believe it is being made in Africa because of to much corruption , the money would disappear, none left over to produce , example knee pads R80,000 ( $4,500.00 ) paid by government for 1 pair as reported locally
there have been too many deaths lately over here of people who had allergies to some food ingredients in restaurant and take out food.
the only way to have safe food is to grow it yourself and either raise your own meat animals or kill game animals who have had a natural life.
As said before, if true there, must be an antidote other wise how do the people involved stay immune , where is the chemical being made , that nobody making it have not blown the whistle on the manufacture of the product in which any country that it is being the supplier , I am not saying it is impossible to be happening somewhere , but in this day of information , how is it not yet exposed , I do not believe it is being made in Africa because of to much corruption , the money would disappear, none left over to produce , example knee pads R80,000 ( $4,500.00 ) paid by government for 1 pair as reported locally

All information is either controlled or polluted so badly that it's not possible for the majority to understand the truth.

The antidotes are simple, but not known by the majority because of my sentence above.

The chemicals are many and are manufactured in many places, Ukraine being a major manufacturer.

The people doing this are evil and fanatical. For them the ends justify there means. It's not going to make sense or seem logical to the rest of us.
I am concerned about the prions of the deer wasting disease at some point in the future. Prions are incredibly difficult to get rid of and they're is so little studied about them.

I think you know how to treat the various Prion diseases. CDS Protocol 1000
I try to steer clear of ANY soy. Soy raises estrogen levels. Long story short, if you already have too much estrogen in you body for other reasons, it causes all kinds of bodily chaos.
10 years ago I was looking at purchasing soy beans for our fall-back group. It was then I discovered they were
poisonous for humans to eat. Now I know that they alter it so it can be digested.

But now I understand that the body stores it as fat (most seed oils) but when the body needs quick fat it cannot withdraw it.
That is why we are so obese.
My extended family has taken Clif High's Recommendation, we have thrown out our daily use of margarine, vegetable oils and seed oils, except olive oil.

Now we are using bacon grease, Armour brand animal lard and butter to cook with.
We are trying to distance ourselves from purchase foods with seed oils in them.

Link: https://clifhigh.substack.com/p/true-fat#details
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10 years ago I was looking at purchasing soy beans for our fall-back group. It was then I discovered they were
poisonous for humans to eat. Now I know that they alter it so it can be digested.

But now I understand that the body stores it as fat (most seed oils) but when the boy needs quick fat it cannot withdraw it.
That is why we are so obese.
My extended family has taken Clif High's Recommendation, we have thrown out our daily use of margarine, vegetable oils and seed oils, except olive oil.

Now we are using bacon grease, Armour brand animal lard and butter to cook with.
We are trying to distance ourselves from purchase foods with seed oils in them.

Link: https://clifhigh.substack.com/p/true-fat#details

I don't cook with oils (grape seed, sesame and olive excepted, mostly for flavor), butter and bacon grease only now. Hasn't affected anyone's cholesterol or weight contrary to what the experts claim.
Soy's action a phytoestrogen is extremely complex. Many countries where soy is commonly eaten actually have lower rates of hormone related cancers. Soy is a weaker phytoestrogen than our estrogen yet binds to the same receptors. Some doctors go as far as to recommend soy to block the more problematic estrogen from binding to cancerous cells. There is one molecule of soy that actually blocks a cancer pathway of growth, too.

It doesn't make sense that places where soy is heavily consumed don't have as many hormonal cancers while it is closely linked to other hormonal problems like beast growth and earlier menses here in the US. Asian countries don't seem to have those problems at the same scale, either. It is hotly debated in oncology circles. People get vicious.

I like tempeh, so I eat it some, but I would never use soybean oil or eat soy regularly, either.

There are many phytoestrogens, though. Soy is just the most studied. Red Clover is used in several herbal cancer remedies but it has phytoestrogens.
Soy's action a phytoestrogen is extremely complex. Many countries where soy is commonly eaten actually have lower rates of hormone related cancers. Soy is a weaker phytoestrogen than our estrogen yet binds to the same receptors. Some doctors go as far as to recommend soy to block the more problematic estrogen from binding to cancerous cells. There is one molecule of soy that actually blocks a cancer pathway of growth, too.

It doesn't make sense that places where soy is heavily consumed don't have as many hormonal cancers while it is closely linked to other hormonal problems like beast growth and earlier menses here in the US. Asian countries don't seem to have those problems at the same scale, either. It is hotly debated in oncology circles. People get vicious.

I like tempeh, so I eat it some, but I would never use soybean oil or eat soy regularly, either.

There are many phytoestrogens, though. Soy is just the most studied. Red Clover is used in several herbal cancer remedies but it has phytoestrogens.

So does wild yam and is actually useful in menopause.

I had a problem with hormones years ago, that caused 10+ miscarriages. None of the doctors could figure out what was wrong until I found a reproductive endocrinologist willing to listen and not just go off of what he was taught....he left no stone unturned and talked to me like an intelligent person rather than a blob. One of the first things he told me was watch soy intake; haven't touched it since and things have gotten better.

The Asian differences, could be due to differences in genetic evolution.
So does wild yam and is actually useful in menopause.

I had a problem with hormones years ago, that caused 10+ miscarriages. None of the doctors could figure out what was wrong until I found a reproductive endocrinologist willing to listen and not just go off of what he was taught....he left no stone unturned and talked to me like an intelligent person rather than a blob. One of the first things he told me was watch soy intake; haven't touched it since and things have gotten better.

The Asian differences, could be due to differences in genetic evolution.
I'm so sorry to hear that. That would be awful.

I suspect you are right. I think each individual processes certain things differently. Like dairy, I think soy is really toxic to some folks and not so much to others. I always just watch markers if I am eating different foods to see what causes problems, bit not everybody has that available to them.

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