Will the Yellowstone supervolcano erupt in your lifetime?

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Well I just heard recently. And my boss told me they just found a huge volcanic chamber directly under the chamber they knew about and its a lot larger then the previously knew about and it feeding the previous one a lot faster then anticipated.

I pulled a quote I posted earlier regarding Yellowstone..

"if it's not from YVO regarding Yellowstone volcanic activity it's a rumor plain and simple or flat out lie"
Ya, the news is really trying to make something out of this, the asphalt has been a problem since day one and as I posted earlier, if it isn't from YVO observatory at Yellowstone then don't pay attention to the scare ploy by the media, practically all the so called experts the media have had on these shows don't work at YVO ;) My Wife's pager would be going crazy if a problem existed and it has been pager green at YVO consistently even when all these so-called problems were going on.
Yellowstone supervolcano could blow faster than initially thought (not what you think)

"Despite some sensationalist claims seen in the media, the supervolcano is not expected to erupt anytime soon and if it did, the events would not be catastrophic. "There's no reason to think it could impact mass transport the way the Iceland eruption did nor would it have any effect on crops," Till told Fox News. "There is no evidence to suggest it could destroy mankind."

Can something (planet x) or nuke cause faster emergence of lava

No, that whole nuke thing was brought up by a Russian scientist suggesting the use of a nuclear warhead to neutralize a active volcano. It won’t work and possibly make it worse, nuclear warhead won’t go deep enough to make a difference except possibly block the vent cause an even larger volcanic explosion. No Planet X is moving towards the earth and if it were lava and volcanoes would be the least of your worries.
Well what is the best way to live longer then others here if planet x were to be true
Planet X is supposedly four times the size of Earth. And it would collide with Earth at more than 200,000 miles per hour. One second everything is fine, a millisecond later Earth and all its inhabitants are so much cosmic dust orbiting the sun.

So exactly how many nanoseconds do you wish to prolong your death by?
What is the best way to prep for planet x

Not believe in fairy tales?

There actually is a planet X, but it's orbit is way the hell out there (and we've known about it since 2015). It's about 10 times the mass of Earth (and 4 times the physical size), and the math points to it being there, we just don't know where along the orbit it is currently, to visually verify it. (and not yet enough data over time to make a more calculated guess). I suspect by this time next year, it will be made fact, and named, etc. We know about where it should be, but it's a race to actually be the first to observe it.

Certainly no worries about it impacting Earth. It takes millennia to orbit.

Here's a story about it, if you're interested.
Well what is the best way to live longer then others here if planet x were to be true

You might get a few minutes longer depending on the the side of the planet it gets closes too. I wouldn’t even worry about it, just hope your the first to go
We are more opt to be hit my a meteor than a planet. The best prep for a meteor is not be in the ocean or close to the shores, most hit in the ocean but not always. Don't pick a specific disaster just prep the best you can and stay away from the doomsday youtube videos unless your viewing them for entertainment purposes.
There are many things you can and should prep for. Having a way to get and clean water for drinking, a 90 day food supply for you and those you care for, an emergency fund for economic issues, etc. Doc’s comment of ‘bend over and kiss your ass goodbye ’ is about as good as you’re going to get for Planet X.
When Mount St. Helen's blew the ash was horrific, the photo is a state trooper vehicle a couple of hundred miles east of the mountain, we all gone to the local hardware store to purchase dryer hoses and make up some make-shift filter, it only marginally helped, the engine compartment had to be cleaned daily, we took our cars and trucks to the local buggy wash to clean the vehicles we learned very fast NOT to use water (ash and water don't mix) we had to use air, in my area I got a little over 8" of ash, lucky I was home on leave and tend to my property. Later on we converted most of the vehicles filtration to the old school oil-bath filters with a secondary above hood 2-layer filter.
Good grief!
Planet X is supposedly four times the size of Earth. And it would collide with Earth at more than 200,000 miles per hour. One second everything is fine, a millisecond later Earth and all its inhabitants are so much cosmic dust orbiting the sun.

So exactly how many nanoseconds do you wish to prolong your death by?
As many as I can
I Don't know why Yellowstone keeps coming up as an topic, I suspect youtube crap or blogs that's repeating bologna. No one knows if when or never, but few things a fact, if it's not FROM YVO it's a lie to sell fear!

Post of another thread 2015
um "Geologists believe that the Yellowstone supervolcano could explode at any moment" that's not correct, I know many of many geologist since my Wife works that field as an mineralogist, Lisa is in constant contact weekly with YVO in fact, I showed her your question and this is her response; "First, everyone should know that geological activity, including earthquakes and ground uplift/subsidence is well within historical norms and seismicity is actually a bit low at present" also "there has never been factual proof a nuclear explosion would cause a volcano to go active given that volcanic activity starts miles and miles below the surface"

Also, "No volcanologists have stated that Yellowstone is likely to erupt this week, this month or this year. In one article, a name was attributed to a "senior volcanologist", but that person does not appear to exist, and a geologist with that name assures us that he did not supply any quotes regarding Yellowstone. Virtually everything known about Yellowstone's volcanic past comes from the scientists who work at YVO observatory, an eight member agencies. They are the ones who mapped the deposits, figured out the ages of the eruptions, measured the gases, located the earthquakes, and tracked the ground movement, a few of them have been doing it for over forty years. YVO eight member team are the only ones who can say what's happening at Yellowstone now, and what's likely to happen in the future, if it's not from YVO regarding Yellowstone volcanic activity it's a rumor plain and simple or flat out lie"
The brilliant author Harry Turtledove wrote a series of excellent novels about the eruption of the yellowstone supervolcano.

Anyone interested in the subject should give them a read.
Reinforced concrete bunker...3 foot thick walls. That might buy you a nanosecond or two.
The money spent on such a bunker might be better spent on some really expensive scotch, cuban cigars, and some Ben and Jerry's ice cream...so that one can toast the existence of humanity, and go out in style with a smile on one's face.
Yellowstone in my lifetime not likely,,,,,,as for planet X,,,poppycock ,,and even if it was real what can you do,unless you can build a spaceship,,lol,,,,are able to time travel,,,or slip into another dimension we are all toast,,,,

basically I don't worry about what I can do nothing about
Yellowstone in my lifetime not likely,,,,,,as for planet X,,,poppycock ,,and even if it was real what can you do,unless you can build a spaceship,,lol,,,,are able to time travel,,,or slip into another dimension we are all toast,,,,

basically I don't worry about what I can do nothing about
I kniw we don't always see eye to eye, but in this issue we are in complete agreement.
I've always been interested in geology and I've taken about a half-dozen courses, but most of them -- as well as most of my field rips -- have been in places like the Colorado Plateau, which is very stable Jurassic and Cretaceous sedimentary rocks. Studying igneous formations/volcanoes is something new to me.
When Dawn and I retired to Idaho last summer, the first thing we did was to sign up for a 6-week course in the geology of southern Idaho, which is predominately igneous rocks. Most of our area is covered with lava from past eruptions, and is the same formations that have moved east to Wyoming (Yellowstone is partly in Idaho).
This semester I enrolled in an upper-level Field Geology course at the College of Southern Idaho, which will almost surely involve a three- or four-day class trip to Yellowstone. I'm hoping I can get a better handle on the geology here; it's an absolutely fantastic opportunity.
I've always been interested in geology and I've taken about a half-dozen courses, but most of them -- as well as most of my field rips -- have been in places like the Colorado Plateau, which is very stable Jurassic and Cretaceous sedimentary rocks. Studying igneous formations/volcanoes is something new to me.
When Dawn and I retired to Idaho last summer, the first thing we did was to sign up for a 6-week course in the geology of southern Idaho, which is predominately igneous rocks. Most of our area is covered with lava from past eruptions, and is the same formations that have moved east to Wyoming (Yellowstone is partly in Idaho).
This semester I enrolled in an upper-level Field Geology course at the College of Southern Idaho, which will almost surely involve a three- or four-day class trip to Yellowstone. I'm hoping I can get a better handle on the geology here; it's an absolutely fantastic opportunity.
I hope you never loose that curiosity and interest in learning new things!

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