Wingnut's bathroom renovation project

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Rogue Dinosaur
Apr 22, 2022
BFE... and lovin' it!
So, my plan to lay down 2 coats in each bathroom was optimistic, it took 4 hours just to apply one coat of primer in both bathrooms, and those were just the broad surfaces which I could roll out. I decided to use some Kilz2 for a base coat, just in case I need 2 topcoats of Behr for each bathroom. The Behr paint is primer & paint in one, top of their line, and it did a good job in the other rooms, but these bathrooms have thin paneling with what looks like some sort of factory-applied wallpaper, and I'm not sure how much primer that stuff will suck up at the start. I will say this: the bathrooms already look much brighter than they were, so this painting project is a BIG STEP in the right direction. 😒

I almost went ahead and put another coat down, using the Behr this time, but I decided to get cleaned up and go buy the stuff I need for this project. Got it all now, so I'm ready to spackle & caulk tomorrow morning, then roll out the Behr paint. With luck, the bathrooms will only need one coat of Behr, but if they need two, I'll have enough paint for both bathrooms and the kitchen, which I'll do once the bathrooms are finished. One step at a time... manana, the first (and hopefully last) coat of Behr paint goes on, and I'll soon know whether a third (overall) coat will be necessary. Kilz2 is a good product, and it should be compatible with the Behr paint. I used one roller to do both bathrooms today, same drill tomorrow... :rolleyes:

Some folks might have just left the original wallpaper/paneling in place, but I gotta have rooms that are bright & airy, with as much natural light as possible for illumination. Painting the walls & ceiling white will ALWAYS brighten up a room... and if it feels TOO bright, one can always tone it down later with posters & artwork, which I'll be doing. First ya gotta lighten up the joint; I remember during my home search when I was checking listings every day, I'd see homes with horribly dark & ugly color schemes inside, and I'd say to myself, "These people are either severely depressed or they are HIGH ON CRACK!" I ain't jokin', some of those color schemes were straight outta 'THE TWILIGHT ZONE'---dark as could be and ugly as sin. :oops:

Anyway, I decided to start this thread because I NEVER get 'before & after' pics, lol. This time, folks will be able to see the transformation... once the topcoat of Behr goes on tomorrow, that should be even whiter than the Kilz2 primer. I took a pic or two of the original wallpaper, which as I said looks like some factory-applied covering. It sucked up some primer, but I think it's gonna be hidden pretty well by the topcoat... we shall see tomorrow. Once the broad surfaces are done to my satisfaction, I'll take a day off before tackling all the trim and cutting in, which will probably take at least a week. I found a pair of sacrificial Vans which had seen their day, perfect for ladder work or stepping on counters, work boots are too clumsy. :confused:



The smaller bathroom... 😬


The pair of sacrificial Vans... 😨


The pair of Vans which got away, lol... ;)


Alright, that's it for now, time to chillax... I'm gonna get a good night's sleep tonight so I'm ready to take on the project again tomorrow. At least I made a dent in the painting, lol... 😐
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I wanted to add that I actually had some good moments while painting today... at one point, just when I was starting to think that painting really sucks, I looked up and saw the perfect location for the framed wooden tri-panel photo my nephew gave to me a while ago, it shows him and his son (my great nephew, I think). It'll be nice to put those pics back up on the wall where they belong, so I can see 'em every time I'm in there taking a bath or whatever. :)

Later, as I reached a point where I thought that painting REALLY sucks, I realized that I was improving my home's value by doing this stupid BS, lol. That cheered me up a bit and kept me going, don'tcha know? There's a reason why those who flip homes make good money: nobody wants to do this BS, lol. It's not like I woke this morning and said to myself: "OH, BOY, I GET TO PAINT TODAY!!! WOOHOO!!!" Rest assured, that did NOT happen, lol... ;)

Meh, now that I've actually started, I'll keep hammering away at this project until it's done... that's how I am once I get started. I don't want this project to drag on forever, I just wanna knock it out and get on with other projects (like the kitchen, or the exterior home painting). Looking back on today, I seem to have had one beer per hour, which sounds about right... don't wanna get sloppy on the job, but some Dutch courage is welcome here. :rolleyes:

Can you imagine how the project would go if I drank some of that busthead cider? Each bathroom would wind up looking like a Jackson Pollock painting, lol... only it wouldn't be worth as much as a JP original. No way I'm touching that cider on this project, that would be a disaster, lol. One watery domestic beer per hour, no problem. I basically burned off each beer as I painted, one per hour for a total of four beers... same drill tomorrow, no doubt. 😬
This is Kilz2, but I hear ya, it doesn't smell very good but it lays down a nice base coat of primer. Fortunately, at this time of year, I can open windows at both ends of my home and a nice air current helps "flush" the odor and cure the product. Today I'll be using Behr paint, which shouldn't be so bad if my memory serves me correctly. Gotta spackle some nail holes and caulk some seams first, I'm gonna get started here pronto, just had to knock out some household chores. I'm also having a cold beer to put me in the right frame of mind to do this home rehab work, lol. Tomorrow I'll be taking a break to do some shopping, so I can look forward to that as well... not the shopping, but the break, lol. ;)
Okay, today went well, even though the spackling & caulking took 1.5 hours, lol... :oops:

The good news is that I rolled out a decently-thick topcoat of Behr paint in each bathroom, and those bathrooms look good, might not need a second coat of paint, except for possible holidays. I'll let the Behr paint cure overnight and we'll see how it looks in the morning... 😒

I think the bathrooms look pretty good right now, compared to the yellow rooms they were not long ago... I mean, some folks might have been okay with the brownish-yellow wall covering, but I like WHITE, yeah? Brightens things up & makes me feel like I'm in a larger & airier room... :rolleyes:

Anyway, here are the pics for today, lol... 🤔



The smaller bathroom... 😬



Anyway, I'm happy with the progress, just gonna take a break manana and go deal with other tasks in my life, ya know? Sometime next week, I'm gonna run into Las Cruces and grab that Azomite that Peanut recommended so long ago, I need that stuff for my trees, even with amended soil. I'll use it on the veggie & weed crop as well, LOL. 😎
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This Behr paint label actually had "low odor" on it, and it's MUCH BETTER than the Kilz product when it comes to aroma, aye? Here in the high desert, curing conditions can be SKETCHY, but today they came through and I must say the paint looks REALLY GOOD!!! I am kicking back and enjoying a cold beer before dinner and an early CRASH TIME, lol... :oops:
I wanted to say this yesterday but I felt too tired and I just wanted to relax... it's a piece of advice for younger men & women who may be thinking of buying a "fixer home" which will require some rehab work. When you rehab a home, be sure to caulk every crack & seam in the joint, no matter how boring or tedious you think that job is, aye? A properly-caulked home can save you BEAUCOUP BUCKS on heating & cooling bills, and the caulking will also help keep insects and other varmints from entering your home, stealing beer outta yer fridge, and possibly sharing your bed, lol. 😒

When I bought a home in Benson, AZ, and rehabbed it, I went through 27 tubes of caulk, a new record, lol. That was a '77 manufactured double-wide, approximately 1440 sq. ft., and no caulking had been done since the home was built and set in place on the lot. 27 TUBES!!! I was buying the 4-packs of Alex caulk, I like that brand, and I don't waste caulk either, I lay a good bead along the seam and use a finger to smooth it out and make it right. I couldn't believe the home sucked up 27 tubes of caulk, but hey, the job was done right and the AC and heating bills were lower as a result. 😁

Those of you who live in the high desert of AZ know that bark scorpions are fairly common... they're not that big, but they can still pack a wallop and hurt ya with that stinger, lol. Not long after I moved to Benson and started rehabbing that home I bought for $36K (on roughly 1/4 acre), I met an old school local who told me (over a beer) that a juvenile bark scorpion can crawl through a crack or seam the thickness of a credit card. I was thinking of blocking ants with the caulking, but I didn't wanna share my bedroom rack with 100 bark scorpions either, lol. No future in that, 10-4? 😳

Me beloved and dear departed mum was once Registrar for the local chapter of the DAR in Coronado, and she used that organization's resources to draw our family tree clear back to England in the Middle Ages (when records become murky, lol). One of my ancestors married a sister of Daniel Boone, so my family is tied to the Boone Family through marriage and blood. In those days, when hardy pioneers built log cabins, they used mud or clay to seal up the cracks and chinks in the logs... a form of caulking, you understand. They did this for good reason, same way I do it now... 😉

You younger men & women who are thinking about buying a fixer home and rehabbing it, I strongly advise you to caulk all cracks & seams in the joint, and be sure to do it right... don't skimp on the caulk, lay a second bead down if necessary so the cracks & seams are properly filled. Use excess caulk wiped from one location to fill cracks & seams nearby, yeah? Once you do this, you will be secure in the knowledge that your heating & cooling bills will be lower, plus your home will be less likely to be invaded by insects and other varmints. This is my advice to you... 🤔

Site members like Hashbrown & others who have worked in construction or done a bunch of home rehab work, they will back my words here... caulking is important, and it can save you HELLER MONEY in the long run. When I caulked my home in Show Low, I used something like 18 tubes to do the entire home... my home in Benson took 27 tubes, but it was still a good investment. That's something else to look for when you BUY a fixer home: be sure to check whether the cracks & seams are properly caulked, as that will reflect greater care taken in the maintenance of the home. 😎

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Okey-dokey, I FINALLY made it back to this project, and I'll be cutting in trim today... first I have to mask a few objects on the wall, like towel racks, cabinets, etc. I'm gonna knock out as many of the easier corners as I can, priming them and then giving them a topcoat. I'll probably save the most difficult tasks for last, like cutting in around and behind the toilets... always a pleasant task. Meh, I've done it countless times before, and I'm still on a mission to get this BS done so I never have to think about it again, lol. What is today? Wednesday? Hopefully I'll have this job finished by the weekend, or by next week at the latest, then I can move into the kitchen and knock out that task. Fortunately, the kitchen does NOT have many areas to paint, but there will be plenty of masking to do with the cabinets, fixtures, appliances, etc. 😒
Okay, I put over 6 hours of solid trim work in today, now I'm tired but the master bathroom is REALLY starting to look good, lol... that optimistic estimate from this morning will NOT stand, it's gonna take 2 weeks to do these bathrooms right, but I knocked out a substantial amount of work today, and I figure another day or two should see the master bathroom finished. Well, another day or two of PAINTING, that is, lol... I may have to divert my focus to the yard manana so I can get more holes dug in that hard stony ground. My back is also a little sore from today, heaps of stooping & bending involved, but I certainly made some progress. With this legacy of arthritis left by me dear departed mum & dad, I can't tackle projects the way I did in my 20s and 30s... same goes for riding dirt bikes, lol. But I can chip away at the stone and eventually get 'er done, aye? No pics this afternoon, I'm too tired and the light is now bad anyway, but I'll show y'all the progress I've made when I get around to snapping pics. 😬

The good news is that I still have that Angus London Broil to cook for tonight's sandwich, that will be my dinner after 6+ hours of this painting BS, lol. Should be mighty tasty, and I'll be crashing shortly after I mack... tomorrow's another day! I should have plenty of sandwich material left over too, which is good: I still have burrito action going on here, but I'm ready for a change of menu, lol. The burrito mix is properly stored, it'll keep, no problem. Some of that spicy guacamole will be tasty on tonight's steak sandwich, that bad boy will include all the trimmings, lol. I still have to go water all the new plantings here in a moment, before it gets dark on me, but I'm gonna keep those plantings moist, or as moist as possible in the high desert where things dry out quickly, yeah? Meh, what doesn't survive will be replaced by watermelon seedlings, I have a friggin' TRUCKLOAD of watermelon seeds, lol. I saw a melon in Walmart for over $7, pffffffft. Maybe it's not the season yet, but REALLY? To heck with that, I'll grow my own... 😎
Not done yet in here, but it's slowly looking better... I decided to leave those two wooden towel racks in place above the garden tub, as it's not worth the trouble to move 'em. Once I get some artwork in there on the walls, nobody will notice the racks anyway, lol. Little Z-Girl is watching birds from that window, the trees outside aren't far away... :rolleyes:



These pics don't really do justice to the newly-painted bathroom, it's really MUCH brighter in there. Once I have some decor on the walls, it'll be a nice cheerful place to take a bath in that garden tub, lol. That tub is very comfortable too, there's also a shower behind that wall with the mirrored cabinet, but it's not as roomy as the shower in the other bathroom. 😒
Well, I put 5 solid hours of work into finishing the master bathroom today, it looks good but I'm too tired to take any pics, and the light will be better tomorrow anyway, lol. I took a second shower & now I'm drinking some of that busthead cider in order to celebrate the milestone completion of the master bathroom, yeah? My lower back is a little sore, since there was a whole heap of stooping & bending involved in today's painting task, but no worries... I'm not gonna paint tomorrow, I'll deal with other tasks instead and let my body recuperate, lol. Tonight, it's the busthead cider for celebration, lol... 🍺
Edit: This would be the emoji for busthead cider imbibement in the Big City... :cop:
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It looks great, Wingnut! So much brighter.
I can tell it feels better to be in those rooms. I would have covered that wallpaper too!
The next time you have to paint:
If you're only worried about the shoes.

I like the full suits because I am clumsy. I remember painting with my dad I always had to wear a hat because he'd end up splattering paint on the top of my head. I sometimes wonder if it was on purpose just to mess with me.

I spy a kitty! That's a pretty cat!
That 'wallpaper' is some sort of factory-applied BS, it certainly wasn't done by a home owner... I imagine the outfit that built this home in '83 used materials like that (which nobody else wanted, lol). Anyway, I was enjoying some quality time with the cats this morning when I noticed an interesting comparison: check out how much lighter & airier the master bathroom looks compared to the kitchen, which has yet to be painted. Morning sunlight was hitting both rooms when I took these pics, it was quite obvious that the master bathroom was MUCH lighter, lol. Here we go, starting with the bathroom... :)


Compared to the kitchen... :oops:


Note Black Diamond sleeping atop the cabinets over the fridge, highest point the cats can reach inside our home, and the place where cats go if they feel threatened or afraid, like when dogs go by out front. This makes me think that Black Diamond was chased by some critter when she was AWOL or MIA. I don't mind cats sleeping up there, or in that 'cat cave' I made of the cabinets over the fridge; if there's enough room and they're comfortable, then why NOT let 'em sleep there? BTW, those pics were all taken from the same location where I was lying on the bed with Crackhead and Z-Girl. 😬


Zoom shots of Black Diamond atop the kitchen cabinets... see how dingy the ceiling looks compared to the ceiling in the bathroom? Amazing what a little paint can do to brighten up a room. Granted, the kitchen has all the cabinetry, so that will cut down the overall brightness even after the room is painted, but then again, that's all the more reason to paint the walls and ceiling white, 10-4? I like white paint in a home interior, it just seems more cheerful, ya know? And here in the high desert boondocks of New Mexico, I like things to be cheerful... cheerful is good, lol. 🙄


P.S. The east-facing window in the master bathroom is also much smaller than the window in the kitchen... 😒
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Some of my ceiling tiles look pretty horrible too-- but I have those cardboard like ceiling tiles that will bloat if they get wet. The bathroom does look much brighter.

LOVE the tiger tapestry btw. I love tigers and my sister is a huge fan of tiger pictures and art.

My cats love to get to the highest spots they can find as well. It seems to be feline nature.
I may do more painting manana, I have about one day's work left to finish painting both bathrooms, then an additional day to roll Kilz2 on the wooden floors. I already rolled the floor in the master bathroom many months ago, but I never did the second (smaller) bathroom. The floor in there doesn't have any problems---no stains or odors---but I believe in adding protection when rehabbing these older fixer homes. Eventually, the floors will get vinyl tiles or roll vinyl cut to spec, but for now, the Kilz2 will add protection and buy me more time, lol... nothing wrong with adding stain locker and odor blocker either, just on general principle. Same way I like caulking all the open cracks & seams in fixer homes... it's a wise policy and totally worth the effort (and fairly minor expense). I still hold the record of 27 tubes to caulk my home in Benson, AZ, but that large double-wide manufactured home had not been worked on since it was built, and it had many open cracks & seams, which are NOT desirable in bark scorpion or fire ant country, lol. :oops:
I may do more painting manana, I have about one day's work left to finish painting both bathrooms, then an additional day to roll Kilz2 on the wooden floors. I already rolled the floor in the master bathroom many months ago, but I never did the second (smaller) bathroom. The floor in there doesn't have any problems---no stains or odors---but I believe in adding protection when rehabbing these older fixer homes. Eventually, the floors will get vinyl tiles or roll vinyl cut to spec, but for now, the Kilz2 will add protection and buy me more time, lol... nothing wrong with adding stain locker and odor blocker either, just on general principle. Same way I like caulking all the open cracks & seams in fixer homes... it's a wise policy and totally worth the effort (and fairly minor expense). I still hold the record of 27 tubes to caulk my home in Benson, AZ, but that large double-wide manufactured home had not been worked on since it was built, and it had many open cracks & seams, which are NOT desirable in bark scorpion or fire ant country, lol. :oops:
My Hubby is a caulk -a-holic too! Do you ever use rope caulk for large cracks?
Haven't had to use it yet on any of the three fixer homes I bought in the past 7 years. Sometimes I'll lay another bead of caulk down and smooth it out with my finger as usual, that usually takes care of the worst cracks & seams. 😒

To me, caulking is all-important, as it lowers utility bills and keeps out bugs... a win-win situation. It's not that expensive either, though the 27 tubes I used in my Benson home added up, lol. :oops:
So, my plan to lay down 2 coats in each bathroom was optimistic, it took 4 hours just to apply one coat of primer in both bathrooms, and those were just the broad surfaces which I could roll out. I decided to use some Kilz2 for a base coat, just in case I need 2 topcoats of Behr for each bathroom. The Behr paint is primer & paint in one, top of their line, and it did a good job in the other rooms, but these bathrooms have thin paneling with what looks like some sort of factory-applied wallpaper, and I'm not sure how much primer that stuff will suck up at the start. I will say this: the bathrooms already look much brighter than they were, so this painting project is a BIG STEP in the right direction. 😒
A couple decades ago, I did a bunch of work on the first floor of my entry way. It was originally plastered over lath, wallpapered several layers, texture finished and then painted several times. House was built in 1890, and has had a family with 13 children live in it, ten of those children being boys. I imagine that stair case took quite a beating. The back stairway had the same treatment as far as finishes go. Both staircases had loose plaster. I have scraped and removed all the finishes. I have had the entry way replastered.

Then I painted, and like you, I thought a coat of primer, Kilz, and a coat of paint. No! I painted several coats of each.

I have painted almost all of the interior of my home, some parts twice, and I do know that good paint is very important. My house had some really cheap, bad paint on the walls when I first bought it. I didn't know to prime before repainting, and the Sherwin - Williams paint I used soaked in. I ended up several coats of paint.
Yes, priming is very important, though many paints available today have both primer and topcoat mixed in to make things easier. I'm using the Kilz2 as primer because I have a lot of it left, and only so much Behr topcoat... my plan is working well, as the walls & ceilings are sucking up the Kilz2, and I'm using less of the expensive Behr paint as topcoat. My goal is to finish all projects without having a bunch of materials left over, and that's exactly how things are going, lol. I eventually wanna reclaim the 'War Room' I'm using to store materials, that's actually a third bedroom (or den, home office, whatever), and I intend to clear all tools & materials out of the room once I'm done with the home rehab work. For now, the 'War Room' is a convenient place to store everything I need for these rehab projects... and I'm slowly getting rid of paint buckets and other stuff in there, lol. 😒
Okey-dokey, we are looking good here at the ol' hacienda... I've finished the bathrooms, with the possible exception of a holiday or two, which I can easily pick up with a chip brush. Took 4 hours to finish today, there was some unexpected caulking to do in various seams & corners of the smaller bathroom. However, it's now curing and I'll get some pics later this weekend, I'm just SO HAPPY to have put these bathrooms behind me, as far as painting goes. 😁

I still have to decorate the bathrooms, using posters, framed pictures & artwork still on hand... gotta unload a couple of moving boxes which have been kicking around for over a year, lol. That should be the fun part, though, putting up some nautical decor, Western decor, etc. I have some really nice decorative ceramic tiles & plates to put up as well, though I'll probably save those for the big wall in the kitchen, they'll fit in there perfectly & add a nice touch, lol. 🤩

This long 14' & 80' single-wide manufactured home is reminiscent of being aboard a ship, so the nautical decor really goes well with it, including the lighthouses which belonged to me beloved & dear departed mum, lol. My classic travel posters from the late '60s and early '70s are heller cool, and the Western decor will fill in any gaps... so sailors, travelers and cowboys (plus cowgirls) will feel right at home here, lol. Comfort & style are important to me in my home, aye? 😎

Anyway, I'm having a beer, just sitting down and getting off my feet... I've been wearing those Vans slip-ons as painting shoes, and they're comfortable enough, but I'm also old enough that my feet get tired after I've been on 'em awhile. Meh, they're not too bad right now, and my back isn't too stiff from all the stooping & bending... at least that area behind the toilet is totally done (in both bathrooms), so I won't have to do that again, lol. Toilets are clean, but they're still toilets, lol. 😳

I have to sit down for a bit when painting or doing any sort of work. Can't say on my feet too long. Glad you got more done! Sounds like your painting went better than my mudding. LOL.

I'm looking forward to seeing more pictures.
Taking a break today, I'll probably roll out those floors tomorrow... lower back is a bit stiff from all the stooping & bending yesterday. One of these years, I'll learn to NOT tackle these home rehab projects like I'm still in my 20s, lol. Oh, well, my back will ease up as it always does, normally it doesn't give me any grief... just when I'm doing a lot of stooping & bending. I'll be glad when the home rehab work is all done, and I just have routine maintenance to deal with as necessary. Gonna have a few beers this afternoon and relax, maybe watch the rest of 'CHARLEY VARRICK'---never got to it last night, since I was tired and I crashed right after macking BBQ. Might polish off the last of the busthead cider tonight, that'll guarantee a good night's sleep, lol... 😴
I don't blame you. I'm taking a break today as well. Hurt my back lifting cases of water. I highly recommend Conair heated massage pad. Doesn't cover too much area but can hit the right spots. I've got mine working on my back right now.

I feel you on the crashing out. Hopefully we will both be feeling better tomorrow and can get more done. The progress makes it worth the pain.
Progress!!! I'm almost done too, I'm just gonna throw an extra (3rd) coat of Kilz2 down since I have plenty of it and the roller hasn't really seen that much use... I intend to get my money's worth out of that roller before I toss it, lol. Here are some pics, they don't really do the rooms justice, some cloud cover moved in and the natural lighting isn't as bright as it normally is, aye? And those seams in the floor between wooden sheets? Those will be caulked or filled with glue when I put down the vinyl flooring, hopefully some time later this year. So no worries, there, I didn't wanna use the last half-tube of caulk on those seams when the kitchen project is looming large, lol. That half-tube might just be enough to do the kitchen, which doesn't seem to need too much prep work. Anyway, here's progress so far, later I'll post pics of the decorated bathrooms so y'all can see the end results of the painting phase of this project. Cheers! :cool:




Oh, yeah, those cracks under the wall panels? I'm leaving them because I may need to slide the vinyl flooring under there a bit, I dunno yet... once I'm done with the flooring, I'll probably buy some of those pre-painted white baseboards and cut 'em to length, and that'll be the end of it. So don't worry about those cracks & seams down low, lol. I removed the floor registers before painting, looks like someone used a circular saw to cut those rectangular holes, lol. Meh, it'll all be hidden when I'm truly finished with these rooms, these coats of Kilz2 are just to protect the (formerly) bare wood floors from water damage and whatnot. Here's the smaller bathroom... 😒


Same drill with the cracks and seams down low, they'll be filled and/or invisible once I'm done with the flooring project. Don't mind the cord on the doorknob, that's just to tie the door open, lol. When I put down the vinyl flooring, I'll probably pull the toilets so I can put vinyl under 'em, then just cut a hole for the plumbing. Here's a shot of the upper corners in that smaller bathroom, not much light from the window (with cloud cover outside) but you can still see how nicely the painting turned out, lol. Here ya go... 😉


Sure beats that dingy old yellow factory wallpaper, lol. Of course, once I'm done decorating these bathrooms, I'll post some shots so y'all can see the effect for which I was striving. Right now, I'm gonna go finish rolling out the Kilz2, then I can call it a day and drink some beer, WOOHOO!!! Well, I'm actually ALREADY drinking beer, but I can BOOST MY CONSUMPTION, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Maybe even do some tequila shots to celebrate... I checked the busthead cider, there's only a tall glass or two of that stuff left in the fridge, so I'm gonna save it for tonight. Ya don't wanna drink that busthead cider too early, it'll mess up your afternoon & evening schedule, lol... tequila is fine though, it doesn't have the 'Missouri Mule Kick' of that busthead cider! 😬

P.S. Notice in the first pic that the "backing" of that large mirror has eroded... I'm thinking of just putting a strip of white electrical tape or something similar along that lower edge of the mirror, to block the view of that erosion. I guess that reflective backing just wore off, "Quien sabe?" This IS a 40-year-old manufactured home, lol... :oops:
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Okey-dokey, that went quickly... I just rolled more Kilz2 on the main traveled areas of both bathroom floors, 10-4? Looks good, now I'm done with this 'painting' phase of the overall renovation project... like most handymen or tradesmen, I view the painting & the flooring as two separate projects, which they are. But these coats of Kilz2 on the wooden floors will help prolong the life of those same floors... and we're not talking hardwood floors here, lol, not even plywood, these are some cheap panels which lie somewhere between plywood and particle board. They're thick enough, but some added protection in the form of barrier coatings can't possibly hurt, lol. Those of you who have dealt with home rehab projects like this will know EXACTLY what I mean, lol... :oops:

Anyway, get this... once the Kilz2 and equipment was put away (I left the rack & roller to dry over a bucket used for that purpose in the 'War Room'), I decided to celebrate by lining up two shots of tequila with lime & salt, lol. Now, those of you who partake in spirits or hard liquor, ya know I COULD have just poured all the tequila into a larger glass or tumbler... but we're BIG on CEREMONY when we do tequila shots at the ol' hacienda, gotta have the lime & salt laid out properly, AYE? So I did one shot with lime & salt, waited for the burn to ease up a bit, then slammed the other, lol... boy, those shots were TASTY, and I feel like a MILLION BUCKS right now, WOOHOO!!! "Home rehab project?!? What STINKING home rehab project?!? We don't need no STINKING home rehab project!!!" BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! ;)



Note shot glasses from JUAREZ and the CAVERNS OF SONORA, lol... those two shot glasses WORK for ME!!! :cool:

P.S. Bong hit & busthead cider LATER, just to keep the PARTY going, LOL. Time to CELEBRATE!!! WOOHOO!!! :thumbs:
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Are you going with vinyl plank or vinyl tile? Or going with vinyl sheet? I believe with the tile and plank you need 1/4" expansion gap at edges. Gaps are easy to cover with shoe molding, cove molding, or baseboard.

It does look a lot better in there!

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