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situational awareness, being aware of what is going on around someone, not having ones head buried in a mobile phone screen or hearing blocked with earphones!!!:D if something dosent look right or feel right it probably isn't, as we used to say "watch your back"!!
This is what we told her - pay attention, be smart, stay in safe areas, taking a couple martial arts classes won't give you magic fighting abilities.

The style I participate in does lend itself well to people of a smaller stature. There are ways of learning to protect your self against larger opponents. However, should you have the ability to carry a gun, then I would highly recommend that.
I am considering taking the class and getting a concealed carry license, but I'm not a big fan of guns (I'm not talking politically; I just don't like shooting). I always carry a knife though and I would use it for self-defense if the situation called for it.
very little if any gun crime in the UK, at the moment its all knife crime.
guns can be obtained in the UK but you have to go through the licencing and Police checks, you have to have a reason for owning a gun, just wanting one is not enough.
It's not the presence of guns that causes crime it's poverty and lack of respect for authority.

Canada has lots of guns and very little crime.

The USA created a crime wave with its drug war.

When the drug war ends so will the crime.

Just like prohibition of alcohol.

That said people still need to defend themselves and blades/pepper spray are very effective but you must learn to use them effectively.

90% of ALL crime is drug war related

5% is financial needs other than drugs

The other 5% is all about personal grievances that could be more serious since the perpetrator is more motivated as they are personally invested in the attack vs a simple predatory additude...

So the chance of you being attacked seriously is very minimal and 95% of attackers just want your gear/money.

You should always carry a small handful of cash to throw in case of attack.

If that dosent work they have more dangerous motivation and you are better off armed.

The knife is highly effective if you learn how to fight with knives and that's all about training.
very little if any gun crime in the UK, at the moment its all knife crime.
guns can be obtained in the UK but you have to go through the licencing and Police checks, you have to have a reason for owning a gun, just wanting one is not enough.
Gun crime: How do weapons appear on England's streets?
Over the bank holiday weekend, a spate of shootings across England hit the headlines. They add to a picture of rising gun crime, after more than a decade of big decreases.
old report from 2018, it also says that there are "half the gun crimes now that happened in the 200s", knife crime is the major crime in the UK now, another person knifed in London last night.
So, in other words, the people that want to harm/kill others will find some way to do it.
I want to be the guy holding the gun when they bring the knife to the fight. :D Shoot
I want to be the guy holding the gun when they bring the knife to the fight. :D Shoot
They can still sneak up and kill you with a knife while you're asleep. Also, knives don't run out of bullets.
I admit guns do have a number of advantages. I see the points everyone here has made and learning to properly use them is on my prepper to-do list. Just not very high on the list, when there are a lot of things I would much rather do.