Cinco de Mayo!

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Nov 26, 2017
US of A
Cinco de Mayo.jpg

One of our favorite holidays and one we never pass up celebrating, even if it is really a kind of a non-holiday.

While the day commemorates the victory of the Mexican Army over the French military at the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862, American beer companies have turned it into yet another drunken holiday/event and a pseudo celebration of Mexican culture. But I prefer to focus on the fact that if the French defeated the Mexican Army, they would have traveled North and rendered aid to the Confederacy and turned the tide of the Civil War. Of course for your Southerners that may be a point of soreness. ;) But for those of us in the North it it was a un medio para la victoria! ¡ Felicitaciones al ejercito mexicano!

In my house however Cinco De Mayo basically means a large Mexican themed dinner, some Mexican decor and some Mexican music. I will make up a fresh bowl of pico de gallo, hand smashed spicy guacamole and cook up some black beans. Then I will grill up 4-5 chili lime marinated NY Strips and 4-5 cilantro lime marinated chicken breasts, then I will fire roast some tomatillos, peppers & onions. The wife will make fried cheese "tortilla chips", sweet corn cake (for those who eat such things) and a pitcher of sugar-free fresh squeezed lemonade. We will tell the tale of the Battle of Puebla, we will say our prayers (to include the people of Mexico) and we will dig in until we are thoroughly stuffed.

Yeah, I know it's only Tres de Mayo, that's how excited I am!

Feliz Cinco de Mayo!
I thoroughly enjoy Cinco de Mayo, particularly the food. I was just thinking that if we celebrated every battle the French lost, throughout the year, we could have a panoply of cuisine to enjoy.
I thoroughly enjoy Cinco de Mayo, particularly the food. I was just thinking that if we celebrated every battle the French lost, throughout the year, we could have a panoply of cuisine to enjoy.

Yeah and we would weigh a ton. The number of battles lost /wars defeats and surrenders would make for a daily diet consisting of tens of thousands of calories.
I refuse to have anything to do with this so called holiday. I make it a point to wear an American flag on that day since that flag is apparently not allowed to be flown in comifornia but the mexican flag is. Its ridiculous that this is allowed to happen.
I thoroughly enjoy Cinco de Mayo, particularly the food. I was just thinking that if we celebrated every battle the French lost, throughout the year, we could have a panoply of cuisine to enjoy.

You might be on to something there! We could make it a once a month. German food in October, Mexican food in May, Italian cuisine...
Cinco De Mayo is also a great time of the year to buy BEANS & RICE! And seasonings! :woo hoo:

Easy on the beans though! Could be a bad night for my stomach area! :ghostly:
I hate this fake Mexican holiday.
Just more pandering to the hoards of illegals invading America.
It's not even celebrated in Mexico.

Actually it is celebrated in Mexico, just not nationally. It is celebrated in Puebla de Los Angeles. I know because I have been to their celebration as a tourist.

And illegal immigrants and Cinco de Mayo are unrelated to another. There are many fine Americans who came her legally from Mexico who still appreciate their nationality and it's culture. Nothing wrong with that. No more so than a German having an Octoberfest party. Something else we do in this house.
I hate this fake Mexican holiday.
Just more pandering to the hoards of illegals invading America.
It's not even celebrated in Mexico.
I don't know about it being fake or not. I worked in a Denver Public School that celebrated it every year, all day. The morning included a mercado, carnival games, food, mariachi band, pony rides. The afternoon included performances of dances, each class performing, and more. Evidently Denver has the biggest Cinco de Mayo celebration in the U.S.
I don't know about it being fake or not. I worked in a Denver Public School that celebrated it every year, all day. The morning included a mercado, carnival games, food, mariachi band, pony rides. The afternoon included performances of dances, each class performing, and more. Evidently Denver has the biggest Cinco de Mayo celebration in the U.S.

Would it be a coincidence that the air is a bit thinner there? :sarcasm:
CARIBOU, I am with you, let have one for every week not already with a fake/ real holiday of some kind.
Cinco is not necessarily celebrated, where? Mexico!

Yeah, the media loves to say that. But it is celebrated in Mexico and has been since the 1800's. I have been to the celebration in Puebla and it's pretty awesome. Slightly dangerous, but awesome. The food and festivities were amazing.

This isn't mexico, where it's only remembered in one place. No one cares.
Stinko de mayo...I'll buy beans and rice, and ammo...lots of ammo, to help repel invading armies.
It is just another reason for a party. Americans like to party! We don't celebrate VE or VJ day so we celebrate other country's victories. We should celebrate Hiroshima day and Nagasaki day (not) or maybe the day the North conquered the Southern states and kept the union together while destroying the constitution?
Some of you need to learn to have fun and live a little. Life is too short to not celebrate every chance you get! I for one am glad the Mexican Army defeated the French and kept the Confederacy from receiving assistance. I am also glad that I will get to enjoy some delicious Mexican foods and Mexican culture while having fun with my family. Plus if my having some fun ticks off people who think I am appropriating Mexican culture in the process, or are just anti-Mexico, then that's even more fun!
¡Viva la Cinco de Mayo! ¡Larga vida a América!

Some of you need to learn to have fun and live a little. Life is too short to not celebrate every chance you get! I for one am glad the Mexican Army defeated the French and kept the Confederacy from receiving assistance. I am also glad that I will get to enjoy some delicious Mexican foods and Mexican culture while having fun with my family. Plus if my having some fun ticks off people who think I am appropriating Mexican culture in the process, or are just anti-Mexico, then that's even more fun! View attachment 6629 ¡Viva la Cinco de Mayo! ¡Larga vida a América!
I'm not happy, it's too bad the Mexican army wasn't slaughtered in my opinion.
Viva la Confederacy!
Y'all have fun, I have many more reasons to celebrate :)

ya do know I just like being contrary, right?
As has been pointed out, even the Mexican beat the French. Is there anybody that lost to the French, besides third world countries?
As has been pointed out, even the Mexican beat the French. Is there anybody that lost to the French, besides third world countries?

Well the French are on our side(USA) now.
Mexico is not, not Mexican northern border control or drug control.
So I am for French winning one this time.
... I for one am glad the Mexican Army defeated the French and kept the Confederacy from receiving assistance. ...

Blasted Yankees! Your Federal government assuming powers contrary to the U.S. Constitution! Where in the Constitution does it give Lincoln the authority to arrest duly
elected members of the Maryland Legislature?

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