Why so LITTLE concern with current reality....??

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HCL Supporter
Mar 17, 2018
In a cabin, on a mountain, in "Wilderness" Alaska.
Why are Americans not concerned about current events..?? Yes, some are concerned, especially those on pure "Prepping/Survival" forums. But "broad based" there is little concern.
The masses have been seduced and their shallow lives filled with instant gratification making them easily manipulated by evil people selling lies and false gods.

Stay away from crowds.
Normalcy bias, commonly spoken in terms that the things going on have always been this way and just give it a little time and things will get better. Of course a lot of us have been talking about bad things happening for many years, to the point that others think we're just crying wolf and are tinfoil hat wearers, thing is that things are happening fast and what we have talked about is coming about now. Our son is now seeing this, he and his long time girlfriend, this used to be called common law marriage, anyway they had to leave their rented apartment because of people moving into the larger apartment above them, they could find no other place to rent, they couldn't rent a campground spot because their trailer is old than 2015 and if they could it would have cost them $1,200 a month for one small space, they are living on our property now. I will never say I told you so, I think they realize what we have said is coming to pass.
Psychological warfare. The old ‘tell a lie often enough it becomes the truth’ kind of thing.

There have been many folks commenting for years about what has been happening. It is basically that people have been lied to so much that they now will not believe the truth. The MSM has been non stop lies, or lets call them fabrications, of what reality should be. That has now become the truth. You can present the actual proof, with evidence that they have been lied to, and people will deny it.

OrangeManBad is a one example. No matter what President Trump did that was good for the country, the MSM kept telling everyone it was bad. Everything Joe Biden does has been good.

But… In reality it is not that a majority of folks believe what they have been told by the MSM, but that a majority want to go along with the pack: They will say they believe what a perceived majority believes. I forget what it is called.

Look at the last election.

How many people do you think really believe that a candidate who hid in his basement, could not string a coherent thought together and could not gather 20 people to any rally, won the election by more votes than anyone in history? And, the candidate who went out campaigning to crowds that waited days to get into a rally, filled every venue to overflowing and still had thousands outside even though they knew they would not get in… lost the election to the guy above.

Read that last paragraph again. Are you one of the ones who thinks Joe Biden won the election? Do you think, given all that you had seen, that enough people voted against President Trump and voted for Joe Biden? If you are, don’t you think that goes against all the evidence you have been presented? Did you once see a crowd or any evidence that anyone was going to vote for Joe Biden? Let’s take one more example… How many boat rallies did you see for President Trump and how many did you see for Joe Biden?

Ok, back OT. I believe a majority of the population DOES care and are concerned. We are silenced in the media to seem like we do not exist. They hold back reporting or telling anything about what we think or do. They want to make it appear we do not exist and anyone who things or fells like us, is in the minority. No one wants to think like the minority, they want to think like the crowd does, so they are accepted!

Do you personally know anyone who is not concerned? I am not talking about what you hear or think. Have you met anyone who actually does not care? I haven’t. No one in my circle, or the people I meet, says they are not concerned or not worried. Think back to the paragraph above you re-read. Doesn’t what the MSM is telling you, go against all the physical, actual evidence you have presented to you?
what i see in my daily life...people are concerned..the plague has changed everything..at least as a whole in my area. people grew and raised critters..but its changed now...it looks like everyone is doubling,tripling or more all efforts at food production.

just yesterday i checked out a few places for couple of hours. amazing..new fence going in in so many places. from the smallest to largest. seen a guy putting in probably 500 posts plus for new fence around pasture. seen so many small holders fencing in areas too. new chicken coops,gardens,orchards and soft fruit like currants,blackberries and more...not to mention the wild stuff.

cattle,sheep,goats and chickens..people are doing it. i am seeing every old bulldozer,trackhoe and more being put back in use cleaning up,clearing and more. i seen tractor trailer loads of split firewood from being dumped on ground in piles,to sheds full to pallets full wrapped and ready for transport to be sold for money.

portable sawmills in place running,regular mill running,new barns going up,old barns being repaired. i even seen two guys hauling some very old equipment they had taken out of old dairy.every thing nice and neat and stacked in crates and boxes etc. these guys had to be getting it to set up a little milking parlor on their farm,vehicle and trailer had farm use on it and it wasnt enough to be hauling for scrap.

a bunch of people are 'doing the things'.
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A lot of people I work with understand what's going on. My son and his group of friends (all in their late 20's with young families) get it and are doing what they can. Heck, I'm seeing people with coops in the city of Rochester for the first time ever. A lot of people are very concerned. They may not understand everything, but they know something's up and they're doing something.

That said, I know a bunch of people who are oblivious. Or they pretend to be oblivious.
As most here know, I work with the public in a retail pharmacy. I live in a very diverse area so I deal with people who have lived here since the Mayflower to people who literally just got off the boat from *insert oppressive country here*. People are aware. People are concerned. People are keeping it to themselves.

As I told someone who was speaking openly about their concerns with me, "we're a big choir, just nobody is singing at the same time." That has to change.
I know the system as is , will crash. It is inevitable. You cannot just create money out of thin air indefinitely and hope there is something you can buy for it.
Eventually someone will use a nuke
Eventually this planet will run out of resources if the population keeps growing
This isnt just the US, it's going to be world wide ( if the US system crashes, many will follow most likely)
Even if Trump became a dictator and did whatever he wanted, at this point, even he couldn't fix it. Nobody can. ( but the elite won't even give anyone a chance to try , so people like him will be prevented from making any changes)
So there isn't much you can do about it. You can get out of the city, but many people have jobs there they need to survive. You can stock up on food but when the system crashes completely, it won't help much.
It's what it is
I think we who are alive today have gotten very lucky and lived through the best conditions humanity has ever been in. It will only go back down
IMHO people today are totally self absorbed. The only thing they care about is themselves and their possessions. It is an "I don't care about the world. Just let me get mine." attitude. They are so consumed with getting more they don't see and don't care about what is going on around them.

I agree with Pearl. There is an "it can't happen" attitude, but I would add there is an "It will never happen to me" attitude until it does. Now they blame somebody else for their troubles, and expect somebody else to bail them out and pay for it.

Alaskajohn said it very well "their shallow lives are filled with instant gratification". I totally agree.
I am concerned......very concerned. As others have stated, I don't think many are talking about it on the fourm b/c they are busy getting things organized and ready. I know that is the case for me, especially in the spring time. Otherwise I think the prep forum would be very busy.
what i see in my daily life...people are concerned..the plague has changed everything..at least as a whole in my area. people grew and raised critters..but its changed now...it looks like everyone is doubling,tripling or more all efforts at food production.

a bunch of people are 'doing the things'.
I'm seeing a lot of these things going on locally as well. Those who actualy DO things are doing them. Those who don't, (as usual) just won't. Hyperinflation is the next act coming down the road and I think even stupid people can see it coming if they care to look.

Locally there are some political things that are going on that are good and against what the evil mainstream wants. It is the start of the brewing revolution. I think when they start trying to confiscate the guns, then that will be the last straw.....b/c we all know what comes after that. I believe that there are a lot of patriots out there who are getting ready for that line in the sand. There are BIG crowds of people just waiting.......think Trump crowds vs. Biden crowds like Woody said. WE are the majority, whether they want you to believe it or not.

People are aware. People are concerned. People are keeping it to themselves.

As I told someone who was speaking openly about their concerns with me, "we're a big choir, just nobody is singing at the same time." That has to change.
Agreed. Things are happening at the local level and the 'media' isn't covering it. Talk to the farmers, livestock owners, excavators, farm stores, etc. and things are moving. More people are starting gardens b/c they are beginning to distrust the big food companies along with big pharma. Good! I know I am doubling my gardening efforts this year and researching more homeopathic remedies.

God works his magic behind the scenes. I don't agree that this will be the end of us. We will be stronger for it, but it will hurt b/c it is going to get worse before it gets better. As Dan Bongino said, it's hasn't gotten bad enough yet. He's right. When people don't feel secure in their own communities, when they miss meals, when they lose their freedoms to move about, when they get pushed around by 'law enforcement', when they lose their children, when their health fails, when more of their rights get infringed...........then maybe then things will change b/c at that point, there will be nothing left to lose by fighting back. It's coming. It's just too bad we all couldn't get together and prevent the pain before it gets that bad.
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Some folks don't wanna hear any more bad news... they're tired of the globalist plot. What they SHOULD be doing is networking right now to form an alliance against these evil globalist swine. But that's not happening at a large enough level, thanks to constant MSM propaganda, not to mention the brainwashing of our youth in leftist academic institutions. Constant manipulation of markets and finance keeps common folks struggling to make ends meet, and the divisive BS sprayed by media and scumbag politicians (the Alphabet Soup Queer agenda, for example) keeps driving wedges between folks who would otherwise get along. Don't forget the TDS! My friend Tommy told me that when Trump was still in the running (prior to the blatant fraud), some libtard told Tommy's ma that she could no longer hang out with her, due to politics. The idiot had known Mrs. D for half a century, but the TDS kicked in and that was it... no great loss, as I told Tommy. It's hard to overcome brainwashing when evil forces combine: dirty globalist swine, Big Tech scumbags, globalist-sponsored media, bought-and-sold politicians, leftist school administration, etc. Only those who see through it all will have any real clue... and that's not so good, since so many of our youth don't care about anything but their latest Big Tech devices. Many of those who are more enlightened have nevertheless resigned themselves to living on the fringes of modern society and riding out their time on this f/u planet. As things stand, the wilderness is the last bastion of freedom in this country. :confused:
As others have stated, I don't think many are talking about it on the fourm b/c they are busy getting things organized and ready.
And part of what people are doing has been talked about and addressed. What can be said? And to what end? Instead of talking, I prefer doing. Talking has helped me to learn a lot, but I know there is plenty more to learn. And once things are learned, it is good to refine the ideas, such as growing, preparing, etc. Grow a garden? Yes, but what about those carrots, those onions, those watermelon, those medicinal herbs?

What can we do? Wring our hands and say, "Oh no!" Or we can get busy and get prepared. I think that many of us on this forum and probably other forums, have been working on this strategy to the best of our ability. Some of us may still have little in the way of preps, skills, etc., but some may be surprised if they knew what some people here actually do have.

Also, I think there may be less concern by some because they do not even realize the seriousness of the situation of our world. I am not a news junkie and have not really watched television since 2020. Many people are not aware because they deliberately avoid the news. I am selective about the news and what I see and read.

Ever say something to someone and have them respond, "Oh, don't say that," when what you are saying is an absolute fact that they do not want to hear about, because their minds cannot handle it? Yep, there is that mind set out there, and these will be the hysterical people who will need a good slap in the face to get their attention.

ETA: I do think there are quite a few who do care but are head down, mouth closed, eyes open, waiting for the other shoe to drop. Will see soon enough I s'poze.
...Heck, I'm seeing people with coops in the city of Rochester for the first time ever. ...

..Well.. At least for the 'first time since the 1970's... :) I will Never Forget that early 70's Rottenchester-Co-op "Peanut Butter" as long as I live... o_O I think I'd rather be 'Keroseneboarded' than eat that devil-paste again, gawd.. Was like eating 'RTV made from Oak-bark'... ;)

Yep - a combination of 'normalcy bias', and 'MSM / Hollymold, et al stupification' - the 'Bread & Circuses' of Rome's devolution.. And the Propaganda mills have been Off the charts, in recent years.. Even Bernays and Joseph Goebbels would pale before what's been done / being carried on today. 🤬

..and, Love 'im or Hate 'im, Musk has been an Amazing 'counter-punch' to the establishment MSM / Alphabet-Agency Cartel.. We need Far More like him, in positions to actually Change such (formerly) non-stop rivers of 💩 I hope he buys / flushes CIANN, MSCCP, and even Faux "news"..

..That'd be a good Start, at least, to helping People See what's Really happening / going on around all of us.. Even IF that Could happen, though.. it'd probably still be 'too little, too late'.. I don't personally believe there Is any 'righting this ship', unfortunately..


Concern means you have to believe that thinking about a problem is useful. It requires hope.

Almost everyone thinks the end is near. But they don't think anything can be done about it.

Americans have overwhelmingly resigned themselves to their fate.

Concern means you have to believe that thinking about a problem is useful. It requires hope.

Almost everyone thinks the end is near. But they don't think anything can be done about it.

Americans have overwhelmingly resigned themselves to their fate.
VERY interesting reply. I am not challenging it. It makes sense, at least explains how a portion of peoples thinking. Frankly your response is something I never considered. I have so very little conversation with humans, other than internet. Your point, your observation is new to me. It is bewildering to me that a sizeable portion of the population can feel that way. I am not doubting it, but it is simply a shockingly new explanation.
VERY interesting reply. I am not challenging it. It makes sense, at least explains how a portion of peoples thinking. Frankly your response is something I never considered. I have so very little conversation with humans, other than internet. Your point, your observation is new to me. It is bewildering to me that a sizeable portion of the population can feel that way. I am not doubting it, but it is simply a shockingly new explanation.

I actually put a lot of effort into 'reading the room', so to speak, to keep track of the zeitgeist of 'normal' people, for the same reason its wise to keep an eye on the weather of your area, or the stock market, even if your not a farmer or investor.

Normal humans are very aware that things are very bad on just about every front.

They just don't know or think there is anything they can do about it. And really, for most them, they aren't wrong. They are painted into a corner by their job, education, family, and most importantly, location.
I did not realize that was such a huge part of the problem. But now that you point it out, it dovetails with much of the feedback on prepping forums.

I actually put a lot of effort into 'reading the room', so to speak, to keep track of the zeitgeist of 'normal' people, for the same reason its wise to keep an eye on the weather of your area, or the stock market, even if your not a farmer or investor.

Normal humans are very aware that things are very bad on just about every front.

They just don't know or think there is anything they can do about it. And really, for most them, they aren't wrong. They are painted into a corner by their job, education, family, and most importantly, location.
...They are painted into a corner by their job, education, family, and most importantly, location.

..Which were their Choices, that they, alone, must bear the 'onus' for, even if they deny / deflect or try and evade it, but... That said...

..Many millions of 'unwitting' (and, some would accuse 'gullible' / shortsighted, etc) people found themselves 'painted in' by Other's choices, ie: Kids who are born-into / grow up in some Urban / City hellhole - not because They "chose" that, but because they were Born into it, etc.. ie: Think of the kids in Haiti, or those You ran into in SL, or I did in El Sal, etc, etc - not much "choice" in those contexts.

Nonetheless, it's what people Do After they a) realize that there IS a 'Matrix', ergo: The Edward Bernays-types-crafted "ideal life", that ends up Being that 'corner' with little chance of escape - 'chained' to a "Job" / taxes / mortgage, etc - the 'System' / Machine that we're all born into, in This Country.. (ie: I think of that one meme with the horse 'roped' to the folding chair - and he's 'immobilized', because he thinks the rope is an unbreakable bond - not 'Seeing' that he's actually Much bigger / more powerful than Either his 'bonds' or the chair, etc) - that can make a difference.

..and b) that, in fact, they Can - if they, then choose - break out of that Matrix (at least to a Reasonable degree..) And Find at least Some relief from that 'corner' (ie: buying Land in Alaska or Montana, for example (vs blowing all your life's efforts and earnings, etc on vanity / 'luxury' whatever) and arduously Handcrafting your Homestead / 'Masada' if you will, from scratch. :cool:

Even still - We're All still kinda 'stuck in that Matrix', till we're ashes (I mean, even the "free-est of Homesteaders" still gotta pay Some 'tax man', Somewhere...) but even That frustrating Realization (of 'breaking free from the Matrix' only being a relative Freedom) would be Fine - if even That weren't revealed as actively being encroached upon, like we're experiencing now..

..it's like finding yourself 'painted into that corner' - Whether by conscious-choice, or 'circumstance' (ie; the Kid born / raised in Compton, CA, etc) and, 'breaking out' thru arduous effort.. Only to find some 'wolf in sheeps clothing' (the .gov) has painted You into Another, even Tighter corner - and is shrinking that 'footprint', Month by Month by Year...

It's enough to make ya wanna Pop sometimes.. :mad:

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Put me down in the Matrix Blue pill being the answer why so many people don't want to face what is happening in the world. Once a person gives up on being able make a difference it is a comfortable cocoon to wrap oneself in.

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The first rule of having normalcy bias is we don't talk about normalcy bias.....

But leaving the modified Hollywood quotes aside, those with normalcy bias are mostly not self aware about that. But if they were, they would probably suggest that those of us who have abnormlacy bias are also captive to that.

But those of us with abnormlacy bias could point out that, we can function in their world.......but can they function in ours?

Concern means you have to believe that thinking about a problem is useful. It requires hope.

Almost everyone thinks the end is near. But they don't think anything can be done about it.

Americans have overwhelmingly resigned themselves to their fate.

THAT is absolutely what I think. I do not think it is fixable at this point. It's like a cracked engine block in the car. You need a new engine. Only matter of time until it stops running. The US has a cracked engine block
I am amazed that the grid and the internet are still working, most of the public's brains aren't.
Things are in a big mess, and none care to see it

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