2015 Meet & Greet Poll- What season??

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What season would be best to hold an annual Meet & Greet in your region?

  • Spring

    Votes: 17 19.8%
  • Summer

    Votes: 37 43.0%
  • Fall

    Votes: 24 27.9%
  • Winter

    Votes: 8 9.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
That's what I figured, but I've spoken with some folks who are a little weary of taking overnight trips with folks they don't know. I can't imagine how they'll meet anyone if they don't go to any events, though. That member isn't even active here anymore. It makes me wonder how much stock you can put in someone's opinion. I don't like to sound cynical, though.
im weary of folks that i dont know myself.and thats one reason i believe that meet n greets is a ideal situation for all of us.this way we can at least get to know each other somewhat..pluss it's a great way to plan a bug out to a new location if needed..pluss it'll be a good way to learn new things n all as well.right along with everything else that goes with a meet n greet
With me beeing failry new to the site please excuse my question, but has there been a meet n greet before or would the next one have been the first one?
And what do you guys consider as a meet n greet?
Thanks in advance.
there was one last summer..if ya wanna call it that..only 1 family and my self showed up at the planed campout..even thoe no one else showed up.it still turned allright.
You set this up so you can't tell who voted for which season, didn't you? You have 13 people who voted for summer. Where do those 13 people live? Is it possible to centralize a summer meeting for those people. Then you have 8 who voted for the fall. Is it possible to centralize a fall meeting for them?
I know I wouldn't want to drive 2 days to have dinner with a bunch of strangers. And I'm really not sure I'd drive 2 days to camp out on the ground either!
Is it possible to find another event that will be attractive to a number of DPF members and arrange a meet around that? That way at least if not many people showed up, there would be another reason or being there.
Let me think on this a bit; I have few ideas rolling around in my head. I'll do some research and get back to you.
All I can say is that I am interested. But my schedule changes so much it isn't even funny.
Thats why I don't really want to voice an opinion on things untill they are close to set.
a thought just occured to me..i believe it'd be a great idea to have one for each season.have one in one season one year.then another season next year..this way each of us that goes to one,can plan for each season better.plus,if someone cant go to one in one season.can go to one in a diff season.and we get to meet more folks this way,as well
Okay. I'll be keeping an eye on the results for a while...

WHO IN THE WORLD VOTED FOR WINTER!? I actually felt like leaving that one off the poll, but figured cold weather training is good for the mettle, so maybe a M&G in the cold isn't a bad idea, either.

Keep posting this in the chatbox too, if you would. That way we keep it in front of members.
A Floridian probably. It is very hot and buggy here:)
I'm fairly flexible and will make the effort to come if it's not too far away. I'd love to put faces to some of the interesting people I've met here.
QuietH3art, that's a FANTASTIC idea. I think "piggy backing" another event would be a stellar concept. It would minimize the need to plan activities, or to try and convince people to be part of those activities. They could take it or leave it. You point about people's locations is valid, too. That almost makes me wonder if we should be planning different times for different regions.

I can look at people's profile and see where they live, but that's assuming it's really their location. We have had a couple folks that didn't list real info on their profiles.

Really, we know when the seasons are decent for such a thing, but it's hard to account for those with farms & livestock, etc...
We've decided to pass 2014 for regional or national Meet & Greet events. It's summertime already and I dont' have the time to plan or attend anything. It's also half way through the year, so we want to give as much time as possible for people to get time off or handle whatever logistics they need to deal with.

Please keep in mind, this will be starting 2015. Please take into account your personal situation, kids in school, animals that need care, crop harvest times, etc.... It's not just about weather for some of us. One way or another, please think this over and make your voice heard. You can even post something to add a little more detail if you wish. Let us know what you're thinking.

We have every intention of growing these events as much as possible. We need them to have solid attendance and we need to make sure they're enjoyable in order to get folks interested in joining us. It's all about a good time and getting to know each other. Who knows... Maybe we'll even learn something while we're there!;)
Here's a thought.
If we can't all get to one area, and decide on doing several around the country/globe on the same weekend, we maybe able to communicate with one another via the airwaves as I know there are several Amateur "Ham" Radio Operators on here.
Kind of our own field day.

Let me know what your thoughts are on this.
Here's a thought.
If we can't all get to one area, and decide on doing several around the country/globe on the same weekend, we maybe able to communicate with one another via the airwaves as I know there are several Amateur "Ham" Radio Operators on here.
Kind of our own field day.

Let me know what your thoughts are on this.
I'm working on my tech and should have it soon. I will probably go for my general at the same time.

If we could hold regional gatherings and have comms set up at each, it would make for an interesting rag chew.

I like the idea of a Dooomsday Prepper Meet and Field Day. Great idea, Clyde.
I'm working on my tech and should have it soon. I will probably go for my general at the same time.

If we could hold regional gatherings and have comms set up at each, it would make for an interesting rag chew.

I like the idea of a Dooomsday Prepper Meet and Field Day. Great idea, Clyde.
Good luck on that test! I upgraded to general this past June on field day. I am studying, and making something to assist in studying for Extra Class. I will let you know when I am finished.
I should have my new HF rig tomorrow!

After you get your license maybe I will catch you on the Win System
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Loomis posted an event that would be REALLY smart for us to piggy back. Check it out

I'd like to hear what you guys think about that. It's pretty short notice for most folks, I think. We should probably have some reps there though. It would be a great place to drum up support.
Loomis posted an event that would be REALLY smart for us to piggy back. Check it out

I'd like to hear what you guys think about that. It's pretty short notice for most folks, I think. We should probably have some reps there though. It would be a great place to drum up support.
It's 6 months away. That's not short notice. I'd love to go and probably will.
I just checked and exhibitor booths are $695. Ouch. Maybe at the last minute they'll have empty spaces and lower the fee. I'd love to set up there.
be great to go to..but the distance and money be a issue for me..so,id have to ride with someone if i went.or not go..as for short notice.nope not at all..
jimLE, if I were going through Texas I would be more than happy to pick you up. Sorry I'll be between DC and Florida when that event happens, though.

QuietH3art, that idea of yours for piggy backing an event seems like it might be just the ticket. Even if we can't get a booth, perhaps we can get some fliers or cards... Something to help spread the word. I really need to get to work on getting down there for that expo.
We've decided to pass 2014 for regional or national Meet & Greet events. It's summertime already and I dont' have the time to plan or attend anything. It's also half way through the year, so we want to give as much time as possible for people to get time off or handle whatever logistics they need to deal with.

Please keep in mind, this will be starting 2015. Please take into account your personal situation, kids in school, animals that need care, crop harvest times, etc.... It's not just about weather for some of us. One way or another, please think this over and make your voice heard. You can even post something to add a little more detail if you wish. Let us know what you're thinking.

We have every intention of growing these events as much as possible. We need them to have solid attendance and we need to make sure they're enjoyable in order to get folks interested in joining us. It's all about a good time and getting to know each other. Who knows... Maybe we'll even learn something while we're there!;)
ASAP after spring 2015 would be my inclination. Interaction seems to be as much a crucial point as it is a needed resource to many of us. I'm in favor of regional M&G's simply because it seems more practical. Of course the question of regional decisions may arise once the initial ball is rolling to schedule. After the first one, some regions could desire to set their own scheduled meet- making the voting process a bit more complicated, but we need to vote regionally anyway if We have it set for that.
I know this one is way to early for us to form a regional or national meet, but Houston will host their annual Self Reliance Expo at the former Houston Texan Reliant Stadium on September 12-13, 2014. Its held on a Friday and Saturday, so its not possible with all the changes going on at work for me to attend this year. I just thought for those that are interested in attending who live in Texas, Louisiana or Oklahoma, it might be a great place for you to pick up some preps and attend some classes.

Here is the website. They also offer on in Colorado later this year, but don't have much info on it.

I know this one is way to early for us to form a regional or national meet, but Houston will host their annual Self Reliance Expo at the former Houston Texan Reliant Stadium on September 12-13, 2014. Its held on a Friday and Saturday, so its not possible with all the changes going on at work for me to attend this year. I just thought for those that are interested in attending who live in Texas, Louisiana or Oklahoma, it might be a great place for you to pick up some preps and attend some classes.

Here is the website. They also offer on in Colorado later this year, but don't have much info on it.

Sounds like a cool excuse to visit Texas.
I know this one is way to early for us to form a regional or national meet, but Houston will host their annual Self Reliance Expo at the former Houston Texan Reliant Stadium on September 12-13, 2014. Its held on a Friday and Saturday, so its not possible with all the changes going on at work for me to attend this year. I just thought for those that are interested in attending who live in Texas, Louisiana or Oklahoma, it might be a great place for you to pick up some preps and attend some classes.

Here is the website. They also offer on in Colorado later this year, but don't have much info on it.

That looks like a good meet. Wish I could attend but can't schedule anything out of state till after spring. Thanks for the link though.
forager, I am beginning to see the light in having separate threads. I'm not sure that planning the regional events at the same time is even possible. Also, this would give people the ability to schedule M&Gs around events or weather in their area.

I am really looking into the Prepper & Survivalist Expo in February. It's in Florida, and I look for any reason to go to Florida. The Texas event that SilentBob mentioned is a good idea too. If we knew these dates in advance, we could start working our events around those to help garner membership here at DPF. Once we get enough people going, we may one day have others looking to display, advertise, or attend our events. I never had a commercial inclination in regards to these events, but if that's the natural course of it's progression, I'm okay with it. I feel like I'm getting ahead of myself with that, though.

I think by posting these events, we can let other members know we're going and we can meet up from there. The ones that have enough advance notice will allow us to actually set up an event around it's schedule. Though, it may be hard to find camping or hotels during that time. We'll have to see, I guess.
forager, I am beginning to see the light in having separate threads. I'm not sure that planning the regional events at the same time is even possible. Also, this would give people the ability to schedule M&Gs around events or weather in their area.

I am really looking into the Prepper & Survivalist Expo in February. It's in Florida, and I look for any reason to go to Florida. The Texas event that SilentBob mentioned is a good idea too. If we knew these dates in advance, we could start working our events around those to help garner membership here at DPF. Once we get enough people going, we may one day have others looking to display, advertise, or attend our events. I never had a commercial inclination in regards to these events, but if that's the natural course of it's progression, I'm okay with it. I feel like I'm getting ahead of myself with that, though.

I think by posting these events, we can let other members know we're going and we can meet up from there. The ones that have enough advance notice will allow us to actually set up an event around it's schedule. Though, it may be hard to find camping or hotels during that time. We'll have to see, I guess.
Apology for the long time till my reply. Others seem to be more mobile than I between now and summer '15. After that I can periodically attend at any location in the U.S. Regional M&G's might be a pipe dream but it sure sounds good. As an active researcher in several fields, leaving my post would dampen progress at a crucial time in these studies. I'm much obliged to DPF for the opportunities to gain knowledge and a better understanding of the efforts of other preppers.
It's My intention to support the forum in every way possible and bolstering our membership Through Other regional events sounds effective. I also believe though that folks who share the title 'prepper around the country and internationally Though they encountered different mediums for interaction, should at least have communication lines with us so we all might benefit. Meeting with them would be choice though it' may not always be imminent for me.
SHTF Network, a group name suggested by a member, seems to be inclusive of almost anyone involved in prepping for approaching threats of danger. The abbreviation may be a trifle corny but there's worse names than that I suppose. It's the idea I like. If someone is really in a situation that requires guidance (which has already happened) in order to cope with something life-threatening, some of these members of ours at DPF are more than qualified to respond. I'm quite impressed by the scope of knowledge and experience represented here. It would be an honor to work with many of these seasoned ones to accomplish such a goal. I may be guilty of not asking first but couldn't resist giving it a try. No regrets and 1 success so far.
This reply is getting lengthy- before I sign off though , Alabaster, I'd like to ask Your opinion, Is SHTF Network just another pipe dream or does it have merit as I suspect?
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No at all a pipe dream. Difficult to attain ComSec and OpSec, but it's not a pipe dream. The whole idea in this forum is to share knowledge and grow a network. FInding people locally is much easier, but that's not to say that folks on the other side of the COuntry can't be part of your group.
My $.02.
No at all a pipe dream. Difficult to attain ComSec and OpSec, but it's not a pipe dream. The whole idea in this forum is to share knowledge and grow a network. FInding people locally is much easier, but that's not to say that folks on the other side of the COuntry can't be part of your group.
My $.02.
when I first looked at regional meets I thought only of the conveniences: Less distance and personal cost, time zone issues solved and the likelihood of collaborating with some from the same area. looking at what is needed to make it happen, With a 4-hour time difference between coasts there may be a problem synchronizing. Thus it probably would need at least 4 different polls in addition to the main website poll. and maybe a lot of extra work by staff that we don't see. There is still enough time to look at solutions so I'll continue reading, posting and whatever else till we have a working solution.
There is a lot of work going on by Moderators that no one sees. I can assure you of that. No question there won't be a National M&G, for the reasons stated. We've covered that in this thread and the ones from last year.

We'll be looking at regional events, and we are trying to gauge interest based on member locations. Once we have hit the deadline, we are going to split up based on where the most interest is. Then we will set dates based on those regions weather and member interest. We will also need a Mod(Or other forum volunteer) to take the reigns for finding specific campgrounds, hotels, etc that will accommodate the group. Some give discounts based on some of the events mentioned earlier, so that may help out for those who are cost restricted.

We need interest. Last year 2 other mods and myself worked on planning an event based on member input and it didn't turn out as we had hoped. If you have an opinion on when you would like your M&G held in your region, feel free to speak your piece. And of course feel free to take part in the thread, especially if you have new answers to questions or new input into the event planning.
just thought..there's lakes with campgrounds..and campgrounds in national forest..and all with in a few miles of where i live.and 2 of them with in 20 miles of me..i know those 2 pretty good..i can check them out,to see how they check out groups and all..and with the 2 being in national forest.a person dont need a fishing licence to fish...

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