Sticky A new Civil War has begun, who's side are you on?

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I don't see how that could work. If the serial number was on the outside, all you need is a dremel to take it off. (I don't know how the weaker spot in the casing would affect its accuracy, so somebody comment on that, please, if you engineering minded.) If it was on the inside, you could just take it apart and reload.

Speaking of which, plenty of folks hang on to their casings to reload. Anyone who enjoys shooting probably has half a dozen coffee cans full of casings in their basements/garages.

And how could they even prosecute if you had ammo that didn't have a serial number? No way red states would do this anytime soon, so if you buy ammo online or move it across borders, are they going to lock you up?

Such a silly bill and one that would just create chaos if it were passed. But they thrive on chaos.
I see first hand the stupid things they try and it will spread.
I personally wouldn’t want to run a dremel around a primer.
If you take out 3 cities, PA is pretty Red
I hear stories of people getting pulled over coming back from Reno and stories about CA DOJ taking plate numbers in gun shop parking lots. Can’t buy ammo online here, has to go through an FFL for the background check.
i enjoy my trips out of state, but i spend a lot of $.
Using a Dremel on a brass case is not a good idea. You can create stress risers that can lead to catastrophic case failure.
Get a supply of brass now. 90% of my brass was free, picked up at the range. 9% is from commercial ammo I bought. Only 1% was bought as new reloading brass.
I don't see how that could work. If the serial number was on the outside, all you need is a dremel to take it off. (I don't know how the weaker spot in the casing would affect its accuracy, so somebody comment on that, please, if you engineering minded.) If it was on the inside, you could just take it apart and reload.

Speaking of which, plenty of folks hang on to their casings to reload. Anyone who enjoys shooting probably has half a dozen coffee cans full of casings in their basements/garages.

And how could they even prosecute if you had ammo that didn't have a serial number? No way red states would do this anytime soon, so if you buy ammo online or move it across borders, are they going to lock you up?

Such a silly bill and one that would just create chaos if it were passed. But they thrive on chaos.
Weather or not this BS actually works is not there consern. They just want to say we did something even if it doesn't work.
If you take out 3 cities, PA is pretty Red

Even Pittsburgh democrats are mostly union dems. Too bad Philly runs the whole state. There's a saying "Philly on the east, Pittsburgh on the west, and Alabama in the middle."

Using a Dremel on a brass case is not a good idea. You can create stress risers that can lead to catastrophic case failure.

Get a supply of brass now. 90% of my brass was free, picked up at the range. 9% is from commercial ammo I bought. Only 1% was bought as new reloading brass.
If it was imprinted, would it also cause case failure?

Could you make your own if you created a mold?
If it was imprinted, would it also cause case failure?

Could you make your own if you created a mold?
Yes it could if it was imprinted in the wrong place. On the head by the head stamp would not cause a problem.

Brass cases have to be drawn, not cast, to give them the proper internal metallic structure. Cast cases would crack.
Yes it could if it was imprinted in the wrong place. On the head by the head stamp would not cause a problem.

Brass cases have to be drawn, not cast, to give them the proper internal metallic structure. Cast cases would crack.
Interesting. You are a wealth of knowledge!
I thought most of us learned during the dark days of obumer to stock up on ammo. I put away a lifetime supply since that idiot was on the throne.
It’s like Jello, there is always room for more! 😀
It appears to me the Civil War has been called off.

Yesterday the Durham Report was released after three years.
Although it doesn't say it, it proves Treason by the Deep State.
It points at the FBI, DOJ, Obama, Hillary and many others.

Since the FBI and DOJ cannot investigate and prosecute itself,
it appears that the Military will step in about a week from now,
declare Martial Law and begin cleaning house.

It appears that today 70% of the citizens are onboard with the Military coming in.
Thus there will be no Civil War.
I don't think the military will intervene or that martial law will be enforced, even the military is entangled. Besides, there was a video post in this forum two weeks ago where young military members swear about their own army, I don't think they're any good when it gets serious, they run away like the alternative leftist street bums.
I really dont think GOD is going to let this world continue down the fools path that we are on now!
It says that it will be like in the days of Noah, so who knows. In Sodom and Gamorrah, it was so bad, they were beating down doors to rape what appeared to be full grown men. I expect it to get pretty bad, but I also think we're in the end times.

Eventually, he will put a stop to all the madness, though, and that is cause for hope!
It says that it will be like in the days of Noah, so who knows. In Sodom and Gamorrah, it was so bad, they were beating down doors to rape what appeared to be full grown men. I expect it to get pretty bad, but I also think we're in the end times.

Eventually, he will put a stop to all the madness, though, and that is cause for hope!
Mankind has gone through much tougher times over the last few thousand years, and God didn't step in to "save" us. But He did give us the ability to save ourselves. We're just squandering that ability now days. We all need to learn how to organize and stand together to turn things around. I think God is just sitting around watching to see what WE will do.
It says that it will be like in the days of Noah, so who knows. In Sodom and Gamorrah, it was so bad, they were beating down doors to rape what appeared to be full grown men. I expect it to get pretty bad, but I also think we're in the end times.

Eventually, he will put a stop to all the madness, though, and that is cause for hope!
I REALLY agree with YOU!
Mankind has gone through much tougher times over the last few thousand years, and God didn't step in to "save" us. But He did give us the ability to save ourselves. We're just squandering that ability now days. We all need to learn how to organize and stand together to turn things around. I think God is just sitting around watching to see what WE will do.
OR he is watching to see if this world he created is worth saving!
God gave us a FREE WILL...which means He will not do anything against our will. If we do not believe that he is there, he is all powerful AND that he is ready and able to ANSWER THE PRAYERS of those who believe in him, then, he will not do anything but protect those who do pray and ask for protection...make your choice.
We all want to be grown up and make our own decisions and lead our own free lives, WE are responsible to take things into our own hands and create our own GOOD world and drive the bad one into the desert where they can do to each other what they want to and leave the innocent ALONE!! Live free, Gary
I was thinking about this topic today. We made the drive into Sam’s, literally 67 miles one way from my place. We live way out, by choice. The drive gives me periodic time to see what’s happening in the world and reflect on how things seem to have changed.

Civil war in America is an unrealistic situation. First, the amount of actual physical allegiance to the America that was developed under the constitution has waned to the point of being unrecognizable.

Second, to expect citizens that are too friggin lazy and self absorbed that they won’t even get out of their cars to shop for and load their own food is faith misplaced. These are the people that are going to put themselves in harms way for their neighbors? There is no way that will happen.

Finally, more and more people think it’s the government’s responsibility to protect and provide for them from cradle to grave. They’re not looking to rock the boat and by the time the government initiates martial law due to its inability to handle the situations it has created in this country, the only thing most people will be doing is trying to get to the head of the line to get on a government bus. The vaxxers proved that during the lockdowns. They couldn’t get in line fast enough and wanted non-vaxxed people arrested and jailed. Not seeing the patriotism from that scenario.

There are more and more people coming into this country that have no intention of changing who they are, into acclimating to what was the American culture. Those days are gone and that culture is no more. I know there are a very small percentage of people that would rather succumb than surrender, but I don’t see enough gumption in most Americans today to even merit the title of American, much less fighting for something they really don’t believe in.
I was thinking about this topic today. We made the drive into Sam’s, literally 67 miles one way from my place. We live way out, by choice. The drive gives me periodic time to see what’s happening in the world and reflect on how things seem to have changed.

Civil war in America is an unrealistic situation. First, the amount of actual physical allegiance to the America that was developed under the constitution has waned to the point of being unrecognizable.

Second, to expect citizens that are too friggin lazy and self absorbed that they won’t even get out of their cars to shop for and load their own food is faith misplaced. These are the people that are going to put themselves in harms way for their neighbors? There is no way that will happen.

Finally, more and more people think it’s the government’s responsibility to protect and provide for them from cradle to grave. They’re not looking to rock the boat and by the time the government initiates martial law due to its inability to handle the situations it has created in this country, the only thing most people will be doing is trying to get to the head of the line to get on a government bus. The vaxxers proved that during the lockdowns. They couldn’t get in line fast enough and wanted non-vaxxed people arrested and jailed. Not seeing the patriotism from that scenario.

There are more and more people coming into this country that have no intention of changing who they are, into acclimating to what was the American culture. Those days are gone and that culture is no more. I know there are a very small percentage of people that would rather succumb than surrender, but I don’t see enough gumption in most Americans today to even merit the title of American, much less fighting for something they really don’t believe in.
Remember, there was just a small percentage of American patriots that supported the first American revolution too. We just need to partner with another country to level the playing (battle) field.
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I was thinking about this topic today. We made the drive into Sam’s, literally 67 miles one way from my place. We live way out, by choice. The drive gives me periodic time to see what’s happening in the world and reflect on how things seem to have changed.

Civil war in America is an unrealistic situation. First, the amount of actual physical allegiance to the America that was developed under the constitution has waned to the point of being unrecognizable.

Second, to expect citizens that are too friggin lazy and self absorbed that they won’t even get out of their cars to shop for and load their own food is faith misplaced. These are the people that are going to put themselves in harms way for their neighbors? There is no way that will happen.

Finally, more and more people think it’s the government’s responsibility to protect and provide for them from cradle to grave. They’re not looking to rock the boat and by the time the government initiates martial law due to its inability to handle the situations it has created in this country, the only thing most people will be doing is trying to get to the head of the line to get on a government bus. The vaxxers proved that during the lockdowns. They couldn’t get in line fast enough and wanted non-vaxxed people arrested and jailed. Not seeing the patriotism from that scenario.

There are more and more people coming into this country that have no intention of changing who they are, into acclimating to what was the American culture. Those days are gone and that culture is no more. I know there are a very small percentage of people that would rather succumb than surrender, but I don’t see enough gumption in most Americans today to even merit the title of American, much less fighting for something they really don’t believe in.
There are always exceptions but…If a people are not assimilating into the US today, that same group probably wasn’t assimilating in the past as much as you’ve been led to believe. There are far more today and they’re louder, but people remain the same.
The reason the silent majority is silent is because they have too much to lose for so little gain. The loud people don’t have much to lose because they never earned anything. They’ve been baited to hate the earners. Take away everything from those that earned it in the first place and they will be much more vocal
Remember, there was just a small percentage of American patriots that supported the first American revolution too. We just need to partner with another country to level the playing (battle) field.
Different time, different environment and different culture. What other country would you be willing to surrender your rights to in order to partner up? Not happening as far as I’m concerned.
Different time, different environment and different culture. What other country would you be willing to surrender your rights to in order to partner up? Not happening as far as I’m concerned.
Why would we have to surrender our Rights to anyone? Besides, we've already surrendered almost all of our Rights to our current government. We're only allowed a certain illusion of rights now.

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