Sticky A new Civil War has begun, who's side are you on?

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Why would we have to surrender our Rights to anyone? Besides, we've already surrendered almost all of our Rights to our current government. We're only allowed a certain illusion of rights now.
Just my opinion. I haven’t surrendered any rights, you must be in a different area than I am. No one is coming to rescue us. Nice thoughts though,
Any kind of dependence is a surrender of freedom. One may be smaller and less obvious than the other but dependence of any kind chips away at freedom.

Give up enough freedom and you start giving up pieces and parts of rights. Some of that, we have accepted in order to free up our personal time to do things like earn a living in something we enjoy to do, rather than sweating in the hot summer sun or freezing out butts off.

Water, food, shelter, medical care and protection (fire and police) are the big ones. Roads is another, fuel, transportation, electricity, waste disposal, communications/internet access…each comes with strings attached. Very few of us could obtain those things from absolute scratch.

What I mean by that is to make a vehicle, you would have to mine the ore, smelt it, work and shape it into panels or frames, you would have to have the tools and means to make those tools, the electricity, the means to generate it and the knowledge and means to create the parts to generate said electricity. Fuel, to have access to the things needed to actually run your creation…tires.

Of course, you could do without, which would mean no more getting to Sam's club unless you planned a week or more to do so. In the meantime, who will care for your livestock and crops and protect the homestead? As the cities who have defunded their police departments are finding out, without them, crime escalates.

We are all dependent on someone, somewhere in some capacity. We have given over the freedom of being able to do for ourselves in exchange for freeing up our time to do other things that someone else is dependent on. In doing so, we have as a society accepted an infringement on rights.

This practice has increased exponentially in recent decades. My youngest who has only been out in the real world now for about 2 years came to me a few months ago and with genuine surprise stated that people don't know how to do anything for themselves anymore. She was sheltered living with us, where we did a lot of things for ourselves.

We have all given up rights in whole or in part.

Because the government owns the roads, we get a driver’s license to be free to travel. We register our private vehicles with the state, we carry insurance.

You build a home, you have to get permission from the government to do so. Your septic (and the tank) is regulated as is your water and the pumps to bring it to the surface, even the materials you use to build and how they are put together is regulated by the government. All is taxed.

When you die, the government will most likely take a huge chunk of it, rather than it going to your heirs.

Your right to pursue happiness is limited by government no matter where you live.

We have all given up something in that regard and we each have our line in the sand so to speak.
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Has anyone else heard the rumor about military being on the move nationally? Word is spreading they are going to lock down 20 States? Just heard this from Steve Quayle on Mike Adams show..

A few people here have posted about the military doing some "exercises" but, from what they posted, it didn't have anything to do with lockdowns.
Has anyone else heard the rumor about military being on the move nationally? Word is spreading they are going to lock down 20 States? Just heard this from Steve Quayle on Mike Adams show..
People often forget . The Military , Police , Government is made up of Our Brothers , Sisters , Cousins , Children , Grandchildren , Aunts , Uncles and in some cases Ourselves .
Remember, there was just a small percentage of American patriots that supported the first American revolution too.
The IRS is a force because they have more seizure powers than the rest of the alphbets dont have.
Proof= The MT gun shop that ATF didn’t take 4473’s. The IRS did.
i am not a legal scholar, why is no one protesting this angle.????
Now you know why 87000 armed IRS agents

A NATIONAL DISGRACE: Photos Leaked of Horrific January 6 Prisoner Abuse – Tortured 5 Months in Isolation in a Closet Room with Light on and a Bucket for a Toilet — Where are the ACLU, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch?​


This torture is taking place in America today.

Where is the Republican Party?

Where is the ACLU, Amnesty International, and Human Rights Watch?

Please contact these organizations here:

** Contact ACLU

** Contact Amnesty International

** Contact Human Rights Watch

Ryan is not alone. Numerous January 6 prisoners have been held for months in torturous conditions, dozens have been sentenced to extreme sentences for non-violent crimes. This is a horrible chapter in American history. It must be confronted…”
I just read the story about his death. Pure neglect!! Dehydration malnutrition and basically “eaten alive” in the Fulton county prison system. Autopsy results were homicide.

That's what they want to do to all real Patriots that oppose there tyrrany.
What does the new civil war look like? We are in the beginning stages. I think it parallels Russia and Ukraine, in that everyone is jockeying for position. The hits are spread out, and the escalation slow. There will be that powder keg moment when everyone lets loose.

The same here. I think that powder keg moment (could be many things; gun grab, flat out attack on conservatives with the IRS, FBLie, etc) will result in many sniper acts, then quickly escalate into grid attacks and infrastructure (be it from foreign ops, or antifa types). As soon as all of those status quo types you think will never do anything are out of water, food, electricity, gas, and pride parades, there will be door to door combat. The cities will fall into complete chaos, with no law enforcement to stop it (they will be home protecting their families, same as guardsmen). This has always been the plan. The civil war will likely not end in the old America "winning". It will be very dark for decades.
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The ONLY way America as we know it survives, is if those with some real power now, stage an actual coup of the commie traitors who have the keys now. The patriots backing them by holding off the DOJ and military. The ONLY chance, and in my estimation the least likely, as it will be the powder keg for the commies/anarchists, and back to my earlier CW scenario.

Be ready for anything.
The tyranny that is happening now is a wake up call to ALL politicians. Those on the right do not want to be Trumped and will not really fight the DS. What they are doing to Trump is not Trump specific, it's against EVERYONE who says MAGA. I think they have been emptying the jails and refusing to prosecute street crime because they need that space for us. The street criminals are doing their work.
Let that sink in.
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He would have been more effective if he had simply intentionally failed the state’s standardized tests and then walked away

I was working in the home of a middle school teacher a few weeks ago and she told me horrible things about the state of our schools, and the leadership. The most significant thing she told me was that last year they had 1500 students; this year 800. That amount of kids have been pulled for private schools or home schooling. A civil war IS coming.
I was working in the home of a middle school teacher a few weeks ago and she told me horrible things about the state of our schools, and the leadership. The most significant thing she told me was that last year they had 1500 students; this year 800. That amount of kids have been pulled for private schools or home schooling. A civil war IS coming.
With nearly half of the being pulled out, those same parents could vote in new school board members and turn that school/district around.
Why wouldn’t he sue? First he was displaying the American flag on his personal vehicle. Second, although it’s by a slender thread, this is still America. Third, what law was he breaking, is displaying the American flag on your personal vehicle illegal in some states, I know it will be soon, but is it already? I say this because attending school is still required in America, I’m just assuming on this based on the intellect and intelligence I am seeing in many of the young people I encounter.

I wonder if his parents will continue to pay school taxes?
Why wouldn’t he sue? First he was displaying the American flag on his personal vehicle. Second, although it’s by a slender thread, this is still America. Third, what law was he breaking, is displaying the American flag on your personal vehicle illegal in some states, I know it will be soon, but is it already? I say this because attending school is still required in America, I’m just assuming on this based on the intellect and intelligence I am seeing in many of the young people I encounter.

I wonder if his parents will continue to pay school taxes?
I would SUE the school district, this crap has to be stopped
THIS is what the schools are pushing on "young and impressionable minds". This is IMPOSSIBLE in nature. This is a year old, so it IS worse now, and will only get worse if we don't stop it.
Updated Feb 19, 2022 - Politics & Policy

The number of LGBTQ-identifying adults is soaring​

One in five Gen Z adults identify as LGBTQ — and that number is only expected to go up, according to a Gallup poll released Thursday.


The schools are indeed brainstorming the vulnerable kids! This is nothing less than extreme child abuse!! Those that do have a mental issue with not believing they ARE the sex they ARE…deserve and need help with their mental ILLNESS! Not lied to and told they can be something else!

. A civil war IS coming.

It can’t come soon enough for me!! I’m not getting any younger, and I very much want to be part of taking our country back from the evil mother WEFers!

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