another EMP question

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user 6493

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Oct 25, 2016
we all know a EMP is shutting down all cars and trucks but what parts are going to be fried,,,,,the alternator the computer the battery and I think maybe the starter,,,am I missing anything or will it be more wide spread than this
It depends on a lot of variables: how high the bursts are, how big, and vagaries such as the profile of the land, whether the vehicle was outside or in a parking garage, the make and model (older vehicles will have fewer sensitive computer chips to fry), etc..
what billy said..that's why it'd help to have the proper garage/car port that's done up right,where it's emp which the vehicle(s) can be kept parked in,while at home.and when ever possible,when not at home.(if that's possible) when ever you go some where.
we all know a EMP is shutting down all cars and trucks but what parts are going to be fried,,,,,the alternator the computer the battery and I think maybe the starter,,,am I missing anything or will it be more wide spread than this

No its not, a lot of stuff believed to be FACT from the Cold war days has been disproved, Also EMP was NEVER going to shut down ALL cars and trucks either.

I cannot find the articles that have come out in recent years but a lot of the supposition was wrong, starting with the fact that cars and trucks are natural Faraday cages anyway and we use faraday cages to protect our electronics from EMP.
a carport would be cheap enough pour a slab bolt it down close it in and hope for the best,,,,,,what else can you do...
we all know a EMP is shutting down all cars and trucks but what parts are going to be fried,,,,,the alternator the computer the battery and I think maybe the starter,,,am I missing anything or will it be more wide spread than this

No not correct as stipulated on the first EMP post of yours ;)
No not correct as stipulated on the first EMP post of yours ;)

I am not sure what you are getting at,,,,,my question related only to cars and trucks and the parts that would be fried
I am not sure what you are getting at,,,,,my question related only to cars and trucks and the parts that would be fried

Silent Earth post a video in the other thread regarding lightening and the effects on modern cars EMP would have a similar affect and I posted about the hype regarding EMPs ;) Everything regarding EMP and EMP protection is still in the form of theories nothing absolute at this time.
an EMP will fry a lot of electrics not just cars and trucks, it will fry the electrics in the computer in the filling station so no fuel even if your vehicle isn't fried.
an EMP will fry a lot of electrics not just cars and trucks, it will fry the electrics in the computer in the filling station so no fuel even if your vehicle isn't fried.
Now go upstream from the filling station to the distrubtion centers, the fuel pipelines and on up to the refinery's. All valves are controlled by computer and electronic switch gear. Even further upstream to the well head, pumping stations and crude oil pipelines. All valves and operations are montiered and computer controlled. Will these be affected by an EMP too? Even if cars and trucks survive, will the fuel supply chain survive?
in a word NO, expect the sheeple even if their cars work to run out of fuel, the highways will resemble a giant parking lot, even if you have fuel yourself you may not be able to get past all the abandoned cars.
in a word NO, expect the sheeple even if their cars work to run out of fuel, the highways will resemble a giant parking lot, even if you have fuel yourself you may not be able to get past all the abandoned cars.

the giant parking lot theory will hold true in larger city's and interstate hwys,but take an area like mine extremely rural and I believe you will not see many stranded cars on the roads,,,,

as for the computers shutting down the gas supply, it will happen but carry your own pump either a hand pump or electric and a generator you will also need a set of BOLT CUTTERS to remove locks ,the fuel problem can be beaten at least for a while

I would replace the lock with one of my own,the reasons for this,,,,to protect your supply and to find out if anyone else is around
trouble with my rural area with one very small filling station that is on the end of the supply chain, it runs out of fuel quite often in the summer now so i'm not expected there to be any left to syphon off post event.
trouble with my rural area with one very small filling station that is on the end of the supply chain, it runs out of fuel quite often in the summer now so i'm not expected there to be any left to syphon off post event.

I am a little better off than that,I have 7 stations about 20 miles out so I think getting gas will be an option after the SHTF........
I have 4 within a 13 mile radius but they are all small and probably will be emptied very quickly.
I don't think using fuel one has to go and find some that may or may not be there is a wise decision.
my plan is to have a stash and one night run will tell the story on if there is any point in making another,it also depends on what happens,if it's nuclear,a lot of folks will not make it ,at least half will stay put and radiation will be a big factor on who survives,the numbers will be small
This summer I'm installing a couple of 500 gallon fuel tanks. One for gas and the other for diesel. Even with rationing this would only last so long. I think it would be important to have an alternative means of transportation available. In my case it will be horses. Post SHTF I really won't need to go anywhere other than for hunting and fishing.
35 miles away there is a small city well inside of a blast radius,it will be pretty much gone but the gas will still be there under ground and safe from most of what happens above ground
This summer I'm installing a couple of 500 gallon fuel tanks. One for gas and the other for diesel. Even with rationing this would only last so long. I think it would be important to have an alternative means of transportation available. In my case it will be horses. Post SHTF I really won't need to go anywhere other than for hunting and fishing.
horses or mules,,,the gas will only last so long
I will have a small stock of petrol, just enough to top up the vehicle tanks about twice, but I don't expect to be going far post event, I will be staying close to home.
I think the strength of the emp is too variable to give this question a definitive answer. The sun has the greatest potential to put a really bad burst out, but it also blasts out smaller ones that the earths magnetic field can easily deflect. There's also the weather while the event is happening. Some conditions can make the effects stronger. Let's say for the sake of it that we get hit with a really strong burst, regardless of natural or man made. There is potential here to fry anything with wiring, but that's worse case only. I don't think we can really prepare for that. I do think that mid level bursts are possibly manageable though. The problem is, where is the car when it happens. Sure, building a metal carport gives some protection but only when parked in it. The car itself is some form of protection as its a natural faraday cage too, but only so effective.
I have read that the most resistant vehicles are older diesels. They don't use an ignition system, and have the benefit of being able to run off oils. Could you say they are emp proof, probably not, but they are tougher. Diesel would not be siphoned out of stations as quickly either, making another benefit.
My take on this is we prepare for as much as we realistically can. Kind of like an insurance policy. My focus is on these.
1. Water
2. Food
3. Shelter
4. Security
5. Luxuries, which includes vehicles.
If you have the first four covered and want to keep exploring ways to mitigate potential problems, I think that's great. However, I think any moving vehicle after an event like this is going to be a magnet for trouble though. There are way too many guns in this country, and anyone on foot with one is likely to try and take your ride.
I think a bicycle would be a good option. Ridden at night with dark clothing they are quiet and much faster than on foot. Fitted with bags they can also make carrying heavy cargo easier, even if just pushing them vs riding. I am inclined to think traveling anywhere and on any mode is a risky venture though. You are putting yourself at risk every time you venture out, and if it looks like you have resources ( by having transport) it is a magnet for those that want to take it.
we personally have bicycles, I can ride a lot further and a lot faster than I can walk. there are also a lot of horses and some donkeys in this area, no mules though-i'm not sure we have any in the UK.
No its not, a lot of stuff believed to be FACT from the Cold war days has been disproved, Also EMP was NEVER going to shut down ALL cars and trucks either.

I cannot find the articles that have come out in recent years but a lot of the supposition was wrong, starting with the fact that cars and trucks are natural Faraday cages anyway and we use faraday cages to protect our electronics from EMP.

Yep, correct. Virtually all we think we know about EMP is from ONE commission report years and years ago... And they only tested a handful of cars, and the vast majority experienced only minor electrical issues.

The bigger worry from an EMP attack is losing the grid, blowing components that could take YEARS to replace....chances are, your car would be fine, though of course, newer cars with more delicate electronics may have some features go out.
Much of the EMP scare in the last few years have been nothing more than sales pitch for products, books and 'likes' on youtube. As mention above, motor vehicles are Luxuries in a TEOTWAWKI non critical, I keep enough fuel to strengthen my defenses and add comfort to the kids and women folks during the transition time and supply fuel to the quads for no other reason than to get supplies to the BOL a side from that we have horses and mules or we can simply walk. I wouldn't spend a lot of money in hardening vehicles/electronics.

I have a small metal garbage can that cost me something like $21 that's about all I'm willing to spend and that's to keep backup drives, flash drives a couple of radios.
Even IF and its a big IF a CME or EMP toasts most petrolium powered cars there are still plenty of small capacity hand or air cranked, mechanically injected diesel engined vehicles, site trucks etc around working on places like warehouses, builders merchants and construction sites. All more than capable of running on home made biodiesel. But take it to the extreme and imagine no gas no diesel, all communities of preppers need to do is set up near navigable waterways or railroads (esp heritage lines) . And of course the hundreds of thousands of rechargable golf carts, bottled gas powered vehicles, horses, mules etc. LUXURY travel will be over, but essential travel should be maintainable.
if an EMP has struck, the world has gone to hell in a handcart, define "essential" travel please.
if an EMP has struck, the world has gone to hell in a handcart, define "essential" travel please.

you are going to hunt ,aren't you,travel to and from hunting sites,my hunting range is up to several miles from home,,,,imagine the walk in and then out with say a deer,,,I will be several miles from a river,so without some sort of transportation I would not be doing much fishing,,,,,to me this is essential travel

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