chemo therapy? no need

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How would the US Gov gets millions of research workers, Drs, nurses, oncologists, drug testers and people cured of cancer from all over the world in on the conspiracy? What monetary support is the Gov getting from those with incurable diseases like cancer, lupus, Huntingtons, MS etc or from those treating them, curing them and keeping them alive?

OMG! That is an unreal accusation and an insult to those of us who work or worked in the medical fields. Population control ploy? In the USA?

I truly believe your ideas come from some of those radical fanatical alt med sites written by those with an agenda and who are always selling the latest cures. And not one of them producing any proof of any of their claims.... nothing but worthless anecdotes and testimonials written by professional writers.
Either you are brainwashed, stupid or just plain blind and I would bet all three! Just like all the rest - no better no worse - it's not personal. I was naive and innocent to evil intentions too, but I educated myself about how Big Pharma hides cures so they can sell them for a THOUSAND times what those "alt med" sites do. They own the Medical Journals and the FDA that approves the drugs and the Medical Schools and the Hospitals - so the circle is complete. They don't have to get people to conspire. They just brainwash them. You think they don't have an "agenda". It's called money with a BILLION. My ex-husband was a doctor that went to a leading medical school and never had ONE class in nutrition. Shut off the damn TV and start listening before you accuse us of being "unreal". I can't tell you where to start. Just start. Once you "see" one conspiracy is oh so true and the man behind the curtain is exposed you will not know the blind person you once were. Let's see - try THIS - a new one about Sandy Hook AND the history of medicine cover-ups.
Yeah I've heard all about people wanting they're kids to have alternative treatment instead of chemo and then gettin charged, it's not nice , the owner of this site has another called childcancerforums , I could go on for days about human rights I do a lot of work with disable people and victims of abuse etc but I just started this thread because Someone Said there won't be chemo after shtf I just wanted to spread what is heard about apricot seeds, cannabis oil does similar but if I try to promote cannabis people will think I'm just a legalise it freak lolol
I never believed in legalizing recreational drugs - but cannibis oil has no "high". It is strictly a medicine. And why, when our country was the worlds provider of hemp rope - why can't we have that industry and cash crop? Estimates are that the first state that legalizes hemp fiber as a crop gets its bills paid in full from that alone. I didn't say it - but the estimates are very high in the prosperity department. That's why the bandwagon on that. The gangs are actually against legalization according to a study in CA - because then they'd have to pay taxes on their sales. HA. Let's make 'em pay taxes. I don't care who smokes what. Cannibis and cannibis oil have been medical treatments since before we were a country. Maybe they are hiding them because they work?
Anyone can say what they wish but my family will not be putting any $$ into Big Pharma's pockets in any way shape or form. Big Pharma cares for nothing but their $$ they don't really want to help people.
Those are the BITTER almond seeds - not the sweet almonds we eat. Take 5 or so a day - more can cause digestive trouble and no need. These seeds contain Laetril - remember? The great promise of the 70's to cure cancer and then it was shut up and ignored because you can't patent "natural" substances and make billions.

I was around in the 70s and they fell out of favor because no one was cured using them. No tumors shrunk. No leukemia went in to remission. No breast tumors disappeared. People rejected real cures and treatments that would have put them in remission - and died. If Laetril actually worked (STOP AND THINK!!!!!!) the alt crowd selling them would have made billions. Those growing them would have made billions. You don't need to patent something to get rich. ;) The most famous cancer victim who died by taking Laetrile rather than conventional cancer treatments was Steve McQueen. By the time he realized Laetrile was worthless, it was too late.

There are many of these natural cures that have been bought out or discredited. therrrrrrrre are many bills in legislative houses in every state to use the FDA to shut out supplements so we can't help ourselves.

Uh, lets be honest here. The only supplements taken off the market are those KNOWN to be worthless yet magical claims are made for them such as Herbalife. Remember that useless herb that made the Co BILLIONS? Or if they're dangerous and people died or became ill taking them.

Please check it out and fight the increasing dissappearance of vitamins, minerals, herbs and teas that compete with Big Pharma.

Huh? The shelves where I live and down here in TN where we spend the winter are loaded to the bursting point with vitamins, minerals, herbs and tea. You must live in a very small town - no? Try WalMart or any of the well known Drug Stores and you will find isles and isles of vitamins, minerals, herbs and teas.
Anyone can say what they wish but my family will not be putting any $$ into Big Pharma's pockets in any way shape or form. Big Pharma cares for nothing but their $$ they don't really want to help people.

So you plan to die should one of you get really sick? Your parents may not agree to go without treatment. You also cannot legally allow your children to die for lack of medical care. And by what you infer, all the alt treatments and cures are FREE. Only BigPharm who spends billions a year on research charge for their products. Please tell us where we can all get the FREE alt cures, supplements and treatments. Remember, by what you yourself said, if they charge, "they're for nothing but their $$ they don't really want to help people". Now where can I get all those FREE supplements, copper bracelets, magnetic mattresses, alkaline water, and other alternative products?;)
Either you are brainwashed, stupid or just plain blind and I would bet all three!

No, I'm neither blind, stupid or brainwashed. I worked in the medical field for years, as do, and did, several family members. My stepdaughter is a clinical research scientist for example. How much education in the field of medicine, biology, pharmacology, human physiology etc do you have? Your insults are both without merit and juvenile.

Just like all the rest - no better no worse - it's not personal. I was naive and innocent to evil intentions too, but I educated myself about how Big Pharma hides cures so they can sell them for a THOUSAND times what those "alt med" sites do.

And you educated yourself by getting a college degree in the field and actually working for one of the large drug firms? Which ones? Where are the copies of the documents you have as proof of your allegations?

Or did you *educate* yourself reading self-serving alternative sites written by professional writers? Yes, they pay professional writers like my friend in NY to write compelling BS, anecdotes and testimonials to sell their products to the tune of BILLION$ a year. People write who wouldn't know Hulda Clark's magic liver fluke cancer curing zapper from a magic copper bracelet that supposed to cure arthritis. It's a job for them and people like you read the BS and believe it. Sadly, almost everyone I know who fell for the compelling testimonials and inane claims on these sites had no education in the field of medicine/health/pharmacology and no Health Insurance.

They own the Medical Journals and the FDA that approves the drugs and the Medical Schools and the Hospitals - so the circle is complete. They don't have to get people to conspire. They just brainwash them.

You can't brainwash people in the medical/drug studies. That's absurd to the nth degree. If you actually did the research you claim you did you would know they approve drugs that pass the tests, after being tested on animals, sometimes for months. Then they have the clinical trials. Let me educate you to what actually happens. I'll make it brief. If the drug works well in humans with a minimum of side-effects, it passes and goes to through more trials... this can cost the Drug company MILLIONS of dollars. If the drug doesn't work in humans and proves to be worthless or dangerous, it doesn't hit the market. Or if it works well in animals it may become a drug used by veterinarians. The Drug Co just lost millions of dollars if the drug bombs. The researchers have to start again. And because of one or two cases of cheating, there are so many safeguards in place, that can't happen again. It has nothing to do with brain-washing of the sort found on alternative websites, books and magazines.

You think they don't have an "agenda". It's called money with a BILLION.

Just like those selling everything from magic cancer curing zappers and alkaline waters online. You did no research or would know that much of the money Drug Cos take in gets plunged right back into research. Would you rather have your child die of measles or tetanus or vaccinate them? Do you realize how many BILLIONS of children's lives were saved because some Drug Co produced the vaccines that saved them?

My ex-husband was a doctor that went to a leading medical school and never had ONE class in nutrition. Shut off the damn TV and start listening before you accuse us of being "unreal".

You are unreal. You're not THINKING for yourself! You're doing nothing but repeating the nonsense you read online written by people like Marge who are paid to be persuasive and believable.

I can't tell you where to start. Just start. Once you "see" one conspiracy is oh so true and the man behind the curtain is exposed you will not know the blind person you once were. Let's see - try THIS - a new one about Sandy Hook AND the history of medicine cover-ups.

I don't watch videos so provide a text site with the proof of your claim. I guess you mean this:
My parents can do as they wish as long as they are of their own mind and can decide for themselves, when it comes time that they are not I have already told them that they should have what they want written out and in their will, otherwise I will choose their care. I'm not saying we will have lack of medical care but we well not have mainstream medical care. Medical care is not defined by allopathic medical care. No not all natural methods are not free, but the money is not going into killers pockets and that's the way I'll keep it. As far as the choices my family has made for our health they are none of your concern and not up for discussion of change, be concerned with your own family and leave mine be.
So you plan to die should one of you get really sick? Your parents may not agree to go without treatment. You also cannot legally allow your children to die for lack of medical care. And by what you infer, all the alt treatments and cures are FREE. Only BigPharm who spends billions a year on research charge for their products. Please tell us where we can all get the FREE alt cures, supplements and treatments. Remember, by what you yourself said, if they charge, "they're for nothing but their $$ they don't really want to help people". Now where can I get all those FREE supplements, copper bracelets, magnetic mattresses, alkaline water, and other alternative products?;)
My parents can do as they wish as long as they are of their own mind and can decide for themselves, when it comes time that they are not I have already told them that they should have what they want written out and in their will, otherwise I will choose their care. I'm not saying we will have lack of medical care but we well not have mainstream medical care. Medical care is not defined by allopathic medical care. No not all natural methods are not free, but the money is not going into killers pockets and that's the way I'll keep it. As far as the choices my family has made for our health they are none of your concern and not up for discussion of change, be concerned with your own family and leave mine be.
And if you mean my parents agreeing to my care, well that's not their choice anymore, That's why you make sure ALL of your medical wishes are in a legal document. My husband supports and agrees with our medical choices, If it comes to something terminal then no I will not seek out a mainstream medical treatment. Our family is healthy and rarely sick, my husband and i tend to have more allergies due to our parents poor choices in medical practice, but our daughter has never been sick, never ran a fever, we have healthy lifestyles. When my daughter is old enough to read up and do her own research she can make her own choices and I will support them. You, RVKitty, support mainstream medical and I will support your choice in that, please respect mine. Oh and I don't believe in all that nonsense of copper bracelets, magnetic mattresses, and alkaline water. We don't take supplements on a regular basis to supplement means you don't allow enough in your own diet. Most of what we use we can grow ourselves so yes essentially that is free. Some of our things no they aren't free and that's OK, I would rather pay for whats good for you then pay for a cocktail of chemicals that comes with a list of side-effects a mile long. ;-)
My parents can do as they wish as long as they are of their own mind and can decide for themselves, when it comes time that they are not I have already told them that they should have what they want written out and in their will, otherwise I will choose their care. I'm not saying we will have lack of medical care but we well not have mainstream medical care.

Make sure they know this before they give you Power-Of-Attorney to make life decisions for them.

Medical care is not defined by allopathic medical care. No not all natural methods are not free, but the money is not going into killers pockets and that's the way I'll keep it.

Killer's pockets? What killers? Why haven't you provided the information I asked for to prove or show evidence of your allegations? All you keep doing is repeating things like my friend Marge wrote for those alt med hucksters and quacks. Where is your evidence all these millions of people working in the health care industry are in on some weird conspiracy to KILL people? Oh, maybe you mean those quacks selling magic cancer cures and others crapola, lotions, potions, notions and supplements online they claim will cure all your ills.

As far as the choices my family has made for our health they are none of your concern and not up for discussion of change, be concerned with your own family and leave mine be.

Then don't bring them up. I didn't bring up your family - YOU DID! :D
And if you mean my parents agreeing to my care, well that's not their choice anymore, That's why you make sure ALL of your medical wishes are in a legal document.

Make sure you let them know you will allow them to die rather than have them treated. They may or may not go along with that, and that is their prerogative, not yours.

My husband supports and agrees with our medical choices, If it comes to something terminal then no I will not seek out a mainstream medical treatment.

You don't have to. If you choose death or suffering for yourself.... that is your choice and no one will force you to do anything else. Choosing DEATH for another person is immoral. In fact, it may even be illegal where you live.

Our family is healthy and rarely sick, my husband and i tend to have more allergies due to our parents poor choices in medical practice, but our daughter has never been sick, never ran a fever, we have healthy lifestyles. When my daughter is old enough to read up and do her own research she can make her own choices and I will support them.

And you wont try to influence her? I find that hard to believe.

You, RVKitty, support mainstream medical and I will support your choice in that, please respect mine. Oh and I don't believe in all that nonsense of copper bracelets, magnetic mattresses, and alkaline water. We don't take supplements on a regular basis to supplement means you don't allow enough in your own diet. Most of what we use we can grow ourselves so yes essentially that is free. Some of our things no they aren't free and that's OK,

If they're not FREE, then going by what you yourself claimed, the seller is only out for the money and cares nothing about you.

I would rather pay for whats good for you then pay for a cocktail of chemicals that comes with a list of side-effects a mile long. ;-)

Which cocktail of chemicals are you talking about? Why are you, like most conspirisists, always so vague? Let me guess... because all you're doing is repeating what you read on some alt med sites. ;)

You still haven't provided the evidence of your claims that there's a conspiracy to kill people in the medical field. And by what you wrote above, you don't believe in any kind of medical treatments, alternative or otherwise. If one of you gets seriously sick, you will chose death for yourselves. No one will stop you from that... your child is another mattter. It will be illegal for you to allow her to die for lack of medical care.
Make sure they know this before they give you Power-Of-Attorney to make life decisions for them.

Killer's pockets? What killers? Why haven't you provided the information I asked for to prove or show evidence of your allegations? All you keep doing is repeating things like my friend Marge wrote for those alt med hucksters and quacks. Where is your evidence all these millions of people working in the health care industry are in on some weird conspiracy to KILL people? Oh, maybe you mean those quacks selling magic cancer cures and others crapola, lotions, potions, notions and supplements online they claim will cure all your ills.

Then don't bring them up. I didn't bring up your family - YOU DID!

Killers aka big Pharma and the FDA. You know the creators of the medicine and vaccines that kill thousands(and lets not even go to how many people they permanently injure) a year?? are you having trouble keeping up?

Did you know we are the ONLY country that allows medicine and vaccine advertisements on TV legally?

And the FDA with all its GMO's and aspartame all known to be cancerous, really these people "care" about us, they wont even make the companies label that their foods are GMO. That's a joke. (take a gander at this cover up, oh wait according to you they don't cover up anything)

Our Vaccines are made with Formaldehyde, Thimerosal(aka mercury) , Aluminum, and MSG. not to mention aborted fetal cells and all the animal products. Then they inject them into babys that are a day old??? No way not my family.

you can search the National Vaccine Information's database and see the deaths and reactions that the government has recognized as being caused by vaccines.

Life expectancy in the US has dropped not increased (but we have all these great lifesaving drugs!!)))

I'm not saying the Drs in offices and hospitals don't care just that they are misguided.

oh and I don't support "those quacks selling magic cancer cures and others crapola, lotions, potions, notions and supplements online they claim will cure all your ills" :-D

and I leave it with this quote
"The combined profits for the ten drug companies in the Fortune 500 ($35.9 billion) were more than the profits for all the other 490 businesses put together ($33.7 billion) [in 2002]. Over the past two decades the pharmaceutical industry has moved very far from its original high purpose of discovering and producing useful new drugs. Now primarily a marketing machine to sell drugs of dubious benefit, this industry uses its wealth and power to co-opt every institution that might stand in its way, including the US Congress, the FDA, academic medical centers, and the medical profession itself."
-- Dr. Marcia Angell, former editor in chief of the New England Journal of Medicine

Make sure you let them know you will allow them to die rather than have them treated. They may or may not go along with that, and that is their prerogative, not yours.

You don't have to. If you choose death or suffering for yourself.... that is your choice and no one will force you to do anything else. Choosing DEATH for another person is immoral. In fact, it may even be illegal where you live.And you wont try to influence her? I find that hard to believe.
If they're not FREE, then going by what you yourself claimed, the seller is only out for the money and cares nothing about you.
Which cocktail of chemicals are you talking about? Why are you, like most conspirisists, always so vague? Let me guess... because all you're doing is repeating what you read on some alt med sites. ;)
You still haven't provided the evidence of your claims that there's a conspiracy to kill people in the medical field. And by what you wrote above, you don't believe in any kind of medical treatments, alternative or otherwise. If one of you gets seriously sick, you will chose death for yourselves. No one will stop you from that... your child is another mattter. It will be illegal for you to allow her to die for lack of medical care.

Why do you automatically jump to the conclusion that not following mainstream medicine and getting sick or injured means death??? It most certainly does not it simply means using other methods of treatment. I find it funny that you call me a conspirisists and yet we are on a prepping forum, is that not what the sheeple would call us? Really lets be civilized here, we simply have a difference in beliefs.
Killers aka big Pharma and the FDA. You know the creators of the medicine and vaccines that kill thousands(and lets not even go to how many people they permanently injure) a year?? are you having trouble keeping up?

One thing at a time. I think you are failing to keep up with modern medicine. No one ever claimed no one died from pharmaceuticals, anesthesia, surgery and vaccines. They have and always will. If you kept up you would realize how many more people would have died of such things like Polio, measles, pox, lockjaw, rabies (if bitten) etc had no one invented vaccines against these diseases. You're picking a few deaths or bad reactions to vaccines, and because you have trouble keeping up, refuse to acknowledge the MILLIONS of lives saved by getting vaccinated. Would you have MILLIONS die by doing away with vaccines? No, not millions, BILLIONS worldwide. If you kept up you would know there is no alternative treatments for the diseases we're vaccinated against.

Forget Mercola. I don't read websites written by fanatics making idiotic claims and selling crap to the gullible and desperate.

See vaccines above.

Did you know we are the ONLY country that allows medicine and vaccine advertisements on TV legally?

So? Where is the worldwide conspiracy by the pharm and medical industry to kill people info? Where are the alternative cures you keep talking about?

And the FDA with all its GMO's and aspartame all known to be cancerous, really these people "care" about us, they wont even make the companies label that their foods are GMO. That's a joke.

Aspertame, unlike smoking, has never been proven or shown to cause cancer. And it's not a drug or medication. Lets stick to the subject of Drs, Pharm's, research and not wander off into foods which have nothing to do with the medical profession.

Corn is not a drug. Let's stick to your claims that BigPharm and Drs are all in on a conspiracy to kill us instead of making us well. Also, read the sites before you post them here. The corn was sprayed with ROUNDUP! Roundup is not a medication.

Our Vaccines are made with Formaldehyde, Thimerosal(aka mercury) , Aluminum, and MSG. not to mention aborted fetal cells and all the animal products. Then they inject them into babys that are a day old??? No way not my family.

Again you recommend a site you failed to read. And you fail to mention the BILLIONS of lives saved by vaccines.

you can search the National Vaccine Information's database and see the deaths and reactions that the government has recognized as being caused by vaccines.

The site was no usable. Do you suggest we stop vaccinating people and go back to the days when MILLIONS were wiped out by diseases easily prevented by vaccines today?

And the BILLIONS of lives saved by vaccines. Why do you fail to mention those BILLIONS of lives saved?

Life expectancy in the US has dropped not increased (but we have all these great lifesaving drugs!!)))

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I'm not saying the Drs in offices and hospitals don't care just that they are misguided.

According to YOU, everyone is misguided but you and those hawking alternative treatments. Dr's know about the problems with vaccines. What would you have them do, stop vaccinating people and just let them get the disease and die?

oh and I don't support "those quacks selling magic cancer cures and others crapola, lotions, potions, notions and supplements online they claim will cure all your ills" :-D

Then what do you do and what will you do when one of you gets seriously sick? Or develops lockjaw, cancer or some other serious illness? You will choose death or permanent disability to spite Drs and BigPharm?

and I leave it with this quote
"The combined profits for the ten drug companies in the Fortune 500 ($35.9 billion) were more than the profits for all the other 490 businesses put together ($33.7 billion) [in 2002]. Over the past two decades the pharmaceutical industry has moved very far from its original high purpose of discovering and producing useful new drugs. Now primarily a marketing machine to sell drugs of dubious benefit, this industry uses its wealth and power to co-opt every institution that might stand in its way, including the US Congress, the FDA, academic medical centers, and the medical profession itself."
-- Dr. Marcia Angell, former editor in chief of the New England Journal of Medicine

I don't disagree with the above. No one ever said they give their meds away cheap or for free to everyone. I'm still looking for that conspiracy information all the researcher scientists and Drs are part of - and for the alternative cures to the diseases and conditions we talked about. Looking at these sites I see nothing mentioned about a conspiracy to keep people sick or to kill them.

If you kept up to date you would know there is no other choice but medication for many health conditions, most brought on by people themselves. They either take BigPharms meds or they die. Unlike you, most will choose to live, not to die to spite the Med Industry.
Why do you automatically jump to the conclusion that not following mainstream medicine and getting sick or injured means death???

Oh, but you said you don't believe in the offerings of the Alt med people either. So what's left other than to die if you reject everything and become seriously ill? I can only go by what you yourself post.

It most certainly does not it simply means using other methods of treatment.

But you already said you don't believe in that either! And you never said what "alt meds" have been scientifically proven to cure diseases like cancer, lupus, hypothyroidism, MS, MS, endometriosis, Huntington's disease, tubal pregnancy, cataracts, emphasema, glaucoma and all those other diseases you may or may not fall prey to as you age. You will not be 21 forever. Now tell us the alt CURES, not just treatments which to you would mean the alt med practitioner is only sucking your wallet dry.

I find it funny that you call me a conspirisists and yet we are on a prepping forum, is that not what the sheeple would call us? Really lets be civilized here, we simply have a difference in beliefs.

Anyone who believes there is a worldwide conspiracy in the medical industry and professions to kill people or keep them sick and coming back is indeed a conspiricist. No conspiracy has every been found or uncovered by anyone in or out of these fields of medicine. The danger in not refuting people making such claims is in the ignorant and desperate and gullible believing them, not get timely treatment that works, and dying.
Oh, but you said you don't believe in the offerings of the Alt med people either. So what's left other than to die if you reject everything and become seriously ill? I can only go by what you yourself post.

But you already said you don't believe in that either! And you never said what "alt meds" have been scientifically proven to cure diseases like cancer, lupus, hypothyroidism, MS, MS, endometriosis, Huntington's disease, tubal pregnancy, cataracts, emphasema, glaucoma and all those other diseases you may or may not fall prey to as you age. You will not be 21 forever. Now tell us the alt CURES, not just treatments which to you would mean the alt med practitioner is only sucking your wallet dry.

Please tell me the modern 100% cures that modern allopathic medicine has for these as well.

Anyone who believes there is a worldwide conspiracy in the medical industry and professions to kill people or keep them sick and coming back is indeed a conspiricist. No conspiracy has every been found or uncovered by anyone in or out of these fields of medicine. The danger in not refuting people making such claims is in the ignorant and desperate and gullible believing them, not get timely treatment that works, and dying.

Anything I say or show you, or link you to wont matter and since you use a server that wont even open most of the pages whats the point. We shall just agree to disagree and be done with it. And yes I do implore everyone to stop vaccinating its a much healthier lifestyle half the things people are vaccinated for are totally minor and the other half people got from living in unsanitary conditions and lack of knowledge. I don't fail to read any of the sites I provide, Just because some of the sites don't agree in totality with what I say doesn't mean that they don't have great info to SUPPORT my points, and all sights I used are upstanding and most were government sites. :) I also consider now Monsanto on the same page as Big Pharma (even though I had an Agriculture Scholarship from them)

I implore everyone I know with children to watch this video.

Here are a few other links from sites that you will likely call uncredible, although you found fault with all of my credible sites so you just cant be made happy.

The THEORY of vaccines is great but until they are safe i dont think its worth it as the diseases aren't worse than the risks of the vaccines.

I will no longer be replying to your posts as it is pointless and silly to argue with you. Neither of us is going to budge, If anyone else would like more info I'll be happy to answer. We believe in a healthy lifestyle we also have used Homeopathy and many other natural methods. Mostly we eat healthy home grown and raised foods free of chemicals, vaccines, and mutations. That alone cuts so many chances of having these "terminal" diseases. Knowledge of natural emergency wound care also greatly lessens the risks of complications due to injury.

also refer to...
medication [ˌmɛdɪˈkeɪʃən]
1. (Medicine) treatment with drugs or remedies

2. (Medicine / Pharmacology) a drug or remedy

a. A substance used in the diagnosis, treatment, or prevention of a disease or as a component of a medication.
b. a substance as recognized or defined by the U.S. Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.
2. A chemical substance, such as a narcotic or hallucinogen, that affects the central nervous system, causing changes in behavior and often addiction.
3. A chemical or dye.

so yes round up is a drug/medication and since GMO's are Regulated by the FDA........
Wow! Not sure who won, but I give you both props on your debating skills.
Its all way over my head now but you guys sure are entertaining. i'll give you that.

It's not really that hard to understand. :) All you need is some knowledge of human physiology.

Let it be said that I'm not against alt meds that have been proven to work under trial conditions. To claim the entire health industry is part of some worldwide conspiracy to keep people sick or even kill them is beyond absurd. It's the ravings of those with something to sell. Many diseases have no cures no matter what gibberish and double talk you find on the alt websites. Sites written by paid people who wouldn't think of taking the alt cures and treatments they write about on those sites. Period!

Before the age of antibiotics and vaccines millions of people died ever year from bacterial and viral infections. Healthy people. People with good immune systems would succumb. That's just an example.

What's really a hoot are all the alt med quacks out there who claim to know what cures cancer and what causes it.... from invisible liver flukes to fungus to poor diet (and they all have a magic diet, herb, product, supplement to cure you). :D
Anything I say or show you, or link you to wont matter and since you use a server that wont even open most of the pages whats the point.

A server? I use a very popular browser, not a server. Google the difference.

We shall just agree to disagree and be done with it. And yes I do implore everyone to stop vaccinating its a much healthier lifestyle half the things people are vaccinated for are totally minor and the other half people got from living in unsanitary conditions and lack of knowledge.

What diseases are minor and never fatal that people are vaccinated for? Do you consider chicken pox and lockjaw minor? You consider polio minor? It's a healthier lifestyle getting those diseases? Do you even know what you're repeating from the Quack sites? You're always vague in your replies and you avoid the questions asked.

I don't fail to read any of the sites I provide, Just because some of the sites don't agree in totality with what I say doesn't mean that they don't have great info to SUPPORT my points, and all sights I used are upstanding and most were government sites. :) I also consider now Monsanto on the same page as Big Pharma (even though I had an Agriculture Scholarship from them)

They don't agree with what you say and claim. As for Mercola, only the gullible would waste time on his site. None of the sites agreed with your accusation that the Gov and BigPharm are out to kill us or keep us sick. Or that no one is cured by pharmaceuticals.

I implore everyone I know with children to watch this video.

I doubt anyone would force you to vaccinate your children. If you want to take a chance with them getting a fatal or crippling disease, you will do it. You will watch them die as the parents of children died before vaccines and antibiotics came along. Go to any old cemetery and look at the ages of those who died in the large children's sections. Now look at the children's section in new cemeteries. You will find, thanks to modern medicine, few children in the now small children's sections.

Here are a few other links from sites that you will likely call uncredible, although you found fault with all of my credible sites so you just cant be made happy.

This one doesn't work with any browser:

504 - Gateway Timeout

HTTP Error 404 - File or directory not found.
Internet Information Services (IIS)

We covered this one already. If you refuse to read the inserts that come with medications it's YOUR FAULT. All meds come with the side effects listed. It's the law. So the above site is full of sh*t right from the get-go. It's nothing but yet another alt med BS site with the same old rehashed beat-to-death claims of the Alt med fanatics and those selling their snake oil. :D
You failed to answer my questions. Do you want to go back to the days when MILLIONS of people, including children died of diseases easily prevented today by vaccines? Or have MILLIONS die from bacterial infections that would be saved by antibiotics? Why do you refuse to admit you would rather seem MILLIONS die just to spite the Pharm and health industry? Because that's what it comes down to. You and these Quacks have no alternatives to vaccines and antibiotics and the other medications that are keeping people alive today that would have died in the 1800s.

Please provide non-quack sites simply repeating each others professional writers. This is all you provide. You are not providing proof or evidence of anything. These sites are all the same. The only thing I can think of for you to buy into this total crap is your age and lack of education in the fields, and life experience.

The THEORY of vaccines is great but until they are safe i dont think its worth it as the diseases aren't worse than the risks of the vaccines.

Which diseases? Name them. Do you even know what diseases people are vaccinated for? Do you know how deadly or crippling some of these diseases can be? I don't believe you do. You're just parroting what you read on these BS sites. Lets take lock-jaw or Tetanus caused by Clostridium tetani. Tell me, what supplement, alt potion, diet (if you can open your mouth and swallow) or herb will cure this? What happens if it's left untreated? Do you know you can prevent it with a vaccine?

I will no longer be replying to your posts as it is pointless and silly to argue with you. Neither of us is going to budge, If anyone else would like more info I'll be happy to answer. We believe in a healthy lifestyle we also have used Homeopathy and many other natural methods.

A healthy lifestyle doesn't prevent CONTAGIOUS disease. If you're exposed to a contagious disease, you will, unless already immune, catch them. There are no "natural" methods to prevent, treat or cure viral and bacterial diseases. Some bacterial and fungal skin conditions can be treated with natural products such as iodine and mineral oil.... but there is nothing that cures viruses. You can prevent them with vaccines. Bacterial infections respond to antibiotics unless they're super-bugs. I don't want you misleading people and left unchallenged.

Mostly we eat healthy home grown and raised foods free of chemicals, vaccines, and mutations. That alone cuts so many chances of having these "terminal" diseases. Knowledge of natural emergency wound care also greatly lessens the risks of complications due to injury.

Yes, a good diet and exercise will help cut the chances of developing obesity and the diseases that brings. It will prevent nutritional deficiencies. But it wont do squat for preventing the flu, strep-throat, Tetanus... nor will it keep you alive if you have the genes to develop Lupus or scleroderma etc. And a good diet doesn't prevent the many cancers, uterine fibroid tumors, ........ you have a lot more studying to do on non-Alt med sites.

also refer to...
1. (Medicine) treatment with drugs or remedies
2.(Medicine / Pharmacology) a drug or remedy

a. A substance used in the diagnosis, treatment, or prevention of a disease or as a component of a medication.
b. a substance as recognized or defined by the U.S. Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.
2. A chemical substance, such as a narcotic or hallucinogen, that affects the central nervous system, causing changes in behavior and often addiction.
3. A chemical or dye.
so yes round up is a drug/medication and since GMO's are Regulated by the FDA........

Round-up is a chemical weed killer. It's not used to treat disease in animals or humans. Not all chemicals are used to treat or cure disease in living things.[/quote]
I could go on for days about how pharmacutical companies make themselves money rather than make people better, but I was on a thread about tobacco and someone said u shouldn't smoke because there will be no chemotherapy, BUT if u were to be the kind of prepper who stores huge ammounts of food then stock up on apricot kernels/seeds, .....

Don't waste your money on Laetrile (apricot kernels).
What is the evidence?

From the 1950s through the 1970s, Laetrile grew in popularity in the United States as an alternative treatment for cancer. For this reason, and despite the lack of scientific evidence that Laetrile was effective, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) studied it in 1978 through a retrospective case review (a study that looks back at cases from the past). The NCI sent letters to more than 400,000 doctors and other practitioners, asking them to submit positive results from cases involving Laetrile. While an estimated 75,000 people in the United States had taken Laetrile, only 93 "positive" cases were submitted, and in only 6 of those was there evidence of significant tumor shrinkage.
Ok so apparently I need to write an entire novel on WHY I believe what I believe. Will I provide and "Reliable" links, likely no I will not as any reliable links are likely a paid off site publishing what the government wants people to see. Anything I post will likely be "a conspiracy"

Why is Big Pharma against us. They make $$ off the sick, for them wellness isn't profitable, cures aren't profitable, if everyone is cured who will come back for treatment time and time again? All of their medications cause side effects, the side effects require a new medication which has its own side effects and you need more medication for all of THOSE side effects. This is profitable for them, why would they make anything with no side effects when they can make more $$ this way?? Their vaccines cause seizures (which means medication cha-ching$$) and that's just one side effect that they can make thousands from, what about pneumonia, brain damage, and deafness (did you know the average cost of a cochlear implant is $40,000 and the average lifetime cost of a child with a profound hearing disability is a little over a million dollars). Big Pharma makes Millions from the side effects of their medications alone. Why would they make them safer when its a money maker as they are?
(all side effects from the CDC website
And that doesn't even cover the reactions that aren't yet proved as vaccine reactions!!

The FDA is made up of so many people who have retired from MERCK (one of the leading pharmaceuticals) really don't try to tell me that the FDA isn't corrupt. A study conducted back in 1977 by researchers from Penn State University (PSU) revealed that the vast majority of people, when put in such situations by their superiors where they are expected to lie, simply cave to the pressure and comply. Now why would someone who has made millions from a company NOT lie when that company comes to them asking for something that may not be exactly safe. Really please don't think they are going to do the right thing.
The Federal Government of course has their hands in this as well VAERS is a prime example.

The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) of 1986 requires health professionals and vaccine manufacturers to report to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) specific adverse events that occur after the administration of routinely recommended vaccines. In response to NCVIA, CDC and FDA established VAERS in 1990 (Chen, Vaccine, 1994).
VAERS receives around 30,000 reports annually, with 13% classified as serious (e.g., associated with disability, hospitalization, life-threatening illness or death) (CDC VAERS Master Search Tool, April 2, 2008). Since 1990, VAERS has received over 200,000 reports, most of which describe mild side effects such as fever. Very rarely, people experience serious adverse events following immunization. By monitoring such events, VAERS helps to identify any important new safety concerns and thereby assists in ensuring that the benefits of vaccines continue to be far greater than the risks.

Many different types of adverse events occur after vaccination. About 85-90% of the reports describe mild adverse events such as fever, local reactions, and episodes of crying or mild irritability. The remaining reports reflect serious adverse events involving life-threatening conditions, hospitalization, permanent disability, or death, which may or may not have been caused by a vaccine. - From the VAERS website
Why is this in place? So parents of the Vaccine Killed and Vaccine Injured CANT sue the vaccine company. The Vaccine makers came crying to the government because they were continuously being sued for DEATHS and serious reactions. They Came to the Government and asked for a law to be passed protecting them from this. On Nov. 14, 1986, President Ronald Reagan signed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 into law, instituting first-time vaccine safety reforms in the U.S. vaccination system and creating the first no-fault federal vaccine injury compensation program alternative to a lawsuit against vaccine manufacturers and pediatricians.

Essentially this allowed vaccine makers an out, and now every time you vaccinate your child there is a tax of 0.75 that goes into this VAERS fund to pay the family's of the vaccine injured and killed. YOU pay their way out when you vaccinate, how is that them being held responsible for their products? That's right they aren't because the government gave them an out instead of making them make their vaccines safer.
In 2010, The Annals of Internal Medicine published a report indicating that clinical trial reports for new drugs were often biased
One of the reasons that Big Pharma can make $110 billion in annual profits is their legal patents. These patents protect new drugs for 20 years from the date of filing, meaning that if a pharmaceutical company creates a cure for HIV, no other company can make or sell that cure for 20 years. The creating company has a monopoly on a life-saving drug and can sell it for whatever price it likes.

Ok so apparently I need to write an entire novel on WHY I believe what I believe. Will I provide and "Reliable" links, likely no I will not as any reliable links are likely a paid off site publishing what the government wants people to see. Anything I post will likely be "a conspiracy"

Why is Big Pharma against us. They make $$ off the sick, for them wellness isn't profitable, cures aren't profitable, if everyone is cured who will come back for treatment time and time again? All of their medications cause side effects, the side effects require a new medication which has its own side effects and you need more medication for all of THOSE side effects. This is profitable for them, why would they make anything with no side effects when they can make more $$ this way?? Their vaccines cause seizures (which means medication cha-ching$$) and that's just one side effect that they can make thousands from, what about pneumonia, brain damage, and deafness (did you know the average cost of a cochlear implant is $40,000 and the average lifetime cost of a child with a profound hearing disability is a little over a million dollars). Big Pharma makes Millions from the side effects of their medications alone. Why would they make them safer when its a money maker as they are?
(all side effects from the CDC website
And that doesn't even cover the reactions that aren't yet proved as vaccine reactions!!

The FDA is made up of so many people who have retired from MERCK (one of the leading pharmaceuticals) really don't try to tell me that the FDA isn't corrupt. A study conducted back in 1977 by researchers from Penn State University (PSU) revealed that the vast majority of people, when put in such situations by their superiors where they are expected to lie, simply cave to the pressure and comply. Now why would someone who has made millions from a company NOT lie when that company comes to them asking for something that may not be exactly safe. Really please don't think they are going to do the right thing.
The Federal Government of course has their hands in this as well VAERS is a prime example.

The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) of 1986 requires health professionals and vaccine manufacturers to report to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) specific adverse events that occur after the administration of routinely recommended vaccines. In response to NCVIA, CDC and FDA established VAERS in 1990 (Chen, Vaccine, 1994).
VAERS receives around 30,000 reports annually, with 13% classified as serious (e.g., associated with disability, hospitalization, life-threatening illness or death) (CDC VAERS Master Search Tool, April 2, 2008). Since 1990, VAERS has received over 200,000 reports, most of which describe mild side effects such as fever. Very rarely, people experience serious adverse events following immunization. By monitoring such events, VAERS helps to identify any important new safety concerns and thereby assists in ensuring that the benefits of vaccines continue to be far greater than the risks.

Many different types of adverse events occur after vaccination. About 85-90% of the reports describe mild adverse events such as fever, local reactions, and episodes of crying or mild irritability. The remaining reports reflect serious adverse events involving life-threatening conditions, hospitalization, permanent disability, or death, which may or may not have been caused by a vaccine. - From the VAERS website
Why is this in place? So parents of the Vaccine Killed and Vaccine Injured CANT sue the vaccine company. The Vaccine makers came crying to the government because they were continuously being sued for DEATHS and serious reactions. They Came to the Government and asked for a law to be passed protecting them from this. On Nov. 14, 1986, President Ronald Reagan signed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 into law, instituting first-time vaccine safety reforms in the U.S. vaccination system and creating the first no-fault federal vaccine injury compensation program alternative to a lawsuit against vaccine manufacturers and pediatricians.

Essentially this allowed vaccine makers an out, and now every time you vaccinate your child there is a tax of 0.75 that goes into this VAERS fund to pay the family's of the vaccine injured and killed. YOU pay their way out when you vaccinate, how is that them being held responsible for their products? That's right they aren't because the government gave them an out instead of making them make their vaccines safer.
In 2010, The Annals of Internal Medicine published a report indicating that clinical trial reports for new drugs were often biased
One of the reasons that Big Pharma can make $110 billion in annual profits is their legal patents. These patents protect new drugs for 20 years from the date of filing, meaning that if a pharmaceutical company creates a cure for HIV, no other company can make or sell that cure for 20 years. The creating company has a monopoly on a life-saving drug and can sell it for whatever price it likes.

I'm with ya there.
Ok so apparently I need to write an entire novel on WHY I believe what I believe. Will I provide and "Reliable" links, likely no I will not as any reliable links are likely a paid off site publishing what the government wants people to see. Anything I post will likely be "a conspiracy"

All you post a are links to alt med sites selling their wares and unfounded beliefs to the gullible, and providing no proof anything they're selling works. They provide nothing but testimonials written by people who do not exist.

Why is Big Pharma against us. They make $$ off the sick, for them wellness isn't profitable, cures aren't profitable, if everyone is cured who will come back for treatment time and time again?

This has been explained to you several times but you seem to lack in reading comprehension. Or you are unable to learn anything new. And you are wrong about cures. You may be lying through ignorance because BILLIONS of people wordwide have been CURED of infections and infestations by antibiotics and antivermifuges. Vaccines have wiped out Small Pox and prevented disease in BILLIONS of people worldwide. Don't tell me you didn't know these things already. I could go on but you cannot comprehend what I write because you totally lack knowledge of human physiology. And you still cannot give us the CURES used by the alt meds for the diseases mentioned in several posts. You pretend you did see them and play ignorant. And for your information many people have been cured of various cancers so can the BS they want us to stay sick and die.

All of their medications cause side effects, the side effects require a new medication which has its own side effects and you need more medication for all of THOSE side effects.

This is straight from people like my friend Marge. She was paid to write crap like that for the gullible to gobble up. Tell us, and stop the vague nonsence.... what medication did you ever take that needed another medication for the side effects and then something else for that side effect? And did you even bother to read the insert that came with the original med? And all their meds do not cause side effects. That is a blatant lie.

Now for the 10 time, tell us what diseases the alt meds are curing and what they're using to cure them. Stop repeating the crap you're reading on the alt med sites.

This is profitable for them, why would they make anything with no side effects when they can make more $$ this way?? Their vaccines cause seizures (which means medication cha-ching$$) and that's just one side effect that they can make thousands from, what about pneumonia, brain damage, and deafness (did you know the average cost of a cochlear implant is $40,000 and the average lifetime cost of a child with a profound hearing disability is a little over a million dollars

Why haven't you answered my questions? Why do you persist in simply repeating, like a parrot, the crap you read on alt sites? I'm almost 70 yes old and NEVER even met a person who had seizures from being vaccinated. How do your alt's treat pneumonia, brain damage, and deafness? How do they treat emphysema, sclerodrma, Lupus, MS, MD and all the other diseases I mentioned?

Big Pharma makes Millions from the side effects of their medications alone. Why would they make them safer when its a money maker as they are?

Where is your proof they refuse to make them safer? Safer how? And where is the spred sheets from the Pharm's showing how much they make on side effects? Surely you have some proof other than the crap my friend writes for these alt med sites. And why is it you never mention the millions it takes to get a drug through the trials? And the millions they lose if the drug isn't effective in humans?

Again you didn't bother to read the site you recommend:

Any vaccine can cause side effects. For the most part these are minor (for example, a sore arm or low-grade fever) and go away within a few days. Listed below are vaccines licensed in the United States and side effects that have been associated with each of them. This information is copied directly from CDC's Vaccine Information Statements, which in turn are derived from the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommendations for each vaccine.
Remember, vaccines are continually monitored for safety, and like any medication, vaccines can cause side effects. However, a decision not to immunize a child also involves risk and could put the child and others who come into contact with him or her at risk of contracting a potentially deadly disease.

If you want to take the risk with your own child - who cares???? If she dies or is left disabled her blood is on your hands. Why are you so obsessed with vaccines? If you want to go back to the days of epidemics where millions die, you will have to move to a 3rd world nation like Africa. And I see you fail to mention that BigPharm donates MILLIONS worth of vaccines each year to poor countries.

And that doesn't even cover the reactions that aren't yet proved as vaccine reactions!!
The FDA is made up of so many people who have retired from MERCK (one of the leading pharmaceuticals) really don't try to tell me that the FDA isn't corrupt. A study conducted back in 1977 by researchers from Penn State University (PSU) revealed that the vast majority of people, when put in such situations by their superiors where they are expected to lie, simply cave to the pressure and comply. Now why would someone who has made millions from a company NOT lie when that company comes to them asking for something that may not be exactly safe. Really please don't think they are going to do the right thing.

So because there was corruption in the FDA, and I'm sure there still is to some extent, that means we shut down BigPharm and the FDA and go back to 1800s medicine? Corruption is everywhere these days. Are you not aware of that fact? There is plenty on every alt website peddling their wares to the gullible and desperate. And 1977 was ages ago. Do you have anything NEWER? That study is over 4o yrs old.

Redundant vaccine complaints snipped for brevity.

Why are you so obsessed with vaccines to the point you ignore all else? You refuse to answer my questions post after post and harp on vaccines. There is no law forcing you to have your child vaccinated.

One of the reasons that Big Pharma can make $110 billion in annual profits is their legal patents. These patents protect new drugs for 20 years from the date of filing, meaning that if a pharmaceutical company creates a cure for HIV, no other company can make or sell that cure for 20 years. The creating company has a monopoly on a life-saving drug and can sell it for whatever price it likes.


Why do you refuse to also post that the Pharm Cos spend Millions if not BILLIONS a year on research and trials before they even get a drug onto the market place - and how they lose millions when a drug fails to work in humans. Why do you refuse to add that information in your constant griping? No how about answering the questions asked instead of obsessing on vaccines. And you failed to list all the FREE treatments and meds the alt meds are handing out. Where do people line up to get them? You do know it's a multi million dollar business today don't you.... so how do people get the supplements and FREE care from these naturopaths and other such "healers"... remember they must be FREE or they're just looking to make money on you.
I'm with ya there.

The more of you who choose to self-diagnose and treat yourselves from products bought online or in Health Food stores, the less crowded the Drs waiting rooms, clinics and hospitals will be. And the less of you will be living long enough to collect SS which will keep it solvent longer. :)
Thanks to those ALT-CURE Quacks I lost my uncle to skin cancer, they kept telling him he was getting better using their MMS (Miracle Mineral Supplement) all the way up till it ate through his skull then caused meningitis. He died at 50 believing that this certain wave length of light will cure him while taking this MMS. they are full of false hope and BS claims. If their really was a cure for something you couldn't keep it quiet.. The internet would take care of that. For example Duck tape does remove warts. Now dermatologists recommend it because its so successful. The internet brought that cure forward and big pharma couldn't hide it. However these Quacks have been making their claims for years and it still hasn't shown any truth. Proof is in the pudding.
Thanks to those ALT-CURE Quacks I lost my uncle to skin cancer, they kept telling him he was getting better using their MMS (Miracle Mineral Supplement) all the way up till it ate through his skull then caused meningitis. He died at 50 believing that this certain wave length of light will cure him while taking this MMS.

The alt med fanatics will soon pop up making all kinds of silly claims. Plenty of people have died because of these online quacks and their so-called cures. I have an acquaintance that will slowly die now of breast cancer. She gave up chemo (she was doing great on it) because of someone like McLaurin612 convinced her BibPharm was blah, blah, blah and so she stopped chemo and went on the Broccoli diet cancer cure some Quacks are promoting. In a few months she suffered from a protein deficiency. Of course the Quack made a lot of money selling her supplements to go with the broccoli. During those months her cancer spread to her lymph nodes and is now incurable. She's back at the same Oncology Clinic I went to and back on Chemo, but she's realizing it's too late. All those months on a poor diet and worthless expensive supplements gave the cancer free rein to spread like wildfire. :( She will be leaving 2 young teenagers behind. Think of Ms Clark in Mexico who killed thousands of cancer sufferers with her worthless alt med cures. Not one survivor could be found to be interviewed. :(

....they are full of false hope and BS claims. If their really was a cure for something you couldn't keep it quiet.. The internet would take care of that. For example Duck tape does remove warts. Now dermatologists recommend it because its so successful. The internet brought that cure forward and big pharma couldn't hide it. However these Quacks have been making their claims for years and it still hasn't shown any truth. Proof is in the pudding.

You are so right. 100% right. People are being cured every day of disease, and not by the quacks selling supplements and magic zappers and alkaline BS.... I can't believe some of the crap I read on those sites.
People die from cancer everyday. I have lost a grandfather and an aunt in my family. I also have a cousins wife that was diagnoised recently. I hope that there is a cure that finally comes about, but for those who reach out to alternative medecines. I can understand. They feel like it may be their last hopes to life. They know the ultimate outcome and yet a person still wants to survive.
People die from cancer everyday. I have lost a grandfather and an aunt in my family. I also have a cousins wife that was diagnoised recently. I hope that there is a cure that finally comes about,...."

Finding a "cure" is so difficult because cancer isn't one disease but many. It takes many forms. What will shrink one cancer wont even make a dent in another. And then all bodies are different and react differently to different drugs.

[quote .....but for those who reach out to alternative medecines. I can understand. They feel like it may be their last hopes to life. They know the ultimate outcome and yet a person still wants to survive.[/quote]

And the quack alt meds are right there to SELL them all manner of expensive useless cures and treatments and false hope.
Finding a "cure" is so difficult because cancer isn't one disease but many. It takes many forms. What will shrink one cancer wont even make a dent in another. And then all bodies are different and react differently to different drugs.

[quote .....but for those who reach out to alternative medecines. I can understand. They feel like it may be their last hopes to life. They know the ultimate outcome and yet a person still wants to survive.

And the quack alt meds are right there to SELL them all manner of expensive useless cures and treatments and false hope.[/quote]

RV Kitty all I was saying was that I can understand why people try to find another way. I understand how cancer works. It has touched my life thru my family and friends. It's not just been a one time deal. People are trying to fight for their life. A body will try to survive in whatever situation. I lost my dad to a MRSA infect last year. I know about how a body wants to survive, so do not preach to me please. I was trying to respond to Roninsensei and offer my condolense.
Danil54girl thank you for the condolences. And like you I understand the desire to live. But what a lot of these people do (not all) should be criminal. In the case of my uncle the doctors could have saved him for years, but these Quacks convinced him he was healing and didn't need surgery to remove the quarter size skin cancer ulcer from the back of his head. 7 years they told him he was healing and getting better. My family and I begged him to just have the damn thing removed but they played on his phobia of surgery and continued to "treat" him. It eventually needed major surgery (haven taken most of the back of his head by now) the Quacks continued to tell him the body was just spreading the infection out to fight it easier, it was too late the cancer had eaten through his skull and exposed his brain to infection. He passed out then died in the hospital as they tried to repair the years of damage to his head and body. He was the closest thing I had to a father and I miss him every day. These people need to be held accountable for their false medicines but since they sell them as supplements there's no recourse. My uncle chose to take them is their argument but, it doesn't help when the guy selling the stuff is a doctor and telling you that Big medical is lying to him. They milked him dry taking his entire retirement (over 150,00) and kept preaching to him he was doing fine and all these symptoms were normal healing. Ya like it's normal to look like a zombie rotting away, his ears were barely attached when he passed out. Bastards!

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