Covid 19 Vaccine MAGNETIC At Injection Site

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This is one of the stupidest fake conspiracy theories I’ve heard. Why would anyone allow themselves to believe this garbage?

They now have observations, data and an explanation of what happened and why. I am not going to review it for you again. You are just worried because you took the accepted wisdom of MSCCP and vaccinated your children.
My brother always said, whatever you think is the newest high tech, the military has had it for ten years.

From 2016

Five ways nanotechnology is securing your future

1. Doctors inside your body

Wearable fitness technology means we can monitor our health by strapping gadgets to ourselves. There are even prototype electronic tattoos that can sense our vital signs. But by scaling down this technology, we could go further by implanting or injecting tiny sensors inside our bodies. This would capture much more detailed information with less hassle to the patient, enabling doctors to personalise their treatment.

2. Sensors, sensors, everywhere

These sensors rely on newly-invented nanomaterials and manufacturing techniques to make them smaller, more complex and more energy efficient. For example, sensors with very fine features can now be printed in large quantities on flexible rolls of plastic at low cost. This opens up the possibility of placing sensors at lots of points over critical infrastructure to constantly check that everything is running correctly. Bridges, aircraft and even nuclear power plants could benefit.

4. Making big data possible

All these sensors will produce more information than we've ever had to deal with before – so we'll need the technology to process it and spot the patterns that will alert us to problems. The same will be true if we want to use the "big data" from traffic sensors to help manage congestion and prevent accidents, or prevent crime by using statistics to more effectively allocate police resources.
Magnetic weapon
A magnetic weapon is one that uses magnetic fields to accelerate and propel projectiles, or to focus charged particle beams. There are many hypothesised magnetic weapons, such as the railgun and coilgun which accelerate a magnetic (in the case of railguns; non-magnetic) mass to a high velocity, or ion cannons and plasma cannons which focus and direct charged particles using magnetic fields.

Electromagnetic Weapons
US Intelligence Community's Misuse of Electromagnetic Weapons

"The Secretary of Energy under Clinton, Hazel O’Leary, warned that over a 40 year period, 500,000 had been unwitting test subjects for military research on non-lethal weapons."

Electromagnetic Weapons, Biochemical Effects
Electromagnetic weapons—also known as E-bombs—are designed to release a high-power flash of radio waves or microwaves. Depending on the energy of the electromagnetic pulse, effects can range from the disabling of electronic circuitry to physiological effects in those exposed to the electromagnetic pulse.
I could post many links with a similar review but this one seemed fairly non biased. I’m not going to change anyone’s opinion on this here and that’s ok, but I am a big believer in science and not rumors or conjecture. I have read articles saying there are potential benefits for this drug, but they were mostly based on small trials. The majority of what I’ve read is saying it’s not very effective. I still will trust the majority of medical experts and scientists over trump or even the CDC, which is just one group.
So far the only thing I’m reading that most studies indicate is really helping is Remdesivir. It isn’t a cure but does seem to shorten the duration of the illness.
This is a good example of where my views on this drug come from. This sounds like a good trial to learn from. Before I am ever going to endorse any kind of medical treatments I want this kind of research to have been done by multiple studies. I think when you are at deaths door from an new or unknown thing Like this virus has been then sure, try anything in the hopes that something will be discovered as effective treatment. BUT I don’t agree with the prophylactic use of un studied and unproven drugs. In this case the side affects to the heart are a real concern. It may end up being useful at some time, but until the benefits, safety, combinations with other drugs and dosage are well studied I just don’t see promoting it or any other new treatment as a good thing. The disgraced televangelist Jim Baker selling coronavirus cures on his show comes to mind.
This is one of the stupidest fake conspiracy theories I’ve heard. Why would anyone allow themselves to believe this garbage?

Was Trump right about hydroxychloroquine all along? New study shows drug touted by former president can increase COVID survival rates by 200%

Hydroxychloroquine with zinc could increase COVID-19 survival rates by as much as nearly 200% | Daily Mail Online

How many times do you want to call people here "conspiracy theorists", then be proven wrong? How many times do we have to show how the MSM lied just to hurt Trump, before you start to see the truth?

You took the vaccine, an unproven drug, before ANY studies, and promoted it as a good thing. As you said, "why would anyone allow themselves to believe this garbage?"
How many times do you want to call people here "conspiracy theorists", then be proven wrong? How many times do we have to show how the MSM lied just to hurt Trump, before you start to see the truth?

You took the vaccine, an unproven drug, before ANY studies, and promoted it as a good thing. As you said, "why would anyone allow themselves to believe this garbage?"
Helen. Please go back and review my posts in this thread to get an idea what my son-in-law has gone through the last nine weeks. It is an absolute miracle that he is alive. The amount of discomfort that he has gone through is indescribable. The long term affects are yet unknown. Almost all the others receiving this extent of treatment died. Ask yourself, "am I willing to take this chance with my life, my spouses life, and my children's lives over something some unknown person claims on the internet?" I assure you, this disease is devastating to some people.
How many times do you want to call people here "conspiracy theorists", then be proven wrong? How many times do we have to show how the MSM lied just to hurt Trump, before you start to see the truth?

You took the vaccine, an unproven drug, before ANY studies, and promoted it as a good thing. As you said, "why would anyone allow themselves to believe this garbage?"
Helen. Please go back and review my posts in this thread to get an idea what my son-in-law has gone through the last nine weeks. It is an absolute miracle that he is alive. The amount of discomfort that he has gone through is indescribable. The long term affects are yet unknown. Almost all the others receiving this extent of treatment died. Ask yourself, "am I willing to take this chance with my life, my spouses life, and my children's lives over something some unknown person claims on the internet?" I assure you, this disease is devastating to some people.

Its a terrible ordeal to go though, especially when you have ignorant doctors and so called experts in the field being manipulated by politics and financial gain.

Even after some raise the alarm and cite Antidodal evidence of hundreds, then thousands of patients being successfully treated with drugs that have been used for decades safely for other sicknesses.

Then your persuaded to take an experimental vaccine that's only aloud for emergency use, when these other treatments continue to be proven to being highly effective in preventing serious illness and deaths, when used as intended.

Then you find out the studies used to denounce these effective treatments where manipulated and not at all accurate. Just delayed enough untill the vaccines could be ready and hundreds of thousands of deaths that could have been prevented.

History has already shown the scam and criminal acts carried out by corrupt government experts and a corrupt pharmaceutical and medical science community, that's controlled by grants and big profits from the vaccines.

I don't see any reason to take any experimental vaccine for a virus that is no longer any more deadly than the flu. Is say its even less deadly. Especially when,there is so many red flags and unkownws in relation to these first of a kind covid shots.

Everyone now has enough information about the covid, which definitely appears to be designed by man. As well as information questioning the safety of these covid vaccines.

Take the vaccines if you want. I believe your risking a lot for no good reasons.
I would like to leave politics out of this. This virus is not good. Like very not good.

I believe Covid 19 is about 95% politics and 5% accidental release.

Go back to post #60 which I made last Tuesday. The magnetic effects, the known medical procedure employing this technology, and the nano-particles (iron oxide) are all known and documented by medical sources and medical doctors in that post. In fact, this magnetic procedure is what exposed them. You can only call it a conspiracy theory until the sources are presented and then you have to deal with the sources. Deal with them. Deal with the three positively charged amino acid bases in the C19 virus which are not present in nature (GCG sequence). This is evidence of human tampering. The CCP running the Wuhan lab has to explain this. It is no longer a conspiracy theory, it is now a cover story.
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How many times do you want to call people here "conspiracy theorists", then be proven wrong? How many times do we have to show how the MSM lied just to hurt Trump, before you start to see the truth?

You took the vaccine, an unproven drug, before ANY studies, and promoted it as a good thing. As you said, "why would anyone allow themselves to believe this garbage?"
Helen. Please go back and review my posts in this thread to get an idea what my son-in-law has gone through the last nine weeks. It is an absolute miracle that he is alive. The amount of discomfort that he has gone through is indescribable. The long term affects are yet unknown. Almost all the others receiving this extent of treatment died. Ask yourself, "am I willing to take this chance with my life, my spouses life, and my children's lives over something some unknown person claims on the internet?" I assure you, this disease is devastating to some people.

I hope your son in law recovers well, and soon. My neighbor went through a similar experience. He had pneumonia. The doctors said he had Covid and had him hooked up to everything they had, for weeks, and over a $1 million in bills. After he got out he went to an independent testing who said he has not had Covid. The hospitals are making fortunes in treating "covid" because they get federal funds. It's why EVERYONE who dies, "died from covid". The truth is coming out, and the MSM is doing everything they can to cover their arses, and protect their overlords.

You can look at the evidence, the history of our government's testing on people, our military's weapons, our scientist's labs and research, and the well documented things said about overpopulation by the ultra elite, who own the media... or you can just believe what they tell you through that screen on your wall. I choose to get as much information as possible and make my own decisions. It's your life, choose wisely.

CNN has been caught repeatedly in ZOOM video conference calls, and other social media admitting they were doing everything they can to get Trump out of office, even lying, and spreading fear. Does that sound like a trusted "news" source you would follow for information?

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I believe Covid 19 is about 95% politics and 5% accidental release.

Go back to post #60 which I made last Tuesday. The magnetic effects, the known medical procedure employing this technology, and the nano-particles (iron oxide) are all known and documented by medical sources and medical doctors in that post. In fact, this magnetic procedure is what exposed them. You can only call it a conspiracy theory until the sources are presented and then you have to deal with the sources. Deal with them. Deal with the three positively charged amino acid bases in the C19 virus which are not present in nature (GCG sequence). This is evidence of human tampering. The CCP running the Wuhan lab has to explain this. It is no longer a conspiracy theory, it is now a cover story.
I'm not discrediting the politics or the origins of your claim. I truly believe when I got corona of your theory. But as I say once again, politics aside, there's going to be a lot of pain incoming as this virus claims millions and even up to a billion lives or more in the upcoming decade. Vaccinated does not mean immunity, they just want less people having initial severe symptoms/hospitalizations. over time this will do much more harm than good. It looks good now though, thus plan ahead.
On the bright side, death's from pneumonia, heart attack, cancer, stroke, suicide, and even auto accidents are going to plummet.
It's called indirect causation. corona adversely affects all parts of the body, organs (including skin), brain, fluids (blood and immune response), etc. It's just bad overall for health and humans. It's just not looking too good. they got 10 cases and they locking down districts shutting them down and mass testing millions in a few days. over here it's "1000" new ones everyday and no one bats an eye at exponential rates or bothered to look up the definition of it. Sad misguided.

Reinfections are possible, no antibodies, and R17 from princess cruiseship. Take it at face value and decide for yourselves. This is not fear of going outside or living, these are mass dying times.
I liken it to the early days of pot legalization. They were testing every auto/moto death for drugs, and the anti potters said everyone who died in an accident and had pot in their system (one use can still test positive for 30 days, [29 days, 20 hours after the effects wear off]), died from pot use.

I am telling you, everyone who dies, even people who had stage 4 cancer BEFORE covid, is getting tested and if they had any trace in their system, BOOM! Covid death. 320 pound guy who smoked for 30 years, finally has his overdue grabber, BOOM! Covid death. How can it have a 99.8% survival rate (and that's only the people ill enough to get tested), and it be killing so many? Because everyone who dies gets tested and if they have it... For every Covid death, hospitals get paid extra. Of course EVERY death will be covid. I know of three people personally that died without Covid and their DC said covid death. True story.
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Well I have read that a PCR test should actually do about 20 cycles in the lab, if the result is then inconclusive you do not have infectious corona, simply put you are NOT corona positive.
Since our politicians here with 20 cycles of course too few Corona positive people would have and so your inhumane measures such as lockdowns, forced quarantine or police beating on decent citizens can not justify one makes e.g. in Switzerland against 48 cycles per test in the laboratory. With 48 cycles, you still find minimal parts and can call hundreds more people positive and put them under house arrest for 10 days who are not a danger to the public. The more cases you have, the tougher the measures the state can take against its own people, and I see how that ends here every day.
We make any PCR tests that are actually not approved for Covid diagnostics, have to wear masks every day that are not useful against Covid, and if you ask questions the next day the police is at the front door and if you stand up publicly for his freedom and rights, you face police officers in full fatigues and if you are unlucky you get a club pulled over your head.

To hell with all the tests and this regime, it can not be that a hospital gets 300 dollars if you declared a dead as Corona dead, because he still had by chance at his death Corona, even if his pre-disease led to 99% to death, the hospital still gets money if he hald still had Corona and he is led by the authorities as 100% Corona dead in the statistics although he died of something else.
The whole regime of authorities is corrupted and has completely lost the sense of proportion, now they force everyone to vaccinate at any price, if this attempt fails and the vaccinated have consequential damages in 2 to 5 years I don't want to calculate what will happen in this world.

But one thing should be, the Chinese should be punished for this, and be punished very hard, if it turns out that Corona has gone out through a laboratory leak, the Chinese should pay for the damage, from my point of view, all punitive measures against the Chinese would be legitimized in the case, it must simply be forbidden that one researches such crap things around, this is grossly negligent.
Helen. Please go back and review my posts in this thread to get an idea what my son-in-law has gone through the last nine weeks. It is an absolute miracle that he is alive. The amount of discomfort that he has gone through is indescribable. The long term affects are yet unknown. Almost all the others receiving this extent of treatment died. Ask yourself, "am I willing to take this chance with my life, my spouses life, and my children's lives over something some unknown person claims on the internet?" I assure you, this disease is devastating to some people.

I hope your son in law recovers well, and soon. My neighbor went through a similar experience. He had pneumonia. The doctors said he had Covid and had him hooked up to everything they had, for weeks, and over a $1 million in bills. After he got out he went to an independent testing who said he has not had Covid. The hospitals are making fortunes in treating "covid" because they get federal funds. It's why EVERYONE who dies, "died from covid". The truth is coming out, and the MSM is doing everything they can to cover their arses, and protect their overlords.

You can look at the evidence, the history of our government's testing on people, our military's weapons, our scientist's labs and research, and the well documented things said about overpopulation by the ultra elite, who own the media... or you can just believe what they tell you through that screen on your wall. I choose to get as much information as possible and make my own decisions. It's your life, choose wisely.

CNN has been caught repeatedly in ZOOM video conference calls, and other social media admitting they were doing everything they can to get Trump out of office, even lying, and spreading fear. Does that sound like a trusted "news" source you would follow for information?

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Thank you Helen for your many contributions on various subjects including this one. One of my grandson's other grandfather died and covid was listed as the cause of death. This was a very, very good man. He was in his mid 70s, overweight, heart and circulation problems and was a full Apache Indian. So he had some things which might have influenced this disease. But he could have just died of anything, any cause or just naturally under these conditions. What I am saying is it could have been a cold, flu, or chickenpox which pushed him over the edge. Blaming the world's problems on this disease is not the answer.
I asked a person I trust with a B.S. in a biologic science and who works as an RN about the course of the mRNA vaccine. I asked how long is the duration of the production of spike protein for this vaccine? I was told there are four or five medical doctors who have banned together in some sort of association because they were being attacked by the established powers. They are all from different spectrums of the medical community. But they all say that this vaccine NEVER STOPS PRODUCING SPIKE PROTEINS in your body.

Think about this. The vaccine induces your ribosomes to produce spike proteins, one portion of the virus. But in the view of these doctors is that the disease, IS the spike protein. Your body begins making antibodies to the spike protein and engaging it throughout your body. Everywhere, there is a reaction, a biochemical battle. But it does not end. The vaccine goes on working making spike proteins and your body goes on fighting them. The first reaction is going to be blood clots and blood related problems. The circulatory problems caused by inflamation. This means stoke and heat attacks. Then widespread systemactic problems and eventually, if those that say the cause is inflamation, cancer. Meantime the spike proteins/vaccine lodges in inappropriate organs like the brain and ovaries, testes. Reproduction becomes difficult and is make even more so if a woman is pregnant. Blood does leak through the placental wall and cause immune problems between those two people, only one of which is vaccinated. This would be similar to an Rh+ and Rh- mismatch.

It is the vaccine, not this little disease, which is the threat to mankind.
By the way, we are only dealing with the mRNA vaccines so far. The DNA vaccines have the potential to be far more dangerous. These are the Astro-Z and J & J vaccines which already have been identified as having problems.

And we are only dealing with adults so far. The potential harm to children is off the charts.
By the way, we are only dealing with the mRNA vaccines so far. The DNA vaccines have the potential to be far more dangerous. These are the Astro-Z and J & J vaccines which already have been identified as having problems.

And we are only dealing with adults so far. The potential harm to children is off the charts.

You have really done your research. Everything you have said is basically true. These poor souls and idiots that took these covid vaccines are in for a hell of a time.

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