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China , Russia and any other country that wants to bring the United States or NATO down will make their move while the Biden / puppet is occupying the White House . That gives us somewhere between today and January 1st. 2025 . 2nd. ongoing SHTF - An catastrophe brought on by pure stupidity and corruption is in progress right now as we can witness at the prices at stores . This is a slower moving economic collapse . The world will see an overall SRI Lanka , Venezuela outcome but that may slow walk for decades . The two countries mentioned have people at this point living under plastic shelters along stream banks to have access to water . This will be seen in even the so called advanced countries .
Yes. I think that's good assessments. I've been doing best I can. It is nerve racking. Something new seems to happen or come out daily. I'm in a work environment where NOBODY brings up anything going on. At least 10 hrs. a day, I'm in the blind. I try to catch up evenings n weekends. Making progress slowly, but steadily. On one hand I want it all to come to a head and stop painfully dragging it out and we get to the other side of it, but at same time, I'm probably admittedly not fully prepared for every scenario and could always use more time. I suppose that will likely always be the situation, til it isn't.
I feel the same way about ours.

I really worry about my husband traveling for work when it happens.

And I worry what we will do if our garden fails. Every new garden is a gamble. Ugh.

I could see this happening in winter, too.
The report I posted on gardening about why our gardens are failing is scary. The DS has us by the.....well, you know.
So, what is timeline here y'all are expecting this to happen? Weeks, months or "sometime" within next few years? At least one poster back in March warned 30 days for "something" to go down...and I think indicated May, something?

Serious question, not being sarcastic. I don't have a bol...I'm in my home and will stay here where I am...

I've got a lot of work scheduled for May and beyond...I'm expecting all will transpire, status quo (as usual)...am I blinded fool? I'm expecting we got quite a bit more time..

Feeling it creeping up on us, and it's coming.. but not feeling it's dire at this point, yet.

What say y'all? Thoughts?

I agree with @poltiregist 's timeline. They have to get the ball rolling with Biden in office, too risky to do it with a competent/less compliant administration installed. There seems to be multiple fronts that are interconnected.

-Economic; which would include the implementation of a digital currency, crashing the stock market/currency, spending into oblivion, etc
-Social; completing the degradation of everything that made this country strong and resilient including the churches, food production, (remnants of) the free market, individual liberty and privacy
-Government; the exchange of our freedoms for "safety" and security, including private property rights and health, war, climate change

Thing is, it has to be a big enough train wreck that people will cry out for anyone to make it stop and the party that offers the most goodies (chicken in every pot A la Hoover), will get their vote. IMO it is the only chance they have of holding office.
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most people in the UK travel on low fuel tanks, only filling up when the fuel light comes on, in the event of an emergency they queue up at the filling station, the lines sometimes go for miles, even when the filling station puts out an empty sign, we have seen it all before.
these people arent going to get far with the little fuel in their tanks, the roads will be full of abandoned and out of fuel vehicles.
BTW I dont let my fuel tank go below half , even with that amount I can drive for several hundreds of miles.
Those, like me, who are where they are staying for the disaster can opt to take a last run to the locally owned feed store and perhaps small grocery store. Be prepared to pay in cash.

Isn't there some sort of plant(s) that can be grown to feed chickens? Are there insects which can be cultivated? Or worms?

I have always wondered why people have to buy feed when they have room to grow things. Then again, I have no idea what I'm talking about.
This upcoming week , my project will be building an about 35 by 35 foot chicken pen . Right now my pigeons and chickens are sharing an enclosure and that certainly is not an ideal situation . The chicken feed thing after SHTF is also something that I have been pondering . At least during the warm months , I may throw woodland ground litter such as leaves into the pen to attract insects for them to feed on . Also I have been cultivating earth worms that I could feed them . There is also black soldier fly larva that I may try this summer .-- It is disturbing to see someone thinking their neighbors will somehow save them or things will not collapse to that point .
-- It is disturbing to see someone thinking their neighbors will somehow save them or things will not collapse to that point .

That thought process is what will be the undoing of civility. Government "help" always comes with restrictions and strings attached. Neighbors will only help so far as it does not hurt them.

If you have something to barter, something they need (goods or services), to exchange for something you need, that is a different deal. Even then, if there is a drought, a flood, a hail storm that destroys a crop and they come up short, any deal you have might be canceled.
never rely on outsiders, even if they live nearby, their attitude will be "whats in it for me?" and will not have your best interests at heart, far from it.
there is only one person to rely on in an emergency and that is ourselves, not strangers, not neighbours, and definitely NOT the govt.
self reliance is the key, if we arent self reliant we will fail big time.
Isn't there some sort of plant(s) that can be grown to feed chickens? Are there insects which can be cultivated? Or worms?

I have always wondered why people have to buy feed when they have room to grow things. Then again, I have no idea what I'm talking about.

There are many proven ways to grow feed, raise worms and soldier flies to feed chickens. Most folks don’t do that right now because the cost of buying feed is not high enough to make growing it worth the time and effort. Hoping others are like me and not only have a large supply of store feed, but also a large store of seeds to grow their own when the time comes.

Just as Poltergeist is planning, I will be raising worms in a worm bed and trying out soldier flies this year. Am also growing more sunflower seeds for winter feeding. They are a great way to supply the needed protein and they last all winter long.
I have some like minded neighbors but, am not going to count on them for anything truly necessary.

People have a way of changing in a real crisis. Not going to gamble that when the chips are down, they will have the same generous attitude they put forth now.
If you have something to barter, something they need (goods or services), to exchange for something you need, that is a different deal. Even then, if there is a drought, a flood, a hail storm that destroys a crop and they come up short, any deal you have might be canceled.

Agreed. But I think it's good to stay in your wheel house and specialize. That's why I chose to use steam power to make electricity in order to keep my shop running. I can barter for both making and repairing things. At least that's the hope.
Agreed. But I think it's good to stay in your wheel house and specialize. That's why I chose to use steam power to make electricity in order to keep my shop running. I can barter for both making and repairing things. At least that's the hope.

I guess my point is that situations can change and you do not want to be reliant on getting food from a neighbor in exchange for anything else except maybe another need, such as medical care/medicine or water. If there is a shortage, they can go without electricity, if it means there is enough food to feed their family. Barter items have different values; wants vs needs.
Isn't there some sort of plant(s) that can be grown to feed chickens? Are there insects which can be cultivated? Or worms?

I have always wondered why people have to buy feed when they have room to grow things. Then again, I have no idea what I'm talking about.

Turnip greens!
Isn't there some sort of plant(s) that can be grown to feed chickens? Are there insects which can be cultivated? Or worms?

I have always wondered why people have to buy feed when they have room to grow things. Then again, I have no idea what I'm talking about.

I agree with GP. It takes a lot of land to grow the required feed for animals. I have said before, our family comes from farmers. If I had to grow 100% of our food and animal feed, I don't think I could do it.

It is ideal to just free range the birds but then you lose a lot to predators.

It's just easier to buy feed for now.
If there is a shortage, they can go without electricity, if it means there is enough food to feed their family. Barter items have different values; wants vs needs.

I agree with what you've said. I do not plan to provide anyone with electricity. The electricity is for when their equipment fails, and needs to be fixed -- re-create parts, make tools, weld, etc. I can also route wood and plasma cut. And I have 5 different types of sharpening machines.

As it stands now, I am the only shop of any sort within a 10 mile radius. If power goes out, that will be a much larger radius.
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Don’t forget to add meat rabbits, so your family will have a steady, quiet and easy to feed meat source!

I have my cages ready. We need to have a discussion on meat rabbits. Any good videos you recommend? Maybe setup a private discussion on discord?
Don’t forget to add meat rabbits, so your family will have a steady, quiet and easy to feed meat source!
We have the doe and buck! I'm nervous to breed them because my kids see rabbits as pets and that's my fault. I'm someone who wants even utility animals to have a good life, so the fiber rabbits get spoiled.

They made me promise that we would never eat the parents and only the offspring because they have "bonded" to the meat rabbit doe and buck, so I suppose that's a start.
Is that a literal designation "meat rabbit" ?

It sure is! And you only want to raise the meat kind to eat. One pair of rabbits will give you 220 lbs of meat in one year. New Zealand’s are my choice of rabbit. The kits grow fast and the meat is delicious. They eat everything humans and chickens don’t.
I agree with what you've said. I do not plan to provide anyone with electricity. The electricity is for when their equipment fails, and needs to be fixed -- re-create parts, make tools, weld, etc. I can also route wood and plasma cut. And I have 5 different types of sharpening machines.

As it stands now, I am the only shop of any sort within a 10 mile radius. If power goes out, that will be a much larger radius.

It is defiantly a good skill. Functioning machinists will be in short supply! My mechanic middle son's FIL is a machinist and also does firearms. My ranch hand is a metal fabricator (and logger) and my youngest daughter and her current BF can weld. My oldest son and I both have carpentry and framing skills. My husband mills raw lumber and I also do masonry and finish fabrication of things like trim, furniture legs etc.. We also have sharpening machines for everything from chainsaws to knives, as well as the files and oil stones needed.

There will be many skills that will have great value and, "would you like fries with that?" Won't be one of them. Just don't rely on anyone else to provide the basics for you, even through barter, namely food and water. Have that shored up to reproduce/replace for the long term without a middle man so to speak.

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