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Since we are discussing a subject that, if happens, will drastically reduce the US population…

2025 Deagel Forecast: 70% Population Reduction In USA And The Collapse Of The West​

DEAGEL is a private online source for the military capabilities of the world’s nation-states. It recently released a shocking five-year forecast.

The report analyzes countries by projected population size, GDP, defense budget, and more.


In it, they predict a 70% reduction in the size of the United States population. This is a bold prediction. What are your thoughts on this?

Doug Casey
: I’ve got to say that I wasn’t familiar with Deagel — it keeps a low profile. Deagel is in the same business as Jane’s — which has been in the business of analyzing weapons systems for many decades.

A look at the Deagel website, which is quite sophisticated, makes it clear we’re not dealing with some blogger concocting outrageous clickbait. It seems to be well-connected with defense contractors and government agencies like the CIA.

They’ve predicted that about 70% of the US population, and about the same percentage in Europe, is going to disappear by 2025. It’s hard to believe that anybody in their position would make a forecast like that. There’s no logical business reason for it, especially since it was done before the COVID hysteria gripped the world. It stretches a reader’s credulity…”

Their prediction made no sense back in 2015. Now, it makes perfect sense! DEAGAL KNEW the overall plan!
Some coyotes have good fur, but most don't. But it's fur.

They also have leather...feral hog fur is nasty, but their hides are thick.
most people in the UK travel on low fuel tanks, only filling up when the fuel light comes on, in the event of an emergency they queue up at the filling station, the lines sometimes go for miles, even when the filling station puts out an empty sign, we have seen it all before.
these people arent going to get far with the little fuel in their tanks, the roads will be full of abandoned and out of fuel vehicles.
BTW I dont let my fuel tank go below half , even with that amount I can drive for several hundreds of miles.
Yes i refill my vehicle every time it gets below 3/4 and even at that it still gives me at leased 600km, you don't want to be anywhere near a fuel station when it all starts turning ugly.
I wonder if a carcass hanging in a tree would clue in the others to stay away.

They'd certainly have a look at it and wonder, but probably not connect the dots.

Never discount psychological warfare. A body with a sign would stop many. A body with the skin pulled off with a sign telling about it would stop even more.
Never discount psychological warfare. A body with a sign would stop many. A body with the skin pulled off with a sign telling about it would stop even more.

If the coyotes in my area start reading signs, I'll have to think long and hard over whether to organize them or to run away.

I could test that with a "No Coyotes" sign and see what happens.
I recommend protecting your electrical system with an EMP shield and everything plugged into it is also protected. For vehicles, protect with there own shield. Any other equipment not plugged in, store inan EMP bag or box/cabinet like these Storage / Faraday Boxes - EMP Engineerging
If the coyotes in my area start reading signs, I'll have to think long and hard over whether to organize them or to run away.

I could test that with a "No Coyotes" sign and see what happens.

I missed that you were referring to coyotes. Thought you were talking about humans when everything totally falls apart.
any dead meat will attract flies, they lay eggs, they make larvae/maggots...food for the chickens. Potato bugs also.

Having 3 different compost piles…at varying stages of breaking down is used to feed chickens too. Some use only free range and these compost piles successfully.

If anyone is interested I can post information on how to do it. Just let me know.
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Having 3 different compost piles…at varying stages of breaking down is used success feed chickens too. Some use only free range and these compost piles successfully.

If anyone is interested I can post information on how to do it. Just let me know.

Yes please do.
An EMP attack is very unlikely to happen.. It takes a big nuke to make a big enough EMP to matter. All of our defenses are hardened against EMP, so who is going to slap a bear in the face and start a nuclear war by using an EMP? Nobody. No point in giving an enemy time to retaliate, and thats exactly what an EMP will do. Also, if ANYONE sets off a high altitude EMP, it is an attack on the whole planet because countries from all over the world will lose satellites in the attack, including the attacker, and now space is a huge debris field useless to everyone. Tell me how the new world looks without space communications. Maybe they will go back to dropping propaganda from planes because it won't come from dish network.

The aftermath will be one of mainstream media disconnect, a time when people will begin to think for themselves. What government wants that?
An EMP attack is very unlikely to happen.. It takes a big nuke to make a big enough EMP to matter. All of our defenses are hardened against EMP, so who is going to slap a bear in the face and start a nuclear war by using an EMP? Nobody. No point in giving an enemy time to retaliate, and thats exactly what an EMP will do. Also, if ANYONE sets off a high altitude EMP, it is an attack on the whole planet because countries from all over the world will lose satellites in the attack, including the attacker, and now space is a huge debris field useless to everyone. Tell me how the new world looks without space communications. Maybe they will go back to dropping propaganda from planes because it won't come from dish network.

The aftermath will be one of mainstream media disconnect, a time when people will begin to think for themselves. What government wants that?

I disagree. Your making many assumptions that you believe are true.
An EMP attack is very unlikely to happen.. It takes a big nuke to make a big enough EMP to matter. All of our defenses are hardened against EMP, so who is going to slap a bear in the face and start a nuclear war by using an EMP? Nobody. No point in giving an enemy time to retaliate, and thats exactly what an EMP will do. Also, if ANYONE sets off a high altitude EMP, it is an attack on the whole planet because countries from all over the world will lose satellites in the attack, including the attacker, and now space is a huge debris field useless to everyone. Tell me how the new world looks without space communications. Maybe they will go back to dropping propaganda from planes because it won't come from dish network.

The aftermath will be one of mainstream media disconnect, a time when people will begin to think for themselves. What government wants that?
We know there are many who want the majority of the world dead and are blatantly coaxing along a world war.

We also know there is a system being pushed which is entirely technology-based which many don't agree with. What would be worse for us, an EMP or a world-wide social credit system? I think I know which I would choose, but neither sound particularly appealing.

Furthermore, I don't know much about EMPs, but I do know our federal government can't even keep up on the crumbling DC utility infrastructure, so I doubt that everything is in the tip top shape we wish it were.
An EMP attack is very unlikely to happen.. It takes a big nuke to make a big enough EMP to matter. All of our defenses are hardened against EMP, so who is going to slap a bear in the face and start a nuclear war by using an EMP? Nobody. No point in giving an enemy time to retaliate, and thats exactly what an EMP will do. Also, if ANYONE sets off a high altitude EMP, it is an attack on the whole planet because countries from all over the world will lose satellites in the attack, including the attacker, and now space is a huge debris field useless to everyone. Tell me how the new world looks without space communications. Maybe they will go back to dropping propaganda from planes because it won't come from dish network.

The aftermath will be one of mainstream media disconnect, a time when people will begin to think for themselves. What government wants that?
Many or non-believers , but I am a true believer in a very likely EMP attack we will see in the not so distant future . As for as that an EMP not mattering much - the United States government looked into the matter by the now disbanded EMP Commission . They made public that ONE EMP detonated over the state of Kansas would destroy the electrical grid over nearly the entirety of the United States . Also they said , it would likely take at least a year before part of the electrical grid could be functional again . I am not sure if it was the EMP Commission or some other government study that estimated in the aftermath of an EMP an estimated 90 % of the population would die even if nothing else was done but the EMP . --- That one year to recovery thing though is just a sugar coating as in reality it would be much longer . And guess who we are depending on to furnish us with new transformers " China " .
An estimated 90 % causality resulting from an EMP attack may seem high at first glance . Take into consideration There would be no hospitals , no doctor offices , no pharmacies , no stores including food stores , no fuel so transporting goods or traveling is curtailed , no cooking with electricity , , no heating or cooling of homes with electricity , no electric hot water heaters and most important no running water coming into homes . -- In short for the unprepared there would be no food or water as we know it today . --- Actually an EMP would be more " bang for the buck " over simply blowing a city into rubble as one EMP would decimate the population of many cities and basically entire countries with one blast .
An EMP attack is very unlikely to happen.. It takes a big nuke to make a big enough EMP to matter. All of our defenses are hardened against EMP, so who is going to slap a bear in the face and start a nuclear war by using an EMP? Nobody. No point in giving an enemy time to retaliate, and thats exactly what an EMP will do. Also, if ANYONE sets off a high altitude EMP, it is an attack on the whole planet because countries from all over the world will lose satellites in the attack, including the attacker, and now space is a huge debris field useless to everyone. Tell me how the new world looks without space communications. Maybe they will go back to dropping propaganda from planes because it won't come from dish network.
You only need a low yield nuclear bomb for a HEMP device.
I was told many years ago that in the event of an EMP or a solar storm, it will take 2 YEARS to replace every transformer in the UK power grid, this was from an electrical engineer who knew about these things, thats if spare parts could be found, very little is kept in spare parts these days, and guess who makes all the electronics and spare parts these days? yep...CHINA.
after sitting in the dark and cold for 2 years I dont think many of the UK population would survive.
I was told many years ago that in the event of an EMP or a solar storm, it will take 2 YEARS to replace every transformer in the UK power grid, this was from an electrical engineer who knew about these things, thats if spare parts could be found, very little is kept in spare parts these days, and guess who makes all the electronics and spare parts these days? yep...CHINA.
after sitting in the dark and cold for 2 years I dont think many of the UK population would survive.

US and most of the world is in the same boat re: spare parts and China being the lone supplier. Power in pockets could come back up sooner, but, I think it would have to be due to small scale local efforts rather than national.
An estimated 90 % causality resulting from an EMP attack may seem high at first glance . Take into consideration There would be no hospitals , no doctor offices , no pharmacies , no stores including food stores , no fuel so transporting goods or traveling is curtailed , no cooking with electricity , , no heating or cooling of homes with electricity , no electric hot water heaters and most important no running water coming into homes . -- In short for the unprepared there would be no food or water as we know it today . --- Actually an EMP would be more " bang for the buck " over simply blowing a city into rubble as one EMP would decimate the population of many cities and basically entire countries with one blast .

I too am of the mindset that given a choice between using a conventional nuclear weapon or another weapon such as an EMP or cyber, the latter is more likely than the former.

China has a huge investment in land and businesses here. They do not produce enough food to feed their population and would need fertile land to do that. Nuclear fallout, would be shooting themselves in the foot unnecessarily. They can accomplish their goals without a conventional nuclear war.

It is for this and other reasons, that an EMP/long term grid down, is top of my list for things to prepare for. Second is the USD going "poof" as far as being the world's go to currency.
long term/permanent grid down is top of my list, I can survive without power but not many over here can. especially as the govt is pushing for all electric homes.

Isn’t it far too coincidental that the governments are openly pushing and mandating electric everything? Of course they are all very aware how easy it will be to remove it from those they want to harm. Sick sick b@st@rds!
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the stupid thing is in the UK we dont have enough power stations to provide enough power to go around, they are always bleating about possible power cuts every winter, if you add electric cars to the mix there is no way at the moment to provide enough electricity.

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