Food Prices Going Up

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Yes, I'm awesome today, too. Ha Ha.
You should watch some Ice Age Farmer. He goes over this in great detail, and the reasons for the price increases. Don't think it's potential trucking strikes. Overprinting of money which leads to inflation is another cause.
Big cities are seeing higher prices than rural areas, but rural areas do have local sources. So...have you increased your shelf stable food storage yet?
Going shopping to re-supply the shelves, getting the things in the back to have the longest possible shelf life date. They always put the new stuff in the back and the older in the front...the wife thinks we have "enough"????? Like I would ever believe that funny story...Gary
I think higher prices are already here, and will continue to rise.

Expanding the garden, looking to get hogs this year, chickens and ducks have started laying again.

The wife is keeping a mental tally on prices at the grocery store.
Lumber prices have more than doubled in the last few months. I see where the green commies are pushing for a ballot initiative in Colorado that would essentially put all livestock raisers out of business. We haven’t seen anything yet. Thanks to everyone who voted for the commie democrats. I hope you're happy with the results.
Lumber prices have more than doubled in the last few months. I see where the green commies are pushing for a ballot initiative in Colorado that would essentially put all livestock raisers out of business. We haven’t seen anything yet. Thanks to everyone who voted for the commie democrats. I hope you're happy with the results.
Are you talking about the Gray Wolf Reintroduction Initiative?
Going shopping to re-supply the shelves, getting the things in the back to have the longest possible shelf life date. They always put the new stuff in the back and the older in the front...the wife thinks we have "enough"????? Like I would ever believe that funny story...Gary
do the same when you get home, new stuff to the back of the shelves, bring old stuff forward and use that first.
I dont actually see much increase in prices, I'm paying the same each monthly "big" shopping trip as I was before the pandemic.
Heard of a very stupid person (not gonna mention gender or hair color) who was asked what they thought of the price of gas/diesel going up lately and they replied: "I did not see any difference in the price of gas at all lately...
""I ALWAYS BUY GAS FOR $25,00:p:p
Inflation will be around for a long while now. I’m kind of glad I’m nearer the end of my lifetime than at the beginning. For the ones here that are real preppers here though, (and not just political conspiracy zealots), having your preps, gardens and skills will help see you through whatever happens.
I see food prices going up every time I go to the store. I don't think most people realize when the government said the are going to spend several trillion dollars what they really meant is they are going to borrow several trillion dollars. Or worse print several trillion dollars.
Chuck roasts were on sale. Wife picked up three, then we cut each one to make three roasts (enough for two people).
I took one of the cuts, applied a basic dry cure, and then brown sugar. Put it in a plastic bag and let it cure for two days in the fridge.
Took it out, rinse it off of the excess cure/brine, then slow roast it for an hour at 300.
It is the beef version of bacon, without the fat. Use for additions to soups, pasta, sauces, even salads.
If you want to see a real example of inflation take a look at an economic chart from the 1700's to today. For about 250 years prices for everything stayed pretty much level. Until the early 1900's thanks to the socialist agenda; big centralized government, social security, welfare, endless foreign wars, etc. Its just going to get much worse under this new nanny state communist regime, with unlimited immigration, refugees and "free" stuff for everyone, except for the tax payer of course.
When Marxis pass out money to "those who choose not to work" it does not hurt THEIR economy. They have none. Leftist money is all windfall. Nor does it hurt the oligarchs and their monopolies. They just raise prices.

And who suffers? The middle class whose labor value erodes in inflation and who must pay the higher prices charged by the oligarch companies and institutions.

This was the kind of economics President Donald Trump opposed.
My hippie neighbors across the street have their own economy : I just watched them load up a U-Haul trailer with at least 50 full grown marijuana plants.
Well, Jayson, 50 plants is not legal in California unless 5 people are involved. I hate leftists so I would have absolutely no problem snitching them off to federal authorities.
Over here the food prices don't raise by the first view. But the packing weight goes smaller (the packing itselves still has same size). So at least an hidden price raising.
The really naughty explain came from Coca Cola Switzerland as they reduced the bottle size from 0.5l to 0.45l (and from 1.5 to 1.25l): We care about peoples health and waste.... 🤪 The price for each bottle is still the same btw.
I dont see much in the way of rising prices, I think most food is silly cheap and has been for a long while, my supermarket shopping is done in Asda( a sort of British Walmart) and Lidl, both budget type stores.
If you want to see a real example of inflation take a look at an economic chart from the 1700's to today. For about 250 years prices for everything stayed pretty much level. Until the early 1900's thanks to the socialist agenda; big centralized government, social security, welfare, endless foreign wars, etc. Its just going to get much worse under this new nanny state communist regime, with unlimited immigration, refugees and "free" stuff for everyone, except for the tax payer of course.
My best score was at Christmas time. Publix had standing rib roast on sale for 6$ a pound. I got 7 or 8 roasts, 4 ribs each at about 5 to 6 lbs each. I normally cut things up for two person meals too but left these whole as I love the leftovers. My vacuum sealer is a great tool To make things last in the freezer.
this response got attached to the wrong post somehow.....
Well, Jayson, 50 plants is not legal in California unless 5 people are involved. I hate leftists so I would have absolutely no problem snitching them off to federal authorities.

Pardon the pun, but the state law enforcement agencies are handcuffed because California passed Proposition 215 which legalized marijuana.
My best score was at Christmas time. Publix had standing rib roast on sale for 6$ a pound. I got 7 or 8 roasts, 4 ribs each at about 5 to 6 lbs each. I normally cut things up for two person meals too but left these whole as I love the leftovers. My vacuum sealer is a great tool To make things last in the freezer.
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$6 bucks a pound really isnt a deal Brent, well maybe by today's standards it sadly is. I'm selling my butcher steers for $1.23 a pound, on the hoof. The buyer makes the arrangements to buther. $50 kill fee and $.70 cents a pound to cut and wrap. That comes to less than $2.00 a pound for prime grass fed black or red angus beef. A little more if I grain finish the beef.
$6 bucks a pound really isnt a deal Brent, well maybe by today's standards it sadly is. I'm selling my butcher steers for $1.23 a pound, on the hoof. The buyer makes the arrangements to buther. $50 kill fee and $.70 cents a pound to cut and wrap. That comes to less than $2.00 a pound for prime grass fed black or red angus beef. A little more if I grain finish the beef.
As much as I love beef I’m really surprised I haven’t bought a whole cow or even half. If I had a few more acres I would raise one or two. But around here I’ve seen standing rib roast for 18.00 a pound when regular priced. With my arteries I should have cut out the stuff long ago but still believe some things in life are just worth the risks!
As much as I love beef I’m really surprised I haven’t bought a whole cow or even half. If I had a few more acres I would raise one or two. But around here I’ve seen standing rib roast for 18.00 a pound when regular priced. With my arteries I should have cut out the stuff long ago but still believe some things in life are just worth the risks!

No one gets out of life alive.