Food Prices Going Up

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Gross. I don't remember that. But I did read an article that "normal everyday" people like nurses and teachers went out and prostituted themselves just to feed their families.

The sheeple of Venezuela voted Hugo Chavez into office and his socialist policies ruined the economy. I think Venezuela is in the Top 10 of crude oil producers, but even that rich resource couldn’t save the country from chaos.
Here in the states we average about 10% of our income spent on food. So if food goes up it will be felt but it’s not the end of the world. In most of the world the average person spends 90% of their income on food. Even a slight rise in prices can mean the difference between just getting by and going hungry. If you think the southern border traffic is bad now just wait until even more people are going hungry.

When Obama passed the ethanol mandate, the price of corn went up.
In Mexico, they had protests over the price of corn flour going up for tortillas.
You did not hear much about that as MSM did not report on it.
The sheeple of Venezuela voted Hugo Chavez into office and his socialist policies ruined the economy. I think Venezuela is in the Top 10 of crude oil producers, but even that rich resource couldn’t save the country from chaos.
And the sheep voted for Biden in this country. I guess they want to be just like Venezuela, they're getting their wish. Stupid ignorant sheep. Some people amazingly voted for Biden just because of their childish hatred for Trump.
When Obama passed the ethanol mandate, the price of corn went up.
In Mexico, they had protests over the price of corn flour going up for tortillas.
You did not hear much about that as MSM did not report on it.
ah, I was well aware of the ethanol side affect. The majority of South America depends on corn this was terrible for most of them. Every action taken by the government usually has some unaccounted for affects, but causing people to starve was a really tough one.
I’m pretty sure it was the bush administration that began requiring ethanol though, not Obama.
I guess everybody in Switzerland must be incredibly wealthy.

Nope. We might earn a bit more, but for this everything is more expensive. Just some examples:
The average income is +/- 5500.-- for workers.
An 4 room appartment - we count every room as one, not only bedrooms - will cost you +/- 2500.-- rent by month. Buying an appartment easily costs you more than 500'000.--. Buying an simple house (our houses aren't that big) you will be lucky if you get it for less than one million.
Our meat prices you already know. for an meal at an fast food burger chain you'll pay 15.-- and more.
1 litre of gasoline (NOT gallon) was yesterday 1.65.
An new Ford F150 Lariat you'll become for +/- 70k. An new Camaro SS 65k
Levis 501 are "just" 130.--
Working hours by week are between 40 and 45 btw.

Yes, we have some really rich people here. But 99% have at end of the money still some month left. When the calculation is done we're having not more in our pocket as the normal working american ;)
Why is anyone surprised that food prices are going up? And not just food prices, but everything is going up. Bidens plan to destroy our energy industry with his "green new deal" and cowering down to the Left with his "climate change " BS WILL cause everything to skyrocket in price. We ain't seen nothing yet.
Raise a garden, get some chickens, rabbits, goats or cattle while you still can.
Why is anyone surprised that food prices are going up? And not just food prices, but everything is going up. Bidens plan to destroy our energy industry with his "green new deal" and cowering down to the Left with his "climate change " BS WILL cause everything to skyrocket in price. We ain't seen nothing yet.
Raise a garden, get some chickens, rabbits, goats or cattle while you still can.

Most here on this site, this is not a surprise.
But many Americans are un-informed and do not see it till the sticker shock at check out.
Nope. We might earn a bit more, but for this everything is more expensive. Just some examples:
The average income is +/- 5500.-- for workers.
An 4 room appartment - we count every room as one, not only bedrooms - will cost you +/- 2500.-- rent by month. Buying an appartment easily costs you more than 500'000.--. Buying an simple house (our houses aren't that big) you will be lucky if you get it for less than one million.
Our meat prices you already know. for an meal at an fast food burger chain you'll pay 15.-- and more.
1 litre of gasoline (NOT gallon) was yesterday 1.65.
An new Ford F150 Lariat you'll become for +/- 70k. An new Camaro SS 65k
Levis 501 are "just" 130.--
Working hours by week are between 40 and 45 btw.

Yes, we have some really rich people here. But 99% have at end of the money still some month left. When the calculation is done we're having not more in our pocket as the normal working american ;)
Thank you for that very interesting information. It seem like middle class is middle class most everywhere. How are land prices?

Depends where you wanna or can buy land. Cheap land costs 200.-- to 400.-- by squaremeter (we count by squaremeters mostly), 600.-- to 800.-- is average. In the bigger cities or places with an amazing view / lakeside it's 2000.-- and more.
Only 7% is construction land, 37% is farmland, 31% is forrest (where's not allowed to build houses) or can't be used for any constructions (glaciers, mountains). Guess the left percentages are for industrial using.
back in the 50s and 60s Food was expensive and housing was cheap, now its the other way around, housing is VERY expensive and food is silly cheap, so cheap that the only way food prices can go is UP.
Farmers arent even getting cost price for their milk and in the supermarket its a "loss leader", supermarkets dictate the price and keep the price low so they sell more, of course your average person eat crap food anyway.

Depends where you wanna or can buy land. Cheap land costs 200.-- to 400.-- by squaremeter (we count by squaremeters mostly), 600.-- to 800.-- is average. In the bigger cities or places with an amazing view / lakeside it's 2000.-- and more.
Only 7% is construction land, 37% is farmland, 31% is forrest (where's not allowed to build houses) or can't be used for any constructions (glaciers, mountains). Guess the left percentages are for industrial using.
Wow! Double Wow. If I understand right they sell land by the square meter! How do farmers afford land? Back in the 1970's I bought some of the land I own now for $3000 per acre. Now $150,000 per acre. I don't sell because I am stubborn. What are the taxes like on land so expensive? If you don't mind me asking?
Back in the 1970's I bought some of the land I own now for $3000 per acre. Now $150,000 per acre.
AND THAT is exactly why I moved to Hungary to retire at 62. I can buy land here in certain places for about $300.00 an acre...our house sits on a 720 square meter (6500 sq.ft.) piece of land and I paid $7000.00 for the house and the land BIL bought a thousand square meter piece of land for a garden with its own well for $150.00 cash...many people from England, Holland, France, Germany and Italy are moving here to retire due to the low prices...
I pay about $5.00 a month for a water bill, $30.00 electricity and about $40.00 for gas (cooking, heating and water heater)...utilities stay under $100.00 a month and my YEARLY STATE TAX on my land/house is $20.00!!
Wow! Double Wow. If I understand right they sell land by the square meter! How do farmers afford land? Back in the 1970's I bought some of the land I own now for $3000 per acre. Now $150,000 per acre. I don't sell because I am stubborn. What are the taxes like on land so expensive? If you don't mind me asking?

I don't mind @Dracos

Most of the farmland is since generations in family hands. And there's the problem for new farmers - hard or expensive to buy land. The land prices i told you is for construction land. Farmland is cheaper, but you're alowed to build only those buildings who are necessary for work. Means no appartments or houses for rent. Then you're only allowed to buy farmland if you study farming before. Those strong laws are necessary because farmland is rare. Don't imagine an farm in Switzerland like they are in the US - they are a lot smaller, an farmer who owns 50 cows and more considers to be big. I couldn't find something about the farmland prices really, but there's something between 15.-- and 20.-- by squaremeter.

About the land taxes...
The land taxes are by +/- 0.3 ‰ and 3 ‰, depends the country you're living. Then for living areas / -buildings we have an special, may unique tax: You have to pay an kind of incoming tax for the rental value of your property. It dosn't matter if you're living in you house or rent it out, you have to pay it always. Even the property is fully paid. This tax is - if have seen it correctly - +/- 3% of the property value. And the property value would be assessed by the tax office.

You may realized i'm always talking about the area / county. It's because Switzerland has as you in the US different states, we call them "Kanton". And every state has an own percentage of tax you have to buy. The tax law is more or less nation wide, just the % are different.
I don't mind @Dracos

Most of the farmland is since generations in family hands. And there's the problem for new farmers - hard or expensive to buy land. The land prices i told you is for construction land. Farmland is cheaper, but you're alowed to build only those buildings who are necessary for work. Means no appartments or houses for rent. Then you're only allowed to buy farmland if you study farming before. Those strong laws are necessary because farmland is rare. Don't imagine an farm in Switzerland like they are in the US - they are a lot smaller, an farmer who owns 50 cows and more considers to be big. I couldn't find something about the farmland prices really, but there's something between 15.-- and 20.-- by squaremeter.

About the land taxes...
The land taxes are by +/- 0.3 ‰ and 3 ‰, depends the country you're living. Then for living areas / -buildings we have an special, may unique tax: You have to pay an kind of incoming tax for the rental value of your property. It dosn't matter if you're living in you house or rent it out, you have to pay it always. Even the property is fully paid. This tax is - if have seen it correctly - +/- 3% of the property value. And the property value would be assessed by the tax office.

You may realized i'm always talking about the area / county. It's because Switzerland has as you in the US different states, we call them "Kanton". And every state has an own percentage of tax you have to buy. The tax law is more or less nation wide, just the % are different.
Thank you for this very interesting information.
If you feed out your animals, it will cost you more. As a small farmer, I can say that the price of corn will hurt. Even with my goat feed, the bags went up to over $12 a bag.
Our cattle are all out on free pasture now until around late October. The only grain I buy is to finish a few head about 90 days before butchering. Our hay cost will remain the same as last year.

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