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Funny Pet Memes

Homesteading & Country Living Forum

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True story… I lived in LA, had a cat. I worked bizarre hours servicing catscans. When leaving home on a service call I always poured out 3 days of kibble and filled a chicken waterer. I was rarely gone more than 25/30hrs. Food might be scattered.

First time I was actually gone 3 days. Got home, I expected to see major signs the cat was upset. I looked everywhere, normal house, nothing out of place, not even kibble.

That night when I went to bed I found the sign. I sat down, turned on the lamp and there it was! The cat had pooped on my pillow!!! I was laughing to hard to be angry!!!!

I looked at the cat and said… ‘point taken’. It was a very strange cat, ended up being with me 16yrs.
Cats are perpetually on the wrong side of the door, and they will very vocally let you know this. If you just open the door and leave it open, they will go lie down somewhere else...not in the room with the door.

I fight this fight every single day for as long as I'm in my office.
Not funny, but it's life when you are a "Community Cat". Many of them have "wingmen" they watch each others backs.
