Ghost in the buiding

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Finder of lost things AND The Boss
HCL Supporter
Apr 19, 2021
North central Texas
And he is here today!! The building I clean was a two story department store way back when. Don, the manager had a heart attack and died in it! He still roams the building! Had to tell him a few minutes ago to to give me space, it's a holiday weekend and the "store" must look great! He's in the break room now! They say he really loved his job and the store, but wouldn't it suck to die and be stuck at work for a century?!
Our property was never improved but the area was a favorite for natives. As far as we know it has always been a meadow. We had lived here about 5 years and at times there was just a weird vibe. You know the kind that makes you stop what you are doing and look behind you, especially at night. About a year and a half ago we had a native friend do blessing. He lit some sage, said a prayer went room to room in the house and a little around the property. The vibe is not gone but is a rare occurrence now. That might be the Cougar wandering through. Long story short acknowledging a presence is probably better than pretending it isn't there.
When I bought my home in Show Low, a big Native American guy named Mike helped me paint the interior on a rush job prior to carpet installation. He offered to perform that same ceremony with the smoking sage, and of course I accepted... why NOT do it? He asked me to open all the closet & cabinet doors before performing the ceremony, and we walked from room to room as he said a few words in each location. It was pretty cool... and I'm a guy who believes in ghosts, I've met a few in my time, not all of them scary. Dunno why some spirits get hung up in certain locations... I can understand the angry ghosts, but why do the loving ghosts stick around? Maybe they just had that much love to share, and it overflowed into the spiritual world. The weirdest thing I've ever had happen was in Coronado: a wooden African mask I had in my room started moving around by itself, winding up in the most bizarre locations. Once I realized this, I took that thing outside, split it to pieces with an ax, and burned it, lol... no more problem. 😬
My grandfather still resides in our building. I’ve had two tenants have babies while they lived here. They both said they saw a man in tan pants and a T-shirt, looking over their babies, crib and smiling. The one gal, when she was upstairs having tea, so a picture on the one end table of my father, my uncle and my grandfather. She pointed to my grandfather, and said “I’ve seen that man looking at my baby while he slept in his crib. He turned his face to me and beamed a big smile.” She told me she she had such a warm feeling upon seeing his smile. Every tenant who has lived in that apartment has told me they always felt safe while living there.
When I bought my home in Show Low, a big Native American guy named Mike helped me paint the interior on a rush job prior to carpet installation. He offered to perform that same ceremony with the smoking sage, and of course I accepted... why NOT do it? He asked me to open all the closet & cabinet doors before performing the ceremony, and we walked from room to room as he said a few words in each location. It was pretty cool... and I'm a guy who believes in ghosts, I've met a few in my time, not all of them scary. Dunno why some spirits get hung up in certain locations... I can understand the angry ghosts, but why do the loving ghosts stick around? Maybe they just had that much love to share, and it overflowed into the spiritual world.
I just love a good ghost thread!:woo hoo:
You raised an important point.
When people talk to me about ghosts and how terrifying they heard they were...
I tell them "Grab 8 random people and put them in a house, the vast majority of them are normal, and you maaaby will have one AH".
Ghosts are the same. Most are 'normal'.
The vast majorities of my encounters could best be described as 'pranks'.
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Tommyice, I saw the same kind of benevolent ghost one night at a former girlfriend's home... she lived in a "granny flat" in Coronado, and the previous tenant was an elderly grandmother who had passed away. Well, I used to spend the night over there on occasion, even though my home was just one block away, and one night I got up to go take a pee... it wasn't that late yet, maybe 2200 hours, so her two young kids were asleep in the next bedroom. Their bedroom door was open and there was a dim nightlight in that room. On the way back from the bathroom, I looked over through the open door and dimly saw a figure leaning over one of the kids, but in a loving fashion... naturally, I thought this was my girlfriend, but when I rounded the corner and entered HER room, there she was! I immediately turned around and walked back to the kids' room, thinking "What the...?" And there was no sign of the apparition, but no hostile vibe either... the kids were sleeping soundly, no worries. I told my girlfriend what I had seen and she said it was probably the old gal who used to live there, just showing the kids some love. I don't have any problem with this kind of friendly ghost... :)
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When I bought my home in Show Low, a big Native American guy named Mike helped me paint the interior on a rush job prior to carpet installation. He offered to perform that same ceremony with the smoking sage, and of course I accepted... why NOT do it? He asked me to open all the closet & cabinet doors before performing the ceremony, and we walked from room to room as he said a few words in each location. It was pretty cool... and I'm a guy who believes in ghosts, I've met a few in my time, not all of them scary. Dunno why some spirits get hung up in certain locations... I can understand the angry ghosts, but why do the loving ghosts stick around? Maybe they just had that much love to share, and it overflowed into the spiritual world. The weirdest thing I've ever had happen was in Coronado: a wooden African mask I had in my room started moving around by itself, winding up in the most bizarre locations. Once I realized this, I took that thing outside, split it to pieces with an ax, and burned it, lol... no more problem. 😬
There are stories out there about African masks and statues. Unsolved Mysteries had a piece about a fertility statue and all the women who got pregnant when it was in a particular building.
There is a man who lives not far from me, who has a large collection of African Art. He is 80 something. It fills his home. There is work going on to get his collection moved to Denver Art Museum.
And he is here today!! The building I clean was a two story department store way back when. Don, the manager had a heart attack and died in it! He still roams the building! Had to tell him a few minutes ago to to give me space, it's a holiday weekend and the "store" must look great! He's in the break room now! They say he really loved his job and the store, but wouldn't it suck to die and be stuck at work for a century?!
Usually a ghost will be there if they are clinging to the place of death, like you pointed out, or they had a tragic death. I took a course is college in the 1980s in Ventura, CA called "Ghosts and Hauntings". Of course, here we are forty years later, so a lot more information has been compiled. The professor said back then that if you look at the ghost and say something like, 'you're dead' or 'you no longer exist' they go away forever. Maybe that's changed now. I don't know. THe professor did say that ghosts are not souls or spirits, they are a residual energy from the body of the deceased, so they are nothing to be worried about.

I have been a member of small groups that do ghosts investigations and I have never seen anything but I did talk with one via a ghost can buy stuff like ghost boxes and EMF meters at Ghost Stop: Ghost Hunting Equipment - Paranormal Investigation Tools and Gear - Ghost Stop
I'm going to do a little research on this. I'm curious how long that energy can be around?! Sometimes you just know Don is there, sometimes he is a  mist. One of the tennants was in her office after hours and Don was trying to move her chair. She told him to go away she was busy. He moved by the front window and stayed there the rest of the time she was working!!
I'm going to do a little research on this. I'm curious how long that energy can be around?! Sometimes you just know Don is there, sometimes he is a  mist. One of the tennants was in her office after hours and Don was trying to move her chair. She told him to go away she was busy. He moved by the front window and stayed there the rest of the time she was working!!
Do you have any ghost hunting groups near you that you could get some information from?
And he is here today!! The building I clean was a two story department store way back when. Don, the manager had a heart attack and died in it! He still roams the building! Had to tell him a few minutes ago to to give me space, it's a holiday weekend and the "store" must look great! He's in the break room now! They say he really loved his job and the store, but wouldn't it suck to die and be stuck at work for a century?!
I had a friend who died headed to work one day. I'd always catch a glimpse of him out of the corner of my eye about ten minutes before all hell broke loose, sometimes he'd even point at what was going to break, then laugh. our coater was a piece of crap. LOL

RIP James.
Does anybody want to hear about my dead girlfriend?
Well, we were friends, but it was more business if you get my meaning, she was going to med school.
She was particularly well endowed, this is important, you'll know why in a minute. the night she wrapped her car around a tree, I was sleeping soundly, Suddenly around the time she left this world, I woke up to being smothered like she used to when I had stayed the night and had to get up early! One more to remember her by I guess.

RIP Mary.
Does anybody want to hear about my dead girlfriend?
Well, we were friends, but it was more business if you get my meaning, she was going to med school.
She was particularly well endowed, this is important, you'll know why in a minute. the night she wrapped her car around a tree, I was sleeping soundly, Suddenly around the time she left this world, I woke up to being smothered like she used to when I had stayed the night and had to get up early! One more to remember her by I guess.

RIP Mary.
She was saying 'goodbye' to you. I'm sorry she's gone.
Here’s another story. My ex-husband divorced me when our kids were little. I was the one holding us together and after our divorce, he had a car repossessed and had to file bankruptcy. I think, in the long run, he regretted divorcing me. The night he died, I was happily remarried and living in Oklahoma. He died in California but he (and when we were married) lived in Illinois. We had a dog we kenneled at night because she was still young and potty training. From her crate my dog could see up a hallway into a bedroom. Every night, my dog slept peacefully in her crate. The night the ex died, around 2 AM, my dog started barking very excitedly. I got up to let her out. My dog raced up the hallway, jumped a baby gate into the bedroom and excitedly started sniffing around. I’m sure my ex took a walk through my house the day he died and my dog saw him.
Here’s another story. My ex-husband divorced me when our kids were little. I was the one holding us together and after our divorce, he had a car repossessed and had to file bankruptcy. I think, in the long run, he regretted divorcing me. The night he died, I was happily remarried and living in Oklahoma. He died in California but he (and when we were married) lived in Illinois. We had a dog we kenneled at night because she was still young and potty training. From her crate my dog could see up a hallway into a bedroom. Every night, my dog slept peacefully in her crate. The night the ex died, around 2 AM, my dog started barking very excitedly. I got up to let her out. My dog raced up the hallway, jumped a baby gate into the bedroom and excitedly started sniffing around. I’m sure my ex took a walk through my house the day he died and my dog saw him.
That could very well be. A lady and I were investigating a house that was haunted. The owner said she thought there was a ghost in the attic. I walked up the stairway and her 3 cats followed me. As soon as they got in the attic, I could tell they were freaked out because they were jittery. As soon as they followed me away, they were nice and calm again. Obviously animals see things we don't.
That could very well be. A lady and I were investigating a house that was haunted. The owner said she thought there was a ghost in the attic. I walked up the stairway and her 3 cats followed me. As soon as they got in the attic, I could tell they were freaked out because they were jittery. As soon as they followed me away, they were nice and calm again. Obviously animals see things we don't.
I believe that’s true. My dog definitely saw something the night my ex died.
I believe one has to believe in ghosts for them to visit you, I dont believe in ghosts, spirits, goblins or the like, so I have never been visited by them.
I believe one has to believe in ghosts for them to visit you, I dont believe in ghosts, spirits, goblins or the like, so I have never been visited by them.
He hee, no.
My dad was a NASA engineer and only believed in physical science.
...Until the 'madam' of the antebellum home we lived in seriously rattled his cage.
I posted about his encounter in another thread.
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I believe one has to believe in ghosts for them to visit you, I dont believe in ghosts, spirits, goblins or the like, so I have never been visited by them.
Nope. I got my attitude adjusted as a kid, they're real.
Ghosts should be a lot more common than they are, we (all life) are spirit intelligence participating in a physical adventure. I used to com across ghosts often, like at least one a month, these were mostly those who stuck around a bit too long and got comfortable , the spirit intelligence doesn't understand time the way we do so many have no idea how long has past since they left their bodies. the scary kind are mostly parasitic energies form the less friendly side, here looking for a host.
Yup. all my dead buds went on. I could probably call them back for a minute, but that risks pissing them off at me something fierce! It'd be like getting a telemarketer call in the middle of sex with your childhood crush!
Ghosts should be a lot more common than they are, we (all life) are spirit intelligence participating in a physical adventure. I used to com across ghosts often, like at least one a month, these were mostly those who stuck around a bit too long and got comfortable , the spirit intelligence doesn't understand time the way we do so many have no idea how long has past since they left their bodies. the scary kind are mostly parasitic energies form the less friendly side, here looking for a host.
Hey, good to see you around!! You must be right about the time thing! Don has been around a very long time!!
Ghosts should be a lot more common than they are, we (all life) are spirit intelligence participating in a physical adventure. I used to com across ghosts often, like at least one a month, these were mostly those who stuck around a bit too long and got comfortable , the spirit intelligence doesn't understand time the way we do so many have no idea how long has past since they left their bodies. the scary kind are mostly parasitic energies form the less friendly side, here looking for a host.
It is my understanding that ghosts are not a spirit but residual energy from someone who has died a tragic death. You cannot have an intelligent conversation. They can only say a couple of words.

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