Global Warming Update

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The only guarantee is that none of us, or many generations will ever know for sure. And yet many people are willing to give up our current standard of living, give trillions to the UN, all for a half assed theory. Sounds really stupid to me.
I don't think there is anything we can do to stop any climate change, much like you can't stop a solar flare.
If it happens it happens. Live your life and become as self sufficient as possible.
We humans give ourselves way too much credit for the "changing climate"
It is no longer "Global Warming", it is now "Climate Change", which is true and not something that can be denied. The climate has been changing since the earth was first formed and will continue to change until it no longer exist. Nothing can change that (no matter how much money you give to Al Gore). As with most things that the left does, they present 1/2 truths, just enough to rally the 1/2 brained snowflake who doesn't have enough sense to think for themselves.

Climate changes all the time. In fact, climate changes daily as does the weather. Earth's climate has been changing every day for the last 4.6 billion years. They do mean global warming but they cannot document or defend any position on global warming---not all the "climate scientists" in the world. But they really do not even mean global warming, they mean man-made global warming and that is impossible to document at all because it is such a lie.

We are 15 thousand years into an Interglacial Period right now. Normally, they last 60-150 thousand years. This means it is going to get a hell of a lot hotter on planet earth soon---at it will be a good thing for all countries north (or south) of 40 degrees. Right now the limits of agriculture are about 55 degrees North. If this extends northward, vast areas in Alaska, Canada, Sweden, Finland, and Russia will be able to produce huge quantities of food. Why the Left hates this so much is the consider southerners (people living below 30 degrees north and south) as their special pets. For them warming will be a disaster.
The collective standard of living in the West has been going south for decades now so this will make no difference. Once all the easily available oil has been extracted and burnt the average Joe will be plunged into abject poverty anyway, 17th century style living for most. And all the pointless jobs that have arisen during the oil age will vanish too, I can't see anything other than the mass dieoff that has been predicted myself.
good, bring it on.
Gotta luv this woman!!!

I will add though that by reducing the output of CO2 and other pollutants we can reduce the severity of the effects.

CO2 is hardly a pollutant. Plants die without it. And we die without them. (I like oxygen as well as fruits and vegetables.) Current CO2 levels are lower than 700 years ago. We could use more, but we have no control over that.

"Tell a lie, the bigger the better."

100 years' worth of predictions, none close to ever happening. None of Al Gore's sky-is-falling nonsense happened.

The volcano at La Palma has already put more CO2 into the atmosphere than humans ever have. No effect.

Mt. St. Helens belched more toxins into the atmosphere in 1980 than the entirety of human history. Three years later -- undetectable.

The earth is a machine of sorts. A PID loop in programming terms. It does what it does. Just like the sun. There's no stopping what they are or what they do.
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Oil was just too cheap for anyone to care to.

That's a very naive position to have on oil.

Oil contains an immense amount of power per gallon and is almost ready-to-use when brought to the surface. Cracking it is easy and yields many useful substances.

Only nuclear rivals its power density and ease of extraction. But unlike nuclear, oil can produce more than just electricity.
CO2 is hardly a pollutant. Plants die without it. And we die without them. (I like oxygen as well as fruits and vegetables.) Current CO2 levels are lower than 700 years ago. We could use more, but we have no control over that.

"Tell a lie, the bigger the better."

100 years' worth of predictions, none close to ever happening. None of Al Gore's sky-is-falling nonsense happened.

The volcano at La Palma has already put more CO2 into the atmosphere than humans ever have. No effect.

Mt. St. Helens belched more toxins into the atmosphere in 1980 than the entirety of human history. Three years later -- undetectable.

The earth is a machine of sorts. A PID loop in programming terms. It does what it does. Just like the sun. There's no stopping what they are or what they do.

CO2 is not a greenhouse gas at all CO2 is part of the oxygen cycle--animals exhale CO2---plants inhale CO2 and exhale O2, animals inhale O2, etc.
Even the unenlightened United States Forest Service does not consider CO2 a green house gas.

Actually, burning wood in your stove or fire place is something "climate scientists" should applaud. Wood decays producing methane--a real green house gas. Burning wood produces heat, water vapor and carbon dioxide. It also produces particulate matter in the atmosphere. This type of particulate matter reflects sunlight but does not reflect heat radiating from the earth at night. It ought to be perfect for the Party of Davos.
Sooner or later earthlings are going to have to make use of nuclear energy. They can find safer solutions for fission reactors or invent (or reinvent if you are a fan of Dr. Ronald Richter) sustained fusion reaction as the way. Or, a suitable storage device can be invented and we can cascade electrical energy directly from the ionosphere but the Left won't like this either.
Depending on how warm it gets I’ve seen estimates up to 30-50’. Luckily I live 1410’ above sea level here!

Ever hear of what archaeologists and glacial geologists call the "climatic optimum"? The climatic optimum was the warmest period in recent earth history. It roughly corresponded to the Bronze Age or very early Iron Age. Agriculture had spread to 55 degrees North latitude. Southern Sweden became heavily populated as did Eurasia at that latitude all the way from the Baltic to the Pacific. Then the climate deteriorated. This sparked population movements all over the Northern Eurasia. The Romans got the double barrel of the Huns in the East and the Germans coming out of Sweden in the West because nobody could feed themselves any longer at high latitudes. Waves of Germanic people came out of Sweden, the Franks, Saxons, Fressians, Angels, Jutes, Danes, Geats, in reverse order leaving only the Swedes in Sweden. The Saxons, Fresians, Angels and Jutes then went to Britain under pressure from the Danes. They became the English. Of course from there to America. We would not be here and would not be speaking English without climate change.

By the way, Sweden and Norway only became unglaciated 7,000 years ago. In fact the land there is still rising from being compressed by glaciers. Greenland is still in the last glaciation, the Wuerm Glaciation in the European sequence. The ice on Greenland will melt, humans or no humans.

The Climatic Optimum was really just a minor flux in the overall pattern of glaciation. It will get warmer again, much warmer. Humans make maybe 1% difference in this whole process. Sea levels drop drastically during cold snaps and rise rapidly during interglacials. So far they have risen only 50 ft. or so since the Glacial Maximum about 18,000 years ago. That is not much. They can drop several hundred feet.
If people were actually educated instead of lied to, we'd be a lot further down the road in terms of evolving ourselves and our technologies.

If people understood the simple promise of Communism -- to destroy the West (the middle class) and to re-enslave the people, they'd see these lies for what they are -- attacks on the middle class, freedom, and prosperity.

When people get drawn in and begin to consider these narratives as put forth by the Communists/Elites, they go down the rabbit-hole.

For the past 100 years, we have been bombarded with lies about running out of oil (as if the earth stopped making it), about CO2 killing the planet (even though plants require it), and many other lies -- all of which are designed to get us to stop enjoying life.

"Make living in the West miserable and expensive." -- 1950s Communist propaganda

If you cannot consider that you've been lied to, consider Mark Twain's remark: "It is easier to fool someone, than to convince them they've been fooled."

Not being able to truly open your eyes is a flaw, not a virtue. There are many bonafide climate scientists who completely disagree with the idea we're changing the atmosphere. But they get no press. They're out there. They are more than qualified -- certainly more than lawyer Al Gore (who made $500M while screaming about the sky falling, then disappeared BEFORE any of his prediction dates.)
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Sooner or later earthlings are going to have to make use of nuclear energy.

It seems they like to place nuclear plants near populations. I think putting them in the middle of nowhere is much more appropriate. The issue of cooling water might be addressed by digging a reservoir. Stepping up the voltage to minimize transmission losses is common (Hoover Dam supplies cities hundreds of miles away).

But my favorite is submerged turbines off the coast of Florida. The Gulf of Mexico receives between 8 and 15 trillion watts of solar energy daily. It drives ocean currents around the coast of Florida and across the Atlantic.

The world's largest solar panel. Minimal maintenance, already delivered and installed.
If people were actually educated instead of lied to, we'd be a lot further down the road in terms of evolving ourselves and our technologies.
Yes, but how do you compete with Santa Claus??
So what if it's totally illogical, impossible, and downright silly for all that free stuff to be made by elves at the North's FREE STUFF!!
Must disagree on the “incontestable”. Their garbage science is very contestable.

I agree it can be seen and dismissed on an individual basis but it's widely and relentlessly deployed

This unfortunately shows it being effective to it's end and effective resistance of it has been comparatively little

So it has help expression and expansion of power and the detraction and resistance of it is set in intellectual and ethical suspicion or taboo
The volcano in the Pacific, just produced ten times the amount of CO2 that the Paris Accord wanted to save in the next 100 YEARS!!!
NOW, we all need to park our cars, sell our private planes, sink our private boats, stock up on woolen socks, board up our fireplaces, empty out our propane reserves, cancel all vacation plans, stop eating beans and drinking too much milk (flatus problems) and generally stop heating, driving, flying, boating and LIVING we can catch up on the CO2 goals by not making any CO2 type exhausts from motors or our own rectal orifices and SAVE THE EARTH!!!!!!

(end of sarcasm)
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There is simply no correlation between CO2 and global temperatures, except ~1980-2000. In the rest of the planet's 4.5 billion year history the only correlation is in interglacial warm periods when CO2 correlates but there's a lag of hundreds of years and CO2 follows temperature, not the other way around. It's an inconvenient truth.😂
Time for another Global Warming Update...🤪
Historic COLD weather in France causing frost damage to fruit trees and grape vines.étéo-France, the country's meteorological service, said the night of April 3 was the coldest night on a national scale since the creation of the national thermal indicator in 1947, with an average temperature of 29.3 degrees Fahrenheit (1.5 degrees below zero Celsius). This indicator averages the temperature of weather observation sites across France. The indicator's previous record low was 29.5 F (1.4 below zero C) set on April 12, 1986.
The reason why politicans in Europe aren't talking about global warning, they talk about "climatic change". So they have even an explain for snow in July and an reason to increase restrictions and tax. "Climatic change" is the perfect reason to explain every torture to the citizens.
I believe that they were drunk on vegan tequila and swimming in minus temps water when they measured their penis length????
One made the comment of how long his was and got asked:
"from how deep in your anus do you start measuring??"
It's the soy eating vegans.

I wasn't just whistling Dixie...

While the trend is from dairy to soy here and in Europe, the trend has been from soy to dairy in Taiwan. Boys are taller and more masculine now in Taiwan. My nephews there are all over 6'. A generation ago, people were so short that some doorways are less than 6' tall, which I discovered by bumping my head going through one. After bumping my head, I was told to "be humble" (bow my head) when walking through the doorway.

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