Global Warming Update

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World's top climate scientists told to 'cover up' the fact that the Earth's temperature hasn't risen for the last 15 years​

  • Leaked United Nations report reveals the world's temperature hasn't risen for the last 15 years
  • Politicians have raised concerns about the final draft
  • Fears that the findings will encourage deniers of man-made climate change
Over here in Europe the ideology-machinery about global warming is running like hell. Las week they MSM even reported there will be more volcanic eruptions in future if we don't reduce CO2. Mhhhmmm. And because there's more heavy rain the weight of the wet soil will give to much pressure and squeezes the lava out. Mmhmmm. Of course. The worse is - people really believe this crap. I'm waiting for the day the steak on my bbq is to heavy for the world an destroys the universe. :rolleyes:
These are sprites…the colors have to do with solar particles penetrating further into Earth's weakening magnetosphere. It's also causing pink auroras, which is a result of particles penetrating further, too. We are witnessing more of these. They have nothing to do with so called global warming, but do have much to do with cyclical changes happening to our weather.

These are sprites…the colors have to do with solar particles penetrating further into Earth's weakening magnetosphere. It's also causing pink auroras, which is a result of particles penetrating further, too. We are witnessing more of these. They have nothing to do with so called global warming, but do have much to do with cyclical changes happening to our weather.

View attachment 18806
Could also be caused by the changing of the lines of magnetic resonance around the world!
Speaking of changes, it is Mid-Summer here in Australia, with snow in the High Country of Victoria, today.

David Dubyne of Adapt 2030 says the reason is the Tonga eruption that has spread high into our atmosphere. He shows photos and graphs from government agencies to back his claims.

Are you growing a garden? If so, how is it doing?
I don't see or feel any warming of the climate here, but the streets are getting warmer every day.
The consequences of the government's rip-off of money from the people for climate taxes and the giving away of billions of taxpayers' money to a corrupt joker in Ukraine are no longer approved by the people here. This is about the middle class being destroyed and ending up on the streets because thousands of companies are closing and moving to other countries. The people still have to finance nonsensical climate projects with money they no longer have, while the entire energy grid collapses from government-sponsored green energy sources and energy prices become unaffordable, driving up all other prices.

Europe=Game Over, when it comes to revolution and civil war nobody cares about global warming anymore and the WEF bandits will get what they deserve.
Climate... A timeperiod of 30 years, right?

Actually it´s (again) very dry. The Po - largest river in Italy - runs almost dry. Rhine and Donau instead seem to be ok but our forests are dying in consequence of the droughts during the last 3 summers and the missing snow during the last 2 winters. This means more and more bugs, ticks and mosquitos.

@ban1985 That´s right. The streets are getting hotter and the demonstrations bigger. But as long as the press won´t report, everything is just fine. :confused::rolleyes:
Yeah, we're absolutly melting over here...

Ok, serious. Since 2 weeks nearly every day raining, around 26 - 30°C (which is absolutly normal in swiss summer) and this week forecast talks about beeing cloudy, rain and 24°C.

Global warming panicsters can kiss my ass. Sooner or later i reduce CO2 by hiting them.
This heat wave is really heavy over here. The heating in the house started automatically last night because it was below 15°C (13°C at 7am)....

Algore, oh excuse me, Alda Goreberg must be speaking at a conference there. He seems to attract cold weather whenever he speaks at a global warming conference.
I am certain man is a big factor in the earth warming. I’m also pretty certain that we won’t change enough to make a difference. I’m in the last quarter of my life so don’t believe it will be too much of an issue in my lifetime, but I would like to leave a better future for my children and grandchildren, not a worse one. I still utilize the things we all take for granted like gasoline powered cars, AC, and such, but I do try to limit how much I use. As an individual I think that’s about the best you can do. I don’t believe I would consider buying beachfront property in any low lying areas though….
So, you're saying Barack & Michelle Obama were gravely mistaken to buy the mansion on Martha's Vineyard Island?

Or, maybe, they know something about about climate change that you don't.

Which scenario is more likely?
The climate change political " power control " gimmick ain't going to change the temperature . The planet is descending out of an ice age and no matter what man does it will not stop the warming trend . One day , perhaps a few thousand years from now the cycle will start revolving back into the ice age cycle thus a gradual cooling trend will once again begin . Likely the same crowd that believes man can control the ice age cycle are the same individuals that believed the government's propaganda and got the covid vaccine " body alteration " .
When a single volcano spews more CO2 into the atmosphere than humans ever have, you literally have to be a subverted fool to talk about "climate change".

They pump CO2 into greenhouses because it makes plants grow better.

If twits like Obama, Biden, Kerry, and the other leftist liars really believed their spew about CO2 -- the simplest and most intelligent thing to do would be to plant millions of trees.

But they don't believe any of it. They know it's all a lie. Since WaPo's famous article in 1923 declaring the end of the world via climate change by 1930, the left has been programming the gullible for decades.

"Tell a lie. The bigger the better. Repeat it until it becomes truth."

All they really want is to scare you into giving up your freedom and your wallet.
A single year . You have 365 days to pick through . So the alarmist can always find " the warmest day in recorded history " . You can also find coldest days in recorded history .
When you hear the leftist politicians and their talking points . You at first may think . They live in LA LA land . But no . They depend on their voters to live in LA LA land and believe the crap .

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