Has The War in Ukraine Changed your Prepping?

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Awesome Friend
HCL Supporter
Jan 23, 2019
Since the Russians have invaded Ukraine, and brought war closer to us have you done anything differently with your preps? Are you stocking more? Has the possibility of nuclear war entered the picture? Are you taking any precautions in the event we are attacked? Are you looking at anticipated shortages? What have you done differently if anything?
I stocked up more food. Converting cash to other assets,
Thinking about more water sources. That's about it.

Not so much because of the invasion...per say.

But because of how Brandon has showed weakness to the enemy. China , Iran, N Korea, Russia and others.
Causing failing dollar , inflation outta control, and shortages.
Our economy ain't looking too bright.

I am not purposely doing anything different except for spending more time than I should studying tactics from the conflict. There has been some interesting lessons being learned.

My other prepping activities remain the same. The only difference is the limited dollars I set aside each month to fund these activities are buying fewer resources with inflation and product scarcity. This has led me to experiment a bit with some of the food items I am buying.
I stocked up more food. Converting cash to other assets,
Thinking about more water sources. That's about it.

Not so much because of the invasion...per say.

But because of how Brandon has showed weakness to the enemy. China , Iran, N Korea, Russia and others.
Causing failing dollar , inflation outta control, and shortages.
Our economy ain't looking too bright.

My answer exactly!
I agree with Jim. I don't see an invasion, but I do think one of the bad actors might start lobbing missiles our way. Whether it is Russia, North Korea, Iran. IMHO China would be unlikely. They will sit back and watch what happens.

I have increased food and water storage. I am looking more critically at my basement to make sure everything we need is there if we have to go down the rabbit hole for a couple of weeks. I made a checklist which pleased my wife.
Are you looking at anticipated shortages?

Yes, we are stepping up our grain related supplies. Beans, rice, flour, yeast etc. in anticipation of shortages.

Farmers here are having concerns about fertilizer, no fertilizer will mean smaller yields which translates to shortages and higher prices. Higher diesel prices will increase costs.

Meat farmers here are having to raise their prices substantially, one local farm took delivery yesterday of feed. The same amount they paid for last at just 1000 dollars cost them over 1700 yesterday, that is a crazy increase. Consequently their hanging weight price went up substantially.
I do think one of the bad actors might start lobbing missiles our way
The progressive libtards? I think they've already started.

Honestly, I am more worried about what the politicians currently in power will do to us internally via ineptitude and poor policies than I am about any external threat. As far as president Brandon hinting at us sending troops to Ukraine, using chemical weapons, and trying to oust Putin - I am hoping that other world leaders see the predicament that America is in having a president with dementia. And I hope that they will not take anything he says seriously. I'm sure they have dementia in their countries too, and recognize what they are looking at in Brandon.

As far as additional preps, no, I am not doing anything more than usual. How exactly does one prep for a leader with dementia? There are so many things he can screw up in the blink of an eye - things nobody would have imagined. Last year we were prepping for BLM and Antifa burning down our cities. Now, we are prepping for famine. And a nuclear war on top of that. Next, good ol' Brandon might do something that makes the Earth leave its orbit around the sun - never thought of that one - and we'll have to prep for an extended period of chill.
Next, good ol' Brandon might do something that makes the Earth leave its orbit around the sun - never thought of that one - and we'll have to prep for an extended period of chill.

And he will blame it on Donald Trump.
Good questions and topic. Yes it has changed my thinking. I never really thought much of CBRN figuring all the powers that be had enough brains to pour piss out of their boots. Now I'm not so sure that's the case. Which leads me to want a bunker which is way outside of our budgets ability! It has led me to stock more fuel and expendables of all types. Also to try and think of ways we could build an expedient shelter when or if the need arises.
Not really, picking things up as we have available money.. Fixed income retirement slows things down from being DINKS for years :(
If the viral invasion didn't shake people up, maybe the kinetic one across the ocean will,
If the WEF has their way the problem will be 5th column, and the general response "Putin Bad" makes me think that the 5th column will not have a lot of resistance, look how much damage the 5th column has done since January 20 2020 in the U.S. and for the last 20 years in Canada.
I've actually stopped until it dies down, I'm three miles from ground Zero slated for a 50 MT city cracker.
I have no idea if and when they update targeting, but I keep marshmallows handy.

Oh yeah, SPF10000000000000000 sunscreen
I finally got around to converting some cash in savings to silver rounds. And I double checked my stash of Lugol's iodine and colloidal silver, as both help with radiation burns - just in case Brandon gets us into a nuke war. I actually stocked up after Australia and Canadian citizens received a dose of irradiation dropped on them from the sky while peacefully protesting. Oh, and pure aloe to soothe the burns. My Aussie friends are saying that is helpful. Not sure how much my family would need if we are nuked...but at that point I am ready go Home to Jesus.
Potassium Iodide is NOT a remedy for radiation burns. Iodide is used to keep the thyroid from absorbing radioactive iodine. It is only effective in raising Iodide level so the body does not absorb radioactive iodide. It is a preventive treatment not a treatment to use after the fact.
On second thought I did increase the volume of fertilizer I have at the house, but it was because of the way that the administration was going against oil and knowing that oil has a big role in nitrogen fertilizers. But it was not a big shift, only increased my supply by 2 years worth under heavy use scenarios.

I added grain sprouting seeds before the big hoo haw started simply because I don't know what the long term outlook is going to be and I wanted to be covered if we see shortages for the next 7 years....
I have always considered the war in the Ukraine to be an "over there" war, with the only impacts here to be secondary like food shortages shortages of things made in the combatant countries. But this morning I read this in the finance section:

The Kremlin's latest sovereign bond coupon payments were halted by the US Treasury on Monday night, pushing the country closer to a historic default if it fails to pay within the grace period. Russia was due to make a principal payment of more than $550m (£419m) on a maturing bond as well as an $84m interest payment on Monday.

This is the kind of crap that will lead to a direct response such as a "digital" EMP where they use a cyber attack and/or have agents actually knock out key elements (large transformers) of the grid that are currently made in China. Yep my alarm bells are ringing loudly now.
I believe we are in serious, serious trouble. I ain't buying anything the mainstream media or DC is selling us. There is way more to look at and think about than just Russia vs Ukraine. The fallout from this could be devastating. I have posted here and on another forum trying to get some folks to think, be a little more open minded in what they search for, if anyone actually researches this. I think at this point I am just going to quit trying, anything one says that doesn't align with what we hear form DC and the news is promptly written off as propaganda. Most don't want to hear it, they have been sold a bill of goods and won't open up to sensible discussion, some not all.

What we are witnessing right now could transform our normal way of life (plentiful) to something completely foreign to us (scarcity). People are going to be in dismay when this reality hits. Folks that refuse to see are going to be blindsided hard. I'm not sure, at this point, what it will take to open people's eyes. Inflation and energy costs are staring them in the face and that's just the tip of the iceberg, IMO.

I have certainly stepped up my mission to be prepared, unfortunately living on a fixed income makes it a little more difficult.

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