Hey Preppers.....ya feelin' pretty smart right about now?

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Awesome Friend
Dec 8, 2017
I know I shouldn't feel smug right now b/c I know that feeling can get squashed in a heartbeat. But, I gotta say, I'm feeling like I want to yell from the roof-tops........I TOLD YOU SO!!!!!lil loser

I got calls from family members today. One couldn't get any bread or milk, let alone any TP or lysol. One only had 3 rolls of TP on hand but isn't worried about it. Ummmm k.......note to self.....don't be around him next week. One asked if I would pick up some things as I went out today. I did find what they needed like wipes, bleach, and lysol. They got lucky. My mom said, we'll just come to your house!gaah Thankfully she was kidding, but I let her know I wasn't thrilled with her statement.....even though I would welcome her in. I'm still waiting for others to call, some of which could never understand why I would stock up on canned goods during the fall harvest sale.:rolleyes:

I'm not as flush with stock as many on the forum are, but feel pretty confident right now with enough supplies for both of us for a while. I don't have tons of extras to dole out to family members, although I do have some. I really never thought I would have to stay home to keep an eye on things, but I'm getting the feeling that that might be the case. If folks are cooped up for days or weeks, it won't take long for them to go stir crazy, especially if they aren't prepared for it.

Tomorrow I have some organizing to do but I'm feeling good about where we stand right now. We have lots of nuts and beer.....we'll have a hell of a party.drink buddy It just feels really weird that something like this is actually happening. The folks on this board saw it coming many weeks ago and we've discussed this possibility LONG before that. It's just a bit surreal. I wonder where this panic is going and when it will finally end. I'm not concerned so much about the virus, although I'm taking measures to avoid it. However, the sheeple panic is something different entirely. Desperate people do desperate things, even if the situation isn't necessarily desperate. So, what's next? Are the shelves going to be restocked soon to quell the panic?....or not? Are things going to go to the next level? What might that next level look like?
Today it is TP and PPE. When barry was in office it was guns, magazines, and ammo. They don't learn. Today you can buy those guns for half, or less, of what they paid for them new. This summer TP will be overstocked and the sales will let the preppers stock up at discounted prices. Every time this happens we get a few more preppers to join up but most just run back to their game shows and go blissfully shipping into ignorance.
@angie_nrs , yep darn satisfying to be ready.

We are isolating ourselves from people for however long it takes for this to go away,
Just being cautious, not panicking.

On that just cautious note...I am also loading up a few rifles ,and handguns to have on the ready stand by , along with a bunch of ammo readily available .

When this threat goes away ..

I'll put them back in storage.

We have lots of nuts and beer.....we'll have a hell of a party.drink buddy It just feels really weird that something like this is actually happening. The folks on this board saw it coming many weeks ago and we've discussed this possibility LONG before that. It's just a bit surreal.
We'll be fine.
Just imagine if you will, at the millions that live among the skyscrapers in the concrete jungles.
They have nothing to fall back on that won't fit in a one-bedroom apartment.
Their lives are spent shoulder to shoulder with thousands of others in the big city.
What are they going to do when society stumbles?
I still love the movie "Soylent Green". It was way ahead of it's time.
After being lectured for decades by them about how backward we rural people are,
it will be something to watch from a safe distance away, their world crumble.
@angie_nrs , yep darn satisfying to be ready.

We are isolating ourselves from people for however long it takes for this to go away,
Just being cautious, not panicking.

On that just cautious note...I am also loading up a few rifles ,and handguns to have on the ready stand by , along with a bunch of ammo readily available .

When this threat goes away ..

I'll put them back in storage.


Makes me feel less paranoid about sliding the holster for the 1911 onto my belt and getting it locked and loaded ready for a trip out tomorrow. Sometimes an LCP just doesn't seem like enough.
I wonder where this panic is going and when it will finally end.

I have shifted from preparing for COVID-19 to prep for the post COVID-19 "Catastrophic Super Depression". I do not expect to survive that depression, but I'll play with it for a while. I am in my mid 70's and expect the coming Super Depression to last at least 20 years.

I don't think America will ever return to what it was only a few weeks ago. Everything will change now, not because of the COVID-19 but because it offers a un-resistible gift to the force that will consolidate power.

I have been quarantined for the last five months, and was looking forward to getting off the mountain and visit the dentist early May.
I now fear that may be a large risk.
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Well, when we had our first confirmed case a couple of days ago, maybe I was smug in thinking that it's time to stay home, and it's not a problem to do that at all. We did venture out to Sams yesterday, and granddaughter did freak out a bit, seeing all the people, carts slamming, shelves empty of a lot of things. I told her I remembered the first time it hit me years ago, that things are only temporary and holding together by a thread. And I did freak out a bit. That's what a lot of people are feeling right now, their first freak out.
And I did freak out a bit. That's what a lot of people are feeling right now, their first freak out.
While out shopping today I heard:
"It's just like a hurricane, except there ain't one"
That got me thinking. Every year when we have a hurricane bearing down on us, the rest of the nation just sits back and laughs: "Sux to be them!".:LOL:
Well, this time, they get to play along
Stores down here were fully stocked, complete with pallets of bottled water taller than me in front of the store...
just like any storm.
Practice makes perfect:thumbs:.
Not sure about all the need for those little bottles of water. We have plenty of tap water. Seattle hasn't shut theirs off, and they're in bad shape. Get a water filter and save the expense of little bottles! Buy 5 gal jugs and filter your own. Where are all the green people who hate plastic water bottles now? They're buying them, and they're using Clorox Bleach products, too, and not that pricey organic stuff.
And you're right, Sourdough, they really aint seen nothing yet.
The economic collapse comes next, right around the time Coronavirus has it's second wave this fall. Betcha.
I am very thankful for and pleased at my level of preparedness and defensive capabilities, while also wondering if I am under prepared. The former comes from my analytical and reasonable mind, the latter comes from planning for an absolute worst case scenario (which we are not facing and most likely won't be facing). If 2 is none and 3 is one, then why no 10 is none and 20 is one. But that's a path I won't be taking because I don't plan on buying a warehouse to keep everything in and the FBI/ATF seems to have a real issue with secretive rural compounds. 😎
I was I the store yesterday and the only empty shelf was TP. That is just so wierd. All other paper products fully stocked. There was a 20 something girl looking at tuna and asking someone on the phone if tuna has a long shelf life. She was freaked and shaking. My thoughts were if she is that clueless and unprepared what difference does shelf life make. She will likely be eating in this week anyways.
I believe this will be life changing for all of us, but city people and younger people especially. People who have never been involved in food production and the yearly cycle of growing, preserving and storage have been trained to not see that it could be any different that it has been for them.

It is not me to feel smug or to want to say, "I told you," but a part of me is very interested in watching people wake up. I am also going to be interested in seeing how people will think on the other end of this situation. Who will forever have extra toilet paper and food on hand, or even get more into prepping. Hunger can have a strong affect on humans. So many people cannot imagine that the well oiled system of going to the store to buy what you need today, for what you need today, is not always going to work for them.

I am grateful for all my preps, but like @Sentry18, I am wondering what I am missing.

With daughter's gluten issues, it is trickier. I am concerned for the affect on her from her large circle of friends. She is a social butterfly who cares deeply about her friends.
I believe this will be life changing for all of us, but city people and younger people especially. People who have never been involved in food production and the yearly cycle of growing, preserving and storage have been trained to not see that it could be any different that it has been for them.

It is not me to feel smug or to want to say, "I told you," but a part of me is very interested in watching people wake up. I am also going to be interested in seeing how people will think on the other end of this situation. Who will forever have extra toilet paper and food on hand, or even get more into prepping. Hunger can have a strong affect on humans. So many people cannot imagine that the well oiled system of going to the store to buy what you need today, for what you need today, is not always going to work for them.

I am grateful for all my preps, but like @Sentry18, I am wondering what I am missing.

With daughter's gluten issues, it is trickier. I am concerned for the affect on her from her large circle of friends. She is a social butterfly who cares deeply about her friends.

Weedy guess weill find out whats missing soon enough.
I don't know what hppend to me and hubby preparing,but don't feel like we bought the kind of food we are going to like,not for long anyway. Guess its a good thing not to have an appittite. And of course the t damn laptop has to play wipe out now too.gaah:(
I don't know what hppend to me and hubby preparing,but don't feel like we bought the kind of food we are going to like,not for long anyway. Guess its a good thing not to have an appittite. And of course the t damn laptop has to play wipe out now too.gaah:(

I saw someone in another group say they were getting new laptops, etc. because of the trade embargo and then C-19. If and when our older technology fails, will we be able to replace it? I actually think they were right about that, and many wouldn't even think about that. But, will it matter if and when it happens? My current laptop is about 3 years old and it has been on my mind to replace it. But there is always something, isn't there?
It is not me to feel smug or to want to say, "I told you," but a part of me is very interested in watching people wake up

I totally understand this. I certainly wouldn't openly say this to anyone, but I thought folks here could relate to how I'm feeling right now. I just think it feels pretty good to finally be validated, even though I think I would have preferred for it not to happen. The panic has just begun. Who knows how long it might last or how far it will escalate? I think some of my family is thinking....huh, maybe she's not so crazy after all. Yeah, imagine that!! I'm feeling a bit like an ant today while the grasshoppers are out in full force.
I totally understand this. I certainly wouldn't openly say this to anyone, but I thought folks here could relate to how I'm feeling right now. I just think it feels pretty good to finally be validated, even though I think I would have preferred for it not to happen. The panic has just begun. Who knows how long it might last or how far it will escalate? I think some of my family is thinking....huh, maybe she's not so crazy after all. Yeah, imagine that!! I'm feeling a bit like an ant today while the grasshoppers are out in full force.
You will now be seen as the wise person in your family, as will many of us.
I have talked about prepping to few people, because I have been laughed at and my family has many not kind people. One cousin told me that God would take care of them. That may be true to a point, but we have to take care of ourselves as well. I fully expect that there is a change coming in attitudes and beliefs about prepping from many, much like Y2K got some people's attention. Hunger can change attitudes and beliefs.

I know that I am very happy to not be living close to one of my brothers. If he had a nickel for years, it went to drinking. When he decided to quit drinking, the addiction was shifted to gambling. He once won $5000 and I suggested he use it as a down payment on a house. Nope. And it was gone within two months, to gambling. He had a lottery winning that was not the big jackpot, but enough to have his photo shared across South Dakota. I told him he should buy himself a new vehicle. NO! He could have bought a new vehicle and had money left. I'd bet he has zero of that money now, and that none of it was invested into property or a better vehicle or saved for retirement. He has always had the angry alcoholic personality and has demanded that family members give him money for this or that or do this or that for him. They would not and told him to go away. He has been angry at many family members for years because his temper tantrums cost him his marriage and more and he wanted to blame others. I know he would think he could come and sit on the couch at my house, make angry comments, and expect to be taken care of. Not a chance!
I have shifted from preparing for COVID-19 to prep for the post COVID-19 "Catastrophic Super Depression". I do not expect to survive that depression, but I'll play with it for a while. I am in my mid 70's and expect the coming Super Depression to last at least 20 years.

I don't think America will ever return to what it was only a few weeks ago. Everything will change now, not because of the COVID-19 but because it offers a un-resistible gift to the force that will consolidate power.
They ain't seen nothing yet.

Has anyone Noticed, that not one peep has yet been mentioned about derivatives.
I was going to offer the girl in the store some advice. Like buy extra stuff on sale when you can. But when I took a step toward her she looked even more freaked so I just turned and walked away.
This is not what I consider a crisis situation. It's a "use your common sense" situation. I am sorry for all the folks who are terrified because their comfortable world view has been shaken up. So many of the "woke" people have been hypocritical about food and what should or should not be eaten and they don't recognize their hypocrisy. It seems like they're the ones who are panic stricken and ready to fight for a can of soup. Are they now redefining their attitude or just pretending they're not buying whatever they can get their hands on? It does feel good to be validated but I would only say that to my kids. I'm most interested to see the after effects of this panic. How many people will take it to heart and try to keep at least a couple of months worth of food and supplies on hand all the time?

How many of these people will make the connection that this is the beginning of spring and they can actually grow a few things to help feed their family? I don't have a year's worth of food put back but if I couldn't go to the grocery store I could still feed my two grandsons and myself for several months especially with rice and beans once or twice a week to stretch everything else. I'm putting out peas and greens this week and will grow tomatoes, squash, green beans and a few other simple things. Nothing fancy, just plain vegetables that are easy to grow. I've never grown a fall garden but I'm lucky enough to live where I can so I'll do more canning and drying this summer. We're going to be just fine because I can take care of me and mine.

I sincerely hope that the world outside my front door is able to take a breath and work out a plan for how to get through the next six months without destroying our country.
One thing to remember.......is that food thieves will as likely live in the home as outside the home. Family members are not going to do "Short'rations" willingly, with a smiley'face. And in the dark of night food for everyone will be sneaked by someone who can't stand hunger.

People can't truly grasp the concept of family is going to starve to death. There has always been food available on store shelves. The idea of digging in the snow for one or two seeds of wheat or oats is not comprehendible, nor is eating tree bark, or boot leather.

Everyone thinks this will end and return to what was.......there is no compelling reason to drink that kool-ade.
It is not me to feel smug or to want to say, "I told you," but a part of me is very interested in watching people wake up. I am also going to be interested in seeing how people will think on the other end of this situation. Who will forever have extra toilet paper and food on hand, or even get more into prepping. Hunger can have a strong affect on humans. So many people cannot imagine that the well oiled system of going to the store to buy what you need today, for what you need today, is not always going to work for them.
I fell out of prepping (to a large degree) because I was doing it by myself. Between my hubs discouraging me and my feeling overwhelmed by other things going on - that wore me down. But that's on me. I will be prepping again. Because even if my family thinks I'm silly, I love them to pieces and will to what is practical for their sakes and mine.

I'm hopeful that this event will turn my hubs into a prepper. However, the prepping I did in the past and my penchant for buying in bulk when things go on sale - all that will keep him from feeling the pinch like others will.
I fell out of prepping (to a large degree) because I was doing it by myself. … … my penchant for buying in bulk when things go on sale … .../QUOTE]

I have to giggle about that because I've always been a bulk buyer, too. Around here blackeye peas are always on sale at New Year and this year they were 29 cents a can. I only bought two cases but a few years ago I would have gotten four. My family understands but they smile when they see a purchase of two cases instead of two cans.
Buying in bulk is helpful, that huge Costco package of TP lasts for quite some time here. When we get 1/2 way through, we get another package. Same with most of the other things in the pantry.

My biggest mental issue is "for how long?" Longest grid down here was a week in 2008 when Ike blew through. This time it looks like 2-3 weeks maybe, grid up so should be easy. If it's a real SHTF, I'm pretty SOL. I can't store fuel for years, or TP, or food, etc etc etc. So, we do what we can, prepare as well as we can, and see what happens.

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