Hi from a new Georgia home owner

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Super Friend
Jan 9, 2018
I come here from American Preppers Network. After years of posting in there, I noticed things were changing, turning away from the homesteader type of prepping and getting a little too militantly firearms oriented for me. I like firearms, and own firearms, but they are tools for defense and getting food if necessary, not trophies to be bragged about, and having the latest "toy" is not high on my priority list. Sheesh. I noticed quite a few of the old timers were disappearing - thank you R. for steering me here. And when whoever runs it now starts asking me too many suspiciously personal questions and demand passwords to access to other aps I use in order to access the site, I'm outta there so fast I left skid marks.

I go by the name Kappydell, and have been prepping since before Y2K. I always had homestead ideas and incorporated as many as I could into my daily life, but when Y2K loomed I became what I consider an 'official' prepper. When Y2K passed and I asked DH, "well, do you want to continue prepping or should we back it off?" his reply was to keep it up. So we did. On the side I taught at the local prepper group and wrote articles for 'the Backwoodsman' magazine to keep things interesting.

DH passed away 10 years ago. So I contacted an old friend living in another state and asked her if she wanted to team up since we were both on SS disability. She said "in a heartbeat" so we have been house mates for almost 10 years, and she, too is a prepper, though sometimes she has to rein me in..."you already have 3 canners, you don't need to get that one too, even if it is only $3" (LOL). She too was raised in the old fashioned self-reliant style of living from her Depression era parents, so we mesh together very well. We have been good friends for nearly 30 years, and we make a pretty good team. Maybe she does not choose to eat game (a mystery to me), but we fish, trap, hunt, garden, do our own home carpentry & repair, and generally live our lives as self-reliant as possible, no matter whether you call it homesteading, or prepping.

Just before New Years we moved into our new home in north central GA, after deciding we did not want to live in the snow belt anymore. So we are both old (experienced in prepping in general) and new (to this area) prepper-homesteaders. So Howdy, neighbors, glad to meet you!
Welcome from Bama! I have family near Atlanta but they always come here for visits so I haven't been in your neck of the woods in many years. There is a famous herbalist near you I've wanted to visit for a long time, don't know if that will ever happen. It's such a long drive.
Hello and
Welcome from north of the 49th. Some great folks here.pull up a stump and set a spell. If you don’t have a stump not to worry @gumpy wil probably bring one


Whoop! Here it is! Wazzup girls? Welcome to the forum from Clifton Tennessee. I'm gonna have to get another stump for your friend. Maybe she would like to post on here also! Tell her to consider this as an official unofficial invitation to join us. We're cheap and easy.
Looking forward to reading your post as I'm not that into prepping. I'm just an old country boy surviving the best I can.

If anyone (they won't on this here forum) ask personal questions do like I'm inclined to do. Make up the answers!
I keep that for those pesky surveys that were such a waste of time until I started fibbing on them. You know, the ones that want to know what you buy & all? I wrote on the last one that I was a quadrapalegic schizophrenic who spoke Mandarin Chinese. They never ask me anything again....
I keep that for those pesky surveys that were such a waste of time until I started fibbing on them. You know, the ones that want to know what you buy & all? I wrote on the last one that I was a quadrapalegic schizophrenic who spoke Mandarin Chinese. They never ask me anything again....
