Hollywood "Stars" - The Good, The Bad, and the.. Well, you know..

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Jan 28, 2021
3rd Rock from the Sun
Fun-repository for our Love/Hate relationship with "Celebrities", and any Stories from Members of 'interactions' we may have had, 'Professionally', or otherwise.. and, Please Tell All: 'The Good, The Bad, and... Yer Never Gonna Believe's' 😬

I'll start.. "Movie Stars" / Famous Ppl I've met / interacted with (at least to Some degree..) and 'my .02' on the interaction:

- William Baldwin (yep..) at an 'upscale' Pizza-place on Sunset Blvd for a work-meeting, was at next table, across from him / few others.. Said 'Hello, how's work', small chat.. Smiled / spoke, wasn't dismissive (then again, probably figured Anyone eating $45 / pie Pizza (!) was someone 'on his level'.. :rolleyes: Susan Sarandon was also there, that day, but.. Avoided eye contact, didn't 'return the smile / nod'.. Meh..

- Gary Sinese, TV-sho shoot (I did some SFX for it..) Exactly as you'd expect, down to earth / 'Hey, nice to meet ya', etc (then again, we Were all working, so.. Kinda Have to be 'cordial'..)

- Whole cast of the 'Goldbergs' TV show (Ugh, totally farcical show, imo..) all cordial / pleasant, didn't really get too much 'Demi-God vibes' - except from the AD.. :rolleyes:

- Some fairly well-known SFX Make-up folks on an episode of 'FaceOff' for the SyFy channel.. (unfortunately, Rick Baker was Not one of them.. 😕

- Marla Maples, Trump's old Babe, worked on a Theater-install project w/ Her & Crew, and uh.. She was friendly and, uh.. Kinda Hawt.. 😬

- Noah Wyle, worked with his Father extensively, met / chatted w/ Noah once / twice.. Pretty down to earth / low-key, definitely no primadonna-vibes.. 👍

- And, in the 'Music Biz', have met / worked directly or indirectly for: Geddy Lee / Rush, they were SO cool / down to Earth.. :cool:... 'Limp Bizkit' ( :rolleyes: yah, 'douche-bags' is putting it mildly..).. all the guys from 'The Brian Jonestown Massacre', they were, uh.. 'Unique'.. o_O

..All the guys in Linkin Park (they were Very Cool.. :cool: Alex Patterson ('the Orb') who was Very cool, Really Loved working with him, absolutely Love his music.. :cool:.. James Mercer (of the 'Shins', Very cool, down to Earth..), and Calvin Harris (famous 'DJ'.. Meh..), and..

..David Gilmour (yep..) I'm actually not even really sure 'how that went' , cuz I was too busy tripping out that I was Actually talking to him.. :cool: 'Legend' is also putting it mildly, but still - very down to Earth..

Ok.. Ya'lls turn.. :)
Not myself, but several people I know were hired for menial jobs by the production of the movie Twister when it filmed in the county where I grew up. All were in agreement, Helen Hunt didn't want to be bothered with the "little people" on the production, but Bill Paxton seemed like a normal friendly guy.

I met the country singer Chris LeDoux once, at an autograph session. He interacted with fans in a very friendly, approachable manner. Seemed like a guy who actually appreciated that he had fans that would come to his shows. He also had a healthy dip of Copenhagen in his lip the whole time...
Kevin Costner was well respected in South Dakota during and after filming "Dances With Wolves " by Native Americans and others. Evidently he gave natives cultural respect that they never thought they got in other movies.

He developed a casino in Deadwood, and the state made promises for the betting limits controlled by the state to be raised so he would make more money. South Dakota never raised the limits and Costner left the state. Many people think that South Dakota is a boring and backward place. In some ways, it probably is in comparison to New York and California and other places, but in other ways, it makes it a more wholesome place to live.

When the casino was being developed, Costner has a sculpture commissioned of horses. It was built by a woman who was from the small town that my aunt and uncle were from. They drove to Deadwood to see her work. Aunt has had really bad knees and uncle dropped her by the front of the casino and went to park the car. Aunt was making her way up the stairs when Costner asked her if he could give her help going up the stairs. It took aunt a minute to realize that the man asking to help her was Costner.

That said, Costner, like most Hollywood types has a reputation for getting around when it comes to women. He has 7 children from two marriages and another relationship.
A friend of mine is a truck driver and hired his trucks, and himself, out to movie companies for a few years. He'd deliver whatever they needed, wait till they were done with it then drive to the next movie set. The only name that comes to mind is Steven Segal. Mostly the commoners weren't allowed to talk to him. Sometimes they were coached to say something like, Mr. Segal, you're looking particularly dangerous today.
A friend of mine is a truck driver and hired his trucks, and himself, out to movie companies for a few years. He'd deliver whatever they needed, wait till they were done with it then drive to the next movie set. The only name that comes to mind is Steven Segal. Mostly the commoners weren't allowed to talk to him. Sometimes they were coached to say something like, Mr. Segal, you're looking particularly dangerous today.
I met a man who told me he was a bartender at music shows with well known musicians. There were some musicians that if and when they came into the room, all workers had to leave immediately. Prince was one of those types. He also said that they were not to even look at or speak to certain musicians. Evidently Prince was especially sensitive and picky about this. He said they had to leave immediately, even if they were not done doing their work.
A large part of the stunts for the movie Hooper (B. Reynolds) was filmed in Tuscaloosa AL. The buildings where much of the filming took place was and old Naval Air Station. Next door, I was going to trade school on the other side of the chain link fence. About 200ft from where many of the scenes were filmed. It was neat to watch. Got to see Burt, Sally and the Vincent guy at a distance.

There was one scene where a 150ft brick chimney fell as cars drove past just in time. That was just plain cool. There were actually 3 chimneys, they blew up all three during filming.

I didn’t see the last weeks of the filming, got a job welding at a tank shop.

For a couple years I serviced CT’s in the San Fernando Valley. It’s filled with movie and tv people. I hated shopping at places like the Northridge Mall. Many of the people I’d see there were actors, minor roles, extras, etc. I’d recognize their faces but had no idea what show I’d seen them on. It was annoying.

I used to see McLean Stevenson often, the first time… I went for lunch in a hospital cafeteria. I asked the guy across the table from me to pass the salt. It was Colonel Henry Blake! He was on the board at that hospital. A polite man, not forward but friendly.

The only movie guy I knew out there owned a glass shop, Hollywood Breakaway. They did the fake glass for the movie Die Hard. He was just a regular guy, several of us would go out to the Channel Islands and fish, anchor the boats in a cove, drink beer. I went by his shop once. It was funny, he was showing me various items they were making. Suddenly he grabbed a bottle and smacked me across the face with it. I couldn’t help but flinch, didn’t know it was fake.

He gave me a 6-pack of Budweiser bottles in a carton. They looked almost real but were made of breakaway glass. They got very fragile with time, eventually they all broke.
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My wife and I were in an antique store in Lancaster CA. I said hey there is the guy from full metal jacket. He got a big smile and said Lee Ermy as he shook my hand. I said what are you doing here. He replied same thing as you pretending I care about antiques. His wife was around somewhere. He just lived 15 minutes away in the next city over. We talked for a few minutes he was really nice. We never did ask for a selfie or autograph.

On a plane leaving Hawaii to LAX Woody Harrelson and another guy got on at the last minute. Woody stayed in first class but the other guy had a seat just behind and across from us. I asked him what it was like to work for Woody. He said he didn't work for him they were friends. I said and you are back here with us, some friend. He just shrugged. When a plane lands we grab n go especially after a long flight. Somehow we got off right after Woody and minutes before his friend. As woody was waiting for the other guy we talked. He was really nice and approachable. Again we didn't make a big deal out of it just greatfull for the conversation. When his friend arrived Woody put on a beanie pulled low over his eyebrows and told the guy to watch for cameras. As the guy walked away Woody kept his eyes down following the suitcase his friend was dragging. He likely walked right past the TMZ folks.
At a Mettalica concert in L.A. we saw Nicholas Cage. He was escorted in by security with another guy. I assumed a body guard. He was seated about 6 or 7 rows down and to the right. Even from 50 feet you can tell something is not quite right with his hair. It seemed like quite awhile before anyone approached him. A young girl eventually asked for an autograph and he seemed nice, receptive etc. Well naturally that led to more. After about a half dozen the other guy waved them off. How cool would it be to have the story of the time you burned a fatty with Nick Cage at a Mettalica concert? Which is what I assume happened when the lights went out.
@Cascadian you get an upvote just for the R. Lee Ermey reference. Back in 2015 I was working just north of Palmdale/Lancaster and after work I went into town several times just hoping I might see him at Walmart or a restaurant. He's one of my all time favorite actors and his "Mail Call" show is one of the best shows ever. If you don't mind the salty language, this is one of the funniest things I've ever seen...
Mr McFeeley of Mr Rogers Neighborhood.

He was also the writer for the show. A real character. An adim assistant asked me to get an autograph picture. He asked who the picture was for and wrote

Stop in some time and find out how I got my name.

I worked my way through college working as a waiter at a club. One function had Susan Sarandon in attendance. I was her waiter. Everyone was all googly eyed about her and I kept saying who the heck is she as I had never heard of her. I can’t really say much about her as she was acting just like everyone else at a club with lots of good food and drink while on vacation in Hawaii.

I met both Jim Neighbors and Carol Burnett through my work with an outfit called “Hawaii Bound” which was modeled a bit like Outward Bound. The main difference was that Hawaii Bound was trying to be more of a survival/adventure trip verses Outward Bounds focus on troubled youth. I was a part time guide during the summer while in college. Carrie Hamilton, Carol’s daughter did the 30 day adventure in a group I was with. I got to know Carrie pretty well as I was with the group she was on. A year later, Hawaii Bound had a big fund raiser and Jim Neighbors and Carol Burnett were in attendance. Carol Burnett wanted to meet me based on what her daughter talked about after her adventure trip. I got to sit at their table and had a very enjoyable evening with them. I got the impression that both were absolutely top shelf humans. I think this was in 1982. Hawaii Bound folded a couple years later and I still have and use some of the equipment that I picked up from what they auctioned off or what they gave me as a part time guide.
At the L.A. zoo in the late 80's I recognized David Soul. He was with a woman and kid. He just had that I ain't having a good day look that said keep walking. So I just smiled at him and kept walking.🙂
We formerly lived in Ridgecrest Ca. In the mojave desert. There have been many movies and commercials filmed nearby. With our town about the only place to stay. Between the airport and the Honda proving grounds, any new car commercial you see with a desert background was likely filmed there.
Offhand I can think of Planet of the Apes being filmed nearby. In particular the ship crash site in the first movie. Several accounts from people I know were that Mark Wahlberg was a prick. He was unfriendly and rude to the little people. Which doesn't surprise me.
Rumor has it that Cindy Crawford was really nice when she was there. I have long forgotten why she was there.
I just remembered we met Matt Pinfield from Mtv at a different Metallica concert. He is really short but a cool guy. Very approachable, didn't seem to have any little man hang ups. Our boys were teenagers and he was happy to talk as we walked.
- William Baldwin

We met Stephen Baldwin and his family at Terry Bison Ranch outside of Cheyenne. He parked his RV next to ours. He came over and introduced himself and family. I worked at the ranch in the summer and let him know the activities for kids to participate in. He only stayed one night and was on his way to do a skateboarding movie somewhere. Very nice folks!
@Cascadian you get an upvote just for the R. Lee Ermey reference. Back in 2015 I was working just north of Palmdale/Lancaster and after work I went into town several times just hoping I might see him at Walmart or a restaurant. He's one of my all time favorite actors and his "Mail Call" show is one of the best shows ever. If you don't mind the salty language, this is one of the funniest things I've ever seen...

Gunny was so funny on Mail Call. The bloopers vid was hilarious. Thanks for posting that. And yeah it needs a disclaimer for language.
Never met him, but he always seemed pretty down to earth when he was around troops and such
A large part of the stunts for the movie Hooper (B. Reynolds) was filmed in Tuscaloosa AL. The buildings where much of the filming took place was and old Naval Air Station. Next door, I was going to trade school on the other side of the chain link fence. About 200ft from where many of the scenes were filmed. It was neat to watch. Got to see Burt, Sally and the Vincent guy at a distance.

There was one scene where a 150ft brick chimney fell as cars drove past just in time. That was just plain cool. There were actually 3 chimneys, they blew up all three during filming.
I was likely at the same trade school in the Diesel shop and watched them blowing the smokestacks down during filming.
(They were slated for demolition years earlier)
Shelton State Technical College.
Small world, ain't it? :D
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Gunny was so funny on Mail Call. The bloopers vid was hilarious. Thanks for posting that. And yeah it needs a disclaimer for language.
Never met him, but he always seemed pretty down to earth when he was around troops and such
Occasionally at trade shows and public appearances, he would go into character as Gunny Hartman and single out some poor innocent bystander, and go on a drill sergeant tirade. Apparently it was usually a request by the poor sap's buddies. Ermey would just destroy the guy while the whole crowd laughed. I would have loved to have seen that.

RIP Gunny...
I was likely at the same trade school in the Diesel shop and watched them blowing the smokestacks during filming.
(They were slated for demolition years earlier)
Shelton State Technical College.
Small world, ain't it? :D

Yep, now that's funny, it is a small world. I don't remember the diesel shop. The welding shop was on the back corner. I graduated early and went to work. I honestly don't remember a lot of the filming. I do remember seeing the smokestacks come down.

Edit, just remembered... I ran the press at the big cotton gin out by the BF Goodrich plant. I worked 4pm til 4am some nights. I slept in my car a couple hours in the school parking lot before getting to class by 8am. I was busy!!! didn't have time to sit and watch a movie being filmed.

There is a big mall where the naval air station was located. There is a home depot and a target store where the school was. The fire fighter training facility is still there.
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I met Bill Paxton at a National Guard base in Calif. he was filming a Viet Nam war film. Really cool guy. He said he wouldn't touch Helen Hunt with a ten foot pole.

Met and trained at a seminar with Ed Parker kung fu master. Really down to earth and personable.

My First Sergeant was an extra in several movies, he almost got kicked off the set because while riding in a deuce and a half, he "eyeballed" Tommy Lee Jones.

Ronald Reagan visited my community college in Cupertino, CA to see a play at the fine arts building. I just missed meeting him because the Secret Service whisked him away because of a bunch of commie lib. protestors. Apparently he was also in some kind of politics.
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Here is the short list of names for the sake of dropping...

Mel Gibson
Tom Sizemore
David Hasselhoff
Pam Anderson
Marilyn Manson
Curtis Armstrong
Felicia Day
David DeLuise
Dan Lauria
The closest I have come to a star is Reply to GRIMM, here on line.
David Web the writer lives in driving distance, but I have never went to his home.
I think reading his books is reward.
I haven't met any actors. But when I went to an NHL hockey game once, I had to make my way to my seat past four long haired guys dressed all in black leather with holes and spiky things in it. And with really gaudy makeup on. I tried not to stare as I squeezed by. I was thinking, "Why do I always get the seat next to the weirdos?" The one immediately next to me started a conversation, and seemed pretty normal as we chatted. Which was a surprise.

Then the arena announcer started things up with, "And now, a special appearance by KISS!" And the four dudes got up and went over to their guitars a few feet away. Oh, I says to myself. I guess that's why they were painted up so weird.
Hey! ya made it over, red rover! ;) 👍

Here is the short list...
Mel Gibson...

Marilyn Manson..

a) Would Love to meet / chat with him.. :cool: Same with Costner.. Was Gibson an * hole to work with? I'd be surprised to hear-so..

b) Oh - you just Can't leave it at That - Must tell us more about 'Marilyn'... o_O 😬

Grimm, I certainly understand a hesitance to speak I'll of people for various reasons. Can you tell us about some of the good and kind moments? Unless of course that is an OPSEC thing, that possiblity just occurred to me.
@SoJer : David Gilmour, huh? Cool. 😉

At the car races in Daytona, 24 hour sports car endurance race, we were walking past a fancy tour bus, George Thorogood and the Destroyers. He was sitting at a window, looking at my sister-in-law and me, so we waved and smiled, giggling like a couple of groupies, and he waved back, smiling. He seemed as happy to be seen as we were to see him. I think I was 22.
Here is the short list of names for the sake of dropping...

Mel Gibson
Tom Sizemore
David Hasselhoff
Pam Anderson
Marilyn Manson
Curtis Armstrong
Felicia Day
David DeLuise
Dan Lauria
It never occurred to me before, but surely you have an IMDB page. I am not asking you to share it or anything like that, just saying.
It never occurred to me before, but surely you have an IMDB page. I am not asking you to share it or anything like that, just saying.

Yes, I do have an IMDB page.

Some of the celebrities on my short list above were not people I worked with but people I socialized with or ended up meeting through private means. I babysat Mel's kids before I got in the industry as a favor to a friend of a friend who worked for him. I met Marilyn Manson at a club I worked at long before I even thought to get in the biz. I have pictures from those times and it was tons of fun hanging out with 'rockstars'.

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