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I had the opposite problem.
Got a service call to Eau Claire, Wi. Mobile CT would not power on.
I got there and it was -25° F.

I've done that also... Jamestown NY, temp about 0*. A mobile CT, an old GE 8800 w/Zebra hard drives. The drives had a plexi-glass view port in the top, you could see the platter. I couldn't turn on the heat until I could boot the drives.

This system was phase sensitive. When the hosp ran the shore power cable out to the CT they switched two of the phases (3phase 480v). I froze for half a day until I happened to be looking through the little window at the platter when I turned on the hard drive - The platter was spinning backwards... Duh! No wonder it wouldn't boot. :rolleyes:

For those who have never seen one. A Zebra hard drive was the size of a washing machine. It held a whopping 90MB of data... until someone got smart and mounted read/write heads upside down. Then it held 180MB of data...

zebra drive.jpg
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I've done that also... Jamestown NY, temp about 0*. A mobile CT, an old GE 8800 w/Zebra hard drives. The drives had a plexi-glass view port in the top, you could see the platter. I couldn't turn on the heat until I could boot the drives.

This system was phase sensitive. When the hosp ran the shore power cable out to the CT they switched two of the phases (3phase 480v). I froze for half a day until I happened to be looking through the little window at the platter when I turned on the hard drive - The platter was spinning backwards... Duh! No wonder it wouldn't boot. :rolleyes:

For those who have never seen one. A Zebra hard drive was the size of a washing machine. It held a whopping 90MB of data... until someone got smart and mounted read/write heads upside down. Then it held 180MB of data...

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How could I not like that post? It was an RM-03 that brought The Princess and I together. They stored 67MB.

She calls it our form of "computer dating".

Mobile CT would not power on. That machine had constant issues...

Myself and everyone I worked with hated servicing Mobile CT’s. In the early days that’s all there were. Only the richest hospitals could afford a $1,000,000 CT and then spend $1,000,000 a year on a service contract. Everyone else contracted the use of a CT, one day a month, one day a week or even half a day sometimes.

CT’s were not designed to be put in trailers and then bounced down a highway for 100’s of miles. Mobile units were a nightmare of continuing problems. I really despised the ones that didn’t use shore power and had their own diesel generators. The generators put out fine black carbon dust that would be sucked into the trailer ventilation systems. Once inside the trailer the carbon would saturate every component inside a Catscan. I’ve never seen one of those that was running as designed, they all “limped” with dozens of issues, barely able to scan a patient...

I don't remember the last one I serviced but if I had known it was the last one I would have thrown a week long celebration. :thumbs:

Edit to add... I once followed a crippled CT from Venice Beach to San Luis Obispo CA, 200 miles up the california coast. It stopped at 4 hospitals that day. I didn't finish the last repair until 2am the next morning. I really hated mobile CT's.
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The only thing worse than mobile CT scanners was mobile MRI scanners. I hated servicing those.

Have we reached critical mass?

I mean that there seems to be a fair number of techno-weenie here that we can spin off a thread for tech-talk (which I would enjoy) to spare those not interested in the techno-stuff.

I have the remnants of a particle accelerator if that tempts you.

Have we reached critical mass?

I mean that there seems to be a fair number of techno-weenie here that we can spin off a thread for tech-talk (which I would enjoy) to spare those not interested in the techno-stuff.

I have the remnants of a particle accelerator if that tempts you.

It needs to have a real catchy title though.
I can throw schematics for my neuralizer in mix :p.

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