Lord help us...we are so screwed...

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Sep 7, 2013
“We are not broke as a nation. We are not bankrupt. We can’t go bankrupt. We absolutely cannot go bankrupt because we have the power to create as much money as we need to spend to serve the American people,” Chairman of the Budget Committee Rep. John Yarmuth (D-KY) said during Thursday’s Budget Reconciliation markup.

However, according to financial analysis from the Hill on Friday, citing the Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC), “the federal government is on track to default on the national debt sometime in between the middle of October and the middle of November without action to raise the debt ceiling.” The United States is more than $28 trillion in debt, according to the U.S. debt clock.
“We are not broke as a nation. We are not bankrupt. We can’t go bankrupt. We absolutely cannot go bankrupt because we have the power to create as much money as we need to spend to serve the American people,” Chairman of the Budget Committee Rep. John Yarmuth (D-KY) said during Thursday’s Budget Reconciliation markup.

However, according to financial analysis from the Hill on Friday, citing the Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC), “the federal government is on track to default on the national debt sometime in between the middle of October and the middle of November without action to raise the debt ceiling.” The United States is more than $28 trillion in debt, according to the U.S. debt clock.

I explicitly making this exact comment to my Dad when I was 9, during the 1984 Election cycle.
“We are not broke as a nation. We are not bankrupt. We can’t go bankrupt. We absolutely cannot go bankrupt because we have the power to create as much money as we need to spend to serve the American people,” Chairman of the Budget Committee Rep. John Yarmuth (D-KY) said during Thursday’s Budget Reconciliation markup.

However, according to financial analysis from the Hill on Friday, citing the Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC), “the federal government is on track to default on the national debt sometime in between the middle of October and the middle of November without action to raise the debt ceiling.” The United States is more than $28 trillion in debt, according to the U.S. debt clock.
I’ve often wondered why every nation just can’t wipe away their debt. After all its all based on usury. Why should anyone or any nation have to toil against the heavy burden of unending debt with added interest. I think President Lincoln did once create his own currency based on the wealth of his people. That may have been one of the reasons he received a bullet to the head.
If for any reason the government declares a National Emergency for any reason and closes all banks we won't be able to get at our money, so what'll we do then?
Below: an example-

At the end of every month, we pull out all left over money and put it in our safe at home. Many do not realize that their money is actually legally considered the property of the banks and is also considered the banks asset. So if the Bank is seized, it is no longer your money. You will just be considered a very minor bank creditor. At the very bottom of any monetary recovery process.
If for any reason the government declares a National Emergency for any reason and closes all banks we won't be able to get at our money, so what'll we do then?
Below: an example-


This above should be a great example...if we needed them after Italy and other countries shut the banks and stole money from depositor’s accounts. They then “allowed” those same people to have “some” of their own money once a week.

Everyone should have a few months worth of extra cash in a safe place...and tell no one! Other advice is to have some gold and silver. Again, tell no one.
This above should be a great example...if we needed them after Italy and other countries shut the banks and stole money from depositor’s accounts. They then “allowed” those same people to have “some” of their own money once a week.
Everyone should have a few months worth of extra cash in a safe place...and tell no one! Other advice is to have some gold and silver. Again, tell no one.

Yeah, nearly all my cash is kept in a fireproof/waterproof wallet like this stock Amazon image, hidden among the books on my bookshelf, it's made of a funny leathery/plasticky material..:)


However, in a hardcore apocalypse when food is scarce I won't be able to eat my money so when things begin looking seriously bad I'll try to buy food while there's still some on the grocers shelves because I wouldn't want to end up starving to death like this poor slob in 'Survivors 1975' who left it too late-
Never, ever depend on being able to obtain food in a SHTF situation!! You should have at least 6 months worth as well as access to water and a way to make it safe to drink.
In addition to 6 months of food and water I think its prudent to have at least 6 to 12 months of $$$ to cover any event that may come up. I personally don't think that SHTF will happen overnight. I think we're in it now, and things will progressively get worse, much worse over time.
Stockpiling cash as a reserve, we all do that, but it's fraught with risk especially if your nation has large debts. People in Weimer Germany did that and in 6 months were wiped out. People in African and south american nations likewise and were wiped out when the local currency was devalued into nothingness. This is the time you want some PM's on hand to live off. Plenty of Asian and Indian (Especially Indian) store owners know the value of PM's and will happily set up an account for you if you drop a gold coin or a pile of silver on their counter.
Dun that, here's my cupboard..:cool:

that called a fridge! mini cheddars and KP? really! gone a bit mad on the kleenex or is that instead of TP? I buy my TP in packs of 24.
where's your meat or are you living out of tins?
if the economy crashes I dont think money will matter, it wont buy you anything.
I've got enough folding on hand for several months but once it all goes to hell you wont be able to buy anything no matter how much cash you are holding, the shelves in the store will be empty and businesses will be shutting down left, right and centre.
you will have to survive on what YOU personally can do, you know that word
SELF reliance.
I tried eating some paper while in school, even with a bit of salt, I could not get it down...
In all seriousness, I watched the paper money in Serbia and Croatia change weekly as the Serbs (from one day to the next) dropped a zero or two from their paper bills and you just got what you got...
Look at this picture, the bottom bill is from 1989, the middle one is from 1990 and the top one is from 1993:

it makes for very expensive TP...
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Buy material things: clothes, tents, sleeping bags, shoes, gloves, food, fuel, batteries, tools, bartering materials, building materials, nuts, bolts, screws, nails and anything you will not get post SHTF time-frames, or just to be able to re-build after a tornado, hurricane or just help the neighbor finish his garage...anticipate ANYTHING; AT ANYTIME... and you are truly PREPPED, live free, Gary
Keep in mind when purchasing clothing in a long term SHTF situation or collapse of the economy you will almost certainly be thinner than you are currently. Even those of us who are at our ”proper BMI range”. Days will be filled with gardening, :m4:patrolling, and a lot of other manual labor just to eat, have clean water and survive threats. So buy true outdoor “work” clothes. Lots of socks too.🧦

Those with children, 👱‍♀️👧👶 or grandchildren need to plan ahead and purchase larger clothing for those growing kids. Larger shoes are essential.
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I think a lot of trading will be going on after SHTF. Its easy to grow or raise more food than a family can eat. I think a lot of the surplus will be traded. Many of us already do trade. A 100×100 foot garden will produce far more food than a family can consume, even with canning. Even a few acres will raise more beef than a single family can consume. A dozen or so layers will provide more eggs than a family can eat. It doesn’t take much space to raise 25 - 100 meat birds either. Of course if the power goes out for good all this food needs to be preserved or traded fresh.
As inflation continues going up I think more people will start raising their own food and trading the surplus.
I will building a chicken pen and outside area with and for the widow two doors down. We are doing the building and buying, she and her kids will be doing the caretaking, feeding and watering. We will get meat and eggs in exchange for financing the whole scheme and she will finally have something to do each day instead of waiting for her grandchild to come home from school and twiddleing her thumbs and getting old and bored. We are gonna get a container for cleaning their garden from old trash and give them a bit of self-respect back and they will be helping us in our garden with the daily weeding and watering if and when we get on the road to visit family and friends for a few days and be away...good trade in my book, Gary
here's my cupboard..:cool:


that called a fridge! mini cheddars and KP? really! gone a bit mad on the kleenex or is that instead of TP? I buy my TP in packs of 24.
where's your meat or are you living out of tins?

Tins is the way to go..:)
Tinned food including tinned meat will last several years, but a lump of meat will go off in less than a week..:)
if the economy crashes I dont think money will matter, it wont buy you anything..

Right, we can't eat money as this poor dumb slob found out in 'Survivors 1975' when he starved to death, he should have spent it on food when he had the chance before the shelves ran empty..:)

I think a lot of trading will be going on after SHTF. Its easy to grow or raise more food than a family can eat. I think a lot of the surplus will be traded. Many of us already do trade.

Right there with you Arctic! While I don’t currently trade with others, I have sought out folks who have what my group doesn’t. Beef, hogs and milk cows are the critical areas for us.

I would suggest to everyone to make an assessment of what you will require that you don’t have...then search for those who do raise or grow it. Get to know them well before everything falls apart.
While I don’t currently trade with others, I have sought out folks who have what my group doesn’t. Beef, hogs and milk cows are the critical areas for us.

Do they live across the fence, or do you have to use motorized transport to reach them. Do you have a plan in place if you do? We can tend to take things like our cars for granted, I have rarely been without one, but in my younger years when traveling there were periods when I didn't and it wasn't fun, not in rural areas. Our whole civilization revolves around the car and truck, used to be the horse and wagon. F*ck That! No country for old men having to saddle and ride a horse.

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