Lord help us...we are so screwed...

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Dun that, here's my cupboard..:cool:


Yeah! That’s the ticket to energy independence. The beans will help produce natural gas! ;)
We do the same, Georgia Peachie. Just dropped off extra eggs at cousin's house and picked up raw milk.
Most of our town uses horse and buggie. We'll be trading for ground pork and ground beef in Oct/Nov

Question, How is the barter rate determine? Example: How many eggs for beef, vegetables or milk? Never having been in a barter situation, I don't have a clue. I always have traded my labor for cash.
A banking holiday will be on cards soon could be as soon as October 2021 with contagion from Evergrand collapse. One of china’s larges construction companies much bigger issue than the 2008 US housing collapse.

What I have seen is supermarkets stop purchases except for cash. Very few people keep cash. So initial stage of a major financial collapse can get bargains like generators fresh products like meat, fuel, seeds ammunition and security items…. Hording cash might not be so bad. If it is slow grind inflation don’t wait for months and months before looking at purchases.

With current debt levels being propped up by central banks – I think a catastrophic overnight failure is on the cards – wake up one morning and all bank accounts frozen. In 2008 the world was hours away from banking holiday this time the money printers are not going to make any difference.
Question, How is the barter rate determine? Example: How many eggs for beef, vegetables or milk? Never having been in a barter situation, I don't have a clue. I always have traded my labor for cash.
there was always a "black market" in goods during WW2 but we have a different generation and a different attitude now nearly 80 years on from the end of the war.
most people in the UK do not want second hand goods whether that is clothing or household items, so bartering is confined to a smaller section of society not the vast majority.
the whole idea of trading or more correctly speaking bartering in a post collapse UK society will be closely determined by the survival rate of the unprepared masses and that is expected to be quite low, so any such activity will be a non starter, at least this side of the Atlantic.
Do they live across the fence, or do you have to use motorized transport to reach them. Do you have a plan in place if you do? We can tend to take things like our cars for granted, I have rarely been without one, but in my younger years when traveling there were periods when I didn't and it wasn't fun, not in rural areas. Our whole civilization revolves around the car and truck, used to be the horse and wagon. F*ck That! No country for old men having to saddle and ride a horse.

Solid question B&B! These are close neighbors and do not require vehicles to trade with. I too would caution about setting up trade with others who are further than a few miles away, at least in the initial year/s of an economic collapse or SHTF situation.
In our case, it's only family or people I know. Living in a rural area of 800 people, most being amish, and most being related to me, it's not a thing., we know most everyone.
I started with eggs, and would give them to family and neighbors when I had extra. Didn't expect anything right away in return. I could sell at the Friday mkt and they go for $2.50 a dz here, but I don't. So a neighbor down the road gets a couple of dz a month or so, maybe a bit more. He grew a field of sweet corn for the neighborhood. We picked over 100 ears to put up. Another neighbor dumped off a truck load of pallets, and they get eggs now and again. Another one makes extra casseroles and treats now and again. She supplied dinner the other night. I don't expect anything, but we just give each other extras. I also gave away a lot of extra plant starts last spring. I received back flowers, seeds, raw milk. I don't know if it's "even" or not. I don't think I'd ever do this with someone I didn't know. Cousin is going to be processing their honey in a few weeks, and I'll probably be over to help, and last time I was gifted a half gallon.
In our case, it's only family or people I know. Living in a rural area of 800 people, most being amish, and most being related to me, it's not a thing., we know most everyone.
I started with eggs, and would give them to family and neighbors when I had extra. Didn't expect anything right away in return. I could sell at the Friday mkt and they go for $2.50 a dz here, but I don't. So a neighbor down the road gets a couple of dz a month or so, maybe a bit more. He grew a field of sweet corn for the neighborhood. We picked over 100 ears to put up. Another neighbor dumped off a truck load of pallets, and they get eggs now and again. Another one makes extra casseroles and treats now and again. She supplied dinner the other night. I don't expect anything, but we just give each other extras. I also gave away a lot of extra plant starts last spring. I received back flowers, seeds, raw milk. I don't know if it's "even" or not. I don't think I'd ever do this with someone I didn't know. Cousin is going to be processing their honey in a few weeks, and I'll probably be over to help, and last time I was gifted a half gallon.

Luv reading your stories Amish 😍. You are truly Blessed to be living amongst so many who are faithful and strong!
This IS the Great Reset, by the democrats. Prepare for their total control. We WILL have to go down fighting.

A Democratic plan to wipe out independent contractors
A Democratic plan to wipe out independent contractors (msn.com)

Total Control. Can’t have American Citizens choosing who to hire or where to work. Also, the government needs to replace Americans with the 3rd world imports. Isn’t part of ”the plan” to take our homes, autos and lands from us?
If for any reason the government declares a National Emergency for any reason and closes all banks we won't be able to get at our money, so what'll we do then?
Below: an example-

Oh lordy that really scares the pants off a lot of people! Any body, raise my ✋ and check what my bank is doing and my annuities!
Buy material things: clothes, tents, sleeping bags, shoes, gloves, food, fuel, batteries, tools, bartering materials, building materials, nuts, bolts, screws, nails and anything you will not get post SHTF time-frames, or just to be able to re-build after a tornado, hurricane or just help the neighbor finish his garage...anticipate ANYTHING; AT ANYTIME... and you are truly PREPPED, live free, Gary

Great posting! Printed every thing you posted? Thanks!
If it’s a SHTF situation, I’ll have my grip on my pistol whether it’s trade or barter.

Our plan (for the community) is to set up a daily farmers market in a centrally located place (the church parking lot in our case).
Open carry, even rifles (normalize the condition) so if anyone gets any dumb ideas, they are surrounded.
Seeing as how most of us know each other (wife just made friends with another set of neighbors) form informal MOUs to come to each other aid if needed.
A banking holiday will be on cards soon could be as soon as October 2021 with contagion from Evergrand collapse. One of china’s larges construction companies much bigger issue than the 2008 US housing collapse.

You keep an eye on the markets Hippo, did you catch this from a a few days ago?

" Buffett also announced a new donation of more than $4.1 billion, comprising nearly 15.2 million Berkshire Class "B" shares, to the Gates Foundation and four family charities, part of his pledge to give away 99% of his net worth"

Buffett's donations also go to the Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation, the Howard G. Buffett Foundation, the Sherwood Foundation.

In other words he and his descendants still control the wealth. He and Gates did a similar thing in 2006~7, just before the markets collapsed. They sold a fortune in shares at the very top and rolled the profits tax free into their bogus charity foundation. The current market is totally overvalued and ripe for a big collapse. I don't believe in coincidences when it come to massive insider selling. The BS story about helping the world is just fodder for the masses so they don't panic the market with such large sales. Who will buy them? Pension funds as usual. Mom and pop get to lose their life savings in the collapse.
I think that producing items to barter is the way to go, not just buying stuff to trade. That'll end quick.

That right there.
Long enough timeline in a SHTF situation, everyone's preps/stockpiles run out, be it MREs, ammo, medical supplies etc.
Being able to produce things people want, things that people depend on for life and the occasional luxurary items (alcohol, tobacco, etc.) will get one further along than someone whom does not.
There are some skill sets like medical (Dr. Jenner, ERNurse, comes to mind) that would have high value.
But then there are other skill sets we do not consider, like a cobbler (aka footware), tanner (making cloths from animal hides), cooper (barrel maker), or a proper butcher who can preserve meats and sausages and not make anyone die from food poisoning to name just a few.
Imagine a post-SHTF world 20 years hence, where all the MREs are gone, the boots have all worn out to the point of being taters, same to go for jeans, tee-shirts. Only a few rounds of modern ammo still left, where traditional percussion black powder or bow and arrow is more common and practicable.
WROL situation and timelines. Slow economic collapse will provide time to start a transition to past skills and tools. A fast event (national grid down) and things will get out of hand very quickly. With the fast event, people will not have the time or resources to acquire the (new) past skills. While I am considered very skilled by modern standards, I would be considered a babe in the woods by our ancestors. Yes I have the book knowledge needed to make black powder, flint lock muzzle loaders would be impossible for me to create. I will have to store enough modern supplies / equipment to carry me over to a time that I would be an asset to the community.
SHTF is going to roll out differently to each of us, depending on location.
Some will see it right away.
I being with 40 miles of 3 major cities may see it in a week or 2. The hoodrats have been coming out my way to do their side shows because of crackdowns. But they won’t be used to someone who shoots back.
Someone like Articdude may not see anything for months.
Planning is going to be a little different for each of us. I am lucky enough to allocate the medical planning to the one with 9 letters after her name. She may do terrible uneven stitches, but it will do in the situation. I take care of the food, power, ammo, protection.
Speaking of the banks collapsing...has anyone else noticed branches closing lately? I live on the outskirts city of about 45,000 (last census) - with many more in outskirts and it has 2 Chase branches on opposite sides of town. One is closing in Nov.
Speaking of the banks collapsing...has anyone else noticed branches closing lately? I live on the outskirts city of about 45,000 (last census) - with many more in outskirts and it has 2 Chase branches on opposite sides of town. One is closing in Nov.
BoA in the plaza where I get my Mail has been open intermittently after being closed for 6 months. But the ATMs were available.
Bank employees (at least tellers) are typically not well paid. Extra Covid relief funds may have something to do with that.
Just thought it was weird. The lobby has been open for awhile, but now the whole branch is closing down, no ATM, nothing. The teller said she wasn't sure what was going to go in their building next.
In my neck of the woods, a huge bank building was demolished. Nothing left except the foundation. In other parts of town, whenever a bank or business fails a church always seems to take over the vacant building. 🤔
Question, How is the barter rate determine? Example: How many eggs for beef, vegetables or milk? Never having been in a barter situation, I don't have a clue. I always have traded my labor for cash.
Its whatever the two people decide on. For example, I traded an old barn to a young rancher in return for him drilling a couple hundred holes in solid rock to install fence posts. He dismantled the barn and hauled it off. I recently traded a beef for this years firewood.
We trade all the time. Some times we give things to people in need for future items that they may aquire.

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