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Let me fully understand here. You folks think the Monkeypox was just another component of the original Pfizer Covid-19 serum all along and is just now 'set' to release its payload in those that have been vaccinated due to an incorporated 'delay release' mechanism? That sure would explain the rapid reporting of Monkeypox, if the pox pathogen was set for delayed release. And I do recall some doctor researching the serum said ages ago that there were agents in the serum (sorry but don't remember the name or said agents) that are used spsecifically for 'delayed release' of medications.
Of course we can't be certain whether the MP pathogen they might have put into the Covid serums is or is not genetically altered. But if it has NOT been altered, this info is somewhat reassuring for me. I think we all know by now Dr. Robert Malone is recognized in this field of study.
This is the most thorough discussioin of Monkeypox I've come across to date, by Dr. Malone:
Of course we can't be certain whether the MP pathogen they might have put into the Covid serums is or is not genetically altered. But if it has NOT been altered, this info is somewhat reassuring for me. I think we all know by now Dr. Robert Malone is recognized in this field of study.
This is the most thorough discussioin of Monkeypox I've come across to date, by Dr. Malone:

Agree! Posted the FEARPORN article on the first page of this thread. Very informative and reassuring. So it is down to a) a side affect of the vax or b) more lies by Big Pharma to cover their tracks.


The NHS deleted key excerpts from its website stating monkeypox is:

"usually a mild illness that will get better on its own without treatment" and....

"it's very uncommon to get monkeypox from a person with the infection because it does not spread easily between people."

They also added an isolation requirement.

“Studies of monkeypox virus suggest that there are at least 2 different genetic types (clades) of the virus. Virus clades segregate based upon geographic separation, with one type being found in West Africa and the other in Central Africa. The strain introduced into the U.S. ( in 2003) came from Ghana, located in West Africa. Human infections with Central African monkeypox virus are typically more severe than infections with the West African virus type. Person-to-person spread of monkeypox viruses occurs, and has been well-documented for Central African type of virus.”

I am also finding that the incubation period is between 7-21 days, based on the clade and the death rate from the Central variety is around 10% in Africa which is many times higher than COVID; fully expect that if this spreads people will be freaking out exponentially as well .

Multiple international labs are testing samples for DNA to see if the variety that is popping up now has either been altered or naturally mutated or….results expected sometime this week. Of all the places testing there have got to be one or two that will give honest results. This will tell them if the smallpox vax, which most of us here in the US were given as children, will provide some immunity.

It does seem as though the virus is acting in a way that is puzzling the medical community so something is amiss.
According to an interview I saw with Dr. Peter McCullough, the 10% number is cherry-picked. It's cases which were severe and went untreated.

That is why I qualified it with "in Africa" where treatment is not exactly great.

I am not saying all-y’all aren’t right that this thing could be lab created and intentionally/unintentionally released but, I do not trust ANYTHING in the media right now, even those who I think have good intents. Especially right now, everyone has motives and biases, that is part of the human condition.

I was raised by two old time scientists. Both of my parents were chemists by education. I was bottle raised on things like scientific method.

Outside of school, I didn’t spend much time with children my own age. I spent time with adults who were Dr’s of Geology, Physics, Astronomy, Chemistry, Law, History, Biology, Medicine, Pharmacology (My Step father was head of Pharmacology at a Big 10 University)…my parent’s friends, always seemed to want to mentor me in their field. They, books, and the animals were my “friends”. It is part of who I am and how my brain works.

Causality is not proven by correlation. It may provide hints as to what to research next but, scientifically does not stand alone as proof.

Once the DNA strand is identified from multiple sources (and I will be looking closely at any outliers that contradict the consensus), it will become clear what we are or are not dealing with here.

Until then, I am going to take a wait and see stance on what is going on.
No matter what the Monkeypox turns out to be, we already know this is another attempt by the governments of the world to HERD US LIKE SHEEP to wherever they want us…most likely locked down at home. Isolation is a real boon to them as it keeps us more afraid and unable to speak in groups.

Never let a good emergency go to waste!
“Belgium Begins Monkeypox Quarantines, Biden Warns ‘Everybody Should Be Concerned’
by Zero Hedge
May 22nd 2022, 10:28 am

Belgium has become the first country to introduce a mandatory 21-day monkeypox quarantine for those who contact the virus, after three cases were recorded in the country.

The infections were all linked to a festival in the port city of Antwerp, according to the Daily Mail, as Belgium is now one of 14 countries to confirm outbreaks of the viral disease (in addition to suspected, but not confirmed cases in Austria and Greece).

On Sunday, US President Joe Biden said that the recent spread of monkeypox is “something that everybody should be concerned about.”

“It is a concern in that if it were to spread it would be consequential,” he said, speaking from Osan Air Base in South Korea where he was meeting with troops before the Japan leg of his Asia trip.

Biden is reportedly receiving regular updates, according to National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, who told the traveling press pool that the United States has vaccines “available to be deployed.”

UK health officials, meanwhile, have warned that the UK faces a ‘significant’ rise in infections, and the government’s response is ‘critical’ in containing the spread.

View attachment 16342

WHAT A JOKE! Are the morons going to fall for it??

Is it just me or did anyone else notice not one of those countries has a native monkey????

I'm going to do a bit more digging on this but...

The Astrazeneca vaccine contains a chimpanzee adrenovirus. While monkeys and chimpanzees do slightly differ, chimpanzees also both contract, and transmit, Monkeypox. This is quite dasting to say the least....

View attachment 16315

The question now is, will we see an outbreak BECAUSE of the AstraZeneca vax?
Truly great work GeorgiaPeachie.
Didn’t they just spray the subway tunnels in NYC?
Supposedly just a non-toxic test. BUT!! Just because it is "non-toxic" does not ever mean it was "HARMLESS" do not know why or what it was, but it was a test to see how fast and complete the airway system could or "would" disperse a certain spray.
“Monkeypox: NHS issues warning to anyone who eats meat as UK cases rise

The NHS has issued a warning to meat eaters amid a “significant and concerning” outbreak of monkeypox in the UK.

According to the NHS website, monkeypox can be spread by touching clothing, bedding or towels used by an infected person, touching monkeypox blisters or scabs or the coughs and sneezes of a person infected by the disease.

However, the infection can also be spread by animals and eating meat.
“It may also be possible to catch monkeypox by eating meat from an infected animal that has not been cooked thoroughly, or by touching other products from infected animals (such as animal skin or fur).”

“A notable proportion of recent cases in the UK and Europe have been found in gay and bisexual men, so we are particularly encouraging these men to be alert to the symptoms.”

Full list of symptoms:

  • a high temperature
  • a headache
  • muscle aches
  • backache
  • swollen glands
  • shivering (chills)
  • exhaustion

Odd that Monkeypox doesn’t have the symptom of a rash or boils, isn’t it? Why are they urging people to “get tested “ with only the above symptoms??
“Monkeypox: NHS issues warning to anyone who eats meat as UK cases rise

The NHS has issued a warning to meat eaters amid a “significant and concerning” outbreak of monkeypox in the UK.

According to the NHS website, monkeypox can be spread by touching clothing, bedding or towels used by an infected person, touching monkeypox blisters or scabs or the coughs and sneezes of a person infected by the disease.

However, the infection can also be spread by animals and eating meat.
“It may also be possible to catch monkeypox by eating meat from an infected animal that has not been cooked thoroughly, or by touching other products from infected animals (such as animal skin or fur).”

“A notable proportion of recent cases in the UK and Europe have been found in gay and bisexual men, so we are particularly encouraging these men to be alert to the symptoms.”

Full list of symptoms:

  • a high temperature
  • a headache
  • muscle aches
  • backache
  • swollen glands
  • shivering (chills)
  • exhaustion

Odd that Monkeypox doesn’t have the symptom of a rash or boils, isn’t it? Why are they urging people to “get tested “ with only the above symptoms??

You just gotta cut down your intake of monkey meat.

I'm going to do a bit more digging on this but...

The Astrazeneca vaccine contains a chimpanzee adrenovirus. While monkeys and chimpanzees do slightly differ, chimpanzees also both contract, and transmit, Monkeypox. This is quite dasting to say the least....

View attachment 16315

The question now is, will we see an outbreak BECAUSE of the AstraZeneca vax?
This is from Australia’s government it true? Does the Vaxzevria (AstraZeneca) vaccine contain animal DNA?
The AstraZeneca vaccine uses a chimpanzee adenovirus vaccine vector. This is a harmless, weakened adenovirus that usually causes the common cold in chimpanzees. It has been genetically changed so that it is impossible for it to grow in humans. Find out more below.

Does the AstraZeneca vaccine contain animal DNA?
The AstraZeneca vaccine is safe and effective. Find out what is in the AstraZeneca vaccine.

The AstraZeneca vaccine uses a chimpanzee adenovirus vaccine vector. This is a harmless, weakened adenovirus that usually causes the common cold in chimpanzees.

The adenovirus vaccine vector, known as ChAdOx1, was chosen as a suitable vaccine technology for a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine as it has been shown to generate a strong immune response from one dose in other vaccines.

It has been genetically changed so that it is impossible for it to grow in humans.

Chimpanzee adenoviral vectors are a very well-studied vaccine type, having been used safely in thousands of subjects.

The AstraZeneca vaccine has proven to be safe and effective.
Just saw on the news where there's a total of 131 cases of monkey pox. Really? 131 cases world wide? Also heard where it primarily (only?) affects the homo population, at least so far. So what's the big deal? Hardly seems news worthy to me.
I'm not sure if its even possible to calculate the percentage of the population with MP.
Just saw on the news where there's a total of 131 cases of monkey pox. Really? 131 cases world wide?
We are still reeling from millions of covid murders from the clot shots, thousands of athletes dead or dying from the clot shots, thousands of miscarriages from the clot shots and tens of thousands of murdered seniors in old folks homes (JUST IN AMERICA). We are reeling from our military being dis-mantled by woke (monkeypox-endangered) phony wanna-be soldiers who just want their operations for free. We are reeling from MILLIONS of illegals roaming free around to create new-found unlimited access to the infrastructure destruction in America. We are reeling from a debacle without comparison in any third world country on voting in the oldest "DEMOCRACY" in the world. We are reeling from the thousands of children kidnapped daily and use as sex-slaves, murder-victims, organ-donators and generally the sickest of things on the weakest of persons. We are reeling from a gov't mis-using what little power they were given by our forefathers to defeat our freedoms and kill us physically, psychologically, mentally, financially and are planning to do the same AND WORSE to our children and grand-children. We are reeling the danger of WW III at anytime and any minute. We are reeling from out real and false-flag fears of losing control of our own lives, thoughts and creativity from some small group of PSYCHOS out there with some CHIPS and BITS of info and seeking the technology to destroy our ability to think, read, write, say or wish for "normality" so they can control the billions of "lives or deaths" in and on our the worlds population. We are reeling from the losses from storms, tornados, hurricanes, volcanos, tidal waves, typhoons, drought, earthquakes and plagues from wasps, ants, grasshoppers and cicadas.....WE have enough problems that we do not need to worry about 131 cases of a PLANNED sickness which can be cured or slowed from an INDIAN POULTICE AND SOME MOONSHINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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