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It's all being done (just like with COVID-19) to get us willing to quarantine again. Dr. Jane Ruby, on Stew Peters broadcast this week, said it's just not a scare-worthy disease, rarely fatal. She said it's basically like Chicken Pox but with slightly worse skin sores. She said I have just two words for people worried about this monkeypox................... Calamine Lotion. Dr. McCullough has said pretty much the same more than once now: WATCH: Dr. Peter McCullough Discusses Monkeypox Outbreak "Hysteria" – [your]NEWS.

I think they just want us hunkered down so we don't SEE the next 'big move/event' when it comes. And it's not going to be a mass shooting. So I'm thinking time is getting really short here.
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And if anyone thinks the Monkeypox vaccine (that was 'ready' before the cases even occurred) has a damned thing to do with preventing Monkeypox, they are beyond stupid, is all I can say. It's always been about getting people jabbed with their mRNA nanotechnology. That's needed to trigger off their dastardly payload when they throw the 5G switch at the appropriate ghtz level to make the AI connection with their new army of controlable slave-bots. They failed to get everyone vaccinated on plandemic round #1, so they're going for plandemic round #2 to finish that job off. They want to eliminate 90% of the global population! And they aren't stopping until they jab every single one of us! If it takes 5 more plandemics and 5 more fake vaccines (the original plan was 10 years of pandemics), they're OK with imposing pandemic 'burnout' on us. Once the WHO gets its new treaty powers making them "God" over the world, they will force mandates on everyone, as easily as making it a prerequisite for buying food and medicine, simple as that.
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Last I heard there was only 131 cases WORLDWIDE. Have any of the 131 people died from it?
Its such an insignificant number, why is it even being talked about?

"Well, you cant believe any statistics they are reporting, any more than we could with COVID 'case' reporting, because they're using the same useless PCR tests good for testing nothing! But Newsweek quoted these numbers (if you can believe this liberal magazine): Monkeypox outbreak explosion as 1,300 suspected cases reported, 58 deaths
And if anyone thinks the Monkeypox vaccine (that was 'ready' before the cases even occurred) has a damned thing to do with preventing Monkeypox, they are beyond stupid, is all I can say. It's always been about getting people jabbed with their mRNA nanotechnology. That's needed to trigger off their dastardly payload when they throw the 5G switch at the appropriate ghtz level to make the AI connection with their new army of controllable slave-bots. They failed to get everyone vaccinated on plandemic round #1, so they're going for plandemic round #2 to finish that job off. They want to eliminate 90% of the global population! And they aren't stopping until they jab every single one of us! If it takes 5 more plandemics and 5 more fake vaccines (the original plan was 10 years of pandemics), they're OK with imposing pandemic 'burnout' on us. Once the WHO gets its new treaty powers making them "God" over the world, they will force mandates on everyone, as easily as making it a prerequisite for buying food and medicine, simple as that.
The monkeypox vaccine that they have been using is really just the smallpox vaccine (which they used to use back in the days before smallpox was eradicated). I think they are creating a monkeypox-specific vaccine as well (probably to make more money for whoever creates it and it might possibly be more effective) but the orthopox viruses are all pretty closely related and have a lot of cross-immunity. For example, the first smallpox vaccine actually used the cowpox virus, which caused a mild disease but created immunity to smallpox. Monkeypox is in this same virus family and the smallpox vaccines we have do provide some immunity. (Interestingly, chickenpox is caused by a completely different virus, which is in the same family as herpes viruses. The only similarity is that they both cause a skin rash which is where the term "pox" comes from.) I do think the attention that monkeypox is getting is because of the recency of the Covid pandemic and that there is not nearly so much to worry about as they would have us believe. There have been similar monkeypox outbreaks before and the virus is endemic in certain parts of Africa.
New York has started giving monkeypox vaccines. I read a comment that said it was not even posted yet, but word had spread. At the time of posting it was a 2 hour wait and the pictures I saw was a very long line. Yeah, go ahead you little sheep. . . I know my man is a real man so have no worries about this pandemic. Did you happen to see yesterday I think it was that suggested men in groups to masturbate at least 6ft apart. . . No that was not satire!
And I read today somewhere on that officials say they have found polio (from vaccines perhaps) in sewage samples in London. There ya go.......three pandemics all at once!!! Yeah, right. And if you believe that, I have a piece of property (not my BOL, my other piece of land) I'd like to interest you in. LOL

Can't you just hear the Davos gang sitting in some back room saying "You think 3 is enough?" The WHO is more than glad to jump right in and declare their 'Public Health Event of Global Concern' they need to takeover & lock us all down to implement martial law and enslavement.
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And I read today somewhere on that officials say they have found polio (from vaccines perhaps) in sewage samples in London. There ya go.......three pandemics all at once!!! Yeah, right. And if you believe that, I have a piece of property (not my BOL, my other piece of land) I'd like to interest you in. LOL

Can't you just hear the Davos gang sitting in some back room saying "You think 3 is enough?" The WHO is more than glad to jump right in and declare their 'Public Health Event of Global Concern' they need to takeover & lock us all down to iomplement martial law and enslavement.
Yep I saw that one too on censored Also “something” in North Korea.
I'm convinced each scare tactic or 'new variant' they bring up (requiring a new booster/vaccine) is just pushed because the perpetrators aren't happy the last one didn't kill enough people (or kill them fast enough to stick to the well-established agenda timetable). They just have to add new toxins to the next batch of production serum.............pretty easy actually.

I personally will never take any shot again, and told my doctor that's how I felt. She was honestly not shocked and didn't try to change my mind in any fashion! Said she couldn't disagree with anything I was saying. I will never trust Big Pharma again and am even having second thoughts about taking my 2 blood pressure medications at this point. Am beginning to research natural, homeopathic BP reducers like crazy. What's to keep them from putting their poisons and pathogens into ordinary pills and capsules? The goal is to kill most of us, right? Why stick to JUST the injections, I ask myself? They have totally destroyed my trust in the industry.
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I will never trust Big Pharma again and am even having second thoughts about taking my 2 blood pressure medications at this point. Am beginning to research natural, homeopaathic BP reducers like crazy.

Something the doctors never talk about...the Sodium-Potassium pump.
It mainly affects the lower number (diastolic). Not relevant to the discussion so I'll spare the details and just say "look it up." But the key word is "potassium."
I think the absolute most pathetic point so far was when the " 'stealth' omicron variant" was announced - the description in the media was that it "doesn't test positive on tests, and sometimes doesn't even have symptoms...but you still might have it" ...

---i'll say that again ---

you might not have symptoms or test positive...but you still might have it

The monkeypox vaccine that they have been using is really just the smallpox vaccine (which they used to use back in the days before smallpox was eradicated). I think they are creating a monkeypox-specific vaccine as well (probably to make more money for whoever creates it and it might possibly be more effective) but the orthopox viruses are all pretty closely related and have a lot of cross-immunity. For example, the first smallpox vaccine actually used the cowpox virus, which caused a mild disease but created immunity to smallpox. Monkeypox is in this same virus family and the smallpox vaccines we have do provide some immunity. (Interestingly, chickenpox is caused by a completely different virus, which is in the same family as herpes viruses. The only similarity is that they both cause a skin rash which is where the term "pox" comes from.) I do think the attention that monkeypox is getting is because of the recency of the Covid pandemic and that there is not nearly so much to worry about as they would have us believe. There have been similar monkeypox outbreaks before and the virus is endemic in certain parts of Africa.
I'm aware of all that you are saying about those former vaccines. Have read up on it thoroughly. But none of these current 'vaccines' are vaccines in the sense of our former understanding of what a vaccine consists of and what it does. They just AREN'T. So what I'm saying is I think (they are already talking openly about developing "combination" 'vaccines') I think they are going to put their deadly MRNA crap into ALL vaccines, Shingles, HPV, measles, you name it............... from now on. Personally, I don't even think they will TELL you they are "combo" vaccines. They'll just DO IT! Anyone that would do to humanity what they have already done..........well they wouldn't hesitate one minute to do what I am sayin. They HAVE to get they desired nanotechnology "into our arms", as Biden himself said at the mic, if their end goal is to be achieved. They can't tolerate those of us holding out on this step of the agenda if their end goal is to be met. JMHO
Next scare is underway, WHO declares monkeypox a Global Health Emergency
Our media will pounce on this and make even more panic, there will certainly already be thousands of test`s prepared and a new experimental vaccine also to give the people the rest.
I think the governments are now becoming a health dictatorship and will try to hunt us down or increase the psychological damage, I see black what the future of this world.
View attachment 16323

“I keep getting asked the same question again and again; is this outbreak of monkey pox a real threat, or is this another case of overstated and weaponized public health messaging? I am going to save my answer to this question for the end of this article and instead focus on what monkey pox is, the nature and characteristics of the associated disease, what we know and don’t know…

…The symptoms of monkeypox are somewhat similar to, but much milder than smallpox disease. The general clinical presentation of the disease caused by the West African monkey pox clade virus involves Influenza-like symptoms — fever, body aches, chills — together with swollen lymph nodes. A rash on the palm of the hand is often observed…

…There is no evidence of asymptomatic transmission. In other words, current medical knowledge indicates that it is only spread by person to person contact between an uninfected individual and someone who already has symptoms of the disease. Therefore, disease spread can be readily controlled by classical public health interventions…

…Essentially all of the current cases in the west which we are seeing in the news are among men who have sex with men, and appear to be due to close physical contact. Monkeypox is endemic in many parts of Africa, and is a “zoonotic” virus, meaning it can be transmitted from a variety of animals (not just monkeys) to humans. Initial animal to human transmission followed by limited human to human transmission is probably the cause of the sporadic cases typically observed in Africa. Chicken pox, which is highly transmissible, is not part of the genus Orthopoxvirus, despite that name “pox.” Once again for emphasis, Cowpox and Camelpox are also in the genus Orthopoxvirus, and they are not particularly pathogenic when contracted by humans; just because Monkeypox is a “pox” virus in the genus Orthopoxvirus, does not mean it is particularly deadly…

…Current data indicate that Monkeypox is not very infectious in humans - it has a low Ro (perhaps below 1), which is the term used to describe how efficiency an infectious disease can spread from human to human. Again, this is super good news for containment. An Ro of <1 generally means that (even in the absence of social distancing of other containment measures), for every person already infected, on average less than one other person will become infected. For comparison purposes, the Omicron variants of SARS-CoV-2 have an Ro in the range of 7 to 10. A virus with an Ro of less than one can be easily contained with the standard public health methods discussed above….


THIS IS NOT AN INFLUENZA or COVID - this virus mutates slowly, it is not highly infectious, naturally acquired immunity is potent and long lasting, and Orthopox vaccines are usually cross protective. The risk of immunologic escape is very, very low. And the spread of this virus can be readily stopped by simple, inexpensive classical public health measures. If it were otherwise, we would already have experienced a pandemic of Monkeypox decades ago.

Monkeypox disease severity can vary with different clades (found in different regions in Africa, which also suggest the virus has been around for a very long time). Luckily, this particular clade is less severe and appears to be endemic in Africa”

EXCERPTS from Dr Malone’s article:
I may be mistaken, but were there not cases back in the 80's of some 225 people with cases of Monkey pox in the United States alone?
And some in 2021 as well?
With each report the numbers keep changing. Even in one same report, in the beginning they said 5 people infected, it was a long report so I guess they thought no one would read it to the end, but either half way through or three quarters of the way through, they changed the number of people who got it into over one hundred. Strange goings on.
Don't believe everything you read....right.
What's the saying?.....don't believe half of what you see, half of what you read, and none of what you hear?
Something like that.
By far, the best article explaining Monkeypox…if it is dangerous, how the old smallpox vaccine keeps you protected from Monkeypox, and all the other pox too…is posted above under FEARPORN. Dr Malone wrote the article.

BTW, there is no proof yet that it is ONLY being spread to gays. There are gays who spread it though.
Too bad no one has said the Monkeypox or any other "deadly" virus is spread only to pedophiles.
The government ministers and leaders of the world would suddenly whole-heartedly be endorsing and forcing good "family values', and cleaning up their acts. LOL
If so many countries, so far apart, so soon, so fast, so coordinated and so directly connected have "monkeypox" symptoms and/or sick persons..........THIS IS; WAS; AND WILL BE ONLY ABLE TO HAPPEN IF: SPRAYED FROM PLANES; DRONES OR THROUGH FOOD CONTAMINATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Absolutely NO sickness of whatever cause: airborne, touching or sex, can spread through so many nations AROUND THE WHOLE WORLD without a PLAN being worked out months ahead and followed thru with MANY people and governments involved and guilty AGAIN of genocide or at least ATTEMPTED GENOCIDE.
YES! finally someone who thinks like me.
No one else, that I've noticed, has put the ....spraying of our air for the last several ( or more) years, and connected it to the breathing of people, the spread of viruses, and the other affects of this spray, on animals as well, and food production.!
I first noticed it years ago, when farmers, and others working outside, especially in the States, were complaining of strange skin problems, like droplets of acid or something, marking up their exposed skin, usually their arms.
The eyes of animals ( some in Ireland, and I think it was Australia) who were out in the fields grazing, losing their eye sight and general eye problems.
The crazy 'plaid' design of so many chem trails in the skies.
Not one or two lines, but an actual plaid, there were so many streaks of planes spewing this poison out into our skies.
I'm glad you saw this, I hope others make the connection as well.
I've noticed the leaves of my fruit trees look like someone came along and sprayed acid on them. my poor trees. I need a green house to protect them from this too.

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